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October 11th, 2009, 12:53 am
Basically post any random tips to share that you have learned through experiencing life
or anything that would be an important aspect to it :)

Random ones I can think of for now would be...

"you dont find love, love finds you"

"eat when you feel hungry"

"respect your elders"

"It's 10% luck and 90% hard work"

go go go, let us all live long and prosper~! (LOL lame pun.)

October 11th, 2009, 01:37 am
"A person will never change. They only appear to change."
"Time and Place are two things you should always remember when talking."
"Never trust a person until your third meeting."
"The only way to correct a lie is live it out until it becomes the truth."

"Direct yourself with both precise words and relative motions to assist them."
"People only remember 15% of what you say, can reassemble 40% of what you meant, and 94% of what was written down."
"If you take absolutely everything seriously all of the time, people will find you both funny, dependable, and helpful."

"Those that feel strongly of faith tend to be idealist more than realist."
"When dealing with people, try to relate to them in three different ways."
"Never be frightened to concede in an argument. It's far worse to progress after you have lost."
"Beauty is found only in harmony or chaos, but never in mix."
"In games, you think like your opponent. In the world, you must live like an opponent."
"Every leader always has at least three supporters, each which are more knowledgeable than the leader in one particular area."
"Democracy is for politics. Parliament is for Engineering and Science. For Business and Arts, it Dictatorship."

"Take pride in everything, including your failures."
"People that make one contradiction to a point usually do so by mistake. Two are used for humor. But three contradictions to their original point are typically trying to grab attention."

October 11th, 2009, 01:43 am
"Screw tips for life. The universe and the people in it are too crazy to categorize and make general inferences about, let alone make tips to keep in mind while you live your life. Everything is absurd, do whateverthefuck you want, but don't say I didn't warn you that half the time, society is out to get you."

October 11th, 2009, 06:40 am
"Wear sunscreen."

October 11th, 2009, 10:33 am
"NEVER EVER trust pretty boys."
"Always be SUPER, EXTRA nice to the people who hate you... It's the best way of getting back at them"
"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first." (Mark Twain)

October 11th, 2009, 12:04 pm
"A person will never change. They only appear to change."
People do change. To say that a person will never change is not true.

"Never trust a person until your third meeting."

"The only way to correct a lie is live it out until it becomes the truth."
The remorse would eat me alive.

"If you take absolutely everything seriously all of the time, people will find you both funny, dependable, and helpful."
Funny? Then you can't be serious all the time.

"Those that feel strongly of faith tend to be idealist more than realist."
If by faith you mean religion, then not true. People who believe in a deity may seem to have ideals, but that is only because they believe it as real. So they would be more of a realist than an idealist.

"When dealing with people, try to relate to them in three different ways."

"Every leader always has at least three supporters, each which are more knowledgeable than the leader in one particular area."
I'd say more than three supporters. Unless you mean close advisors.

"Democracy is for politics. Parliament is for Engineering and Science. For Business and Arts, it Dictatorship."
Parliment is for arguing.

"Take pride in everything, including your failures."
If you take pride in your failures, you won't stop to do them again.

October 11th, 2009, 12:17 pm
"Every leader always has at least three supporters, each which are more knowledgeable than the leader in one particular area."
I'd say more than three supporters. Unless you mean close advisors.

May I point out the "at least" in M's speech.

October 11th, 2009, 09:30 pm
# "A person will never change. They only appear to change."
People do change. To say that a person will never change is not true.

# "Never trust a person until your third meeting."

# "The only way to correct a lie is live it out until it becomes the truth."
The remorse would eat me alive.

# "If you take absolutely everything seriously all of the time, people will find you both funny, dependable, and helpful."
Funny? Then you can't be serious all the time.

# "Those that feel strongly of faith tend to be idealist more than realist."
If by faith you mean religion, then not true. People who believe in a deity may seem to have ideals, but that is only because they believe it as real. So they would be more of a realist than an idealist.

