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Pandora Sugar
June 6th, 2007, 03:21 pm
My most humble apologies, I'm not sure where to post this.

I found a couple of transcription errors in the PDF lyrics to You Are My Love[/i].


In measure 20, the lyrics say "da-tsu no". This should be "ta-tsu no". From measure 19, in Japanese:

Yume wa tobitatsu-no ch?sai-na tsubasa-de
There is no Japanese verb "tobidatsu" that I can find in any dictionary, also the [url=http://anison.kenichimaehashi.com/search.cgi?keyword=%CB%D2%CC%EE%CD%B3%B0%CD&in=artist&page=0]site below (http://ichigos.com/sheets/151) has "????" (tobitatsu).


In measure 23, the lyrics say "o-mo-i ni___ ki-". This should be "o-mo-i no___ ki-". In Japanese:

Omoi-no kienai basho made

I've checked this:
1) against the song as performed in Japanese,
2) against the Japanese lyrics here (http://anison.kenichimaehashi.com/search.cgi?keyword=%CB%D2%CC%EE%CD%B3%B0%CD&in=artist&page=0), and
3) against my own understanding of Japanese.

Now, to be fair, in (1) it's not clear that ????? is saying "d" vs "t". However it's common in compounds, when the second part of the compound begins with an unmuddied initial consonant, for it to become muddied. If she's saying "d," this may be a regional pronunciation or quirk.