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View Full Version : Guitar Advice

June 19th, 2007, 01:02 am
No not advice from guitars, but rather, about guitars. =D Anyways, I'm thinking about starting, and I already have my eye on a certain Aria acoustic-electric guitar. But being a complete foreigner in the world of strings (well, I did play the violin for 3 months until my mom made me quit...), I'm pretty much lost when it comes to guitars. I did do some Googling and Wiki-ing, but meh~

So, here's the ultimate question! What are the advantages and disadvantages of acoustic-electric guitars? From what I've picked up, it seems that there aren't too many disadvantages. Also, would it be correct to assume that I can use nylon strings?

Any extra tips for a beginner, like those concerning different types of strings ^_~, would also be very appreciated. =D

Thanks! =D

June 19th, 2007, 08:41 am
You can use nylon but the steel strings are the prefered option as steel apparently has the better acoustic sound. the quickest way to learn a song will probably be tab format but they generally exist for those that don't read music.

June 19th, 2007, 12:45 pm
unfortunately,i don't have electric acoustic but i've played one before...
it's pretty cool actually...it's much more louder if you play in an orchestra...
if you play ragnarok,you should try playing the morroc theme song...it's pretty good....hmmm...i don't recall any disadvantages in an electric acoustic...
but good for you for having a guitar!!keep practicing,it's easy to play...

June 19th, 2007, 03:35 pm
Hmm, and here I thought that nylon stings sounded nicer. =D Thanks, HanTony!

kitty-w00t! A comrade! Guitar in an orchestra? Aweseommeee! I'll also keep your song suggestion in mind. Thank you thank you! :3

June 19th, 2007, 04:05 pm
Actually there's pieces out there that have a guitar in orchestras.


June 20th, 2007, 03:20 am
you should make your compositions using guitar than change it to piano...
it's fun and easy :lol2:

June 20th, 2007, 04:32 am
You mean vice-versa, correct? I'm a plugger not a picker. ;)

June 20th, 2007, 06:40 pm
Ive been playing the guitar for about a year for my band *ive played piano for 8 years and vocal for a few years before , as it previous instruments influence your picking up of a new instrument

and this is what i gotta say *dont have much time now :) :

- they are pretty much just acoustics that can be plugged into an amp , its not really an electric guitar

- WHAMMY BAR , ...... ----

Acoutsic Nylon
Only good for finger picking
the strings are spaced out sooo its hard on your hand stretching

Steel String Acoustic
I would recommend this for acoustic as it has good distance between strings...=---- outa.. time come back some time to update this