# "When dealing with people, try to relate to them in three different ways."

# "Every leader always has at least three supporters, each which are more knowledgeable than the leader in one particular area."
I'd say more than three supporters. Unless you mean close advisors.

# "Democracy is for politics. Parliament is for Engineering and Science. For Business and Arts, it Dictatorship."
Parliment is for arguing.

# "Take pride in everything, including your failures."
If you take pride in your failures, you won't stop to do them again.
Read those again, think, come back to it, read 'em over then let them simmer for a bit, I know it sounds long but I guess you need thinking explained to you.

Also, it's "What?" so your post was half ignored as it showed up on my retard radar.

Good luck getting better at it! With some luck and a little bit of practice you could make it to Moron in a couple years!

October 12th, 2009, 06:22 am
"Wear sunscreen."
Ugh, really? I have some pretty rotten memories tied to that particular speech. Thanks for pissing me off. Also, come on IRC more. Me and Whip miss you. Mostly Whip, though. =P

@Phard: Let me explain a few of those for you.

"Never trust a person until your third meeting."
It means that people can be sneaky bullshitters. Just because a person seems a certain way, doesn't mean they are a certain way. Basically, wait a little while to decide whether or not you should place your trust someone. Sound advice, for sure.

"If you take absolutely everything seriously all of the time, people will find you both funny, dependable, and helpful."
Funny? Then you can't be serious all the time.
This one is saying that if you act serious all the time, people will find your over-seriousness humorous, which is totally true. People who can't laugh at themselves will surely be laughed at by others. =)

If by faith you mean religion, then not true. People who believe in a deity may seem to have ideals, but that is only because they believe it as real. So they would be more of a realist than an idealist.

This one is poking fun at the overly-faithful. Basically, they're too busy wrapped up in their own beliefs to accept the reality of their actions. "WE NEED TO PROTECT THE CHILDREN FROM THE EVIL GAYS!!! DON'T ALLOW GAYS TO ADOPT!!~!~!!" To the overly ridiculous Christian, they're saving the orphans. To anyone with any sense, they're depriving said orphans of a decent family life, restraining them to a second-rate childhood in an orphanage.

"Take pride in everything, including your failures."
If you take pride in your failures, you won't stop to do them again.

There's another piece of wisdom to go along with this one: "never failings means you never push yourself!" Basically, failing at something simply means you tried to do something that was outside of your current limits. Failing at something shows that you stepped out of your comfort zone to improve yourself. You're growing. If you can't accept that and be proud of failing instead of afraid of it, you'll never be able to get better at anything. Hence, BE PROUD OF YOUR FAILURES, FOR THEY ARE MERELY SUCCESSES IN DISGUISE! =P

October 12th, 2009, 06:59 am
"WE NEED TO PROTECT THE CHILDREN FROM THE EVIL GAYS!!! DON'T ALLOW GAYS TO ADOPT!!~!~!!" To the overly ridiculous Christian, they're saving the orphans. To anyone with any sense, they're depriving said orphans of a decent family life, restraining them to a second-rate childhood in an orphanage.

What relevance does that have to what I said?

October 13th, 2009, 02:53 am
"No one with success is not without some selfishness."

October 13th, 2009, 03:45 am
What relevance does that have to what I said?
I thought you were a little confused, so I thought that'd help. I guess you really did mean what you said, though, so now I'll just flat-out disagree with you. Just because someone believes something to be true and acts on that falsehood doesn't make them a realist, in my opinion. Just semantics, I guess, which is a ridiculous thing to argue anyway. What's in a word, right?

In my last post, I was insinuating that most people who believed ridiculous things like the example I gave didn't really believe them, and were only deluding themselves, but arguing religion is almost as stupid as arguing semantics, hahah!

October 13th, 2009, 04:15 am
Just because someone believes something to be true and acts on that falsehood doesn't make them a realist, in my opinion.

