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June 8th, 2005, 12:59 am

maybe they're all jealous? ::heh: Well at least you know that you're not. that's all that matters, who cares what others think? it's you that you have to live with the rest of your life not them.

June 9th, 2005, 11:33 pm
*agrees with^*

^_^ It's your life, live it. Forget everyone else.

June 26th, 2005, 04:53 am
Originally posted by Sashiro@Apr 19 2005, 10:01 PM
I find that alot of people who are homophobes are
a.) hypocritical
b.) believe the silly stereotypes and myths
and c.) are usually morons
I still dont know what hypocritical means and what a hyprocrite is.

Anyway, what about people who are confused with their sexuality? Why is it so? Like me, I'm confused if I'm gay or bi, but I believe I am bi.

June 26th, 2005, 05:04 am
A hypocrite is someone who does what they are trying to negitivly re-inforce. homosexuality is probably a good example, just because of the topic. If someone appeared to be openly homophobic in public, but was a homosexual in private, that would probably be considered by most to be being hypocritical.

I think homosexuals should be able to whatever they want, i mean, its their life. I also believe that they should be able to legally marry, but unless the church accepts homosexually, then legally is the best that they are sadly going to get.

June 26th, 2005, 08:44 am
People Think Im Gay Becuse I Have Alot Of Female Friends!!!!

I used to get that too until about two years ago (when i left high school), i've also always had fairly long hair so they were like, yeah you're a girl, you want to attract other men.

I just played along to it and had a laugh, like if a guy said i was gay i was like, "yeah if you're offering", and if a girl said it i'd say, "you're just jealous because i can attract more men than you :bleh: ". I would also say more vulgar things too, like if people were staring at me, i'd look over my shoulder and announce "oh, god i hope he hasn't made a mess again :heh: ".

It did still irritate me though and even though i'd just pretend to be gay in a really stereotypical way, it still really got to me- it wasnt being called gay as such, it was more the constant verbal abuse. But yeah, you're welcome to use my idea if you want to :D

June 26th, 2005, 08:48 am
My friends are always pretending to be sterotypically gay, and it pisses me off. why can't they let it alone or come out?

June 26th, 2005, 08:51 am
My friends are always pretending to be sterotypically gay, and it pisses me off. why can't they let it alone or come out?

I didnt do it to take the piss out of gay people, i did it to get those cunts off my fucking back. it was a way of saying, yeah so what, what's my sexuality got to do with you? if i was gay then there'd be nowt you could do about it so just back off.

June 26th, 2005, 08:55 am
These people don't do it to take the piss out of gays, just seems to be something that people do. In your case, it was probably warrented, but in these guys case, its just... i dont know. people seem to be acting gay more and more often, i suppose to me "metrosexual"

June 26th, 2005, 06:48 pm
My friends are always pretending to be sterotypically gay, and it pisses me off. why can't they let it alone or come out?

These people don't do it to take the piss out of gays, just seems to be something that people do. In your case, it was probably warrented, but in these guys case, its just... i dont know. people seem to be acting gay more and more often, i suppose to me "metrosexual"

Yet, its just them. Accepting people because they are gay is good, just like accepting people who have diffrent personalities. I think its stupid to to "Box" people. People are people, so what? Does it make you lesser or greater if your attracted to the opposite, same or no sex? No. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for racial rights and it worked. Yet, gays fight for sexual rights, and from the looks of this world, its not working. Too many people based goverments on religion, even though Religion and State are not allowed to mix. Love is Love and Hate is Hate. Would you want two gays to hate, two starights to hate, or all to love? As far as Ive seen, Gays love each other, but the goverment, religious people and bigots wont let them.

June 26th, 2005, 09:06 pm
Yeah...I agree My mom said im not allowed to be gay and dont worry I wanna be straight thank you :sweatdrop: but anyways my mom doesnt like the idea either...

But I dont care Gays humans and well humans have rights!... hmmm Im not good at this ne?... anyways what im geting at is why do people even CARE what others do I mean their not them and their happy so let um be! My friend the other day told me she was "Bi" yeah it was akward at first but hey if shes happy ^_^ then she can go for it~! I mean I dont mind gay people or bi or anything in that order but please dont hit on me ^^;; cuz... you know for obvios (sp?) reasons... yeah but all in all Im ok with everyone ^_^

Your truely,

June 26th, 2005, 11:57 pm
I'm starting to believe that people feel awkward around gays and bi's, because they were raised that way, to learn that only females loves males and vice versa. Also society contributed to this factor, which originated from people.

There is nothing wrong with us gays. We just like the same sex, thats all. Same goes for bi's. If you have a problem, deal with it.

I've heard that 1/10 of men in america are gay?

June 27th, 2005, 12:04 am
Thats funny. 1/10! thats cool. Ill put a pool at school next year...
Are you gay? |
O yes |
O no |

June 28th, 2005, 12:02 am
I really don't mind them, but seeing it does make me feel weird. BUt yes they are normal people and theres nothing wrong with them

June 28th, 2005, 06:03 am
There is nothing wrong with gay people, but there is my friend, who is against gays and acts like one to piss any off that may be around, so stuff like that is what annoys me

June 28th, 2005, 08:06 pm
I am Bi curious and even when I wasn&#39;t, I ahve supported homosexuality :neko: Alot of my friends are Bi/Gay/Lesbian so it isn&#39;t like I&#39;m a little homophobic freak like my cousin <_<

June 28th, 2005, 08:37 pm
i don&#39;t think there&#39;s anything wrong with it.. its not their fault right?? its just the way they are... but the stuff that gets me mad is when people&#39;s views change just becuase of someone&#39;s sexuality... I myself am not gay... or bi... but i think support homosexuality.. and shit... people tend to think i&#39;m gay.. haha.. dunno why... guys even hit on me... its weird.. haha... but i&#39;m not gay...

June 29th, 2005, 01:28 am
atleast you HAVE guys who hit on you. I dont even get any action these days LOL.

*goes back on topic*

See, now guys think that other guys are gay just from a tiny hint or accident. That makes them ignorant, yet they continue to do it.

June 29th, 2005, 01:39 am
i like gays...they&#39;re funny&#33;&#33;&#33; especially when guys have that cool lisp&#33; i thought i was bi once...now i don&#39;t really like boys or girls...been hurt to much. it&#39;s just those ppl who act gay for attention, damn attention whores, i have a lot of those at my school. I DISLIKE THEM WITH A FIERY PASSION&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

July 1st, 2005, 06:05 pm
Originally posted by Hiei@Jun 29 2005, 01:28 AM
atleast you HAVE guys who hit on you. I dont even get any action these days LOL.
hahah&#33; ok.. well you have a point...

July 2nd, 2005, 06:55 am
My position has always been this: Who a person dates is none of my concern. I don&#39;t care. The only things I care about: Are they fun to be around? Are they nice? Are they a good friend?

August 16th, 2005, 01:57 am
My position has always been this: Who a person dates is none of my concern. I don't care. The only things I care about: Are they fun to be around? Are they nice? Are they a good friend?
Exactly, but most people dont think about this.

August 16th, 2005, 02:35 am

Laws Against Homosexuality (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/e/ea/Gaymap.PNG/800px-Gaymap.PNG)

August 16th, 2005, 02:55 am
just by looking at that... makes me want to cast omega flare on those countries that deem homosexuality illegal. They are fking assholes who have no open minds. And they think homos should rot in hell. Homos havent harmed ANYTHING to ANYONE. The people who thinks that homosexuality is illegal is really ignorant and has no respect. THEY should rot in hell. Those no good fking bastards.

ahh sorry, I kinda got carried away. Seriously, DEATH penalty just because someone's homosexual? Thats really nonsense and ignorant. Killing people just because they dont like it. So what? If we dont like someone, we kill them? Not even if its against religion, which refers back to the religion topic on where i say that you must put your own thinking ahead of your own beliefs. You never know, there might not be such thing as a religion at all. Most people dont think with their damn minds, but with what they're told or seen.

August 16th, 2005, 03:11 am
No Comment

August 22nd, 2005, 04:02 am
I could care less if a person is homosexual or not; it's the homosexuals that can't control themselves that annoy me. For example: there's a guy in my Chemistry class that never shuts up, and is constantly telling stupid jokes out loud like: "I always take it from behind"(taking a play on words) and it's stupid and I get offended by that. I don't think anyone wants to hear that while learning about how many moles are in 32 grams of water...

August 23rd, 2005, 12:57 am
You do know that most of the hatred towards Homosexuals comes from corrupt religion don't you? We live in a world nearly completely dominated by the same churches who had Christ executed because they saw him as a threat to their power. And those beliefs influenced other religions. That's all I'm gonna say about it.

August 24th, 2005, 01:35 am
True to what Animeniac said.

I could care less if a person is homosexual or not; it's the homosexuals that can't control themselves that annoy me. For example: there's a guy in my Chemistry class that never shuts up, and is constantly telling stupid jokes out loud like: "I always take it from behind"(taking a play on words) and it's stupid and I get offended by that. I don't think anyone wants to hear that while learning about how many moles are in 32 grams of water...

You don say it like only a particular bunch act like that, but like all act like that. That is what annoys me.

it's the homosexuals that can't control themselves

You say it like they arnt humans, but a compleatly diffrent race them selves.

August 24th, 2005, 01:58 am
In my opnion, homosexuality is homosexuality. It doesn't really affect people who don't share those types of roles in their life, so why make a fuss! And for those that it actually does... just deal with it.

August 24th, 2005, 09:42 pm
Not just deal with it, but to be more understanding and tolerant. We tend to take sides too readily.

August 27th, 2005, 08:29 am
i reckon if people want to like the same sex as themselves, go for it. people should be more understanding about the whole thing. it's like shuold we discriminate against people if they prefer AFL over Soccer? no we shouldn't, it's just an individual thing that makes people what they are. it's like hating someone because of their race, it's just plain stupid. a friend of mine is gay, but it doesn't make them weird or anything, they're really cool and a really supportive friend, just cause they're gay doesn't mean they're stupid.

Liquid Feet
September 18th, 2005, 02:43 am
*finds it hard to believe that I never actually posted here, even though I read the thread many times* >_>

I'm mostly gay, but there is still a small attraction to women, making me bisexual I guess. I haven't the slightest idea why, but I just feel so much happier when I think of a man rather than a woman. :|

September 21st, 2005, 01:55 am
Some here...Im starting to feel atracted to some women, but not physicaly attracted. Its really weird and complacated to explain..its like im attracted to their personality..or somthing..I dont know!

All I know is im gay, and quite possably Bi.

September 21st, 2005, 03:28 am
There's nothing wrong with homosexuality. I'm bisexual, so...yeah...

Still, some people think that just because someone is homosexual, they'll hit on anyone who's the same gender. People don't understand that this isn't true. Homosexuality is looking...past the gender. I mean, I wouldn't hit on any girl just because I'm bi. I actually have to know the girl's personality and like her for it. Besides, sometimes it's easier for a female to understand another female, so you connect on a more...emotional/mental basis...

