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March 21st, 2007, 01:00 am
Your ass goes *fwish~!*?

How hawt is that. :mellow:

March 21st, 2007, 01:11 am
Ah, it's much sexier than I made it sound. It's just that it's too hawt for our alphabet to correctly express. :(

March 21st, 2007, 02:03 am
Ah, it's much sexier than I made it sound. It's just that it's too hawt for our alphabet to correctly express. :(

one would hope so... really, really, really hope so

March 22nd, 2007, 09:11 am
Chapang! and its gone
You'll have to teach me that Ass movment method Hopeless

March 22nd, 2007, 07:36 pm
Chapang! and its gone
You'll have to teach me that Ass movment method Hopeless
You're already well on your way, son. Your ass-movement sound effect is proof enough of this. O:

March 23rd, 2007, 10:59 pm
No wai. I can't be in a relationship with an ugly girl. It's not because I can't like an ugly girl. They're just impossible to flirt with. When flirting with cute girls, you can be all "ugh, you're so fat! Why do I talk to you!? ;) "
You can't do that with ugly girls, because you won't be joking, hence ruining...the relationship. XD

I kind of know what you're talking about. I called a lard as fatass.
It's not that I was flirting with him, I loathe the bastard.
But I just don't want him going anorexic, emo, and/or suicidal because of me.
Not good for the conscience.

March 24th, 2007, 04:38 am
I kind of know what you're talking about. I called a lard as fatass.
It's not that I was flirting with him, I loathe the bastard.
But I just don't want him going anorexic, emo, and/or suicidal because of me.
Not good for the conscience.

Calling out anyones physical downs with names is horrible : [ for any reason

March 24th, 2007, 05:23 pm
Nah, not if you're nice and supportive about it.
"You're a fat piece of Sh**!" is mean.
Saying "you're gaining a little weight, we should hit the gym," is fine in my opinion.

lol@Method. XP

March 25th, 2007, 07:24 pm
Don't say you "hooked up" with someone. Hooking up with someone means you're having sex with them. You scared the crap out of me there for a second. :heh:
XD NOT IN THAT SENSE! Jeez. . . People these days. -_-

"You're a fat piece of Sh**!" is mean.
Saying "you're gaining a little weight, we should hit the gym," is fine in my opinion.
Haha, but I know people that say that, and then the next thing you know:
First expression: :cry:
Second: Does that mean that you.....
Third: Yes, I don't love you. I'm sorry. -_-:sweat:
Fourth: *runs away and goes sulk in the corner and never appears in the light again. (also becomes emo)*

^Weird reactions sometimes too. :\

April 6th, 2007, 06:00 am
If someone told me I was f*ing fat, yea, I'd be a little hurt, but if they said I'm gaining weight and I should work harder to control that, I'd totally be fine with it. There's nothing wrong with being honest. I'd rather have someone I care about be honest with me rather than hide their thoughts and opinions for the sake of the relationship.

April 7th, 2007, 02:50 am
If someone told me I was f*ing fat, yea, I'd be a little hurt, but if they said I'm gaining weight and I should work harder to control that, I'd totally be fine with it. There's nothing wrong with being honest. I'd rather have someone I care about be honest with me rather than hide their thoughts and opinions for the sake of the relationship.

wow, ur actually cool

April 7th, 2007, 04:32 am
I'd rather have someone I care about be honest with me rather than hide their thoughts and opinions for the sake of the relationship.
Yeah, right? I'm blatantly honest with all my friends, and they return the favor for me. We all win! :)

April 7th, 2007, 05:50 am
Totally, that's what friends are for anyway B)

April 7th, 2007, 01:29 pm
a Win-Win situation lol =P

April 7th, 2007, 05:54 pm
^Yup! Me and my friends get the pleasure of insulting the crap out of each other with reckless abandon, plus we all get the criticism we need to be the best we can be! Stress relief and character development, all in one! XD

April 14th, 2007, 05:37 pm
Sounds like a nice little bit of patchwork you have going on there hopeless XD

April 22nd, 2007, 11:55 pm
Haha, Hopeless, you might be the kind of person to be very blunt. I'm pretty blunt myself, but sometimes I hide things from other people so I don't hurt them and make them hate me... Hey! This is going to the point where's it's not couple love, but friends/family love. =)

April 23rd, 2007, 02:48 am
So? It's still love.

July 14th, 2007, 12:21 am
The Rules of Courtly Love
Andreas Capellanus

Twelfth century
Love is a certain inborn suffering derived from the sight of and excessive meditation upon the beauty of the opposite sex, which causes each one to wish above all things the embraces of the other and by common desire to carry out all of the love's precepts in the other's embrace.

The Rules
I. Marriage is no real excuse for loving.
II. He who is not jealous cannot love.
III. No one can be bound by a double love.
IV. It is well know that love is always increasing or decreasing.
V. That which a lover takes against the will of his beloved has no relish.
IV. Boys do not love until they arrive at the age of maturity.
VII. When one lover dies, a widowhood of two years is required of the survivor.
IX. No one can love unless he is impelled by the persuasion of love.
X. Love is always a stranger in the home of avarice.
XI. It is not proper to love any woman whom one would be ashamed to seek to marry.
XII. When made public love rarely endures.
XIV. The easy attainment of love makes it of little value; difficulty of attainment makes it prized.
XV. Every lover regularly turns pale in the presence of his beloved.
XVI. When a lover suddenly catches sight of his beloved his heart palpitates.
XVII. A new love put to flight an old one.
XVIII. Good character alone makes any man worthy of love.
XIX. If love diminishes, it quickly fails and rarely revives.
XX. A man in love is always apprehensive.
XXI. Real jealousy always increases the feeling of love.
XXII. Jealousy, and therefore love, are increased when one suspects his beloved.
XXIII. He whom the thought of love vexes eats and sleeps very little.
XXIV. Every act of a lover ends in the thought of his beloved.
XXV. A true lover considers nothing good except what he thinks will please his beloved.
XXVI. Love can deny nothing to love.
XXVII. A lover can never have enough of the solaces of his beloved.
XXVIII. A slight presumption causes a lover to suspect his beloved.
XXIX. A man who is vexed by too much passion usually does not love.
XXX. A true lover is constantly and without interrmission possessed by the thought of his beloved.
XXXI. Nothing forbids one woman being loved by two me or one man by two women.

From The Art of Courtly Love, trans. J. J. Parry (New York: Columbia University Press, 1941).

Deadly Love
July 14th, 2007, 08:23 am
Wow.... well, some almost sound redundant.... but nonetheless, they're all true.

July 14th, 2007, 01:28 pm
Eeehhhh......Not exactly. Love isn't a feeling. Marriage, which is built on love, is supposed to last forever. Feelings don't last forever. If you say you love someone based on feelings, a few months later your feelings are going to turn elsewhere. That's just the way it is. Love is a choice. True love stays with one person, regardless of feelings. Love is selfless, wants what is best for the other person, and does whatever it can to achieve that best. Love wants to see the other person grow.

July 14th, 2007, 03:52 pm
wow that's deep cloud

July 14th, 2007, 04:05 pm
Ambrose Bierce: Love: a temporary insanity, curable by marriage.

Friedrich Nietzsche: It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.

I don't know, I say there is more than one kind of love.

July 14th, 2007, 09:56 pm
Oh yeah, there is. There's the emotional love that everyone thinks of first when they think of the word "Love," which is probably just physical infatuation; there's romantic love, the kind every stereotypical girl dreams about; and there's what I call true love, which is described in my last post.

Deadly Love
July 14th, 2007, 10:29 pm
Eeehhhh......Not exactly. Love isn't a feeling. Marriage, which is built on love, is supposed to last forever. Feelings don't last forever. If you say you love someone based on feelings, a few months later your feelings are going to turn elsewhere. That's just the way it is. Love is a choice. True love stays with one person, regardless of feelings. Love is selfless, wants what is best for the other person, and does whatever it can to achieve that best. Love wants to see the other person grow.

Oh yeah, there is. There's the emotional love that everyone thinks of first when they think of the word "Love," which is probably just physical infatuation; there's romantic love, the kind every stereotypical girl dreams about; and there's what I call true love, which is described in my last post.

Wow. I'm practically speechless.

July 15th, 2007, 12:00 pm
There's the emotional love that everyone thinks of first when they think of the word "Love," which is probably just physical infatuation; there's romantic love, the kind every stereotypical girl dreams about; and there's what I call true love, which is described in my last post.

I couldn't have explained it better :P .


Since I last posted in this thread, I've had a much different perspective. I'll probably share it within the next week or so; not now; it's 7 AM. :heh:

July 17th, 2007, 03:31 am
Yeah, I like how Cloud explains the 'types' of love, basically. I can see how people have infatuation, then after a while the person/people just *like* each other afterwards. That's, also, what I describe as "Teenage Love." What I'm saying is to look at any High-School relationship; that's exactly as why Cloud and I have explained.

Stating this, I believe that High-School hook ups are completely recreational, and show very little feeling of what "True Love" really is. . .however, I know that there are exceptions to this, and some relationships are actually "True" and are taken out of high school and, most likely, into a marriage.

I also believe in "Strange Love" which is when people meet *coincidentally* and have some critical-type things in common. As I've heard, and witness, these things are usually judged as internet-relationships or just people communicating through letters. . .

I like Strange Love, personally. :heh:

July 17th, 2007, 03:56 am
I'll share a story... To those who don't want to don't want to get somewhat "moody", I suggest not clicking the spoiler and reading...

I've shared this story with very few people. This is a true story, and it's something I've learned from.

When one thinks of love, suffering doesn't come to many people's minds during this age, no? It did for me, and I believe so, even now.

I "liked" someone last year (I was 13 years old). I'm not like most people with their approach; I strongly (even now) believe that love is patient, so with these kinds of things, I let time fly by. I usually get to know them, in terms of school years, 1, 2, sometimes even 3 or 4. This approach has also helped me determine infatuation and love, in a way.

Unfortunately, I made many mistakes. She and I suffered as a result of this, and I happened to move out of the district right after the 2005-2006 year. The summer during that year, lots of emotions went through my mind. Mostly, sadness and hurt. It's almost as if I were being "punished" in a way for my mistakes. (I had later found out that she suffered a lot, from a close friend).

During this time of my "punishment", I was unable to "like" anyone, not because I still liked her (by this time, I had gotten over it, so that was out of the way), but my mind was keeping me away from this stuff, or what Mazeppa calls "Teenage Love".

To this day, I finally understand that relationships aren't worth it during this age, no matter what anyone may think. To suffer as a result of your consequences should be avoided as much as possible, no?

I learned this the hard way. I've told this story to as many people as possible, so they don't have to go through what I went through.

I learned that I cannot follow my desires when I face situations like this, hence my quote in my signature (spoiler). If I did, I would suffer even greater than I did.

I learned that, even though the purpose of dating is to get to know someone, a friendship is even more important, which is why I also get to know someone for a few years, before considering that, and it is also based of my quote.

I have been pressured so many times to do this, but I have never decided to.

I warned a friend of mine by telling him this story, but he decided not to listen. The result? He broke up, then finally learned what I told him was true.

I experienced great depression from this, and I don't want others to...

More will be posted...

July 17th, 2007, 05:30 am
@ Clari - Thanks for sharing that bit with us, man. I feel for the pain that has gone on, and I fully understand (and agree) with this age of not getting into so much of a relationship. I know I tried to get into one not only last year, but this year with the same girl. It was a mistake the first, and I just tried for curiosity for the second time. I obviously threw myself into it, on purpose so I would know how this would feel. . .I'm the type of person who likes to feel all types of pressures and emotional pains, just to know after hearing so much about it.

(I would suggest that no one else try to get into a relationship that you know won't work, just because it's a type of suicide, really. . .I'm just a crazy person--as many people have said.)

July 17th, 2007, 01:08 pm
(You're welcome. :))

Here's more:

Well, I didn't go in depth in the last one as much as I wanted to, so this is the part to do so.

In the first one, I mentioned that I made many "mistakes". I can't name them all because I simply made too many. XD

This experience also influenced my music, but in a bad way; even now, I am still in this bad habit. How?

I have only composed in minor keys. (Except for 3 or 4 major pieces).
Most of my songs depend on somewhat-long tones.
My creativity was strained, even now.

Why do I get to know someone for 3 or 4 years before resulting in this? Well, as I mentioned before, I believe that "a friendship is the foundation of knowing anyone", which is why I do not do the "meet someone, ask them out" process. It's just something bad waiting to happen there.

What is my general perspective on dating?

- Relationships aren't worth it.
- One should think of the consequences, if they should decide to do this.
- No matter what one may think, relationships just do not work well in this age.
- A friendship should be made first, before resorting to this.
- One cannot follow their desire all of the time during this process, otherwise that's suffering, waiting to happen...

Not as much as I wanted, so I may post more. It's 8:08 AM, after all. xp

July 17th, 2007, 04:09 pm
I like Strange Love, personally. :heh:

Woot. :heh:

I'll share a story... To those who don't want to don't want to get somewhat "moody", I suggest not clicking the spoiler and reading...

I've shared this story with very few people. This is a true story, and it's something I've learned from.

When one thinks of love, suffering doesn't come to many people's minds during this age, no? It did for me, and I believe so, even now.

I "liked" someone last year (I was 13 years old). I'm not like most people with their approach; I strongly (even now) believe that love is patient, so with these kinds of things, I let time fly by. I usually get to know them, in terms of school years, 1, 2, sometimes even 3 or 4. This approach has also helped me determine infatuation and love, in a way.

Unfortunately, I made many mistakes. She and I suffered as a result of this, and I happened to move out of the district right after the 2005-2006 year. The summer during that year, lots of emotions went through my mind. Mostly, sadness and hurt. It's almost as if I were being "punished" in a way for my mistakes. (I had later found out that she suffered a lot, from a close friend).

During this time of my "punishment", I was unable to "like" anyone, not because I still liked her (by this time, I had gotten over it, so that was out of the way), but my mind was keeping me away from this stuff, or what Mazeppa calls "Teenage Love".

To this day, I finally understand that relationships aren't worth it during this age, no matter what anyone may think. To suffer as a result of your consequences should be avoided as much as possible, no?

I learned this the hard way. I've told this story to as many people as possible, so they don't have to go through what I went through.

I learned that I cannot follow my desires when I face situations like this, hence my quote in my signature (spoiler). If I did, I would suffer even greater than I did.

I learned that, even though the purpose of dating is to get to know someone, a friendship is even more important, which is why I also get to know someone for a few years, before considering that, and it is also based of my quote.

I have been pressured so many times to do this, but I have never decided to.

I warned a friend of mine by telling him this story, but he decided not to listen. The result? He broke up, then finally learned what I told him was true.

I experienced great depression from this, and I don't want others to...

More will be posted...

In the first one, I mentioned that I made many "mistakes". I can't name them all because I simply made too many. XD

This experience also influenced my music, but in a bad way; even now, I am still in this bad habit. How?

I have only composed in minor keys. (Except for 3 or 4 major pieces).
Most of my songs depend on somewhat-long tones.
My creativity was strained, even now.

Why do I get to know someone for 3 or 4 years before resulting in this? Well, as I mentioned before, I believe that "a friendship is the foundation of knowing anyone", which is why I do not do the "meet someone, ask them out" process. It's just something bad waiting to happen there.

What is my general perspective on dating?

- Relationships aren't worth it.
- One should think of the consequences, if they should decide to do this.
- No matter what one may think, relationships just do not work well in this age.
- A friendship should be made first, before resorting to this.
- One cannot follow their desire all of the time during this process, otherwise that's suffering, waiting to happen...

There are some very mature thoughts on this thread, especially coming from those of us who should be lost in Teenage Love right about now. I applaud you all. :yes:

I used to think that Teenage Love was relatively harmless (from a certain point of view) but after my best friend nearly committed suicide and another (albiet less close) friend got pregnant, I dismissed that thought really quick. I do know that high school relationships can have their benefits, provided you don't get too attatched physically or emotionally, but the risks still outweigh the gain.

There's a whole host of things I'd like to elaborate on, but I don't want to ramble. But I do want to say again that I am very impressed at the general outlook on love from you guys. Maybe I just come from a school of nitwits who need to be neutered... -_-

July 17th, 2007, 07:03 pm
but after my best friend nearly committed suicide....
If your friend almost committed suicide over "love," then he had more serious problems to begin with.

...and another (albiet less close) friend got pregnant
Condoms and pills for everybody! The world is saved! Hurray!

So, really simple. Don't fall in love if you're prone to suicide. Don't fall in love if you don't rubber and pill it up. ;)

July 17th, 2007, 09:38 pm
I'll share a story... To those who don't want to don't want to get somewhat "moody", I suggest not clicking the spoiler and reading...

I've shared this story with very few people. This is a true story, and it's something I've learned from.

When one thinks of love, suffering doesn't come to many people's minds during this age, no? It did for me, and I believe so, even now.

I "liked" someone last year (I was 13 years old). I'm not like most people with their approach; I strongly (even now) believe that love is patient, so with these kinds of things, I let time fly by. I usually get to know them, in terms of school years, 1, 2, sometimes even 3 or 4. This approach has also helped me determine infatuation and love, in a way.

Unfortunately, I made many mistakes. She and I suffered as a result of this, and I happened to move out of the district right after the 2005-2006 year. The summer during that year, lots of emotions went through my mind. Mostly, sadness and hurt. It's almost as if I were being "punished" in a way for my mistakes. (I had later found out that she suffered a lot, from a close friend).

During this time of my "punishment", I was unable to "like" anyone, not because I still liked her (by this time, I had gotten over it, so that was out of the way), but my mind was keeping me away from this stuff, or what Mazeppa calls "Teenage Love".

To this day, I finally understand that relationships aren't worth it during this age, no matter what anyone may think. To suffer as a result of your consequences should be avoided as much as possible, no?

I learned this the hard way. I've told this story to as many people as possible, so they don't have to go through what I went through.

I learned that I cannot follow my desires when I face situations like this, hence my quote in my signature (spoiler). If I did, I would suffer even greater than I did.

I learned that, even though the purpose of dating is to get to know someone, a friendship is even more important, which is why I also get to know someone for a few years, before considering that, and it is also based of my quote.

I have been pressured so many times to do this, but I have never decided to.

I warned a friend of mine by telling him this story, but he decided not to listen. The result? He broke up, then finally learned what I told him was true.

I experienced great depression from this, and I don't want others to...

More will be posted...

Why do I get to know someone for 3 or 4 years before resulting in this? Well, as I mentioned before, I believe that "a friendship is the foundation of knowing anyone", which is why I do not do the "meet someone, ask them out" process. It's just something bad waiting to happen there.

What is my general perspective on dating?

- Relationships aren't worth it.
- One should think of the consequences, if they should decide to do this.
- No matter what one may think, relationships just do not work well in this age.
- A friendship should be made first, before resorting to this.
- One cannot follow their desire all of the time during this process, otherwise that's suffering, waiting to happen...

I guess through pain, you come out ever the more wise. =] I can already name several people who have gone through similar situations as well. I do agree with your "process," there. Getting to know someone is definitely very important.

From my point of view, relationships at this age are, for the most part, not really worth it. Heck, I can safely say that a large number of them are based on infatuations. And what happens to these relationships after college life starts? Unless both people are going to the same college, I find it difficult that a relationship can really continue, unless, of course, you're dealing with something more than an infatuation and can deal with a long-distance relationship. (Would you call this a test of love?)

From a personal level, I can't say much about dating, as I've never been on one. I sort of turned down all requests, since, on all occasions, I either barely knew the guys, or I just didn't like them. There was one instance in which a complete stranger said, "Hey, you're pretty cute. Wanna go out with me?" :eek: I appreciated the compliment, but the guy seemed a tad sketchy.

Yeah...totally waiting till college, when my mind is a bit more mature and I may actually find that special someone. =D

Maybe I just come from a school of nitwits who need to be neutered...
Woah, same here. DO I KNOW YOU?!?! :lol: Nah, I'm sure that an overwhelmingly large number of schools are in the same situation. Heck, in my middle school, a girl got pregnant. 6th grade. Hmm. =[

I like Strange Love, personally.

July 17th, 2007, 11:24 pm
Thanks, everyone, for reading. ^_^

Heck, in my middle school, a girl got pregnant. 6th grade. Hmm. =[

As I mentioned above, I moved schools. The school that I was supposed go to; guess what happened. A 10th grader became pregnant, and stabbed the baby 130ish times. :cry:

I don't know if I should regret that this happened, or be thankful that I went through this experience, because if I didn't, I wouldn't know what I know now. :think:
Last part, then I'm done:

For now, I'm just avoiding "Teenage Love" as much as possible. I'll admit: I've liked someone else since then, but careful thought has led me to think that it may be infatuation.

If I were to see her (the person who I liked last year) again, I would, honestly, apologize to her, for I felt her suffering, in a way.

I look at dating from a different perspective than many people do. I don't believe dating is fun, in any way, in fact, I believe it is serious business. Sure, you try to make it fun, but in the end, it's very serious, which I figured out the hard way.

As Mazeppa said, it's a type of suicide, in a way. It's not worth it.

Again, thanks everyone, for reading. ^_^

July 17th, 2007, 11:52 pm
Heck, in my middle school, a girl got pregnant. 6th grade.

Wow... >_<

That's quite a feat in and of itself. 90% of my year (boys and girls) were still sopranos in 6th grade. <_<

July 18th, 2007, 01:21 am
I find it difficult that a relationship can really continue, unless, of course, you're dealing with something more than an infatuation and can deal with a long-distance relationship. (Would you call this a test of love?)
It's funny you should say that, because people kept on telling that to a few friends of mine. They all went to different colleges, and they're all still together. Go figure! ;)

Hell, one of my friends has a girl friend that's going to the Filipinos over Christmas vacation to visit her family. My friend is working all summer (five days a week, 9-5) just so that he can go with her!

Relationships can work at any age. It just depends on the people. One of the couples I'm talking about has been together since eighth grade. The second couple is with a boy with a girlfriend two years older than him. Everyone said that wouldn't last either. The third couple is the one with the Filipino girl. :3

And I've never met anybody with an unwanted pregnancy, STD, or suicidal tendencies. (Not ones stemming from broken relationships anyway. The few suicidal esque people I've met have no friends, which would explain their death wishes. XP )

Deadly Love
July 18th, 2007, 07:31 am
Why do I get to know someone for 3 or 4 years before resulting in this? Well, as I mentioned before, I believe that "a friendship is the foundation of knowing anyone", which is why I do not do the "meet someone, ask them out" process. It's just something bad waiting to happen there.
Mhm. I know a lot of people that went through that process (guys use them, girls say yes to them) and either they SOMEWHAT got hurt in the end or they get traumatized into never going out with guys again... (A bit over if you ask me and I don't think that that will last too long....)

What is my general perspective on dating?

- Relationships aren't worth it.
- One should think of the consequences, if they should decide to do this.
- No matter what one may think, relationships just do not work well in this age.
- A friendship should be made first, before resorting to this.
- One cannot follow their desire all of the time during this process, otherwise that's suffering, waiting to happen...

I agree with everything you just said.

I used to think that Teenage Love was relatively harmless (from a certain point of view) but after my best friend nearly committed suicide and another (albiet less close) friend got pregnant, I dismissed that thought really quick.
Mhm. I've heard about this one girl who ACTUALLY COMMITED SUICIDE right after my friend's friend broke up with her. I think she was found in her closet with a knife or something. I don't remember the whole story, though. And then my grandma's friend's daughter/niece (I don't remember their relation but whatever), she was only 13 when her boyfriend impregnated her then left her afterwards. So she's a single parent, but her family's helping her raise the baby.

If your friend almost committed suicide over "love," then he had more serious problems to begin with.

Condoms and pills for everybody! The world is saved! Hurray!

So, really simple. Don't fall in love if you're prone to suicide. Don't fall in love if you don't rubber and pill it up. ;)
Maybe his friend did, but maybe he didn't. My friend's cousin didn't have any serious problems, as you say, but he also commited suicide when his girlfriend dumped him. Either he hang himself or he buried himself in his own backyard (is that possible?). Something like that. My dad and my brother actually saw the dead body. Or so they said...

Uh-uh. Condoms don't actually prevent pregnancy, because it doesn't cover the parts it needs to.... (As much as I hate learning about these kinds of stuff in 7th grade, I listened to the lesson anyways.....) As for pills, dunno if they work or not considering I don't know anyone that uses them.

Falling in love isn't a decision, you know. Just because you say, "Ooh. I don't want to fall in love." doesn't me you won't. It's not your choice. It just happens. Best thing you can do if you didn't want to fall in love in the first place is ignore it, deny it, and get over it.

From my point of view, relationships at this age are, for the most part, not really worth it. Heck, I can safely say that a large number of them are based on infatuations. And what happens to these relationships after college life starts? Unless both people are going to the same college, I find it difficult that a relationship can really continue, unless, of course, you're dealing with something more than an infatuation and can deal with a long-distance relationship. (Would you call this a test of love?)

From a personal level, I can't say much about dating, as I've never been on one. I sort of turned down all requests, since, on all occasions, I either barely knew the guys, or I just didn't like them. There was one instance in which a complete stranger said, "Hey, you're pretty cute. Wanna go out with me?" :eek: I appreciated the compliment, but the guy seemed a tad sketchy.

Yeah...totally waiting till college, when my mind is a bit more mature and I may actually find that special someone. =D

Woah, same here. DO I KNOW YOU?!?! :lol: Nah, I'm sure that an overwhelmingly large number of schools are in the same situation. Heck, in my middle school, a girl got pregnant. 6th grade. Hmm. =[
Yep. That's so true. Seriously, relationships based on infatuation and are at a young age, just hearing about the couple gives me a headache. Too many problems. Can't believe my friend hasn't broken up with that b*****d yet... sheesh... I can't say much about the college relationships and long-distance relationships because I don't know anyone with those issues.

Mhm. Seriously, don't know what's wrong with guys these days. (If you're not this type of guy, don't get offended. I'm not saying all guys just ask out a girl they think is cute without knowing them at all.) I was in 6th grade and probably 20 guys (I don't even know how old they are, let alone ever see them in my entire life... although we go to the same school....) have come up to me and ask me out.... .::rolleyes::. Serious problems.... serious problems....

Same here! Plus, I'm not allowed to have one til college anyways... hahaha

My teacher said that a lot of girls that used to attend my school, probably freshman when it happened to them, got pregnant and ran away from home with their boyfriend. Supposedly at least one every year. I'm not sure if it was true, but still.

As I mentioned above, I moved schools. The school that I was supposed go to; guess what happened. A 10th grader became pregnant, and stabbed the baby 130ish times. :cry:

I look at dating from a different perspective than many people do. I don't believe dating is fun, in any way, in fact, I believe it is serious business. Sure, you try to make it fun, but in the end, it's very serious, which I figured out the hard way.
Poorbaby.... such heartless parents.... freakin' murderers.... if they couldn't take care of the baby, send it to an orphanage or something or just be abstitent to sexual interaction. Sheesh.

Really? Well yeah I guess that's true, now that I think about it.... never been on one so hey, at least I learned that the easy way....

It's funny you should say that, because people kept on telling that to a few friends of mine. They all went to different colleges, and they're all still together. Go figure! ;)

Hell, one of my friends has a girl friend that's going to the Filipinos over Christmas vacation to visit her family. My friend is working all summer (five days a week, 9-5) just so that he can go with her!

Relationships can work at any age. It just depends on the people. One of the couples I'm talking about has been together since eighth grade. The second couple is with a boy with a girlfriend two years older than him. Everyone said that wouldn't last either. The third couple is the one with the Filipino girl. :3
Wow. Your friends are in good and happy relationships.... lucky them.

July 18th, 2007, 06:17 pm
Uh-uh. Condoms don't actually prevent pregnancy, because it doesn't cover the parts it needs to.... (As much as I hate learning about these kinds of stuff in 7th grade, I listened to the lesson anyways.....) As for pills, dunno if they work or not considering I don't know anyone that uses them.
Uh-uh. Obviously nothing works 100% of the time. That's why I said use condoms and birth control pills. If you manage to get pregnant using both at once, then you're the most unlucky person on the planet, as I've never heard of that happening, ever.

Wow. Your friends are in good and happy relationships.... lucky them.
I'd say it's more their maturity and intelligence than their luck, but I'm sure luck plays some role too. :3

July 18th, 2007, 06:57 pm
If you manage to get pregnant using both at once, then you're the most unlucky person on the planet, as I've never heard of that happening, ever.
That still doesn't excuse people from having "meaningless sex." If you understood what goes on during sex (NOT speaking from experience here) you would know that hormones are released which bond two people together emotionally. Pregnancy isn't the issue here. Once two people have sex, like it or not, they are bonded to each other, and if and when they break up, they feel not only compounded regret, but also many times more emotional pain than would be the case if they never had sex, or even went anywhere close.

July 18th, 2007, 07:10 pm
That still doesn't people from having "meaningless sex." If you understood what goes on during sex (NOT speaking from experience here) you would know that hormones are released which bond two people together emotionally. Pregnancy isn't the issue here. Once two people have sex, like it or not, they are bonded to each other, and if and when they break up, they feel not only compounded regret, but also many times more emotional pain than would be the case if they never had sex, or even went anywhere close.
Sex makes it easier to break up in some cases, especially if it was something the other person didn't want in the first place. The fact that someone has sex could quite possibly make it that much harder for one to bond with another on any level other than lust.

July 18th, 2007, 07:24 pm
Yes, there's that as well. Sex should be the last kind of bonding a couple engages in. First, there's the bonding that happens from friendships and getting to know someone, then there's bonding when you're a couple, which goes a little deeper, and then, after marriage, there's sex, which solidifies the bond. A relationship built on sex is one that won't live for very long. You can't base your opinion of whether or not someone is going to be your life partner solely on the connection you got from a one-night stand, or even two weeks of sex. It just doesn't work that way.

July 18th, 2007, 11:42 pm
A relationship built on sex is based on another four-letter L word... And that's really not even a relationship. That's what animals do.

July 19th, 2007, 12:02 am
I think animals have feelings and are able to love :\

July 19th, 2007, 01:00 am
They have feelings, no doubt, but they cannot love as humans do. It's a side effect of being sentient.

July 19th, 2007, 02:09 am
That still doesn't excuse people from having "meaningless sex." If you understood what goes on during sex (NOT speaking from experience here) you would know that hormones are released which bond two people together emotionally. Pregnancy isn't the issue here. Once two people have sex, like it or not, they are bonded to each other, and if and when they break up, they feel not only compounded regret, but also many times more emotional pain than would be the case if they never had sex, or even went anywhere close.

Yeah, that would explain all the one night stands that happen every day. Because all those people bond so hard. It's called "casual sex" for a reason. I've never heard a guy go "Yeah, I just got laid!" and then go "...but we're not getting married! D': "

July 19th, 2007, 02:33 am
lol funny Luis ur random lol

July 19th, 2007, 03:33 am
He hasn't posted on this thread since.. February. :huh:

July 19th, 2007, 06:23 am
Yeah..I was just gonna say that O_o

if thats melissa in the pic, I must say, quite cute, too bad she hasnt shown any worthwhile personality to back it up :(, seems a waste.

Relationships (of all kinds) are always worth it...you just gotta know how to learn from em and not obsess/screw up too bad.

July 19th, 2007, 12:18 pm
I bet you 9:1 that's not her picture, which brings us to another point on love...

Why must we associate physical appearance into the matter? If a person doesn't look good to you from the get-go, why do we avoid them?

July 19th, 2007, 01:17 pm
because sadly some people are prejudiced and worry too much about looks, sure it's only natural that people only like those who satisfy their sexual desire and act like eye candy but sadly...that's the wrong way to go about a relationship. people also think that it'll work like in dramas where...someone sees someone they like and approach them and they spend time together and then suddenly BOOM they're in a relationship going out, or getting married, or something. sad that it's not how it works in real life

July 19th, 2007, 01:51 pm
Ok, let's be realistic here. Almost anyone you care to ask will say that looks are at least a small factor in choosing who to start a serious relationship with. Now I'm not saying that looks are the only factor or that they should be.

July 19th, 2007, 04:01 pm
Attractive people need love too. :(

July 19th, 2007, 05:27 pm
I bet you 9:1 that's not her picture, which brings us to another point on love...

Only 9:1 M? You disappoint me. We both know damned well that there are no girls on the internet.

Why must we associate physical appearance into the matter? If a person doesn't look good to you from the get-go, why do we avoid them?

There's a bunch of reasons, and I think a lot of them are valid.

1.)Ugly girls tend to have low self-esteem (because they're ugly lol). This usually means they have annoying, over-compensating personalities. Also known as the "I'm cool! Really! D: " factor. Pretty girls tend to have more confidence (because they're pretty lol), so they're usually more open, relaxed, and fun to be around in general.

2.)Ugly girls are ugly. Why take an ugly girl with a good personality when there are pretty girls with good personalities? It's a matter of efficiency! Don't waste my time with sub-par products! (Just joking, heheheheh).

3.)Going around with an ugly girl gets you laughed at. Nobody likes to be laughed at or ostracized from a group, no matter how much we tell ourselves otherwise. Wanting to be part of a group is a survival instinct; going against our instincts always makes us at least a little uncomfortable. Note that I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about here, but it seems like common sense to me. X3

4.)Getting a hot girl validates our looks, charms, and overall manliness. Again, this makes us happy, obviously.

5.)Like I said earlier in this thread, ugly girls are kind of hard to flirt with, because you can't be as rough with them. There are two reasons for this: their usual lack of confidence in themselves, and the fact that you can't go "hey fat-ass! :3 " to a fat girl, whereas you can to a hot girl. Being around an ugly girl limits what you can say, because you're more liable to hurt her feelings. This, for me, is one of the biggest reasons I can't be around ugly girls. I have a loud, obnoxious, and kind of rough style of playing around. Ugly girls can't take it!

6.)Pretty girls are nicer to look at. Looking at an ugly girl depresses me, because it reminds me of how much crap she must go through on a daily basis. Looking at a pretty girl reminds me of how awesome humanity can be.


8.)Other reasons!

So yeah, there are a good number of reasons for choosing a pretty girl over an ugly one, lol. X3

Which brings me to my question:
Why wouldn't you associate looks into the matter? ;)

July 19th, 2007, 07:18 pm
Only 9:1 M? You disappoint me. We both know damned well that there are no girls on the internet.

I'm a hermaphroditic ostrich. :yes:


What a capital reason.

8.)Other reasons!


I skimmed over the other reasons because I don't believe you're such a superficial son of a bitch.

July 19th, 2007, 07:25 pm
I'm a hermaphroditic ostrich. :yes:

What a capital reason.


I skimmed over the other reasons because I don't believe you're such a superficial son of a bitch.

Thank you for living.

July 19th, 2007, 07:29 pm
meh looks are a factor, get over it. We all know its there.
Everyone knows their limits, theres a line that defines what you can get and whatcha cant, this is true for both sexes.

Stay within yer boundries and everything will be a ok...unless you manage to pick the dickwads.

July 19th, 2007, 07:39 pm
I'm a hermaphroditic ostrich.
I knew it! D:

What a capital reason.
It may not be a capital reason, but it's still a reason. Tell me you'd rather sleep with an ugly person than a pretty one and the entire world will know that you're a liar.

Sorry I didn't feel like typing all day. The list could have gotten pretty long.

I skimmed over the other reasons because I don't believe you're such a superficial son of a bitch.
Superficial? No. Realistic? Definitely. Logical? Most of the time. Let me go through my list and categorize them for you.

1.)This one deals completely with personality. Calling this superficial is ridiculous.

2.)This one is perfectly logical. Tell me you'd rather date an ugly guy with a good personality than a pretty guy with a personality just as good. Then I'll laugh at you and stop this conversation now.

3.)This one also makes perfect sense. You can lie to yourself all you want, saying "I don't care what other people think," but when it comes right down to it, you do. Have you ever felt embarrassed? Left out? Of course you have. Looks like you're a superficial son of a bitch too.

4.)Once again, this might sound ridiculous, but it's true. Getting with someone whom the general population respects (read: a good looking person) helps validate your opinion of yourself. Having the president congratulate you on something in front of an audience feels better than having your English teacher do the same thing. Why? Because the president is more respected by the general population. The same goes for dating a pretty person versus an ugly one. Don't insult me for telling the truth.

5.)Once again, this one deals completely with personality and with my relationship with the other person. Nothing superficial about this; it just boils down to how much I can enjoy my time with the other person.

6.)Oh no, this one is superficial. This was a minor one though, and kind of meant as a joke. Even so, it's still perfectly true. There's a reason we call ugly people "ugly." They're not as nice to look at. Get over it.

7.)This one was meant completely as a joke, but whatever. I lol'd at it. :3
Also, it's still true. I already responded to this one above. Tell me you'd rather screw an ugly person than a good looking one, and my respect for you will drop pretty far. Liars bother me.

So there, I defended my entire list against your weak accusations of it being shallow. I think I defended it pretty well, so there you go! :3


Thank you for living.

meh looks are a factor, get over it. We all know its there.
Everyone knows their limits, theres a line that defines what you can get and whatcha cant, this is true for both sexes.

Stay within yer boundries and everything will be a ok...unless you manage to pick the dickwads.
Ah, thanks Luis, for daring to admit that life isn't a fairy tale where inner beauty is all that matters. It's nice to know that at least some people can admit the truth! X3

July 19th, 2007, 07:56 pm
Only 9:1 M? You disappoint me. We both know damned well that there are no girls on the internet.

Rule of business: never allot all of your assets.

July 19th, 2007, 08:00 pm
Rule of business: never allot all of your assets.
lol, sorry, sorry. I'm a crappy businessman I'm afraid.

July 19th, 2007, 08:15 pm
It may not be a capital reason, but it's still a reason. Tell me you'd rather sleep with an ugly person than a pretty one and the entire world will know that you're a liar.

Good looks determines that your sex is better than that of an ugly person?

1.)This one deals completely with personality. Calling this superficial is ridiculous.

You certainly don't believe that one's personality can be so black and white. Who's to say that a good-looking person has low confidence? You'd be surprised how insecure good-looking girls can be. "Does this make my ass look too big?"
And if you're not good-looking your self-esteem is automatically lower? Most of the "ugly" people I know have backbones, and a hell of a lot more than some pretty people. Is self-esteem the most important factor in a relationship? What if they're a wonderful person in every other way? Don't bullshit me.

2.)This one is perfectly logical. Tell me you'd rather date an ugly guy with a good personality than a pretty guy with a personality just as good. Then I'll laugh at you and stop this conversation now.

So if you were dating this not-so-hot girl and some other girl comes along with a personality jsut as good you'd just dump her like that? Tell me you have more virtue in you than that! I don't place so much value into such a trait that has no account for the worth of a person.

3.)This one also makes perfect sense. You can lie to yourself all you want, saying "I don't care what other people think," but when it comes right down to it, you do. Have you ever felt embarrassed? Left out? Of course you have. Looks like you're a superficial son of a bitch too.

The way you make it sound, you'd think that a partner is an item. They're not something you wear on yourself to make yourself look good. They're people. If you want to look good, go shopping. Do you judge a person's worth by how hot their boy/girlfriend is? If so, then you have more problems then I do.

4.)Once again, this might sound ridiculous, but it's true. Getting with someone whom the general population respects (read: a good looking person) helps validate your opinion of yourself. Having the president congratulate you on something in front of an audience feels better than having your English teacher do the same thing. Why? Because the president is more respected by the general population. The same goes for dating a pretty person versus an ugly one. Don't insult me for telling the truth.

A hot girlfriend makes you feel better about yourself? Well that sure says a lot about you.

5.)Once again, this one deals completely with personality and with my relationship with the other person. Nothing superficial about this; it just boils down to how much I can enjoy my time with the other person.

There are other ways of winning one's heart besides flirting.
Of course, you're going to ask me what they are, aren't you?
You want to counter my pathetic little arguments, don't you?
Because I obviously have no idea what I'm talking about, do I?

6.)Oh no, this one is superficial. This was a minor one though, and kind of meant as a joke. Even so, it's still perfectly true. There's a reason we call ugly people "ugly." They're not as nice to look at. Get over it.

If you want eye-candy, go watch T.V.

7.)This one was meant completely as a joke, but whatever. I lol'd at it. :3
Also, it's still true. I already responded to this one above. Tell me you'd rather screw an ugly person than a good looking one, and my respect for you will drop pretty far. Liars bother me.

So sex is a big factor in your relationships?
If you want sex, go hire a prostitute.

So there, I defended my entire list against your weak accusations of it being shallow. I think I defended it pretty well, so there you go! :3

Of course.

Ah, thanks Luis, for daring to admit that life isn't a fairy tale where inner beauty is all that matters. It's nice to know that at least some people can admit the truth! X3

Certianly looks matter, but to what extent!

July 19th, 2007, 08:35 pm
Ah, thanks Luis, for daring to admit that life isn't a fairy tale where inner beauty is all that matters. It's nice to know that at least some people can admit the truth! X3
Sheesh. This is going to sound like the corniest thing in the world, but inner beauty does matter. If you think it doesn't, you have some issues to work out. I am involved in something of a "semi-relationship" (my parents won't let me have a significant other right now) and I can tell you, her looks were fine at the beginning, but once I really got to know her, that's when she became the most beautiful girl I know. Inner beauty does matter, and if you think it doesn't, you can just take that "this-isn't-a-fairy-tale" crap and stick it in your ear.

July 19th, 2007, 08:37 pm
Good looks determines that your sex is better than that of an ugly person?
Of course not. But a cute girl and an ugly girl have the same chance of being good in bed. Who would pick an ugly person who's good in bed over a good looking one that's good in bed? The point is, you don't know how good a person is in bed, until you've been in bed with them. It's kind of hit and miss, you know? Since that's the case, if I was in a room with five hot girls I could have sex with, and five ugly one's I could have sex with, I'd choose out of the hot ones. Crazy, I know.

You certainly don't believe that one's personality can be so black and white. Who's to say that a good-looking person has low confidence? You'd be surprised how insecure good-looking girls can be. "Does this make my ass look too big?"
And if you're not good-looking your self-esteem is automatically lower? Most of the "ugly" people I know have backbones, and a hell of a lot more than some pretty people. Is self-esteem the most important factor in a relationship? What if they're a wonderful person in every other way? Don't bullshit me.

Statistically, I'd say yes, good looking people have more self confidence than bad looking people. It'd be retarded to suggest otherwise. Is self confidence the most important thing in a relationship? Probably not, but it's still pretty big. People who don't like themselves usually have other problems that go along with their low self esteem. They're also usually less outgoing and fun to be around in general. Don't bullshit me.

So if you were dating this not-so-hot girl and some other girl comes along with a personality jsut as good you'd just dump her like that? Tell me you have more virtue in you than that! I don't place so much value into such a trait that has no account for the worth of a person.
When did I say I'd dump ugly girls for pretty ones? I responded to M when he asked why we choose to get with good looking people over ugly ones in the first place, thus my response was only the reasons why we'd start a relationship with a good looking person over an ugly one. Don't put words into my mouth. I'm way too nice to ever consider doing something like that. :3

The way you make it sound, you'd think that a partner is an item. They're not something you wear on yourself to make yourself look good. They're people. If you want to look good, go shopping. Do you judge a person's worth by how hot their boy/girlfriend is? If so, then you have more problems then I do.
A partner isn't an item at all, but having a good looking, "strong" partner will still make one feel happier and more secure. Go read a psychology book sometime; I'm sure I'm right.

A hot girlfriend makes you feel better about yourself? Well that sure says a lot about you.
Yes, it says that I'm a normal human being. One that isn't in denial, and one that can accept the fundamental faults of human nature. You disagreeing with me says a hell of a lot about you too, don't worry. ;)

There are other ways of winning one's heart besides flirting.
Of course, you're going to ask me what they are, aren't you?
Who said anything about winning somebody's heart? I don't give a damn about winning people's hearts; I get along fine with most people I meet without exerting much effort. I was talking about the amount of fun I could have with a pretty girl as opposed to an ugly one. I get along more easily with pretty girls than I do ugly ones because of my rough manner of speaking. Surely you like to have a good time when you're out with someone? You don't like long, awkward pauses do you? You can't possibly enjoy constantly worrying about hurting the other person's feelings, right?

You want to counter my pathetic little arguments, don't you?
It's not so much that I want to counter your pathetic little arguments as it is I want to counter them well, so that you can understand where I'm coming from. If I just wanted to see your pathetic arguments countered, I'd put my ten year old brother on here, and he'd take care of things sufficiently well for me. :3

Because I obviously have no idea what I'm talking about, do I?
I'm not really sure you do. I think you might, and that you might just be angry about how bluntly I present my arguments.

If you want eye-candy, go watch T.V.
That's silly, and doesn't negate the fact that ugly people are ugly. Sorry.

So sex is a big factor in your relationships?
If you want sex, go hire a prostitute.
Let's see here..."This one was meant completely as a joke...."
Oops, looks like I answered that one already. Good reading! :3
Also, I would never want to have sex with a prostitute. It'd be weird and impersonal.

Of course.
Glad to see you can be right once in awhile, at least.

Certianly looks matter, but to what extent!
To a pretty good extent, for the reasons I mentioned already. Most importantly, because looks can translate into personality and looks do translate into the overall mood when with the other person.


Sheesh. This is going to sound like the corniest thing in the world, but inner beauty does matter. If you think it doesn't, you have some issues to work out. I am involved in something of a "semi-relationship" (my parents won't let me have a significant other right now) and I can tell you, her looks were fine at the beginning, but once I really got to know her, that's when she became the most beautiful girl I know. Inner beauty does matter, and if you think it doesn't, you can just take that "this-isn't-a-fairy-tale" crap and stick it in your ear.
I just love how people can't fucking read, but still feel the need to type.
Here we go, let me spell it out for you all:

Ah, thanks Luis, for daring to admit that life isn't a fairy tale where inner beauty is all that matters.
See that "all" in bolded font? Yeah, that was the key word in that sentence. Hurray for literacy! ;)

*Dances a bit*
Now I'm going to go program for a (probably short) while. I'll come back soon so that you people who pretend to not have eyes can complain at me some more. I look forward to it!

Edit Edit: Sorry for being evil, Cloud. I know you can read. X3
Also, my programming is going miserably, as you may be happy to know. XD

July 19th, 2007, 09:49 pm
Of course not.

That as my only point. Whatever else you said, though potentially valid, was not my concern.

Statistically, I'd say yes, good looking people have more self confidence than bad looking people. It'd be retarded to suggest otherwise. Is self confidence the most important thing in a relationship? Probably not, but it's still pretty big. People who don't like themselves usually have other problems that go along with their low self esteem. They're also usually less outgoing and fun to be around in general. Don't bullshit me.

Let the two of us then condemn the unattractive population to eternal bachelor[ette]hood.

I myself cannot tell if that was sarcasm or not, to tell the truth. :think:

And it really depends on how far the extent of their lack of confidence goes! I'm not talking the "You suck!" "I know. D:" kind of people because we know their personality is totally unattractive, CONDEMN THEM, but the people with smaller (in comparison) insecurities that they usually don't tell anyone about. They can still be cool too!!`!11! DDD:

When did I say I'd dump ugly girls for pretty ones?I responded to M when he asked why we choose to get with good looking people over ugly ones in the first place, thus my response was only the reasons why we'd start a relationship with a good looking person over an ugly one. Don't put words into my mouth. :3

No one's putting words into your mouth boy! I'm just saying the "ugly" should have as much potential as the "pretty" in a relationship. No one's putting words into your mouth! I'm just going off on tangents because my attention span is that of one of those flying tree squirrel things on caffeine~

A partner isn't an item at all, but having a good looking "strong" partner will still make one feel happier and more secure. Go read a psychology book sometime; I'm sure I'm right.

For the "strong" part, yes, by all means. But the good looking part, no. By the way, I'm not talking like hideous ugly, just not good-looking. We both know that ugly people are condemned to single-hood, so to hell with that/them.

Yes, it says that I'm a normal human being. One that isn't in denial, and one that can accept the fundamental faults of human nature. You disagreeing with me says a hell of a lot about you too, don't worry. ;)

So suddenly because I don't need to surround myself with beautiful people, I am further flawed as a person?
Don't worry, I exaggerate to make metaphors. Don't harp on me later about putting words into your mouth. Which I AM NOT doing!

I was talking about the amount of fun I could have with a pretty girl as opposed to an ugly one. I get along more easily with pretty girls than I do ugly ones because of my rough manner of speaking.

Everyone else is not so limited as you! with your harsh manner of speaking. Because you cannot get along with ugly girls does not mean no one else can! And I'm not putting words into your mouth! I'm just pointing something out!

It's not so much that I want to counter your pathetic little arguments as it is I want to counter them well, so that you can understand where I'm coming from. If I just wanted to see your pathetic arguments countered, I'd put my ten year old brother on here, and he'd take care of things sufficiently well for me. :3

Bring it on! :)

I'm not really sure you do. I think you might, and that you might just be angry about how bluntly I present my arguments.

I second that notion! You are a rather irritating individual! I hope you realize that now, or at least on your deathbed!

That's silly, and doesn't negate the fact that ugly people are ugly. Sorry.

I was not talking about ugly people, per se. It just so happens that the population is not divided so evenly into ugly and pretty. There is a grey area in between that I would be referring to, because I'm not so ignorant as to not realize the chances of an ugly person being laid as slim to none. ("Slim" being rape or the other person(s) being drunk) I'm so pleasant it hurts.

Let's see here..."This one was meant completely as a joke...."

Ooh ooh ooh! I know that too! *raises hand* :yes:

Glad to see you can be right once in awhile, at least.

I love you too eh :mellow:

To a pretty good extent, for the reasons I mentioned already. Most importantly, because looks can translate into personality and looks do translate into the overall mood when with the other person.

Looks alone cannot govern one's personality NOT PUTTING WORDS INTO YOUR MOUTH but when it does they're probably an idiot to have let it do so anyways

I'll come back soon so that you people who pretend to not have eyes can complain at me some more. I look forward to it!

hoi u jus cuz im blind u dun haf 2 mak fun of me lol


July 19th, 2007, 10:59 pm
I am involved in something of a "semi-relationship" (my parents won't let me have a significant other right now) and I can tell you, her looks were fine at the beginning, but once I really got to know her, that's when she became the most beautiful girl I know.

Heh-I know how you feel. ^.^

July 19th, 2007, 11:44 pm
Let the two of us then condemn the unattractive population to eternal bachelor[ette]hood.

I myself cannot tell if that was sarcasm or not, to tell the truth.
Indeed! Kekekekeke.

And it really depends on how far the extent of their lack of confidence goes! I'm not talking the "You suck!" "I know. D:" kind of people because we know their personality is totally unattractive, CONDEMN THEM, but the people with smaller (in comparison) insecurities that they usually don't tell anyone about. They can still be cool too!!`!11! DDD:
Nay, it depends not upon how far their lack of confidence goes. Confidence in itself is an attractive trait. Every point of confidence makes the person more attractive.

No one's putting words into your mouth boy! I'm just saying the "ugly" should have as much potential as the "pretty" in a relationship. No one's putting words into your mouth! I'm just going off on tangents because my attention span is that of one of those flying tree squirrel things on caffeine~
They can have as much chance as the good looking population, if they can manage to make up for their ugliness. To do this, they need to be extra outgoing and charming to show the world that they're worth talking to. Most ugly people don't do this, hence they are ignored.

For the "strong" part, yes, by all means. But the good looking part, no. By the way, I'm not talking like hideous ugly, just not good-looking. We both know that ugly people are condemned to single-hood, so to hell with that/them.
lol, I'm too lazy to answer this. ;___;

Everyone else is not so limited as you! with your harsh manner of speaking. Because you cannot get along with ugly girls does not mean no one else can! And I'm not putting words into your mouth! I'm just pointing something out!
Yes, I am limited, because I can't talk to ugly girls. However, ugly girls are also limited, because you can't talk about certain topics with them without things getting awkward. So it doesn't matter who you are, ugly people are harder to talk to than pretty people are.

I second that notion! You are a rather irritating individual! I hope you realize that now, or at least on your deathbed!
Of course I'm irritating! I piss my friends off all the time! So yes, I realize I'm irritating. It just doesn't really bother me. XD

I was not talking about ugly people, per se. It just so happens that the population is not divided so evenly into ugly and pretty. There is a grey area in between that I would be referring to, because I'm not so ignorant as to not realize the chances of an ugly person being laid as slim to none. ("Slim" being rape or the other person(s) being drunk) I'm so pleasant it hurts.
lol. True and sad. X3

I love you too eh
Hahah. ;P

Looks alone cannot govern one's personality NOT PUTTING WORDS INTO YOUR MOUTH but when it does they're probably an idiot to have let it do so anyways

Of course looks alone don't govern someone's personality. I was only saying that when looking for people to go out with, it makes sense to choose the pretty ones, because pretty people have at least the same chance of having a good personality as ugly people. So if you start talking to a pretty person, you get a pretty, funny mate. If you start talking to an ugly person, you get an ugly, funny mate.

hoi u jus cuz im blind u dun haf 2 mak fun of me lol
Sorry, I'm cruel. D:

Bring it on!
Heh, my little brother is ten, but he's very smart (a genius actually). I seriously think he'd out-argue 90% of the members on this board, which is kind of depressing. Of course, he has hardcore ADHD and doesn't really care for long arguments, so I guess we won't really find out anytime soon. ;___;
I'll try to get him on here in a year or two, so he can kick some ass. He's more of a jackass than I am; I'm teaching him well! X3

July 20th, 2007, 12:01 am
Nay, it depends not upon how far their lack of confidence goes. Confidence in itself is an attractive trait. Every point of confidence makes the person more attractive.

Yet not everyone is completely confident of themeselves! And look at the percentage of the population that is married/in a relationship! Whatever that is! D: Look at that fat woman down the street! How'd she get married! Hell, how'd she get kids! I don't know!

They can have as much chance as the good looking population, if they can manage to make up for their ugliness. To do this, they need to be extra outgoing and charming to show the world that they're worth talking to. Most ugly people don't do this, hence they are ignored.

I feel sorry for you because the ugly people you know aren't cool. :(

lol, I'm too lazy to answer this. ;___;


Yes, I am limited, because I can't talk to ugly girls. However, ugly girls are also limited, because you can't talk about certain topics with them without things getting awkward. So it doesn't matter who you are, ugly people are harder to talk to than pretty people are.

I feel sorry for you because the ugly people you know aren't cool. :(

Of course I'm irritating! I piss my friends off all the time! So yes, I realize I'm irritating. It just doesn't really bother me. XD

Acceptance! : D ..Which is what the ugly people must do! : D

Of course looks alone don't govern someone's personality. I was only saying that when looking for people to go out with, it makes sense to choose the pretty ones, because pretty people have at least the same chance of having a good personality as ugly people. So if you start talking to a pretty person, you get a pretty, funny mate. If you start talking to an ugly person, you get an ugly, funny mate.

Talk to both of them, threesome!

Heh, my little brother is ten, but he's very smart (a genius actually). I seriously think he'd out-argue 90% of the members on this board, which is kind of depressing. Of course, he has hardcore ADHD and doesn't really care for long arguments, so I guess we won't really find out anytime soon. ;___;
I'll try to get him on here in a year or two, so he can kick some ass. He's more of a jackass than I am; I'm teaching him well! X3


You know, I've really forgotten what we're arguing about now. :)

July 20th, 2007, 12:06 am
I feel sorry for you because the ugly people you know aren't cool.
lol, I know ugly people (even ugly girls!) who are cool. And yes, I do have ugly girl friends. That still doesn't negate the fact that I also have cute friends who are just as cool!

Talk to both of them, threesome!
lol, that was a very guy answer! XD

You know, I've really forgotten what we're arguing about now.
I said that it makes sense to pick out pretty people you don't know rather than ugly people you don't know when picking someone to talk to. You disagreed or something. I'm kind of done arguing anyway. X3

July 20th, 2007, 12:31 am
Okay good, then I just want to clarify that I'm not a hermaphroditic ostrich. :)

July 20th, 2007, 01:02 am
Np np. I didn't really think you were. XD

July 24th, 2007, 08:13 pm
If you think someone's ugly, it doesn't mean everyone else does...same if you think someone's pretty. That's why all those ugly people have lovers...

July 24th, 2007, 09:30 pm
XD Physical *traits* are always a matter of opinion when it comes to me anyway. =P But this topic of looks and going for people is more of a dating thread now that a love thread. :think:

July 24th, 2007, 09:31 pm
If you think someone's ugly, it doesn't mean everyone else does...same if you think someone's pretty. That's why all those ugly people have lovers...
I call false-ity on this false statement! Ugly people have lovers, because ugly people get with other ugly people, as both ugly parties realize that they probably won't be getting pretty lovers anytime soon. Either that, or the ugly person has an awesome personality.

July 24th, 2007, 09:40 pm
As for the first half of her statement, I for one am the only person on both sides of my family who doesn't think Lucy Liu is ugly. Maybe I'm just a freak.

July 25th, 2007, 01:00 am
Actually, I don't really believe that physical attraction has much impact on love.

(yay, now you have to listen to me talk about the meaning of love)

A lot of people associate love with romantic love only, but there are other types of love. Like the love you give and recieve from your family. But you don't usually feel romantic about them (I'm ignoring all incestual relationships right now). And sometimes you may feel that same kind of love for people that aren't in your family. I think I feel that way about a lot of people, and I've mistaken it for romantic love before. And I don't have the courage to tell them, because they might take it the wrong way.

July 31st, 2007, 08:18 pm
Hmmm. I do think physical attraction has to do with romantic love. If not, we'd all be pansexual, which I know not to be true, except when it comes to friend-to-friend love, in which (I hope) people do not really take physical attraction into consideration.

August 1st, 2007, 04:38 pm
^ Then how about this; Studies have shown that attractive people have more close friends than ugly ones do. Physical appearence has more to do with things than you'd expect, even if it's not at all sexually related.

August 1st, 2007, 04:43 pm
Aye, I read the same thing. People yelled at me for believing in science and common sense though. Heh.

August 1st, 2007, 06:02 pm
physical appearance is in the eye of the beholder, but the media has molded people into thinking what is pretty and what's not.
I think the younger you are the more relationships are based on looks.

But its also like a movie I once saw the pretty people may be all mean and ugly inside and the ugly people are pretty inside.

Ugggg love's complicated.

August 1st, 2007, 09:24 pm
the pretty people may be all mean and ugly inside and the ugly people are pretty inside.

What. a. load. of. utter. crap.

August 1st, 2007, 09:51 pm
From my experiences, ugly girls have worse personalities than pretty ones. It's harder to enjoy being alive when everyone thinks you're painful to look at. XD

August 1st, 2007, 10:18 pm
I've never really sat down and was like well this friend is pretty and this friend is ugly. & I dont think I'll ever do that. At my school there are tons of shallow people, but I live in a pretty rich neighborhood, so I guess it is to be expected.

August 2nd, 2007, 12:13 am
That doesn't explain your previous post. You said that good-looking people are ugly inside, and vice versa.

August 2nd, 2007, 03:38 am
Only people that look good inside, look good inside; and vice versa.

August 7th, 2007, 07:01 am
hey, i haven't been back to this forum for a long time, and i'd just picked up the last bit of this thread. I have a notion that the ones we think are ugly will be pretty later on.

In Chris Rock's words: "If you aren't pretty, you better be smart."

Since this is a thread about love, would appearences really make a difference? If someone fell in love with someone else because of looks, that wouldn't last very long, cause we all know we'll get wrinkles by the time we hit 60 (more or less, depending if you frown alot) and our look would be completely different. Granted, there is plastic surgery and technology to try and stay looking young... but it's only a try...
Personally, if the girl has a personality that clicks with mine, then it's all good. Looks to me is a bonus feature.

August 9th, 2007, 06:29 am
I think if you really love someone, you'll learn to love their looks as well despite what you thought of it at the beginning.

August 10th, 2007, 02:13 am
My thoughts exactly.

August 14th, 2007, 02:38 pm
despite a lot of us saying that looks/appearance arent important, however, first impressions of the person base heavily on one's looks. its really hard for someone who would go up to a random person and talk to them, if they think that that person hasnt got the appearance that they prefer.

though there are a lot of exceptional cases.

Divine Shadow
August 15th, 2007, 05:19 am
despite a lot of us saying that looks/appearance arent important, however, first impressions of the person base heavily on one's looks. its really hard for someone who would go up to a random person and talk to them, if they think that that person hasnt got the appearance that they prefer.

though there are a lot of exceptional cases.

Heh, so true. How many of us can say they never turned down a girl/boy or avoided picking up said girl/boy (who may be already interested in you for whatever reason) because of their looks? First impressions are important but even a physically attractive person can be unappealing if their personally is bad but of course you don't really see that at once. I must admit I am a bit shallow. Lately, I been trying to date but when I do, I mostly go for ones that's cute (esp. if my heart beats faster if I see her) but so far none of them really were my type and after getting to know a few of them, I could tell it wasn't gonna work. (was difficult to get an emotional feeling going). I know it's shallow of me but I can't help it. Not after the last relationship I was in where I was attracted to someone I didn't feel comfortable touching me. I believe personally is important but what's the use if you're not attractive to him/her because of his/her appearance is a turn off for you? The same can be said though vice versa of course. I just think it's a mixture of both. Enough physically but enough emotionally as well. Everyone got standards, it just differs how important these two are from person to person.

August 15th, 2007, 10:40 pm
I think it is okay to love whoever you want cause thats the right thing to do...well thats what I think

August 18th, 2007, 02:02 am
First impressions are important, yes, but the point is that if you think a relationship can turn into love, you'll get to know them and see past the first impression. But yes, first impressions are important for when you meet someone, not for judging whether it's love or not. Though first impressions are the first steps to getting to know someone, sometimes it's good to take a chance with someone unlikely. You never know, you might end up learning to like their appearances afterall.

August 22nd, 2007, 01:35 pm
I bet everyone's heard to saying, "Opposites attract," right? Well, I can only believe that to be true with 'normal' people (what I mean by normal is people what aren't really engulfed into any subject, or if they are, to a certain extent).

I know for me it's COMPLETELY FALSE. Lol, I don't know what it is about me upfront, but I've been told that people seriously admire me. Beside the fact that when girls go over to my friend's (friend is a girl) they all seem to talk about how [BLANK] (insert compliment) I am, but no one seems to have to guts to come out and start a conversation with me. Now I notice this is getting back to dating a tad, but I don't think someone like me who's engulfed in music completely and in chivalry really meet's an "Opposite Attraction" around this part of Wisconsin, or even the world.

August 22nd, 2007, 01:52 pm
Now I notice this is getting back to dating a tad, but I don't think someone like me who's engulfed in music completely and in chivalry really meet's an "Opposite Attraction" around this part of Wisconsin, or even the world.

The same with me. :/ Apparently, I just don't care about this stuff now that I told my side. -_-

August 23rd, 2007, 02:07 am
I bet everyone's heard to saying, "Opposites attract," right?

then how the fuck does e-harmony work? lol

Love works on at least 8 proven dimensions. So far we have understood none.

Sunny Kimiko
August 23rd, 2007, 05:58 am
In Chris Rock's words: "If you aren't pretty, you better be smart."

Not really, if you aren't pretty and you aren't smart, it doesn't matter.

As long as you have a good heart and a cool personality.

September 9th, 2007, 04:32 pm
O.K. ! Let me handle this! Love? some thing God gives us but we don't understand until we fall in love, by this I mean this: sex is a gift for not only having children, but also it is kinda like a simulation for how much God loves us, & we are so not worthy of this feeling because well... we are sinners but it doesn't matter cause he'll all ways love us more than we can possibly imagine. How can I just go and say this? well it's simple, you see I recently fell in love so now my live is amazing times 1 billion, but I fell in love with my best friend,who is a girl & I'm a boy... but it's the whole "16 candles" thing goin on: except I'm a sophmore & she's a senior; which leads me to the point that, I'm talkin' to you RD, now since I've fallen in love I understand love & my love for my friends has increased ten-fold so my appreciation* for love has also increased ten-fold, but you don't want to get love for a friend confused with love for another person kind of love. But that's just me, Oh, I think emotional love is way(WAY) mor important, & yes I'm straight-edge christian non-denomonational & if any one on the site ever needs to talk, I'm here. P.S. I don't hate homosexuals or bisexuals & I don't judge or stereotype

September 9th, 2007, 08:46 pm
I bet everyone's heard to saying, "Opposites attract," right?

well actually they say this based on the personality typeishness.....seeing as how there are mainly people who are either very assertive and like to be leaders , like to get things done quickly and the what not there are also people who are very passive and like to do things carefully, there are those that are very artistic and sentimental. But if there were to be two of any of these personality types together they would either never get things done or be fighting constantly because niether wants to be wrong so i'm guesing this is what they mean but meh it's just a thought.:think:

September 11th, 2007, 06:56 pm
People are confused about love and like at my place. they tell the other person they love them but realy they only like them. Love is very deep emotional feeling for another.This type of love can come from being friends then dating that friend and soon huspand and wife.

September 12th, 2007, 11:27 pm
Love and like mean different things for me than most people. I think that people should love everyone including enemies and strangers, but you don't have to like them. To like someone is to want to be around that person and share things with, in my world at least. I remember a time when my close relative, whom I hadn't seen in a very very long time, said that not only did he love me, but he liked me. That was one of the kindest things anyone has ever told me.

September 12th, 2007, 11:58 pm
I think that people should love everyone including enemies and strangers, but you don't have to like them.

I am sorry, but that made absolutely no sense.

September 13th, 2007, 12:15 am
Why not?

September 13th, 2007, 12:35 am
Well good sir ma'am, I am sure that what you have to say has the potential to make sense in a variety of ways. Only, it would be my perspective that if you had intended for us, the readers, to understand the meaning of your statement, you would do well to explain your view of what you feel love is, as you have explained what you feel liking is; or else we cannot truly understand what you are trying to get at, if you decide to leave off half your explanation, do you see?

September 13th, 2007, 12:59 am
I do see, sorry about the confusion. I think to love someone is to be kind and willing to sacrifice anything for them, but that's love that everyone deserves. Love for your girl/boyfriend or spouse is just an intensified version of your everyday love. Therefore, even though you love a bad person, you don't have to like them or what they do. I'm really tired right now, so I'm sorry if this still doesn't make sense.

September 13th, 2007, 05:41 pm
I don't belive in love because men they come and go. Well at least to me they do.I need the right person then maybe I won't be so lonely.