If they believe something to be true, they don't think it is a falsehood. That's why so many wars were started over different beliefs.

aaron FtW!!11
October 13th, 2009, 04:40 am
errhm. "life isn't fair, but life isn't fair for everyone, so life is fair"

October 13th, 2009, 04:51 am
I like how everyone is mad-bashing M for a bunch of silly tips on the internets...

I'll join in.

"If you take absolutely everything seriously all of the time, people will find you both funny, dependable, and helpful."
There is a girl in my class that has no sense of wit and humor, lacks a radar for sarcasm and takes everything literally. Everyone gets annoyed with her very quickly for being so goddamn serious all the time, being a joy kill, not getting jokes, making everyone seem like a jackass for being rude when she's the only one, and no one wants to depend on her help because she doesn't tell it how it is, she tells it how she see's it, because she can't see anything like anyone else.

October 13th, 2009, 05:39 am
I like how everyone is mad-bashing M for a bunch of silly tips on the internets...
By everyone you mean.....Phard? I think you missed the ten people defending M's quotes. =P
And the girl you're talking about sounds hilarious to me. I think you guys might just need to laugh more, hahah. XD

October 13th, 2009, 06:47 am
By everyone you mean.....Phard? I think you missed the ten people defending M's quotes. =P
And the girl you're talking about sounds hilarious to me. I think you guys might just need to laugh more, hahah. XD

D: dang.

And no, you don't even know. She is smart, articulate, nihilistic/anti-humanism/absurdest/extremist, and fucking annoying so much of the day. When she says that eugenics would have done wonders for the world and it shouldn't have been stopped, you know she is dead serious because she never says anything that she isn't serious about.

OR, we can be jokingly making fun of each other, and she will butt in and call one of us a jerk for making fun of the other, giving reasons why we shouldn't, or reasons why making fun of someone is justified, not understanding that we are just playing around, blah blah blah BUZZ KILL in other words.

Neko Koneko
October 13th, 2009, 07:54 am
If they believe something to be true, they don't think it is a falsehood. That's why so many wars were started over different beliefs.

Doesn't take away the fact that all religious people are morons.

Paedophiles often don't think they're doing anything wrong. By your standards, shouldn't we let them roam free fucking little children?

October 13th, 2009, 08:46 am
Doesn't take away the fact that all religious people are morons.

Paedophiles often don't think they're doing anything wrong. By your standards, shouldn't we let them roam free fucking little children?

So you're saying someone that is religious, is the same as a Paedophile?

October 13th, 2009, 09:51 am
lol @ M and mad bashings :X

Anyway my pro tip for the day

"Never assume, it'll make an ass out of you"

Neko Koneko
October 13th, 2009, 11:58 am
So you're saying someone that is religious, is the same as a Paedophile?

I never said that. I'm saying that simply believing that something is true, doesn't mean that it actually is.

October 13th, 2009, 12:26 pm
I agree with you.

Now what were you saying about Paedophiles?

Neko Koneko
October 13th, 2009, 01:44 pm
They believe that they're not doing anything wrong. According to your logic, if someone strongly believes something, they are a realist. So it's realistic for paedophiles to molest small children, and thus they shouldn't be punished for doing so. After all, it's just something they believe is alright to do.

October 13th, 2009, 04:27 pm
And no, you don't even know. She is smart, articulate, nihilistic/anti-humanism/absurdest/extremist, and fucking annoying so much of the day. When she says that eugenics would have done wonders for the world and it shouldn't have been stopped, you know she is dead serious because she never says anything that she isn't serious about.

OR, we can be jokingly making fun of each other, and she will butt in and call one of us a jerk for making fun of the other, giving reasons why we shouldn't, or reasons why making fun of someone is justified, not understanding that we are just playing around, blah blah blah BUZZ KILL in other words.
Alright, she might be a little annoying actually. XD

Anyway my pro tip for the day

"Never assume, it'll make an ass out of you"
I thought that one went a little differently? I could have sworn that one was supposed to rhyme or something...