It's really dumb to hate on someone for being homosexual, dude.

Dark Bring
September 21st, 2005, 03:31 am
Homosexuality: Don't ditch it 'til you've tried it.

Bisexuality: Keeping your options open/Live life to the fullest.

Demonic Wyvern
October 4th, 2005, 12:18 am
Homosexual and bisexual people are actually lucky because they have more of an understanding of their partners.:)

October 4th, 2005, 12:34 am
I could care less if a person is homosexual or not; it's the homosexuals that can't control themselves that annoy me. For example: there's a guy in my Chemistry class that never shuts up, and is constantly telling stupid jokes out loud like: "I always take it from behind"(taking a play on words) and it's stupid and I get offended by that. I don't think anyone wants to hear that while learning about how many moles are in 32 grams of water...

What a stupid comment, considering all the vulgar sex jokes demeaning women, and men replacing objects they are working with, with their own imagination. Let me tell you something, festizzio, there are far more people cracking joks about woman and their perverted (or non perverted) interests in them, then there are homosexuales. How do I know this? Because there are more people who are straight than there are homosexuals.

What you are doing is being naive and judgemental. You are taking a single person or two, and judging every single homosexual for their doings. Some homosexuals are quiet and private about it, others are open about it, and some just don't care. So if I were to judge all people who are straight by all the jokes and comments I see straight people make, by your theory, you are all a bunch of idiotic desensitized pigs who can't control their mouths.

Fortuantely enough, I'm don't think the way you do. If one person says something stupid, I don't assume all others of that gender/race/personality will do the same. What right have you to be "insulted" by people saying things like that, when you go turn around and make your judgemental remakrs to an entire group of people.

October 4th, 2005, 12:46 am
that is so true, and festizzo, open ur eyes and ears, everyone makes jokes like that, and just cause one guy does it all the time, doesn't mean everyone is. from wat u just said, it was some guy in ur class. does that mean he's homosexual? mayb mayb not, but heaps of guys say that, every where, everyone says jokes like that and if ur gonna get insulted cause just one guy said that, i'm surprised ur not insulted every single day. there are always people who joke, and it's ONLY A JOKE so i think : just get over it. if u don't wanna hear it, ignore it!!!

October 4th, 2005, 01:20 pm
Yeah concentrate on 6.02x10^23, that'll solve all problems, and if it doesn't think, wow Alkynes are pretty cool.

Liquid Feet
October 5th, 2005, 04:24 am
Hmm... I thought that Avagadro's Number was 6.022*10^23.... I'm making an A in Pre-AP, so I hope I'm right. ^^;

October 5th, 2005, 04:28 am
It's 6.02214199*10^23 (according to Google), 6.02*10^23 is just what we were using in science. A lot simpler don't you think?

October 5th, 2005, 02:34 pm
I think your going offtopic...

Anyway lets talk about homosexual sterotyping. I hate them.

Demonic Wyvern
October 5th, 2005, 07:24 pm
I've seen a lot of that. Especially on TV these days. It can be funny but it's cruel. That's sort of like the blond jokes and the gangsta stereo typing. They should get rid of it all together.

Neko Koneko
October 5th, 2005, 07:56 pm
You'll never be able to get rid of stereotypes. Live with it and laugh about it.

Demonic Wyvern
October 5th, 2005, 11:11 pm
There's a lot of stereotypes at our school. I just hate people who think all gay people are the same and they all act like this.

October 5th, 2005, 11:37 pm
Some people are afraid of revolution and people that are different. Can you blame them really? They are ignorant and foolish, but that doesn't make them used to change. It's scary. And when something is scared, it attacks viciously.

Homosexuality goes against a lot of religions (while it may be supported in others, I don't really know), so the faithful don't want to be unclean or out of line. However, I know some headstrong religious people who disagree with homosexuals, but still have them as friends because they are still genuine GOOD PEOPLE.

I will not like you if you are a bad person and that is that.

October 6th, 2005, 01:38 am
And who are you to judge a person bad or good?

Neko Koneko
October 6th, 2005, 08:24 am
Everyone has the right to judge a person from their own experiences.

October 6th, 2005, 10:14 am
Yeah, that is what I meant. My judgment isn't everyone's. I think most people are good people. I'm just stating that I won't dislike them solely because they have a different sexuality than most.

October 6th, 2005, 12:29 pm
i think that there are good people and bad people and it doesn't matter what race, color or nationality they are, where they come from or who their parents are. stereotypes are everywhere, girls are good at this guys are good at that, men's sport, women's sport, etc. you just gotta live, learn and deall with it. laughing about it helps too. and it's not just homosexuality that gets stereotyped, religion, sport, sex, race and where you live are stereotyped as well. american and indian movies all have indians as raiders and stealers and primitive, americans are always the good guys (no offence meant to anyone in this at all) protectors, etc. so even though i hate the stereotypical view and judgement of the general public about homosexuality, i just ignore it, my friends a bi-sexual and another friend is homosexual, still, they are two of the best people i've ever known.

October 6th, 2005, 12:37 pm
Not meaning to stereotype, but you're supposed to be a gifted child, spell colour right and say hello to the "Shift" key on you're keyboard.

October 6th, 2005, 01:24 pm
Actually, in the United States, we spell it as "color". Don't believe me? http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=color. But it is spelled differently in London and places like that. But I definately agree with the "Shift" key part.

October 6th, 2005, 01:33 pm
I know Americans spell colour and a few other things differently, but I know her she lives in Australia and we spell it with a "u".

October 6th, 2005, 04:58 pm
Though this is off topic, the spelling changes from American English and British English are because of Noah Webster, who, after the USA was formed, created a new "American" way to spell things; partly to make it "easier" and "more intuitive," and mostly to seperate the Americans from the British.

October 7th, 2005, 01:48 am
I think that's silly. Covering up the fact that we are Americans doesn't mean we still didn't come from Britain. But, that's the way it goes. Though I spell it colour.

October 7th, 2005, 09:16 am
Since so many people are so enthusiastic about the discussion on different English, somebody should start a thread.

How do you actually differentiate between a real homosexual and someone who is just acting like one? Since many of you say that people are always stereotype them, what should a homosexual actually be like?

October 7th, 2005, 12:15 pm
That's hard too define but they say that if you think someone is looks like something (appearance wise) you are likely to see them as that (apparently) since almost all of your first impression of a person is based on looks and only a very very small proportion based on what they say to you.

October 7th, 2005, 08:42 pm
I think that's silly. Covering up the fact that we are Americans doesn't mean we still didn't come from Britain. But, that's the way it goes. Though I spell it colour.

Stupid lies. We all dont have British backgrounds, Its actualy hard to find people with a British background in the USA, because you can name a country and there will be a person from there in America.


How the hell can you define gays to looks and personality? That is fucking idiotic. Just because your gay doesnt mean your going to be a hair dresser, wear tight clothes and talk with a lisp. Kirby is pink and that doesnt make him gay.

I stab steriotypers!

October 7th, 2005, 11:34 pm
Fine, the Caucasion parts of Americans are mostly from somewhere else, Britain, since they came here. And actually, back then, the British people came from somewhere else, so it really doesn't matter, because everyone came from somewhere that came from somewhere else. So spell whatever you like.

Yes, there will never be a definition for anything. I don't know why you would lie about being a homosexual, if you aren't, then you aren't.

October 8th, 2005, 01:27 am
People who do do it for some sort of "larf hee hee haa haa"

October 8th, 2005, 04:03 am
Since so many people are so enthusiastic about the discussion on different English, somebody should start a thread.

How do you actually differentiate between a real homosexual and someone who is just acting like one? Since many of you say that people are always stereotype them, what should a homosexual actually be like?

There is no particular manner for a homosexual to act in, because every one is different. Simple as that. There is no common characteristic of what homosexuals are like, because they are no different then people who are straight. It's nothing more than a sexual preference. It's not a different belief, the preference doesn't incite a new personality, it's just a preference.

October 8th, 2005, 12:43 pm
There is evidence that homosexuals are actual capable of preforming mental tasks that the opposite sex are generally able to do better. i.e. homosexual men are in general better at doing tasks that women generally preform beter at.

October 8th, 2005, 05:57 pm
Everyone's actually capable of doing better than other people can. That doesnt mean if a man does housework means he is gay. Stereotypes make that situation valid, but its too broad and stupid since anyone can be able to do anything the opposite sex can. To really find out if that guy is homosexual, you have to pay attention to him and his reactions/actions for a long duration (3-5 weeks).

I also ask, is the homosexuality count rising in the US?

October 8th, 2005, 06:21 pm
There is no particular manner for a homosexual to act in, because every one is different. Simple as that. There is no common characteristic of what homosexuals are like, because they are no different then people who are straight. It's nothing more than a sexual preference. It's not a different belief, the preference doesn't incite a new personality, it's just a preference.

Exactly! I was thinking that same thing the other day. How you act doesn't dictate whether or not you're gay, it's your sexual preference.
Edit: This has probably been said before, but maybe stereotypical gays act that way because they don't want to get confused as straight? I'm straight, and if someone came up to me and asked if I was gay, I'd get pretty pissed.

October 8th, 2005, 06:26 pm
For all you who think homo's have a distinct personality, what is it? I have heard from many that gays are famine, but are they really? If they are, you would be noticing gays everywhere! But the truth is, people are gay, and many dont tell you.

I also ask, is the homosexuality count rising in the US?

Im more inclined to say yes..Dont know why, but I say yes. Ive just been seeing more gays around..Or Ive opened my eyes to reality X=

October 8th, 2005, 06:52 pm
I do think that there is a certain set of characteristics that you can define as "homosexual". Obviously not all homosexuals will have these characteristics but homosexuality has created a strong sub-culture and as with any sub-culture there's a set of mannerisms, speech patterns and activities that are near exclusive to that sub-culture. It's the same way as you would say that you can usually tell a skater when you see one. If they have long hair, a tuque (screw everyone that calls it a beanie), baggy clothing, skater shoes and say dude, I'm going to be inclined to call them a skater.

You can say that I'm blatantly stereotyping and you'd be right. Believe it or not stereotypes are useful up to a certain point. They shouldn't be used at the expense of realizing individuality but they serve a purpose and are used quite often without being negative.

I highly doubt the actual numbers of homosexual people are rising, people are just more open about it recently. Remember, the 10% of people being homosexual statistic isn't saying that they're exclusively attracted to the same sex, it's saying that they're a Kinsey 4 or higher. A Kinsey 4 can still quite happily live out their life as straight but as it becomes more acceptable to be attracted to the same sex, more people are willing to be open.

October 8th, 2005, 06:59 pm
Also, homosexuality is in the news more, what with the marriage thing going on; so we're more aware of it in that sense too.

October 8th, 2005, 07:34 pm
If they have long hair, a tuque (screw everyone that calls it a beanie), baggy clothing, skater shoes and say dude, I'm going to be inclined to call them a skater.

Your inclined to call them a skater, but they arnt allways one. I dress like that (Im changing my ways though) But I dispise skaters.

October 8th, 2005, 08:22 pm
I never said they necessarily were one but the thing is that the majority of people who embrace the skater sub-culture like that are, in fact, skaters. I was using it as an example to make a point how all sub-cultures have characteristics unique to them and anyone actively involved in that sub-culture is likely to gain some of those characteristics themselves.

October 8th, 2005, 08:25 pm
True. But you can't class people like that all the time. Assuming is bad.

I was watching a TV special on 20/20 (An american weekly news thingy) And it was about gaydar, the ability to seperate gays from hetros. People who thought they had gaydar survayed a bunch of people and they marked down if they were gay or wernt.

The resault was almost 100% random. No one got it al right. That shows how its better just to ask and not assume.

October 8th, 2005, 08:43 pm
Why are assumptions bad if you don't make them in a negative manner? Also, I never said that assumptions made based on these stereotypical features were correct, just that these features are a reality and like all other subcultures, homosexual sub-culture has its own set of features.

October 8th, 2005, 10:16 pm
An assumption is only bad if you percieve what you're assuming to be bad. For example, I could assume someone to be smart. That's pretty cool, I think they're smart. People generally view intelligence as a positive thing. However, let's say someone thinks that being intelligent is a bad thing. Then the assumption becomes bad. Now let's say I assume someone is stupid. Uh oh, now we're sad because that person is stupid. But what if someone else thought that being stupid was a good characteristic? Then it would be a good assumption.

It's all perception. If you think that being homosexual is wrong, then it's going to be a bad assumption. If you think it's allright, then it's not going to be a bad assumption.

October 8th, 2005, 10:47 pm
I agree with that perception thing, but on the intelligent perception, the only people who says that intelligence is a bad characteristic, are probably not too smart themselves...

October 8th, 2005, 11:00 pm
I think something important here isn't so much if assumptions are right or wrong, I think we can all agree that you should take the time to actually learn everything when you can. However, assumptions are useful. In the real world you don't get a dossier with every person you meet and assumptions and stereotypes help you act in the proper manner.

Say you're going for a job interview. You get there and the person interviewing you is in an expensive suit and tie. You're going to work off the stereotype of an executive in a suit and tie and speak formally, provide them with the information you want to hear. However, if the person interviewing you is in jeans and a T-Shirt you're going to go about the whole thing differently. Likely speak more informally, be more open and tailor your answers to what this different person wants to hear. Is this working of stereotypes? Yes. Might these people be something other than what they appear? Yes. Is it still useful to work off these stereotypes even though you have no guarantee they're correct? Yes. Is it wrong to work off these stereotypes? No.

Stereotypes can be good and quite useful. It is only unfair and incorrect stereotypes that are bad or when you believe the stereotype to the point of excluding facts.

October 9th, 2005, 07:42 am
Not meaning to stereotype, but you're supposed to be a gifted child, spell colour right and say hello to the "Shift" key on you're keyboard.

screw the shift key, how do u know who i am? and color and colour is exactly the same thing, and both spellings are correct. i use it as there are less letters to type and stuff u. and stop stereotyping, u got nothing nice to say, don't say it.

yeah the media does talk about homosexuality more, but it is all stereotypical and it's not nice either. it's also biased. it gives a negative view on homosexuality and doesn't educate anyone about it.

October 9th, 2005, 10:56 am
Hey I'm sure that any of your school teachers (especially your English teacher) would correct you if you spelt colour without the "u". Anyway you're stereotyping the media, if you didn't learn about your "unstereotyped" views from the media where did you learn it from?

October 9th, 2005, 01:58 pm
Im sorry to say this but in my opinion homosexuality is totally wrong.
It goes against all of my believes and morals.
Im not a person who would say all gay people will go to hell or something like that.
I just let it slide and usually don't say anything

October 9th, 2005, 05:04 pm
Thank you. You are the first person to say it goes against your beliefs and morals. Now, rather then saying your views on it and repeating what other people say, how about you back them up and explain why?

October 9th, 2005, 06:15 pm
Thank you. You are the first person to say it goes against your beliefs and morals. Now, rather then saying your views on it and repeating what other people say, how about you back them up and explain why?
Well it's pritty simple. Im a Christian and it is forbidden to be gay. It is clearly stated in the Bible

October 9th, 2005, 07:38 pm
I still haven't seen where it's clearly stated in the Bible, but I'd like to see where people are getting the idea that it's wrong.

October 9th, 2005, 08:09 pm
Well it's pritty simple. Im a Christian and it is forbidden to be gay. It is clearly stated in the Bible

This sentence is still repeating what other people say, just in different words. And a simple "it's in the bible" doesn't back up your reasons.

October 9th, 2005, 09:06 pm
Well I just read in a book that people can do magic. They can kill with twigs and what not. If its in Harry Potter it must be true.

I dont know why people keep their faith all on a book. If its so true, then why arnt those magical godly things happening now? And who ever says being gay is wrong and bad, then being hetro is just as bad.

October 9th, 2005, 09:19 pm
The prime difference in that is that Harry Potter claims to be fictional, and indeed it is. The Bible claims to be historical, but it's up to the reader whether he/she wants to believe it. It's called a Bible because it's how some people live. It's not up to you to judge their lifestyle (though you have), just as it's not up to them to judge your lifestyle (though they have).

October 10th, 2005, 01:21 am
Yes. The Bible has never claimed to be fictional.

October 10th, 2005, 02:21 am
Yes. The Bible has never claimed to be fictional.
But how can you be sure if it isnt fictional? Was there such proof that God made the bible? The wiritings in the bible wont count if you answer it in that way.
The thing I am more concerned about however, is that how the bible actually "control" their lives. Not necessicarily absolute control, but some people believe the bible to such an extent that their reasons for what they do become "Its because of the bible" or "God says so". They do have control over their lives, but they dont notice that they let God's ideas inhibit their decisions.
Now it can all be because its their decision and they decide what they believe in, and I have no knowledge of what actually goes on in their minds, but so far I've been hearing these things too often that the reason is obvious.

October 10th, 2005, 02:38 am
Yes... I see a future... where religion has brainwashed and dominated people to and chain reacts to a point where the world is hiatus with confusion and hate.

Well, Harry Potter never claimed to be true...

October 10th, 2005, 04:14 pm
This sentence is still repeating what other people say, just in different words. And a simple "it's in the bible" doesn't back up your reasons.

for some of us christians it does.

October 10th, 2005, 04:15 pm
geh. this is the wrong thread for an atheist to be roaming around in......


October 10th, 2005, 04:27 pm
Show me one line from ancient text a minimum of 5,000 years old and not modern rewrites that say It is forbidden.
I dare you, cause I know for a fact that belief didn't exhist until the the Dark Ages, and Medieval times.

October 10th, 2005, 05:37 pm
The Bible was written pretty early, so I suppose it was forbidden for the Jews at the time of writing.

Then again, at that time, who cared about the Jews? They were slaves of the Babylonians when the Bible was written, around 500 BCE. Homosexuality was popular with the Greeks and Romans, who were the major powers in that time period. So anti-homosexuality wasn't popular until the emergence of the Christians.

October 10th, 2005, 06:14 pm
Basically, this guy is dealing with the quotes in the Bible which say homosexuality is bad.

After many requests by the others in the alt.homosexual newsgroup, Mr.
Karnes produced several extensive quotes from the Bible. Specifically, he
quotes Romans 1:17-32, 1 Corinthians 6:9-13, and 1 Timothy 1:9-14. He has
also made references to the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis (19),
as well as Leviticus, in particular 18:22. Below, I examine each quote in
the order they appear in the Bible.

Genesis 19 (Sodom and Gomorrah)

The generalities of this story are so well-known that I feel I can
save some space and time by not repeating it here. When the men of Sodom
came to Lot's house demanding to see the strangers, that they "may know
them" (Gen. 19:5), it has been argued that the non-sexual use of the
Hebrew verb "to know" was intended. In fact, the story of Sodom and
Gomorrah was not interpreted with the sexual intentions of the Sodomites
until the first century A.D. In this way, Ezekiel attributes the
destruction of Sodom to the smug complacency and social injustice
characteristic of its people, not to their sexual practices. "[They were]
proud because they had plenty to eat and lived in peace and quiet, but
they did not take care of the poor and underprivileged" (Ezekiel 16:50,

Leviticus 18:22

An article by Jacob Milgrom in the December 1993 issue of "Bible
Review" ("Does the Bible Prohibit Homosexuality?", pg. 11) gives one of
the clearest explanations of the book of Leviticus. Leviticus 18:22
states, "[d]o not lie with a male as one lies with a woman; it is an
abomination." "This biblical prohibition is addressed only to Jews",
Milgrom says in his article. "Non-Jews are affected only if they reside
in the Holy Land, but not elsewhere [(Lev. 18:24-30)].... Thus, it is
incorrect to apply this prohibition on a universal scale."
Furthermore, if one were to insist upon living by this prohibition, it
follows that all the rules and regulations in the book of Leviticus must
also be observed, something I doubt many non-Jews can claim to have done.
Buddy Beaudoin posted a message dated January 3, 1994, in which he
states that "the New Covenant community of believers among the gentiles...
[were commanded to abstain] from any form of sexual immorality (which was
defined in the Law of Moses)." But, upon closer examination of the given
Bible reference (Acts 15:10,22-29), the four "obligations" are all aimed
at preventing the new Christians from reverting to their former patterns of
pagan worship. They were, therefore, advised to:

-abstain from things offered to idols (to avoid the temptation to
revert to their old ways which proximity to such offerings could pose)
-[abstain] from blood, from things strangled (as above)
-[abstain] from sexual immorality (to avoid the sensual temptations
posed by the temple prostitutes, male and female, who were part of
their former patterns of worship)

These are not about the maintaining of morality, but rather maintaining
the true Christian faith and not lapsing into their former habits of
worshipping idols or false gods.

Romans 1:17-32

This quote is best dealt with in _Homosexuality:_In_Search_of_a_
_Christian_Understanding_, edited by Leon Smith.
This quote is where Paul "mentions women who `exchanged natural
relations for unnatural' (the only reference to lesbianism in scripture)
and men who `gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with
passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men....'" It
is widely agreed that homosexual relationships are spoken of unfavorably
here. The pertinence of this passage, however, is much-debated. "Some...
find here an absolute and unqualified condemnation of all homosexual
behavior.... Others, however, argue that Paul is thinking only of persons
who are naturally heterosexual, and who have abandoned those relationships
for homosexual ones...or that Paul regarded homosexual practice as but one
example of behavior that may, but does not necessarily, reflect one's
attempt to be independent of God...or that the passage reflects Paul's
ascetic depreciation of all sexual relationships."
My own interpretation is that, because these people believed
themselves to be God's equals in knowledge, and thus became vain and
foolish, God gave them their "uncleanness through the lusts of their
hearts" and "gave them up unto vile affections". The way it is written,
it states that God made them homosexual. But if homosexuality is itself a
sin, why would he punish one sin with another? God's punishments of sin
among the living are meant to persuade the sinner to repent and sin no
more. Now, if these people already found the thought of homosexuality
distasteful, suddenly finding these urges and desires in themselves could
well be a punishment to make them repent.

1 Corinthians 6:9-13 (and 1 Timothy 1:9-14)

This quote provides a list of "unrighteous" people who "will not
inherit the kingdom of God". Depending on the version of the Bible, such
terms as "catamites," "sodomites," "homosexuals," and even "sexual
perverts" are used as the translations for two Greek words that Paul uses
here. Again, I quote from Smith's _Homosexuality:_.
"The first Greek word means, literally, `soft,' thus the KJV
translation of it as `effeminate.' The second Greek word means,
literally, `men who go to bed with men' (the KJV translation is `abusers
of themselves with mankind').... [O]ne interpreter would translate the
words simply as `the dissolute' and `male concubines'; another would
translate them, respectively, as `male prostitutes' and `male clients.'
The second of these terms also appears in a list of vices given in 1 Tim.
1:10, where the RSV (first and second editions) translates it as
Therefore, homosexuality is only one possible meaning, depending on
how the translator interprets the original Greek.

October 11th, 2005, 06:54 am
Again, just a rewrite with added stuff. very rarely what you read in the modern bible is older than about 500-700AD when most of what's in the current bible was actually written, also aound 30 AD the church started gaining in political power fooling people into beleiving certain things were evil and that they would go to hell and it is only around 700AD that you start hearing of the burning of homosexuals. This stuff didn't exhist before hand.
and it is completely false information saying that it is the true word of the bible.

October 13th, 2005, 10:17 pm
i agree, cuz nowhere in the original bible does it state that. homosexuals can't help the way they feel about others, they don't choose to be gay. That's what they are, they believe God made them different. In the words of my homosexual male friend: "I didn't choose to be gay. I didnt' wake up one morning and decide i wanted to be gay today, i woke up and turned on the t.v and realized i had the hots for tom cruise. i thought that maybe all other guys thought the same. I grew up in a christian family, and lived 6 years thinking that i was hated by God, that i was going to rot in hell. 6 years i had to live through that, if i had a choice, i would pick straight without hesitation. I didn't choose to break my mother's heart of never having grandchildren. I didn't choose to go to school everyday and be called quirre, fag and other disgusting names. I didn't choose to go to school and get beat up and harrassed. I prayed to God every night asking him to change me back, but now i realize that this is how he made me, and he told me to be happy. Happy to be different, happy to be who i am, i am gay.

Zane aka Ashley Caroline Anne

October 13th, 2005, 11:20 pm
i agree, cuz nowhere in the original bible does it state that. homosexuals can't help the way they feel about others, they don't choose to be gay. That's what they are, they believe God made them different.

We beleave god made us diffrent? Once agian, Christianity isnt the only religion in the world.

*Brushes that off*

"I didn't choose to be gay. I didnt' wake up one morning and decide i wanted to be gay today, i woke up and turned on the t.v and realized i had the hots for tom cruise. i thought that maybe all other guys thought the same. I grew up in a christian family, and lived 6 years thinking that i was hated by God, that i was going to rot in hell. 6 years i had to live through that, if i had a choice, i would pick straight without hesitation. I didn't choose to break my mother's heart of never having grandchildren. I didn't choose to go to school everyday and be called quirre, fag and other disgusting names. I didn't choose to go to school and get beat up and harrassed. I prayed to God every night asking him to change me back, but now i realize that this is how he made me, and he told me to be happy. Happy to be different, happy to be who i am, i am gay."

You cannot seroisly think that all homosexuals dont want to be gay. Im more happier then ever gay! And if thats the fact, Buddhist and Saintanist alike should be having a party, becuase God said they can go to heaven and be happy because they are diffrent.


Allways wanted to do this..


October 14th, 2005, 01:35 am
To tell you the truth, I never really wanted to be bi. But thats because of all the stupid stereotyping and what makes it worse is my personality that adds to the craziness. I want to make lots of friends. I never wanted to be alone. Look what reality is now. I'm left alone because I'm bi. I cry alot because of that, and I never got to cut myself or anything like that because that just makes me as worse as other self-abusers.

Another issue i want to bring up, is many people say bi and gay is exactly the same thing. I beg to differ, since bi is a person who likes both sexes. Bi's are not GAYS in DENIAL.

October 14th, 2005, 01:38 am
Erm..I perfer gay, but I have some affection twords females..Im just confused XD

You just need to make yourself known Hiei, then youll make alot of friends. I have lots of friends. Maybe its because only my best friend knows im gay/bi..

October 14th, 2005, 06:21 am
u'lll have friends that arn't comfortable with wat u r, some that are, and some that don't care, they like u for the person u are, not ur sexual preferences. though telling pplz gradually i think is the best way. it's good ur best friend knows and still is ur friend. a friend of mine lost some of her friends cause she told them she was bi, but the friends she still has are really supportive and the best she's ever had. so while some friends might freak, others won't and they'll be the best friends u got.

October 14th, 2005, 07:12 am
Learn some spelling please. I mayself may not be a spelling bee winner, but I actualy speel better then you ;)

October 14th, 2005, 12:13 pm
Are you sure?

October 14th, 2005, 01:07 pm
Learn some spelling please. I mayself may not be a spelling bee winner, but I actualy speel better then you ;)


October 14th, 2005, 05:17 pm
I didn't say all gays didnt' want to be gay.
All my gay friends however don't believe in "bisexuals". they believe that your meant to have one or the other, you're only bi if you're confused.

October 14th, 2005, 06:25 pm
And you're only hideously wrong if you say that.

Perhaps you should check out a bit of Kinsey's research and you'll see that the number of people that are bisexual soundly outnumber those that are exclusively gay. By that I mean that those who are a 3,4 or 5 on the Kinsey scale, which is the range from liking both genders equally to only liking the opposite gender incidentally, outnumber those who are a 6 on the scale, which are those who are exclusively attracted to only the same sex.

Bisexuality is very much a reality and if "gay" people wouldn't be so vehemently against it perhaps people would be more comfortable actually stating who they are instead of trying to fit themselves into these predetermined categories. It's sickening the amount of prejudice the gay community has against bisexuals. How can you preach equality and acceptance and then refuse to practise it on someone who has gone through so many of the same hardships?

October 15th, 2005, 07:38 am
I'm a dude, I like dudes. I have a whole bunch of friends who like a little from both columns, and I'll never understand why, but that's fine with me. If that's the way they like it, that's great!

I'm one for pro-choice. If someone wants to do something, and it's not directly harming anybody, go ahead! I won't mind, and neither should anybody else for that matter!

October 15th, 2005, 10:23 am
Yeah! Exactly!

October 22nd, 2005, 07:21 am
I'm all for homosexuality~ I have a couple of gay friends. They're awesome. Gay people are usually really nice unless they've been mistreated.

October 22nd, 2005, 07:30 pm
which is a lot of them.

October 22nd, 2005, 07:45 pm
hm..i don't see a lot of people mistreating or discriminating against gay people. I see my friends are actually pretty jealous of them because gay people tend to have a lot of friends that are girls. XD

October 22nd, 2005, 08:06 pm
9 out of 10 of the gay people (this was put in our school newspaper) are mistreated.

October 22nd, 2005, 09:53 pm
Really?.. we respect them, here o.o;

October 23rd, 2005, 03:48 am
I love gay people they all wear the nicest clothes and are really nice. And most of the time they seem to be pretty happy at my school.

October 23rd, 2005, 05:04 am
they make me feel warm and fuzzy and somehow, sexy...

October 23rd, 2005, 06:30 am
Its nice to hear that coming from a guy. haha.
Today while I was with my friend we both saw three guys walking, and this other guy was rubbing his cheek (pain?), so this other guy kisses that guy on the cheek. It was very ironic for me, since where I live those kind of phenomenon never appears.

I considered it cute. The girl next to me said "Wow, thats the first time I've heard that coming from a guy!" I replied "you learn something new everyday."

October 23rd, 2005, 06:40 am
they make me feel warm and fuzzy and somehow, sexy...
..I think that means you're particially gay ^^;

October 23rd, 2005, 09:34 pm
People only care about what they do in their bedrooms....

October 23rd, 2005, 10:25 pm
Hay, they just hate what they can't have, because if you noticed all the hot, sencitive guys are either gay or taken. And as for the guys, but it's because ya'll get all the girls to hang around you.

I should know, I'm both a girl and a lez!

October 23rd, 2005, 10:32 pm
..I think that means you're particially gay ^^;

haha i hope not, wifey~

i just feel good hanging out w/ gay people. they're really nice, and its not like i have sexual thoughts or feelings about them :)

October 24th, 2005, 06:01 am
I'm not hot! I'm not sensitive!!

... What went WRONG?!
And I love how you used the word "mistreated"... I just get this mental image of some very intense bondage sessions... and I must say... Some of us hight enjoy that! XD

October 24th, 2005, 09:09 am
I love gay people they all wear the nicest clothes and are really nice. And most of the time they seem to be pretty happy at my school.

*struts in with highheels*

What you say? B)

Anywho...I have many theories to why im gay.

1) Im allways tring to be diffrent to giant extents. Yes...

2) Girls around my area are bitchy and do drugs...


I fear Im never going to get a boyfreind. All the people in my area are..Forgive my word choice...Hillbillies. Literaly. They brag about how dirty they are, neglect to clean anything and refuse to shut up and use proper english. A total turndown :\

October 24th, 2005, 09:42 pm
wooo! i friggin love lesbians!!! *high fives Stormwing* my buddy, her name is desire (she's got a MAJOR crush on me) anywho, we call her dezzy the lezzy, or dez the lez. She's the greatest thing since marshmallows XD

October 24th, 2005, 09:49 pm
okay calm down....

i think lesbians are cute, and theyre fun to hang out with. well, the non-bitchy ones, that is ^_^

October 24th, 2005, 09:51 pm
i've never met a mean les before...:think: gay guys are funny, but the ones at my school are such DRAMA QUEENS! i swear! these two broke up with each other and they were going off! it was kind of funny cuz they was yelling with lisps XD

October 24th, 2005, 10:02 pm
thats so mean!

and ive met some reeeeaaally mean lesbians...

but the nice ones are soooo much fun to talk to and hang out with!

October 24th, 2005, 10:37 pm
Mistreated gays can be really mean... and paranoid. example:

Person 1:.::Smiles at gay couple::. Aww, aren't they cute?
Person 2: Yeah =]
Gay couple:.::Dirty looks::. What are you staring at? Never seen a gay couple?

Neko Koneko
October 24th, 2005, 10:48 pm
*struts in with highheels*

What you say? B)

Anywho...I have many theories to why im gay.

1) Im allways tring to be diffrent to giant extents. Yes...

2) Girls around my area are bitchy and do drugs...


I fear Im never going to get a boyfreind. All the people in my area are..Forgive my word choice...Hillbillies. Literaly. They brag about how dirty they are, neglect to clean anything and refuse to shut up and use proper english. A total turndown :\
Then move away from there in the future ~ to a place that accepts gays (like, Europe or summing XD )

October 25th, 2005, 04:43 am
or perhaps Canadia...

*wants to live in Canada*

October 25th, 2005, 06:04 am
I'm taking Talon to Canadia! ^.^ We're going to see my friend and his Canadadian fiancee!
.... This being, in the uber-extreme future...

October 25th, 2005, 06:23 am
Its not like im not going to move away as soon as I can. I hate this town, its a bunch of Homophobes and stupid Mexicans (not generalizing, just the ones in my town). Almost all the Mexicans here beat other people and try to act cool by making others feel bad. I think its retarded.

I have one come back for all the shit people tell me.."Whos that one thats going to make tons of money as an adult? Me. And whos the one thats going to work in a crack house? You. You also know that you cant go to collage and get a degree on making meth, dont you?"

*ends rant about my crappy 'lil town*

October 25th, 2005, 10:39 am
You don't know that you're going to make lots of money later in life, you could end up on the dole. And as for a degree in making meth, you could always study chemistry.

October 25th, 2005, 08:57 pm
Hay Like I said- GAY PEOPLE RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

October 25th, 2005, 10:18 pm
*high fives* ...oh! i'm not gay...just gay people are cool. lol.

October 25th, 2005, 10:57 pm
You don't know that you're going to make lots of money later in life, you could end up on the dole. And as for a degree in making meth, you could always study chemistry.

I will make alot of money when I grow up. I work hard in life for what I want. I dont expect things to be handed to me like others, I have to work for it. If I work for what I want, I will get it.

October 25th, 2005, 10:58 pm

October 25th, 2005, 10:59 pm
just gay people are cool


Why not say that all gays are feminine and stupid then? It's just about the same.

October 25th, 2005, 11:32 pm
I'm gay. My life isn't that hard so it isn't everybody....

October 26th, 2005, 03:35 am
My life's pretty simple at the moment too..... No harassment, nothing! Only thing that my sexuality seems to effect is some girls in my classes who go all giggly and think I'm heaps cool cause I like boys like they do!
... And quite frankly, I don't mind! ^.^

People tend to be just curious, and not want to kill me :)

October 26th, 2005, 03:35 am
Stupid dialup making me double-post >.<

October 26th, 2005, 06:17 am
Why is everyone spelling Canada and Canadian wrong D:?

Either way, I'm all for same sex marriages and everything <3

October 26th, 2005, 12:46 pm
I will make alot of money when I grow up. I work hard in life for what I want. I dont expect things to be handed to me like others, I have to work for it. If I work for what I want, I will get it.

What a positive attitude, just remember that things don't always work the way you intend or want them to no matter what you do.

October 28th, 2005, 03:46 am
Why is everyone spelling Canada and Canadian wrong D:?

Either way, I'm all for same sex marriages and everything <3
What are you talking about? Canadia rocks.

October 28th, 2005, 06:16 am
You're mean lol =P

October 28th, 2005, 05:50 pm
its not the person, its their attitude.

October 29th, 2005, 01:27 am
But you left out what many leave out. You make it seem like all homos are like that.

A better way to say that is "Its not what they like, its how some peopels attitudes".

October 29th, 2005, 08:00 am
You're making even less sense than usual RD. That sentence hurts my brain.

October 29th, 2005, 08:10 am

I ment that many people generalise things about Homosexuals to much. When they say gays act funny or act like drama queens, they dont say it like its one particular person, but that all gays are like that. Its just not fair...

October 29th, 2005, 09:37 am
On the topic of homosexuality, Guess who went to the last mardis gra in sydney! ^.^
*points to himself!*

October 29th, 2005, 02:32 pm
And i meant attitude, as attitude twoards men, and wemon.

Also, the great proverb,

"Hate the Sin, love the Sinner."

^^ Keep that in mind.. ^^

October 29th, 2005, 07:52 pm
I really don't mind who people like..
if a guy likes a guy than that's cool. If a guy likes
girls and guys that's cool too. It really doesn't matter, But
If that person just likes Guys you can kind of Tell by the way they act.
I think that Homosexuals Are pretty cool because they are funny. I have
many Homosexual friends, and i love them all <3

November 1st, 2005, 01:23 am

November 1st, 2005, 02:51 am
I don't really care what people prefer, but as long as they don't turn perverted or anything, and they're personality and characteristic is cool, then they're okay in my book.

November 1st, 2005, 08:25 am
Well, i think that homosexuals are no different from anyone else, it is just their choice is different from everyone elses and unofortunately, since it different, it is subject to many discrimination.

however, i really think that to be homosexual is really brave, as it will take so much courage just to "come out" and face soceity. We all know how harsh soceity can be if someone decides to be the unconformist within the group.

I really have nothing against them, and since i go to an all guy school, i dunno, i find it easier to talk to guys anyway, more then girls lols, but anyways. that was beside the point.

yer, i think that soceity is wrong in condemning homosexuals, and what i hate more is when they decide to use the bible as their justification. The bible does state that gay is a sin, but however, if you keep on reading in that passage it also condemns 3 other sins in relation to sexual relationships. divorce is also one of them, but it is amazing that soecity seems to give divorce a blind eye while they focus on the people that are just a little bit different.

but anyways! lol, i will stop here before i write an essay >.> but yer, i can;t see why people are against them, i think that everyone is free to make their own choice and live their own way without being attacked by society.

~White Rider

November 1st, 2005, 10:23 pm
Homosexuals are awesome... I dated a guy that turned bi after me.. which is scary but he's still cool ^^;

I wonder if it's because I'm a slight tomboy D:

Liquid Feet
November 5th, 2005, 02:28 pm
Ugh... Yesterday was HORRIBLE. When my parents and I were out eating, I wasn't as perky as usual, so they asked what the matter was. I told them that one of my friends was having girlfriend troubles, but they didn't believe me (despite it actually having some truth value, I was really sad over the guy I like). So whenever they catch me "lying" to them, they ask me if it has to with THAT (THAT being my bisexuality). I didn't want to just blurt out "Yes" in the middle of a restaurant, nor did I want to lie to them, so I replied with a very awkward silence; of course, they interpreted that silence for the worst, and they start treating me like I have a disease or something.

They SERIOUSLY need to get over it. >_< I'm this close to just standing up to them and saying that if they can't accept me for who I am, they just need to fuck off. -_-

November 5th, 2005, 08:57 pm
well my old school was pretty comfortable with our sexuality, especially the guys, take a look at jsut a few pictures of daily life lol.



we were having some issues with makeup on those days
note* i didn't include myself in any of these pictures.

November 5th, 2005, 09:08 pm
Why is everyone spelling Canada and Canadian wrong D:?

Either way, I'm all for same sex marriages and everything <3

canadia is so much more fun to say than "canada".


*hides from kets*

November 5th, 2005, 10:45 pm
Thats the kind of thing I'd call Canada.

November 5th, 2005, 10:52 pm
When I told my mother, it was in a heat-of-the moment argument. We were yelling at one another because I was moving out the next day and she didn't want me to. Then she just asked, "Are you gay?!"
So I turned around and screamed back the answer, and promptly left, only to hear behind me, "Well that's okay! We'll learn to deal with that"

... We'll learn to deal with that? If there's something about me you need to "Learn to deal woth" Then really you're not worth my time...

I'm currently living with my mum again, and entire state away from my boyfriend, but guess what? I'm moving in with him in January, reguardless of what she says. I don't exactly wish to live with someone who considers a part of me something that needs dealing with.

EDIT: Aahahaha! XD Love the pics AngryBeaver XD

November 6th, 2005, 12:00 am
well my old school was pretty comfortable with our sexuality, especially the guys, take a look at jsut a few pictures of daily life lol.



we were having some issues with makeup on those days
note* i didn't include myself in any of these pictures.

Now here is where I draw the line.
I dont really mind if I like guys, but when I see guys wearing makeup with girl's clothing (Excessively on both terms.) I just get pissed. I dont have anything against guys who are like that, but I dont want to be associated with them. Its already bad enough people think I am a slut or suck dicks for money just because I like guys.

November 6th, 2005, 12:20 am
I have a question about gay males. Why do they have a slight lisp? Is that fake or what? Because females don't have them...

November 6th, 2005, 02:13 am
Lisping is not specific to gay males. There are straight people who do it and gay people who don't.

November 6th, 2005, 06:26 am
*laughs* I love how the lisping stereotype has somehow merged with reality XD

... Though, the sucky thing is, I do have a slight lisp...
Oh dear! :P

November 6th, 2005, 07:42 am
Well, I can say that NOT all gay guys do!

*points at Moreth*

His boyfriend doesn't

*looks at Moreth*

err... he doesn't, does he? XD Maybe I'd better phone him again to check.

Hurry up and come, January, so we's can meet the wonder that is Moreth!!!

And go you on standing up to your mum, little mate (who is a foot taller than me... but YOUNGER and thus can be called little...)

November 6th, 2005, 08:30 am
Lol Hiei, I wonder about that too.

Well, Im sure those images were ment to be a joke. I cannot seriously think those are all gays unless its an all gay school. Dress up day or somthing :/

you know, Ive had urges just to shout out "IM GAY" in class, but I dont have the nerve to open my self to the public so easly...

November 6th, 2005, 04:03 pm
it was some graduation tradition, the girls dressed the guys up; then we ran around town/ school scaring people for the morning :)

only the homophobes who were insecure didn't do it.

November 6th, 2005, 05:46 pm
Men who dress up like women are transvestites, not gays. Transvestites may or may not be gay, like everyone else.

Sometimes I get the impression that any boy/man who doesn't like to swear, hates football, washes more than once a week and can't repair a car must be gay. ;)

Liquid Feet
November 6th, 2005, 06:11 pm
Well... I definitely fit that criterion. ^^; I can't stand swearing when I talk (though I'm a little more loose on the computer), I can't stand football (or any sport, for that matter), I have a serious OCD problem, so I find myself washing my hair and body twice a day, and since I'm still terrified at the idea of driving, It would be silly for me to know how to fix one at this point. >_>;

Neko Koneko
November 6th, 2005, 06:18 pm
Lol Hiei, I wonder about that too.

Well, Im sure those images were ment to be a joke. I cannot seriously think those are all gays unless its an all gay school. Dress up day or somthing :/

you know, Ive had urges just to shout out "IM GAY" in class, but I dont have the nerve to open my self to the public so easly...

What's the use though? Does it make you special? Will it make people suddenly like you?

Who cares if you're gay or not? It doesn't matter to anyone, only you and the guy who you'll be together with in the future. You don't need to shout it out because of that though.

I don't shout out "I'M STRAIGHT" or anything do I? Why do some gay people feel the urge to shout out that they're gay then? Why do some gay people have to make themselves look different like with gay parades? I just don't get it.

Actually, I think people who shout out that they are gay are just attention whores. Mind you, I'm saying the gay's who randomly shout it out or act in gay parades, not the ones who bring it up in an appropiate way.

November 6th, 2005, 06:51 pm
Why do some gay people have to make themselves look different like with gay parades?

Why shouldn't it be celebrated? Admitting you're gay, for some people, is very hard. To be fully comfortable with yourself and your sexuality is a beautiful (and rare) thing.

African Americans celebrate gaining their freedom and the abolishment of slavery every year with parades and other such things. How would this be any different? Gay men and women have been oppressed, are oppressed, and probably will continue to be oppressed for many years to come. Why not celebrate the fact that they can rise above the hate and be comfortable with themselves?

November 6th, 2005, 08:05 pm
yeah... and my friend says it's not really a lisp some of them are just kind of fem. I just want to know why people thought I was gay. >.<

November 6th, 2005, 09:41 pm
Well... I definitely fit that criterion. ^^; I can't stand swearing when I talk (though I'm a little more loose on the computer), I can't stand football (or any sport, for that matter), I have a serious OCD problem, so I find myself washing my hair and body twice a day, and since I'm still terrified at the idea of driving, It would be silly for me to know how to fix one at this point. >_>;

Hehe... It fits me, too. Now, does that mean I'm gay, I wonder? B)

I don't shout out "I'M STRAIGHT" or anything do I? Why do some gay people feel the urge to shout out that they're gay then? Why do some gay people have to make themselves look different like with gay parades? I just don't get it.

The comparison isn't fair. Being straight is the default assumption. (Heck, it's even in the word "straight".) Straight people don't need a counter culture. They have Hollywood. And the record industry. And ice cream commercials.

[Edit: Should have read Fob's post more carefully. This post would have been shorter. She said it already.]

November 6th, 2005, 10:55 pm
What's the use though? Does it make you special? Will it make people suddenly like you?

Who cares if you're gay or not? It doesn't matter to anyone, only you and the guy who you'll be together with in the future. You don't need to shout it out because of that though.

I don't shout out "I'M STRAIGHT" or anything do I? Why do some gay people feel the urge to shout out that they're gay then? Why do some gay people have to make themselves look different like with gay parades? I just don't get it.

Actually, I think people who shout out that they are gay are just attention whores. Mind you, I'm saying the gay's who randomly shout it out or act in gay parades, not the ones who bring it up in an appropiate way.

No, no you got it all wrong. Its not to get attention, its because alot of people I know dont know about my latent homosexuality yet...

Sometimes I get the impression that any boy/man who doesn't like to swear, hates football, washes more than once a week and can't repair a car must be gay.

OMFG *stab* I hate people like that, hate them with a bloody passion. When in fucking hell does repairing cars, foot ball and swearing become a straight thing, let alone a male thing?

November 7th, 2005, 12:08 am
"I have a question about gay males. Why do they have a slight lisp? Is that fake or what? Because females don't have them..."

Fine, most gay males. I was talking about the gay males that do have a slight lisp, but eh. And I'm saying most gay females don't do that. So why do the gay males (that do lisp) do that.

November 7th, 2005, 12:20 am
cause they're trying to sound more femenine with male tones? Maybe it also helps show people they're gay?

November 7th, 2005, 12:40 am
OMFG *stab* I hate people like that, hate them with a bloody passion. When in fucking hell does repairing cars, foot ball and swearing become a straight thing, let alone a male thing?

May I counter with the question when wearing women's clothes has become a gay thing?

They're all clichés; some believe them, some deplore them, some like to use them for jokes - but almost everybody knows them.

I've been mistaken for a homosexual before, and not only once. Apparantly, I'm not the most manly of men (quite a few online-acquaintances thought I was a girl), and, I suppose, once you upset the common expectations of what men are like often enough, they start to wonder why. And the first reason they usually come up with is homosexuality.

Oh, and, if you'd be willing to take a piece of advice, don't hate with a bloody passion. I hear it's bad for the blood pressure. ;)

November 7th, 2005, 01:13 am
Men who dress up like women are transvestites, not gays. Transvestites may or may not be gay, like everyone else.

Sometimes I get the impression that any boy/man who doesn't like to swear, hates football, washes more than once a week and can't repair a car must be gay. ;)
Repairing a car doesnt even come close to telling if a man's gay. In fact, a man is too lazy to even get out of the house let alone fix a car.
Do YOU wash once a week? I think washing once a week is unsanitary.

November 7th, 2005, 01:18 am
Eww, I wash everyday!

Did you know Females are more proficient repairers then males. You know why? Because they have a drive to perfection, and its actualy proven females are better multitaskers then males. So the fucking idiot who originaly said that repairing cars is associated with males is...a fucking idiot.

November 7th, 2005, 01:22 am
Ouch don't forget the part where woman are offended more easily. Please don't kill me.

Maybe on average women are better... but you know guys are going to get more recognition for mechanical achievements and besides our pride would get hurt if we admitted we were beat.

November 7th, 2005, 01:31 am
>.< Wow, these last few responses are just stereotype mania.

November 7th, 2005, 01:32 am
The only reason why males get better mechanical achievements on an average is because stupid world make steriotypes. That made females seem like they arnt sappose to do things like that, and are sappose to stay home and be slaves. If I was confined to such things like that, I would kill my self. But luckly the world is chaning, males are staying home, and females are going to work

November 7th, 2005, 01:38 am
ouch... That's what I was saying except not so harshly. Equality is good but stereotypes will live forever.

November 7th, 2005, 03:02 am
Not Forever. As long as people believe in them they wont disappear.

November 7th, 2005, 03:03 am
As long as one person is a live someone will always believe in some stereotype even if it's their personal one

November 7th, 2005, 03:47 am
Why do some gay people feel the urge to shout out that they're gay then? Why do some gay people have to make themselves look different like with gay parades? I just don't get it.

I've gotta say, through my own experiences, those gays who just wanna run around and shout it from the rooftops are both attention-seeking and eccentric... and are usually frowned upon in the gay community.

As for the gay parades thing, It's much like having a multicultural day, like all the Italians getting out there and doing something for the community, or maybe the Aboriginals getting together and doing something, to share their diversity. Gays like to do the same thing. I went to the last mardi gras in Sydney and damn it was awesome. I can honsetly say the atmosphere couldn't be compared to anything else in the world. It's hard for us, having to live quite sheltered lives, and so it's good to have one day a year where we can burst out onto the streets and be as loud and eccentric as we want.

So I say to all you flamboyant queers, save it for the Mardi Gras :P
And for those who frown upon the Mardis gras? Shame on you! We deserve a day of recognition. I had the chance to march in the last mardis gras, but unfortunately missed out. I know several people who did though, and the thought that they can stand with their fellow man and be proud of who they are isn't something we should be ashamed of.

I'll be at the next mardis gras too, standing there with my boyfriend, and my lesbian friends, watching the parade pass. And nothing will stop me.

November 7th, 2005, 03:51 am
Mardi Gras is Hell! I'm sorry... in hawaii it means people getting drunk in a place where cars are easily accessible. How can you do that knowing how Louisiana is?

November 7th, 2005, 04:06 am
Repairing a car doesnt even come close to telling if a man's gay.

Of course not. I've been overstating (really, really, really overstating) a stereotype.

In fact, a man is too lazy to even get out of the house let alone fix a car.


Do YOU wash once a week? I think washing once a week is unsanitary.

Yes, I wash daily. Multiple times. Most people do, don't they?


I apologise, if I offended anyone. I thought this smiley ;) would have made clear that I'm not quite serious. I must have been wrong.

There are general expectations in society about men; these include technical aptitude, more "relaxed" attitude to hygiene etc. They also include a certain dress code (don't wear women's clothes).

My point, delivered in what I thought was a light-hearted manner, was that thinking of men that dress like women as gay is comparable to other stereotypes about men. I do not think it is on the same error-level as some of those (overstated) stereotypes I've mentioned, but it's still a stereotype. In my life, I have come to know two men who like to wear women's cothes, and none of them were gay.

It appears I'm muddlebrained, and my posts don't always come out clear. Sorry.

November 7th, 2005, 05:27 am
Everyone missed Dawnstorm's sarcasm...

Anyway, being effeminate is not the same as being gay. There are gays that are effeminate and effeminate guys that aren't gay. It's really annoying that when you have long hair and look girlish, everyone assumes you're gay :/

November 7th, 2005, 05:29 am
you're right. my hair is longer than most people's right now, and it's silver. I'm not feminant though. from behind I guess i can look like a girl.

November 7th, 2005, 05:48 am
i'm not sure if this is common in other countries but i find it ticks me off when people use the word "gay" so sublimely. "that's gay" "quit being so #$%^ing gay". it's stuff like that adds fuel to the prejudice fire.

November 7th, 2005, 06:22 am
The only reason why males get better mechanical achievements on an average is because stupid world make steriotypes. That made females seem like they arnt sappose to do things like that, and are sappose to stay home and be slaves.

Or it maybe, just maybe, more males seem to be involved in repairs because the male brain is better suited to spatial, geometric and systematic thinking while women tend to excel in areas of intuition, empathy and communication (which is why women tend to be much better in the business world).

November 7th, 2005, 06:36 am
True. But isnt also true that society fules the human brains with idiotic facts, like females should stay home and shouldnt work, foot ball and muscle makes a man and other things I shouldnt be posting? I blame society for a crule and heartless world, society for the boxes people are stuffed in every day, society for the ridicule people go to for being diffrent from the majority. Society ruined my life and lives of others.

But I must also state society fules the world with love and care, the passion to help others and think twice before acting. Society isnt perfect, but one great aspect of it is the way it teaches the young generation from wrong and right.


To end my rant, sterio typing isnt good, but its a way of life. Hell, im 100% anti-sterio typing, but I do it alot too. Im a hypocryte now.


And about the gay-lisp thing, that only thing I can think of why some gays do that is to sperate them self from the usual. To make a statement and to make another connection from one gay to another (other then the fact they have an intrest in the same sex). Or its physical.

November 7th, 2005, 06:46 am
Stereotypes cannot be relied on, anyway. The old idiom goes that every stereotype has a grain of truth to it, but they are far from reliable as a guide. After all; I'm gay, but I'm quite far from the stereotype. Nobody has ever picked me as what I am from the way I act. On the other hand, I have a friend who is overly neat and does speak with a lisp, but is adamantly straight.

Stereotypes are stupid...I could rant for hours on this topic, but I'll leave it at that.

November 8th, 2005, 01:07 am
Stereotypes cannot be relied on, anyway. The old idiom goes that every stereotype has a grain of truth to it, but they are far from reliable as a guide. After all; I'm gay, but I'm quite far from the stereotype. Nobody has ever picked me as what I am from the way I act. On the other hand, I have a friend who is overly neat and does speak with a lisp, but is adamantly straight.

Stereotypes are stupid...I could rant for hours on this topic, but I'll leave it at that.
you ARE? I always thought you were straight for some odd reason.

November 8th, 2005, 02:22 am
Just goes to show...

November 8th, 2005, 02:52 am
Er... one would PRESUME that Hiei is being sarcastic...

But no, I can quite clearly say that if I didn't KNOW Talon was gay, I wouldn't pick it. But who cares, really? Sexual preference makes NO difference as to whether someone's a great person or not!

November 8th, 2005, 02:56 am
Sarcastic? Oh... darn I missed that... Sexual preferences are weird and just based on experiences. Kinda like how there are so many Emo people in Oahu. ^_^

November 8th, 2005, 03:41 am
Aah Emo's... I swear revlon would go out of buisness if it weren't for them...
(oh please someone pick up on that joke! >.<)

Hiei: Talon's Gay. I'm Gay. We're a happy faggy couple :P Both in RP and out!

November 8th, 2005, 03:45 am
O_O I'm so happy for you you found someone that you like. I'm so close to emo I know exactly what you mean. Everyone said I describe things really sad like an emo person but I'm not emo and I look normal.

November 8th, 2005, 05:43 am
That is good to hear. I was getting a little worried.

November 8th, 2005, 06:16 am
Wow, 30 pages on gays.

I sum up my opinion on gays with : Were still human.

November 8th, 2005, 07:41 am
hyuu hyuu

November 8th, 2005, 11:38 pm
^_^ I can't believe this thread is so long...
I'm happy I'm not emo too... if I was I would be sad.

November 9th, 2005, 04:13 am
I wish you were emo, so you could see how terribly stupid and general that last comment you made was.

November 9th, 2005, 04:16 am
You are right... I should have put more though into it... but what would the point of that be. As god makes evident in the sky all is nothing... ^_^

November 9th, 2005, 08:58 am
Whoops lol, sorrys, wrong theard -_-

anyways, i want to see that one day, everyone can accept homosexual people and that one day, people will be more open minded about it >< since at the moment i think that socety is the ones that are setting to narrow minded images and expectations of what guys and girls should be....i think we should be more open...otherwise =S it will be very difficult to be an individual.

November 10th, 2005, 02:53 am
I'm in a totally different league, and situation, but the discrimination is virtually the same.
I prefer solotude, because I like to be by my self and just think, hoping to find an answer.
we all go through different things, and have different ways of dealing with them. It's only when you lose hope that everything you did in life becomes meaningless.

November 10th, 2005, 06:19 am
I wish clockwerk were homosexual. so he would be ON TOPIC! :P

(... Oh please don't backfire, please don't backfire, please don't backfire...)

November 18th, 2005, 10:53 pm
Who the bloody hell are you?

December 13th, 2005, 09:56 pm
my homosexual male friend just got the living pulp beat out of him today. so bad that he had to be transfered to the hospital. All because people couldn't understand that he didn't choose to be different, he never wanted to be like that and he was hurt because of it.

December 14th, 2005, 11:20 am
my homosexual male friend just got the living pulp beat out of him today. so bad that he had to be transfered to the hospital. All because people couldn't understand that he didn't choose to be different, he never wanted to be like that and he was hurt because of it.

wtF? I am SO SORRY. That is just awful. It's sad how that probably happens all the time (even for other reasons). Did they just come out of the blue because they knew he was homosexual and it annoyed them? Some people are so thick. I would tell you to tell him that I said I hope he becomes better and that he is okay, but then you would have to go into about how you posted about him on the Internet...and that might get twitchy ^.^
Best wishes. I wish we could prevent this kind of thing...

But...he was hurt because he found out he was homosexual? I know you can't necessarily help it, but it seems odd that someone would reject themselves after self-discovery. Well, it doesn't seem that odd now that I think about it. It just makes things seem all the more helpless.

December 15th, 2005, 11:05 pm
I haven't heard from him since then. I think he's still in the hospital. Another girl told me that her best friend since three years old found out she was a lesbian and it spread around school like a wildfire. People said so many nasty things and harrased her, beat her, and she couldn't take it anymore and commited suicide because she was different. I don't understand why people would do such a thing, go to such an extent that people kill themselves because of it. I know, the problem with homosexuals being left alone is nearly impossible, since there always is that one person that thinks differently.

December 17th, 2005, 10:33 pm
It's because people follow the Christian and Catholic churches who just happen to be the cause of suffering for the gay and lesbian cummunity.
I won't even walk into a church because of the hatred they have against the community I am part of.
Hopefully once the older generation dies out their beliefs will die with them, but it may take several generations for that to happen.

December 18th, 2005, 05:07 am
my homosexual male friend just got the living pulp beat out of him today. so bad that he had to be transfered to the hospital. All because people couldn't understand that he didn't choose to be different, he never wanted to be like that and he was hurt because of it.

If life was in my hands, I will just cast bolt 3 on everyone who discriminates anyone else and let them die slowly. They deserve to die if they beat up someone else because of that reason. Makes me want to use that 1 hit kill move on them I know (which I am forbidden to do).

December 19th, 2005, 04:45 am
If you do that, won't you be the same as them? You are basically also discriminating against people with homophobia. Do they really deserve to die? They should get punishment for hurting someone, but is it to the extent you want them dead. Are you sure that just because some people hate homosexuals, they are commiting a great sin?

December 19th, 2005, 08:16 am
Well, you see, homosexuals are every bit as bigoted and intolerant as any other social group. They just like to believe they aren't because in the past they were fiercely persecuted.

December 20th, 2005, 02:02 am
(to late to add my opinion?)

What I've noticed, is the majority of the people who have issues with homosexuality have the excuse "Well the bible says..." and so on. And I have to say, is thats their only excuse then their in deep shit because it isn't the best.

For one, the bible says not to hate, doesn't it? So that is just the homophobic committing a "sin" his or her self.

And also, does anyone really live by the bible these days? (talking about christans here) I mean we all do a lot of things considered wrong in the eyes of a "higher power" like cussing, or even lieing. A proven study shows that the average person lies at least 7 times a day!

So all in all, if "the bible" is your excuse, you can shove those words up your ass. (no offense to christans, I'm one myself (: )

December 20th, 2005, 02:59 am
I didn't think that most people who "listen to the bible" are actually homophobes, they're hardly deathly afraid of them and I don't think that they hate them with a vengance either.

December 20th, 2005, 03:05 am
If you do that, won't you be the same as them? You are basically also discriminating against people with homophobia. Do they really deserve to die? They should get punishment for hurting someone, but is it to the extent you want them dead. Are you sure that just because some people hate homosexuals, they are commiting a great sin?

People with Homophobia only do nothing but discriminate against Homosexuals. Homosexuals on the other hand does no discriminate homophobics, but hates them because of the pain they inflicted upon homosexuals. So what do you expect us to do? Leave them alone and let them discriminate against us? Sure they should be punished, but anyone who inflicts physical wounds upon a homoseual I just wont forgive at all.

December 20th, 2005, 03:40 am
If you do that, won't you be the same as them? You are basically also discriminating against people with homophobia. Do they really deserve to die? They should get punishment for hurting someone, but is it to the extent you want them dead. Are you sure that just because some people hate homosexuals, they are commiting a great sin?

People with Homophobia only do nothing but discriminate against Homosexuals. Homosexuals on the other hand does no discriminate homophobics, but hates them because of the pain they inflicted upon homosexuals. So what do you expect us to do? Leave them alone and let them discriminate against us? Sure they should be punished, but anyone who inflicts physical wounds upon a homoseual I just wont forgive at all.

Yeah, really. You don't see homosexuals trying to ban straight marriage, after all. I must have missed the godhatesstraights websites and the anti-straight hate pamphlets.

December 31st, 2005, 01:02 am
I am somewhat homophobic, but I can't help it. Every gay guy I've been next to gives me a terrible stomachache. Once I got diarrhea(sp?) from sitting next to one who called me hot. :bleh:

I personally think homosexuality is fucked up and I wish it would've never existed. <_<

EDIT: Don't get me wrong, I accept them as people, but I keep my distance due to homophobia and the fact that I think it's mentally degrading.

December 31st, 2005, 01:07 am
whats wrong with a guy calling you hot? it's a compliment.
if a cute girl said that, ud have no problem taking teh compliment, but just a cuz a guy says it, its not a compliment anymore?
and you cant blame homosexuals for their sexual preferences. It's their personal opinion, just as u have ur opinions about being emo.
people can say, they wish emo didnt exist and that they hate it, just as you're saying you wish homosexuality didnt exist.

December 31st, 2005, 01:11 am
whats wrong with a guy calling you hot? it's a compliment.
if a cute girl said that, ud have no problem taking teh compliment, but just a cuz a guy says it, its not a compliment anymore?
and you cant blame homosexuals for their sexual preferences. It's their personal opinion, just as u have ur opinions about being emo.
people can say, they wish emo didnt exist and that they hate it, just as you're saying you wish homosexuality didnt exist.

I guess. Thanks for opening up my eyes to that. ^_^

Like Brian Froud said: "Some [people] trip you up so that, from the floor, you see things from a different perspective."

December 31st, 2005, 01:39 am
I have absoulutely nothing against homosexuals. I mean, like a lot of you have been saying, it's just the way they are. Okay, I don't know anyone who's a gay or anything, so maybe I shouldn't say. Besides, everyone deserves to be loved. Right?

If it just so happens that your soul mate was of the same sex, then what would you do? Run away? Hide?

Okay, I think I'll just shut up. I have absoulutely no idea what I'm saying. Well, just do whatever makes you happiest, I guess.

December 31st, 2005, 04:01 am
I'm with you on that. I'm completely against homosexuality. It's not the way it's meant to be. It's not the way humans were created. I believe in everything Zacharia Sitchen writes and studies and homosexuals just shouldn't be homosexual. It's the way the world is today that contributes to a homosexual's views. And the world today is messed up. People need to look back on ancient times and realize what's there that's not here.

Homosexuals will NEVER find a soul mate of the same sex according to my belief that in creation, we were created from one soul. That soul splits into two, a female and a male. Therefore soul mates of the same sex do not exist.

December 31st, 2005, 04:04 am
Just Disgusting.

*See my post in EMO's Thred for my reply to this thread*

December 31st, 2005, 06:02 am
Eh, wot? How can you say that it was not around in ancient times? People like Socrates, Alexander the Great, Hadrian, Julius Caesar, Michelangelo, Donatello, Christopher Marlowe, Lord Byron, and Oscar Wilde were all noted for having had homosexual tendencies. Thus, we cannot assume that it is a singular trait of modern times. Whether it is natural or not... is a different argument. However, I think that it is plain that it is not a product of today's society.

Liquid Feet
December 31st, 2005, 06:21 am
Don't forget Leonardo da Vinci, Pyramus! ^__^

I personally believe that the Christian religion, or any religion that opposes homosexuality, will eventually crumble because they refuse to adjust to the new world (And since there are sects of such religions that welcome gays and lesbians with open arms, they will probably live on as religious minorities). Does that mean I have anything against Christianity? No; I just think that they need to open up their eyes and accept that, heaven forbid, some people are not the same as everyone else. If your God is so against homosexuality, he wouldn't have made it possible. :P

As for the (un)natural debate, I personally believe that it is natural; I may think this way simply because I'm bisexual myself, but I really have thought on the subject in order to make my opinion as unbiased as possible. Most gays and lesbians will agree that homosexuality was chosen for them-- not by them.

And there is a such thing as same-sex soulmates. In fact, I know these two guys who've been "married" for 26 years, and they're still going strong.

Just my two cents.

December 31st, 2005, 07:16 am
When you think about it, did any of us choose to be straight?

I don't remember a time in my life when I thought, "Hmm, girls or boys?" I just kinda... y'know... defaulted. I'd imagine (though I have no idea) that it was similar for homosexuals.

Liquid Feet
December 31st, 2005, 07:18 am
Good thinking, Pyramus! I didn't even think of it that way.... I love you sometimes~ <3

December 31st, 2005, 08:06 am
I'm with you on that. I'm completely against homosexuality. It's not the way it's meant to be. It's not the way humans were created. I believe in everything Zacharia Sitchen writes and studies and homosexuals just shouldn't be homosexual. It's the way the world is today that contributes to a homosexual's views. And the world today is messed up. People need to look back on ancient times and realize what's there that's not here.

Homosexuals will NEVER find a soul mate of the same sex according to my belief that in creation, we were created from one soul. That soul splits into two, a female and a male. Therefore soul mates of the same sex do not exist.

Im im compleatly against white people and mentaly chalanged people. Now the worlds a better place because the love is going everywhere <_<

I think people need to open their eyes. What if you were, one day, woke up with compleat homosexual feelings. You tell your best friends and they end up acting like you, Keira? Homosexuals have been on earth forever, things like this just dont pop up like that. And if so, when did we just pop up?

I was tought as a child to tollerate everyone, but I cant tollerate and even stand people like you Keira. I just find people like you rude, crule and the core of all the evil people have to suffer through each day. Yes, these are strong and hard words comming from anyone, let alone a 13 year old. But no one choose's their sexual preferences, it just happens. So you should accsept homo's just like I hope you do to people with other skin colors.

December 31st, 2005, 08:39 am
I must just get on well with all sorts of people...homosexual people don't bother me either..along with emo people. I have to homosexual friends...and I'm fine with both of them as long as I don't see them making out with other guys...which I can bare to look at...but I'd only do it if I was forced

December 31st, 2005, 09:05 am
I honestly think it doesn't matter much whether homosexuality is "natural" or not. Heck, answer me this: are computers natural?

For those that care, though: homosexual behaviour in animals doesn't appear to be that rare.

Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality_in_animals)

National Geographic (http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/07/0722_040722_gayanimal.html)

Bidstrup (http://www.bidstrup.com/sodomy.htm)

December 31st, 2005, 09:26 am
Lols, I knew that other things but humans were gay, but to that high extent? Unless monkeys have some hidden TV to allow our gods damn world to influence them to be gay, homosexuality is 100% natural.

Dark Bring
December 31st, 2005, 09:46 am
Homosexuals are a NECESSITY.



This is all about competition. B)

December 31st, 2005, 03:14 pm
Just Disgusting.

*See my post in EMO's Thred for my reply to this thread*

You said it! :heh:

December 31st, 2005, 03:19 pm
Homosexuals are a NECESSITY.



This is all about competition. B)

lol natural selection ,eh?

Demonic Wyvern
December 31st, 2005, 05:25 pm
...Wow, Maestro~ and I don't agree on something. That's a first.:\
I'm perfectly fine with gay people and I think it's natural. Infact, I read somewhere that everyone is bisexual, only in different percentages to certain sides.

December 31st, 2005, 11:48 pm
I'm with you on that. I'm completely against homosexuality. It's not the way it's meant to be. It's not the way humans were created. I believe in everything Zacharia Sitchen writes and studies and homosexuals just shouldn't be homosexual. It's the way the world is today that contributes to a homosexual's views. And the world today is messed up. People need to look back on ancient times and realize what's there that's not here.

Homosexuals will NEVER find a soul mate of the same sex according to my belief that in creation, we were created from one soul. That soul splits into two, a female and a male. Therefore soul mates of the same sex do not exist.

Keira, why is homosexuality not meant to be? Just because humans weren't created by it doesn't mean it isn't meant to be. This is an absolutley ridiculious claim. No matter how you view it, humanity is populating exponentially. If no one was homosexual, this world would be a lot more crowded right now. Things would be a lot worse. There'd be more crime, more starvation, hell-our gas prices would probaly become higher.

December 31st, 2005, 11:52 pm
if its not meant to be, why is it? are you contradicting Gods work, God made gay people, so you saying it is wrong is blasphemy. haha checkmate!

January 1st, 2006, 12:07 am
Hmm, I don't see it as God creating homosexuals. A blacksmith makes a sword, true he knows what it could be used for. The warrior is who determines what they will use it for. It's up to the person weilding, not the creator.

January 1st, 2006, 12:11 am
Hmm, I don't see it as God creating homosexuals. A blacksmith makes a sword, true he knows what it could be used for. The warrior is who determines what they will use it for. It's up to the person weilding, not the creator.

yes, but people are born gay, it clearly isn't a choice because people would not choose to live a life of repression and discrimination.

January 1st, 2006, 12:20 am
if its not meant to be, why is it? are you contradicting Gods work, God made gay people, so you saying it is wrong is blasphemy. haha checkmate!

God can be just as bad as the Devil; he can be a real bitch. Plus, it can be as Diamond said. And I disagree that people are born gay.

January 1st, 2006, 12:25 am
yes, but people are born gay, it clearly isn't a choice because people would not choose to live a life of repression and discrimination.

It's still a choice, look at michael jackson, he was born black... he got to be white! (LOL jk)
That's a beleif, being born gay. There is also a belief that men are born in sin. You could sit and beleive in these things in order to back yourself up, but why? If you don't feel that it is wrong why throw God in there to make it seem even better? Is it because someone used God to make you sound wrong? Regardless, my moral is that I don't appreciate people using God to make things right, not everyone beleives in him anyways.

hell-our gas prices would probaly become higher. LOL!!

January 1st, 2006, 01:02 am
God can be just as bad as the Devil; he can be a real bitch. Plus, it can be as Diamond said. And I disagree that people are born gay.

If not, then when do people choose to be gay or stright? Babies are known to play homosexual games with each other you know.

Keira, why is homosexuality not meant to be? Just because humans weren't created by it doesn't mean it isn't meant to be. This is an absolutley ridiculious claim. No matter how you view it, humanity is populating exponentially. If no one was homosexual, this world would be a lot more crowded right now. Things would be a lot worse. There'd be more crime, more starvation, hell-our gas prices would probaly become higher.

Im not so sure about that. Im not going to say its wrong, but im just a bit flustered about the idea. The streets of our current world are more safer then the streets of 50 years ago. Crime rates have droped everywhere in the world. Even America! Who would have guessed.

But is it because of the uprise of Homosexuality? Im not sure. There have been Homosexuals everywhere for all time, and it may only seem like theres more now because the world has become more tollerant of peoples diffrences and because of fast communication devices (TV's, Computers).

January 1st, 2006, 02:14 am
I'd like to refer you people believing that homosexuality is a choice to my post (http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?p=209073#post209073) in the emo kid thread, where emo kid were labeled by a video clip as being homosexual at time, and were negatively discriminated against by a few members here. If you are Christian, then it should be assumed that you believe God created us, or our spirit anyways. And with our spirit comes our feelings, emotions, and personality. Being gay is not about choice, it is about preference. It's not about who you choose to have sex with, it's who you want to have sex with. I clearly explain in that thread why we can not change our wants at leisure.

January 1st, 2006, 06:18 am
Sorry Nightmare, I didn't mean to get you flustered or anything. I was just trying to say that we shouldn't have to use Religion to back up what we find moral is all.

January 1st, 2006, 06:21 am
I am somewhat homophobic, but I can't help it. Every gay guy I've been next to gives me a terrible stomachache. Once I got diarrhea(sp?) from sitting next to one who called me hot. :bleh:

I personally think homosexuality is fucked up and I wish it would've never existed. <_<

EDIT: Don't get me wrong, I accept them as people, but I keep my distance due to homophobia and the fact that I think it's mentally degrading.

Alot of homosexuals are in the closet or they like guys but do not show that side at all and appears completely heterosexual.

So dont express hate towards homosexuals just because one guy called you hot.

As for the (un)natural debate, I personally believe that it is natural; I may think this way simply because I'm bisexual myself, but I really have thought on the subject in order to make my opinion as unbiased as possible. Most gays and lesbians will agree that homosexuality was chosen for them-- not by them.

Okay. Here's the truth. I am bi, but I dont want to like guys. Does that mean I chose to become bi? No. Straight from a bi guy who rejects his own sexual preference.

January 1st, 2006, 02:50 pm
if its not meant to be, why is it? are you contradicting Gods work, God made gay people, so you saying it is wrong is blasphemy. haha checkmate!

haha how stupid are you. hod didnt make gay people, he codemns them. there was a place called sodom and gomora and it was filled with homosexuals and god so hated homosexuality that he destroyed the city. if your are a homosexual you goto hell. yet how can you say god made it. that in itself is ignorance.
A personal opinion is as ive said many times before. I dont hate gays, i had a friend at college who was an extremely camp gay and he made each lesson a funny and pleasant 1. I just dont agree with what they do thats all

January 1st, 2006, 02:52 pm
haha how stupid are you. hod didnt make gay people, he codemns them. there was a place called sodom and gomora and it was filled with homosexuals and god so hated homosexuality that he destroyed the city. if your are a homosexual you goto hell. yet how can you say god made it. that in itself is ignorance.
A personal opinion is as ive said many times before. I dont hate gays, i had a friend at college who was an extremely camp gay and he made each lesson a funny and pleasant 1. I just dont agree with what they do thats all

oh, sorry, i forgot gay people just grow out the ground.
and where the hell is that fairy tale about sodom mentioned in the bible? really, i'd like a reference.
*God is spelt with a G, a capital G. show some respect.

January 1st, 2006, 03:10 pm
Genesis chapter 19

January 1st, 2006, 03:13 pm
Genesis chapter 19

ah yes, i particuarly liked the parts where acid fell from the sky, and a lady turned into a pile of salt for looking where she was told not to. they should make that into a movie.

are we to actually see that as credible to your argument?

January 1st, 2006, 03:24 pm
well im not gonna get arguementative to a 14 year old newbie of the forum who gets his jollies off to causing heated arguements. its called a discussion, newbie meaning points of view, you wanted a reference, i gave you one.

January 1st, 2006, 03:30 pm
well im not gonna get arguementative to a 14 year old newbie of the forum who gets his jollies off to causing heated arguements. its called a discussion, newbie meaning points of view, you wanted a reference, i gave you one.

if you're going to be patronising, don't be a hypocrite as well. you called me stupid, calling somebody stupid is derogatory and arguementative. i'm having a discussion without the use of insults. this is cleary a concept you are new to, oh ancient ruler of Ichigo's forums. oh, and i'm 15. i don't care for how old you are, but you still can't spell a 3-letter word, so clearly it is not a case of age before wisdom.
i'm not going to argue with what you say anymore, because i don't want enemies.