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View Full Version : my thread

August 15th, 2004, 11:17 pm
I've made my own thread to put all in it instead of making 100.In my thread,I'll post anything I need to know and my compositions too.

August 15th, 2004, 11:19 pm
I've made a new chord for a composition,I need to know if its correc,harmony,synchro etc.could somebody help me?all comments are welcome[COLOR=blue][COLOR=blue][COLOR=blue]

August 17th, 2004, 05:59 am
um...chords are correct? well from what i've heard it sounded okay. There are only couple chords you put it, and you have around 2-3 voices i think...so harmony really isn't all that matter. So i think it's okay. Kinda short though, maybe you can finish the piece now eh? keep up the good work. Just a warning, it's hard to develope...or i should say it will take some imagination to expand and develope a piece like this.