October 13th, 2009, 09:17 pm
They believe that they're not doing anything wrong. According to your logic, if someone strongly believes something, they are a realist. So it's realistic for paedophiles to molest small children, and thus they shouldn't be punished for doing so. After all, it's just something they believe is alright to do.

Ethics. You really think the general public would allow Paedophiles to run wild? If you had a child, would you allow Paedophiles to act as they wished? I don't think so.

If that same child began to attend church/temple/synagogue whatever it may be, would you have the same reaction as rampaging Paedophiles?

Use logic man.

October 13th, 2009, 09:57 pm
Ethics. You really think the general public would allow Paedophiles to run wild? If you had a child, would you allow Paedophiles to act as they wished? I don't think so.

If that same child began to attend church/temple/synagogue whatever it may be, would you have the same reaction as rampaging Paedophiles?

Use logic man.
Not to sound rude, but what the heck are you talking about? I can't tell what your point is, or even what side you're arguing for.
If you're arguing for religious people, then your statement of "Ethics." doesn't make any sense, because Christian ethics are different from my own. A paedophile's ethics (assuming he acts on his unfortunate desires) are different from my own. There's no way to decide who's ethics are correct, so I don't see what you're getting at...the "general public thing" doesn't work either, since "the general public" will be different depending on your time and location. As an example, some cultures allow adults to have sex with children. Does that suddenly make it right? Segregation was a problem in the United States fifty years ago or so. Does that mean treating black people like shit is okay too?

As for your second sentence ("If that same child...."), I don't even know what you're trying to argue at all, so I can't even comment on it. I think you're misreading Angelic's sarcasm, though. = \

Andddddd, my own little slice of uplifting wisdom for this thread:
"Failure is not defeat until you stop trying."
Hell yeah! Hotblooded advice for the win!

October 13th, 2009, 10:34 pm
"Eat each 3 hours"

Neko Koneko
October 14th, 2009, 06:22 pm
Ethics. You really think the general public would allow Paedophiles to run wild? If you had a child, would you allow Paedophiles to act as they wished? I don't think so.

If that same child began to attend church/temple/synagogue whatever it may be, would you have the same reaction as rampaging Paedophiles?

Use logic man.

Are you stupid or are you ignorant? Thin line. Read again, I'm not saying that it's okay to be a paedophile, but that's not my point.

You say that when someone believes in something (like religion) they're being a realist. I'm saying they're not, they're morons for believing in a fairytale.

According to your logic, as long as someone strongly believes something, that makes it alright (in your example, religion). I'm saying that according to your logic, that would mean nobody can ever lay a finger on (for example) paedophiles because they believe what they're doing is okay. And since they believe it's okay, it's fine to do it. Hell no.

October 14th, 2009, 08:32 pm
Frankly I don't see what's wrong with pedophiles. As long as the individual does not act on it, they can be perfectly good people with some abnormal desires.

On life lessons... How about 'have fun'?

October 14th, 2009, 09:56 pm
According to your logic, as long as someone strongly believes something, that makes it alright (in your example, religion). I'm saying that according to your logic, that would mean nobody can ever lay a finger on (for example) paedophiles because they believe what they're doing is okay. And since they believe it's okay, it's fine to do it. Hell no.

I really didn't want to continue this, but you need to see where I'm coming from.

If you had a child, and he made a friend at school. Your child's friend's father is a Paedophile. Would you feel comfortable letting him go to his friends house for a sleepover?


The same child makes friends with a different person, and that person's father isn't a Paedophile, but rather has a faith. It doens't matter what kind.

October 14th, 2009, 10:51 pm

Phard, this isn't an argument about morals, though you're trying to turn it into one. This is an argument of what you logically said. Neko used Pædophilia as a shock statement in hopes of grabbing your attention to review what you said. No one here's advocating pædophillia. Rather, we're using the device to show how logically unsound your argument was. I'll try to explain what you said in different words, and then explain what Neko said in the same way.

