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View Full Version : Father's Day!

June 19th, 2011, 01:38 pm
First, I would like to wish all the father's here in Ichigo's a Happy Father's Day. ^^ (Wait... That sounds kind of wrong... Does it? o_O) Anyhow, getting to the main point... What are you going to be doing on Father's Day?

My dad is going to work anyway, but I made him a handmade card with my sisters... along with lottery tickets. XD

Tactics Master
June 19th, 2011, 03:01 pm
Having a party at my grandparent's house, probably with 8 or 9 people. Hopefully I can manage to stay so I don't have to come back home, lol.

We're also going to Hershey Park (the best goddamn amusement park known to man) next week to celebrate.

My family gave him a present, but I don't want to just put my name on what someone else bought. Probably buying him something shpesal myself.

Von Hohenheim
June 19th, 2011, 03:31 pm
my grandad came over, and we gave cards to him and my father. It's not been that different from any other Sunday, but Dad's happy :P

June 20th, 2011, 05:46 am
I grilled up some New York steak, bacon-wrapped shrimps, and apple gouda sausages for mah Pops today. =)