If by faith you mean religion, then not true. People who believe in a deity may seem to have ideals, but that is only because they believe it as real. So they would be more of a realist than an idealist.
This can also be read: "If you mean religion, then you're incorrect. Those that believe strongly in religious ideals make them out to be real. Therefore, they are realists."

Now for what Neko said:

Paedophiles often don't think they're doing anything wrong. By your standards, shouldn't we let them roam free fucking little children?
"Pædophiles think that what they are doing is normal. Therefore, by what you have said, because they think that they are not doing anything outside of normal, it's normal to have sex with children."

Now doesn't that sound awfully close to your earlier remark? I mean, The pædophile believes strongly in what they're doing, so they should be realists, right? That means that their logic is close to the logic in which the entire world has, without being swayed by any form of pathos or logos; as this is what it means to be a realist. This logic — read: your logic — is so ethically wrong, it's actually appalling to see that it was actually put to words. It just proves that you've yet to identify what role you'll take in Erikson's second stage of development (http://www.haverford.edu/psych/ddavis/p109g/erikson.stages.html).

Just in case, I'll change the subject:
"You thought that you did your homework right, but the teacher marked all the questions wrong. But, because you believe that all the answer are right, they are all correct."

If you still can't see the problem with this, then I highly recommend you drop the argument immediately, lest the view the members have on you here will fall further from what they've already had.

Someone once said that you shouldn't be frightened to concede in an argument. It makes sense after all, because if you continue after you have lost, things will only get worse. I really wish I remembered who said that...


"Always read something twice: Once for what it's worth, and once for the reason it was said."

October 14th, 2009, 11:28 pm
I agree with Neko's point. Honestly I do. And that is the reason I moved toward ethics. And as HC said, we are arguing semantics.

Ideals are what you believe. Being a realist is living the 'ideal'. Public acceptance of certain ideals change depending on topic. Some are socially 'OK' while others are taboo. That is what I was trying to point out in my last few posts.

I actually checked back here to edit my previous post and to suggest this be locked.

If you don't see where I'm coming from here, then I won't say anything else on the matter.

October 15th, 2009, 01:28 am
Frankly I don't see what's wrong with pedophiles. As long as the individual does not act on it, they can be perfectly good people with some abnormal desires.
*High-fives Gotank for being a smart, open-minded person.*

If you think about it, isn't homosexuality just as weird as pedophilia? And weirder than ephebophila? At least ephebophiles want to stick it in the right hole and make babies, right?!
I'm always surprised people can be like "my best friend is gay," and then be like "pedophiles are monsters!" three seconds later. Such inconsistent standards!
I think anyone is fine, as long as what they're doing isn't hurting anyone else. People's unusual tastes either don't phase me at all at best, or make me chuckle at worst. X3


Someone once said that you shouldn't be frightened to concede in an argument. It makes sense after all, because if you continue after you have lost, things will only get worse. I really wish I remembered who said that...
Yeah, that was a good quote. I added it to my deita-banks for the next time I'm wrong in an argument and don't want to admit it. =)

October 15th, 2009, 05:36 am
They believe that they're not doing anything wrong. According to your logic, if someone strongly believes something, they are a realist. So it's realistic for paedophiles to molest small children, and thus they shouldn't be punished for doing so. After all, it's just something they believe is alright to do.

JUMP IN Most pedophiles don't necessarily see what they do as "right or just," just simply as an action they feel they must preform for self-indulgence. It's breaking ethics and laws in the face of it, but simply not caring for the sake of their own sanity and ease. Random, tangent, unnecessary thought...

If you think about it, isn't homosexuality just as weird as pedophilia?

Wow, shut up before you start bashing interracial couples.

October 15th, 2009, 06:58 am
Die before you die.
Love before you love.

October 15th, 2009, 04:34 pm
Wow, shut up before you start bashing interracial couples.
Will reply to you in the other thread. =)

Neko Koneko
October 16th, 2009, 09:36 am
I agree with Neko's point. Honestly I do. And that is the reason I moved toward ethics. And as HC said, we are arguing semantics.

Ideals are what you believe. Being a realist is living the 'ideal'. Public acceptance of certain ideals change depending on topic. Some are socially 'OK' while others are taboo. That is what I was trying to point out in my last few posts.

I actually checked back here to edit my previous post and to suggest this be locked.

If you don't see where I'm coming from here, then I won't say anything else on the matter.

Living the 'ideal' has little to do with being realistic. It could be someone's ideal to live in a crime free world. Not very realistic to me. It could be someone's ideal to be free to have sex with children. not very realistic. It could be an ideal to live in a world that's shaped according to the bible. Nowadays, not very realistic (since the bible tells us no stealing, no killing etc).

October 17th, 2009, 06:46 pm
Living the 'ideal' has little to do with being realistic. It could be someone's ideal to live in a crime free world. Not very realistic to me. It could be someone's ideal to be free to have sex with children. not very realistic. It could be an ideal to live in a world that's shaped according to the bible. Nowadays, not very realistic (since the bible tells us no stealing, no killing etc).

Agreed 100%, but the idea of realism shouldn't bar people from thinking and acting for reform if they see fit too.

October 18th, 2009, 04:48 am
"People will fuck with you; you'll be blind-sighted, because you know more than them."

October 22nd, 2009, 04:38 am
Less tip, more food for thought... :
“Everything you’ve done to me, you’ve already done to you. I’m poor, black, I may even be ugly, but dear God I am here. I’m here!”

October 22nd, 2009, 10:18 pm
“Everything you’ve done to me, you’ve already done to you. I’m poor, black, I may even be ugly, but dear God I am here. I’m here!”
*Cues wailing guitar riff, exploding volcano in the background.*
Sounds like a line from an awesomely hotblooded anime, starring Martin Luther King Jr.

October 23rd, 2009, 01:44 am
Don't live to work, work to live.

October 23rd, 2009, 05:19 am
*Cues wailing guitar riff, exploding volcano in the background.*
Sounds like a line from an awesomely hotblooded anime, starring Martin Luther King Jr.

Nope, Steven Spielberg's "The Color Purple," one of the most humanistic movies based on one of the most humanistic books thus far.

October 25th, 2009, 07:08 pm
Nope, Steven Spielberg's "The Color Purple," one of the most humanistic movies based on one of the most humanistic books thus far.
Ah, I found the quote on google, but it didn't say what it was from. Maybe I'll look it up...

November 6th, 2009, 01:14 am
You cannot achieve perfection, but you can achieve happiness.

(Something that I FINALLY came up with for my senior quote)

November 6th, 2009, 06:15 am
you cant achieve happiness.
not the absolute at least.

you can THINK you're happy but no one actually is.

November 6th, 2009, 06:17 am
Today I learnt - Dont chug down 1L of water before going on a 40 min tram ride, it'll make you feel as if your bladder will explode in 7 different places

Luckily I ran to the Subway that was near the stop we got off :S

November 6th, 2009, 02:25 pm
The Pareto rule applies 80% of the time.

November 6th, 2009, 04:42 pm
olol. Funneh.

November 7th, 2009, 04:53 am
Don't tank life, you don't have enough hp

November 7th, 2009, 05:35 am
When at a friends funeral; put that damn phone on silent and turn it off!

When at your mother-in-laws funeral; get the most outrageous and loadest ringtone ever and put your phone in a hard-to-get-to pocket, and hope that someone wants to talk crap to you.

Most people have selective hearing, so make sure to mention the words "sports", "beer" or "sex" when talking to a guy to make sure he catches what you are really trying to say after that.

Make sure you mention the words "shopping", "OMG!" and "gossip" when talking to girls to make sure she catches what you are really trying to say after that.

All quotes from my Outdoor Education teacher when on camp :lol: