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June 6th, 2006, 10:25 am
mm, i 'gree with Doxy (who got post #1000!) seeing as I use the word "queer" to mean "strange", like a queer situation, or feeling queer in the stomach. So to me, that sounds like someone who's gay, it makes them sound like they aren't "right" and that is pretty damn offensive.

@yousee: so you're saying if the majority of people gay, then straight people would face the same discrimmination? Hmm, I spose you could think like that. Though it wouldn't really do much. Would it?

June 6th, 2006, 01:50 pm
Inu: If the societal norm was to be gay, if religion and science and all that is awesome and powerful in the past determined that homosexuality was normal, then descrimination wouldn't be an issue.

It's all about the societal norms, most of which these days have been derived from religion, another fun topic to discuss :P

I don't think it's a minority issue, I just think it's a social issue that outdates jesus himself. Babies are born from heterosexual sex, therefore, it is hailed as awesome and the right way. Any other way would therefore, in effect, be wrong.

June 6th, 2006, 04:09 pm
I find the term "queers" offensive to the maximum level.

Oooh, my bad! Sorry >.< I wasn't meaning to be, thats just the word I normally use. Once again, sorry, I'll watch myself better next time and substitute it with something much more well-mannered.

June 6th, 2006, 11:54 pm
Inu: If the societal norm was to be gay, if religion and science and all that is awesome and powerful in the past determined that homosexuality was normal, then descrimination wouldn't be an issue.

It's all about the societal norms, most of which these days have been derived from religion, another fun topic to discuss :P

I don't think it's a minority issue, I just think it's a social issue that outdates jesus himself. Babies are born from heterosexual sex, therefore, it is hailed as awesome and the right way. Any other way would therefore, in effect, be wrong.

But why act crule to homosexuals? You dont beat people up who have mental dissabilities, do you? It may not be how you have children but we are all humans.

June 6th, 2006, 11:58 pm
But why act crule to homosexuals? You dont beat people up who have mental dissabilities, do you? It may not be how you have children but we are all humans.
Cause people are stupid =P

June 7th, 2006, 12:32 am
It seems that all here are gays, and if they are not are conscientious in that they make, because I know that is difficult I am not homosexual, but by not liking soccer in Brazil I was placed here as one, esta certain that ja I settled with other men and was good, until I repeated other times, but to arrive at the point to fight was alone a time and leaves earning therefore had Gloria in whom I made, exactly thus not exatamete what I wanted! I wait that they understand, as ja said me other times in others fóruns is brasileirop and I do not know to say right English, but would like to talk and to change messages particular (MP) with the staff!

Another thing, if somebody to know to say to some thing of Portuguese plz, says with me in Portuguese I to understand better!

Valew(fulfilment made in Brazil)

June 7th, 2006, 12:55 am
But why act crule to homosexuals? You dont beat people up who have mental dissabilities, do you?

I think it's because a person with a mental disability doesn't have a choice.

June 7th, 2006, 12:58 am
So you say, with nothing to back you up, that homosexuality is a choice? Did you choose who you feel physicaly and mentaly attracted to?

If you when? LOL

June 7th, 2006, 12:59 am
Good point, but at the same time it sounds almost as if you're saying the Homosexuality is a mental disorder.

June 7th, 2006, 01:01 am
If so then Hetrosexuality is a mental disorder, or in general, love is.

June 7th, 2006, 01:08 am
Easy, I wasn't saying homosexuality was a disorder. I guess you could compare love in general to a kind of disorder though, but disorder probably isnt the best word for it. Hmm... society in general feels sorry for people with mental disorders, but acts cruel towards homosexuals. I guess society doesn't see homosexuality as something that a person doesn't have a choice about then.

June 7th, 2006, 01:12 am
I think it all starts with people who arnt smart (sort of). Those I speak of only think what others think and soon a whole city says that homosexuality is wrong. Then some say its perfectly okay but the majority finds a stupid reason, made up or not, to make it seem wrong. Hell, I know many who say its wrong and they dont know why. Why? Because of other idiots.

You know, as stupid as I may sound but I try to think far into the past to find out where all this discrimination started from and all I can conjour up is Christianity saddly. It may be that its true or im set on making the religion sound bad.

June 7th, 2006, 01:48 pm
I think it all starts with people who arnt smart (sort of). Those I speak of only think what others think and soon a whole city says that homosexuality is wrong. Then some say its perfectly okay but the majority finds a stupid reason, made up or not, to make it seem wrong. Hell, I know many who say its wrong and they dont know why. Why? Because of other idiots.

You know, as stupid as I may sound but I try to think far into the past to find out where all this discrimination started from and all I can conjour up is Christianity saddly. It may be that its true or im set on making the religion sound bad.

I think that's way out of line Radical_Dreamer, The Church, while it may have had an impact on negative attitudes towrads homosexuals, didn't do the entire thing by itself, I think you'll find that in may secular and non-Christian societies frown on homosexuals. The real reason is probably because homosexuals are different, they are an minority and they do nothing to progress the human race. To say that one church caused this is simply discrimination on your part, tolerance is a two way street you know.

June 7th, 2006, 01:57 pm
for me, being homosexual is not a disorder or something, it's just way where you express your inner self, too bad for some people it's disgusting... they are also humans... you don't become an alien or a monster when your a homo... and they are also made by god... and the church worships god... so what's their point?... can someone tell what's bad being homosexual?

btw... i'm not homo fyi... ^.^

June 7th, 2006, 03:38 pm
As I said before, homosexuals are seen as bad and frowned upon because they:
1) Don't do anything to progress human development (ie. Reproduce)
2) have been frowned upon long before any of us were even born. When the church was in power, it told us homosexuality was punishable by death (and in some countries, still is) so it's been implanted in the social structure of the world for much longer than any of us could even imagine.
3) It's different. People don't like it when things are different. They don't understand them, and they get confused. Why would someone like someone of the same sex? I mean, they'd have to have sex all wrong! They couldn't even have BABIES! Therefore they come to the conclusion that:
4) Homosexuals are presumed to be either ill, or stupid. If homosexuality is a disease, then I'm sure there would be a lot of people out there who would be proud and willing to hang onto that disease. I know I would

The anger and frustration towards homosexuals comes because the glbt community is reaching out for rights. The right to give blood, the right to marriage, the right to legally adopt children. They're trying to make themselves part of what people classify as "normal", and the people who don't understand, or for some reason just don't agree with their way of life, are getting angry. They don't want these people having the same rights as they do. They're straight. They're better. They should have more power over the minority. That's how a society works, isn't it? There's gotta be an underdog somewhere?

I've got a lot of passion on a lot of the subjects I mentioned above... Heh, and yes, it's because I'm gay, and it's because I've had to use these arguments to defend myself and my pride.

Worst thing is, when you present the facts, being met with a wall of ignorance and immaturity...

But now I'm getting off track, getting too far into personal experience. The fact remains that homosexuals remain a minority, and will do for a very long time. Untill they are recognised in society, in the legal system and by the community around them, as normal, functioning members of society, they will remain a minority...

June 8th, 2006, 12:36 am
I think that's way out of line Radical_Dreamer, The Church, while it may have had an impact on negative attitudes towrads homosexuals, didn't do the entire thing by itself, I think you'll find that in may secular and non-Christian societies frown on homosexuals. The real reason is probably because homosexuals are different, they are an minority and they do nothing to progress the human race. To say that one church caused this is simply discrimination on your part, tolerance is a two way street you know.

I dont think its out of line. Even if they didnt start the idea they sure as hell kept it around for a long time. I do know for a fact if Christianity droped all of it a big majority of the discrimination in the world, for any reason, will end. You can think its not true, but thats how I see it.

If teachers stop teaching, many wont be learn.

June 8th, 2006, 10:32 am
i think RD is right. the pope just declared yesterday that same-sex marriages are an 'eclipse of God'.
who more influential in the christian/catholic religion is more likely to keep homosexuality frowned upon than the bloody pope?

June 8th, 2006, 11:08 am
^^ gandhi. but seriously now. its been hinted at in past statements that christians are the majority of people who have some sort of negative bias against homosexually oriented people. i just want to clarify that in some churches, their teaching is that homosexuality is a sin, and sin will prevent you from going to heaven. so sometimes you will hear a church-go-er say, "homosexuality is wrong". maybe the some of the same people have overstepped the "line" by saying there's something "weird" with you if you are homosexual. however, there is nothing wrong with voicing your opinion about what is morally right or wrong. right now, im mainly stepping to the defense of the american church and say that most of the time, unfair biases are not the case. they are just putting out their concerns.

June 8th, 2006, 02:40 pm
I actually agree with the church though. Homosexual marriage IS wrong.

If homosexuality is religiously a sin, then same sex couples should be denied the right to religiously be married.

I don't, however, agree that they should be LEGALLY denied the right.

Marriage has a big influence in the legal system. Adoption, medical, living, governmential; I know there are plenty of laws differentiating married couples from couples. THAT is where the problem is. Let the religions have their holy sacrilitious seremony, but homosexual couples want the rights that go with it.

Homosexuality may have no positive place it religion, but it should definately have an equal place in the legal system.

The french have it figured out. They have a legal alternative for marriage for gay couples. Keeps things equal for the law, and unblasphemous for the church!

June 8th, 2006, 11:07 pm
Correction: It has no positive place in Judaism and its two children. Other religions either dont care or accept the fact that were all humans that think a bit diffrently.

June 8th, 2006, 11:54 pm
I actually agree with the church though. Homosexual marriage IS wrong.

If homosexuality is religiously a sin, then same sex couples should be denied the right to religiously be married.

I don't, however, agree that they should be LEGALLY denied the right.

Marriage has a big influence in the legal system. Adoption, medical, living, governmential; I know there are plenty of laws differentiating married couples from couples. THAT is where the problem is. Let the religions have their holy sacrilitious seremony, but homosexual couples want the rights that go with it.

Homosexuality may have no positive place it religion, but it should definately have an equal place in the legal system.

The french have it figured out. They have a legal alternative for marriage for gay couples. Keeps things equal for the law, and unblasphemous for the church!
That's cheap though. America was founded as a Protestant nation. "Marriage" was secularized. Copied over. Copied. That means it works the same way.

June 9th, 2006, 12:50 am
Theres nothing wrong with them really... =\ I mean i dont have anything against them...

June 9th, 2006, 06:11 am
Woah... I am in love with your set Lunii...

Anyways, Darksage, I don't mind that homosexuals shouldn't get married. I just wish there were an alternate for it, so that they could gain the same legal rights.

And let's not get into the American legal system being based on religion... *twitch*

Neko Koneko
June 10th, 2006, 01:33 pm
In the Netherlands gay people are allowed to get married. Not in a church perhaps, but it's still called marriage nonetheless. We have two kind of marriages after all, the church one and the official one. Just getting married in Church isn't enough, that's merely a ceremony. You have to do it at city hall to get officially married. Gays don't go to church to get married, obviously, but the legal marriage is the same for everyone here.

That way we keep state and church seperated. The US and all those other Christian countries can learn from little countries like the Netherlands, where state and religion are really seperate things.

America calls itself the land of the free, yet they spy on you everywhere, if you say something bad about America you risk getting the FBI or the CIA after you, and the church is really what everything is based upon there. Over here we might have had the church as a base a long time ago, but nowadays it's not anymore because like I said before, the Church has some really outdated views that were okay 2000 years ago, but are really behind on the facts these day. Accepting gays is one thing they are really behind in, but also stuff like anticonception. Who would take that katholic believe seriously? I mean, come on, they claim the AIDS virus goes through condoms so there's no reason for people to use them. How retarded is that?

June 10th, 2006, 04:30 pm
Woah... I am in love with your set Lunii...

Anyways, Darksage, I don't mind that homosexuals shouldn't get married. I just wish there were an alternate for it, so that they could gain the same legal rights.

And let's not get into the American legal system being based on religion... *twitch*
Well like I said, that would diminish the entire meaning of being "legally" married, if homosexuals could get the same rights without even being married.

Neko Koneko
June 10th, 2006, 04:32 pm
So because they're homosexual they don't deserve the same rights? Just because they are different they should be treated like less? That's quite rubbish, really.

June 10th, 2006, 05:25 pm
What they're asking for is like a white guy applying for a scholarship with the United Negro College Fund and actually expecting to get it.

Neko Koneko
June 10th, 2006, 05:32 pm
Then that united negro college fund is a piece of crap. You just compare one example of discrimination with another example of discrimination. Rather compare it to a black person not being allowed into an American school cos he's black.

June 10th, 2006, 05:34 pm
No I am comparing the purposes of each institution. The UNCF is for blacks. Marriage is for a man and woman.

Neko Koneko
June 10th, 2006, 05:39 pm
That's discrimination. They should be allowed same rights. Black and white people should have the same rights, there shouldn't even be a need for special black or white organizations, there just shouldn't be. Same with marriage. According to the church it's a bond between man and woman, but why can't it be a bond between two people who love eachother? what's wrong with that?

It doesn't exactly hurt anyone or so. Just two people who love eachother and want to get it legally arranged. There doesn't even need to be a church for that, like I said, in the Netherlands there are seperated ceremonies in the church and at the city hall, the last one being the official one which is the most imortant one. Why can a country like America, that screams out to be so free and great and all, not do something like that? Why does the country with the most technically advances in the world live by a book that's written 2000 year ago and let it influence their law system? What's the freedom in that?

June 10th, 2006, 05:48 pm
Why can't it be a bond between any two people you say? Because thats not how it is. "Legal" marriage is nothing more than a copied version of true marriage (religious), so it has the same standards. That's why we have "civil unions"

Honestly, I dont care if they get the same rights married people do. As long as they dont receive the "right" *cough* to marry it doesn't bother me

June 10th, 2006, 09:35 pm
So marrige is a shallow bowl of milk that any two people of the diffrent gender and swim in? It has nothing to do with love or a relationship you want to keep?

Legal marrige isnt a copy of anything, its just so the government reconised you are married to someone and what you have is legaly shared with the spouse.

Neko Koneko
June 10th, 2006, 09:44 pm
Don't bother discussing with that guy RD, he's a shallow minded Christian who won't listen to any reasoning but his own.

June 10th, 2006, 09:55 pm
I watch too much southpark and when i see a man wearing pink.... just bugs me

June 10th, 2006, 09:57 pm
Why can't it be a bond between any two people you say? Because thats not how it is. "Legal" marriage is nothing more than a copied version of true marriage (religious), so it has the same standards. That's why we have "civil unions"

Honestly, I dont care if they get the same rights married people do. As long as they dont receive the "right" *cough* to marry it doesn't bother me
No, marriage isn't a strictly Christian thing. All cultures or religions have their own ceremonies for marriage.

Elton John is married to some gay guy. I bet that cuts you up deep inside doesn't it?

June 10th, 2006, 10:52 pm
Marriage is, I assume, just an English word. The tradition of the joining of two people do range from other cultures too. Hindus get married, Aztecs got married and I know many other religions incorperated marriage.

So why do Christians get to dictate it everything? Dont answer the questions, just think about it.

June 11th, 2006, 12:27 am
No, marriage isn't a strictly Christian thing. All cultures or religions have their own ceremonies for marriage.

Elton John is married to some gay guy. I bet that cuts you up deep inside doesn't it?
*shrugs* Shit happens. different countries have different laws.

June 11th, 2006, 05:29 am
Darksage: All I'm saying is that if the lagal rights that come with marriage were available to homosexual couples, I'd be fine with it. I totally agree, 100% the marriage should be between a man and a woman, but I don't agree that two people who love each other can't have the same rights as a married couple.

Say, for example, a wife is injured in a car accident. Her husband is the first person they admit to the hospital room, and nobody else.

What if a gay man were injured in a car accident. The hospital wouldn't recognise their relationship, because they're not married, so he wouldn't be allowed into the room.

It's the laws like that that I have a problem with. Either change those laws (which I don't think should happen, cause hey, they work) or balance out "marriage" as a lawful thing, not just a religious thing.

June 11th, 2006, 02:09 pm
Darksage: All I'm saying is that if the lagal rights that come with marriage were available to homosexual couples, I'd be fine with it. I totally agree, 100% the marriage should be between a man and a woman, but I don't agree that two people who love each other can't have the same rights as a married couple.

Say, for example, a wife is injured in a car accident. Her husband is the first person they admit to the hospital room, and nobody else.

What if a gay man were injured in a car accident. The hospital wouldn't recognise their relationship, because they're not married, so he wouldn't be allowed into the room.

It's the laws like that that I have a problem with. Either change those laws (which I don't think should happen, cause hey, they work) or balance out "marriage" as a lawful thing, not just a religious thing.
Fine. I think we all know it'll happen eventually. First this happened to slaves, then immigrants, then women, then freed blacks, then japanese, then communists, now homosexuals.

June 11th, 2006, 06:44 pm
You make it sound like all those things you listed are bellow males, bellow humans and okay by moral standards.


June 12th, 2006, 02:46 am
Oooh, and I just read that Homosexual marriage was ATTEMPTED to be outlawed in the US, but Bush failed! So, woo! One more step for equality!

Unfortunately, here in Australia, the primie minister (soon to be voted out of parliament I hope) has said that same sex marriage is now illegay. Apparently he slipped the law right under our noses, but the funny thing is (and the same goes in the US) that law should be dictated by state parliament, not federal :P

So, there's still one state who is self-ruled in Australia that has legalised gay marriage, and the opposition in Australian parliament agree that it should be legalised ^.^

Damn I can't wait till I'm old enough to vote. Opposition in the lead... Mmmm...

So yes, that's news for today!

Neko Koneko
June 12th, 2006, 11:24 pm
You make it sound like all those things you listed are bellow males, bellow humans and okay by moral standards.


It is, it's a complete racistic post in my eyes. I'm gonna change his one-week ban in a lifetime ban. Don't need people like him here.

June 13th, 2006, 02:38 am
It is, it's a complete racistic post in my eyes. I'm gonna change his one-week ban in a lifetime ban. Don't need people like him here.
Sigh. it wasn't a racist post. It a list of groups of people who were denied their rights in america but all ended up getting them in the end. I did not claim my race was superior to homosexuals. Homosexuality isnt even a race. I'm not a racist. My statement was actually for the homosexual movement, if you read it more carefully.

June 13th, 2006, 03:15 am
Honestly, I dont care if they get the same rights married people do. As long as they dont receive the "right" *cough* to marry it doesn't bother me

No I am comparing the purposes of each institution. The UNCF is for blacks. Marriage is for a man and woman.

June 13th, 2006, 04:51 am
As long as they dont receive the "right" *cough* to marry it doesn't bother me

excuse me, but I sure as hell didn't ask to be gay. I didn't ask to be attracted to guys, and I sure as hell didn't ask for you to bring your narrow-minded bigot'd ass in here and tell us that you don't think we should get the "right" to marry. I hope you have a nice afterlife in Hell or whatever, because with the attitude you have and your racist and bigot'd comments that is the only place any god would let your ass into.

to me marriage is about love. you love someone and they love you - so you marry them. What does Sex have to do with it? I mean really? Gender? Male Male? Female Male? Female Female? Who cares?! Damnit I hate people that are so set in old ways that they end up with a 1 or 2 digit IQ. It seems to be happening more and more especially with that moron of a president we have now, and after him we'll probably have an even bigger moron. You know what? I don't care what you think. All I know is what I believe, marriage is about love, not about some backwards old rules and regulations set forth in some dusty old tome written by some guys that were sitting around with nothing better to do than to pretend that they were being used by god to write a story book. Love can make things happens. Love no matter with what gender it is with, it is still beautiful.

sorry about the rant but damn Darksage makes me mad.

June 13th, 2006, 05:00 pm
America calls itself the land of the free, yet they spy on you everywhere, if you say something bad about America you risk getting the FBI or the CIA after you, and the church is really what everything is based upon there.

What the hell are you talking about? The FBI and CIA don't give a fuck what individuals say, good or bad about america. That's why we have freedom of speach. On top of that, the reason the church is what lots of things are based upon over here is because the majority of the U.S.A. are Christians, and guess what...America is a democracy.

Also, I am really getting tired of all this bullshit, ya'll blaming all this discrimination against the Church and heterosexuals. I bet you'll find if you keep your dicks and your thoughts to yourself that no one is ever going to give a shit about any fucking thing you do. You have as many fucking rights as anyone else does, you just think you are being discriminated against. If people don't know that your gay, then people won't care if your gay.

Now I want ya'll to THINK about what I said and dont go flaming out on me cuz it offended you. It's my fucking opinion.

June 13th, 2006, 05:47 pm
Excuse me but that is the downright most sexist thing I've ever heard. Keep our dicks to outselves? what the fuck? we don't walk around trying to screw everything that walks, at least, most of us don't. Keep our thoughts to ourselves? What kind of closed-minded idiot are you? Thoughts are to be expressed and built upon. Why don't you keep your thoughts to yourself, since that seems to be the way you want all of us to be.

If people don't know that your gay, then people won't care if your gay.

Screw you too buddy. Do you try to hide the fact that you're straight? Why should we have to hide the fact that we're gay? So... we shouldn't kiss our lover in public? Shouldn't hold hands? Shouldn't get married? That's what it sounds like your saying, because doing any of those things would point out to people that we are, in fact, gay.

June 13th, 2006, 06:31 pm
Excuse me but that is the downright most sexist thing I've ever heard. Keep our dicks to outselves? what the fuck? we don't walk around trying to screw everything that walks, at least, most of us don't. Keep our thoughts to ourselves? What kind of closed-minded idiot are you? Thoughts are to be expressed and built upon. Why don't you keep your thoughts to yourself, since that seems to be the way you want all of us to be.

Screw you too buddy. Do you try to hide the fact that you're straight? Why should we have to hide the fact that we're gay? So... we shouldn't kiss our lover in public? Shouldn't hold hands? Shouldn't get married? That's what it sounds like your saying, because doing any of those things would point out to people that we are, in fact, gay.

First off, keep your dicks to yourselves wasn't meant to be taken literally. Secondly, when I say keep your thoughts to yourselves, I mean don't go blaming other people because YOU are a minority. You can kiss and hold hands in public all the fuck you want, your the one being frowned upon. If you don't like being frowned upon, then don't kiss and hold hands in public. The majority isn't going to change their thoughts because the minority are sick of being frowned upon. Accept it and grow the fuck up. I don't even know why this topic is still open.

June 13th, 2006, 06:57 pm
First off, keep your dicks to yourselves wasn't meant to be taken literally. Secondly, when I say keep your thoughts to yourselves, I mean don't go blaming other people because YOU are a minority. You can kiss and hold hands in public all the fuck you want, your the one being frowned upon. If you don't like being frowned upon, then don't kiss and hold hands in public. The majority isn't going to change their thoughts because the minority are sick of being frowned upon. Accept it and grow the fuck up. I don't even know why this topic is still open.

First of all....I thought you were a mature guy with some sense in him.
That (^) post is one of the most disgusting things Ive ever read,

I cant speak for Para (or anyone else) but I believ Para dosent blame anyone about homosexuals being a minority, he blames people for discriminating them.

Fact is he shouldn't be frowned upon. I for one dont enjoy seeing gay people kiss (I feel all WTF, and awkward when I know them) but I dont blame em for it, infact im embarrased to feel like that because it goes againts my moral beliefs.

Accept it and grow the fuck up. I don't even know why this topic is still open.

Society needs to grow the fuck up, mindless idiots who say gay people are freaks need to grow the fuck up. IDK how homosexuals can put up with all that crap.

This thread is still open cause people want to know eachothers opinions and compare and contrast them (and lets face it Homosexuality is a topic that will always be controversial).

June 13th, 2006, 07:05 pm
Kay, lemme clean up my writing a bit. I never said that they should be discriminated, I said that they are and that they always will be. I personally really don't have a thing against gay people at all. It is the (as you said) "mindless people who say gay people are freaks" who are discriminating against gays. As someone mentioned before, a poll was taken to make gay marriage illegal. It failed. What does that show? The majority of society in the U.S. doesn't have a problem with it, but its the heterosexuals who think gays are freaks that everyone is always listening to, then they automatically assume that the majority IS discriminating against gays when they aren't. (I hope that made sense)

I apologize for comming off sexist, I wasn't meaning to. I was supplying an answer of how to not be descriminated against, and that would be to not be gay in public. That fixes being personally descriminated against, however I believe gays will always be a minority and always will be frowned upon.

June 13th, 2006, 07:12 pm
Eep, this is one looong thread. >.o

I don't understand why people think it's okay to have an opinion on homosexuality in the first place. Just because someone is a certain way doesn't automatically give you the right to judge them for it. Some people are gay, whether you like it or not, and you're just gonna have to deal with that. Don't call it right and don't call it wrong -- just let it be. Saying that you hate gay people is like saying that you hate black people. It is ridiculous, ignorant, and it just makes you look like an ass.

June 13th, 2006, 07:19 pm
They will probably always be a minority, problem is they shouldnt be discriminated (never said you did, or wanted them to be I meant loads of people do and they shouldnt.) I dont think Para (Im going to use Para anytime I mean a random homosexual) should hide his feelings or stop touching/showing his affection to his parter (aslong as its decent) instead people should keep their dickwad comments to themselves.

BTW apology accepted :D

June 14th, 2006, 02:24 am
What the hell are you talking about? The FBI and CIA don't give a fuck what individuals say, good or bad about america. That's why we have freedom of speach. On top of that, the reason the church is what lots of things are based upon over here is because the majority of the U.S.A. are Christians, and guess what...America is a democracy.

Correction: Republic Democracy. There is a big diffrence from the way they work.

Also, why cant we change how people look at minorities? Mexicans are a majority and are looked down by even minorites, blacks are minorities and are looked up by majorities. And you saying that crap doesnt make you look that smart and nice and doesnt even help homosexuals.

Your hand was chopped off, deal with it. Your baby is being raped, get used to it. People get cancer, get used to it.

Well Asuka, we wont get used to it. Untill idiots like you are either all dead or more prudent then we should all fight to try and teach human morals based on equality and kindness.

Also, why did you ask why this thread is open? It could be closed, because people like you.

June 14th, 2006, 04:59 pm
Correction: Republic Democracy. There is a big diffrence from the way they work.

Also, why cant we change how people look at minorities? Mexicans are a majority and are looked down by even minorites, blacks are minorities and are looked up by majorities. And you saying that crap doesnt make you look that smart and nice and doesnt even help homosexuals.

Your hand was chopped off, deal with it. Your baby is being raped, get used to it. People get cancer, get used to it.

Well Asuka, we wont get used to it. Untill idiots like you are either all dead or more prudent then we should all fight to try and teach human morals based on equality and kindness.

Also, why did you ask why this thread is open? It could be closed, because people like you.

Where to start... None of those analogies work at all. Mexicans are only a majority in texas and surround areas and are looked down by because alot of them illegally crossed the border. Blacks are looked up because they were slaves once, became free, treated like shit, and then they still fought for more rights and abtained them. You have to respect people like that. Don't you dare compare homosexuals to them, they have nothing in common. Tell me, have you ever seen a "no gays" sign on any public building or recreation? No. Stop comparing homosexuals to something that they are totally different from, they have as many rights as anyone else. Also, your making it out to seem that being a minority is something bad. So what if not alot of people are like you? You should be proud of it. The only way they won't be a minority is if straight guys suddenly turn gay. And it is only like 1% of the population who actually take physical or verbal action against homosexuals.

Also, don't you EVER call me an idiot again. I have a right to opinion and if you don't like it you can kiss my ass. I will not tolerate being called an idiot for my opinions. Keep those comments to yourself. You don't see me calling you a dumbass bitch cuz I don't agree with you. So you best shut the fuck up.

June 14th, 2006, 05:05 pm
So you best shut the fuck up.
Them be fightin words!:shifty:

Neko Koneko
June 14th, 2006, 08:54 pm


June 14th, 2006, 09:03 pm
Its wrong, but I laighed my butt off with that.

June 14th, 2006, 09:31 pm
Oh my...

June 14th, 2006, 10:14 pm
Where to start... None of those analogies work at all. Mexicans are only a majority in texas and surround areas and are looked down by because alot of them illegally crossed the border. Blacks are looked up because they were slaves once, became free, treated like shit, and then they still fought for more rights and abtained them. You have to respect people like that. Don't you dare compare homosexuals to them, they have nothing in common. Tell me, have you ever seen a "no gays" sign on any public building or recreation? No. Stop comparing homosexuals to something that they are totally different from, they have as many rights as anyone else. Also, your making it out to seem that being a minority is something bad. So what if not alot of people are like you? You should be proud of it. The only way they won't be a minority is if straight guys suddenly turn gay. And it is only like 1% of the population who actually take physical or verbal action against homosexuals.

Also, don't you EVER call me an idiot again. I have a right to opinion and if you don't like it you can kiss my ass. I will not tolerate being called an idiot for my opinions. Keep those comments to yourself. You don't see me calling you a dumbass bitch cuz I don't agree with you. So you best shut the fuck up.

No, but has a Mexican been beat up for being who they are? Did a big chunck of the country try to stop black marriges?

Mexicans are a majority in Oregon, California, Washington, Mississippi... Most of the states that have a majority of the countries population.

Who is to say that in 50 years the tolerance level for homosexuals will drop greatly? That a massacare of them will start? It might not, but it could also, and if we dont teach generations that equality is nice then there is little to stop it from happening.

If the opinions stupid, Ill call it stupid. If its smart, Ill call it smart. Dont make me lie for your sake.

June 15th, 2006, 03:41 am
I think you're both arguing for arguments sake. There's one thing I think you both could agree on: Awareness of homosexuality should not be a negative thing.

Yes, they're a minority, and yes, people have a problem with it. There's no difinitive, all-correcting solution for prejudice. Everybody has it, even if they say they don't. Like someone said a little further back, he feels awkward seeing gay couples, because to him, it IS awkward. He knows, in his mind, that it's perfectly fine for them to do that, it's their right, yet he still feels put off by it.

Homosexuals need to realise that they can't stand in the middle of a crowd and demand that everybody pay attention to their sexuality. If we call attention to homosexuality, and start demanding this and that, people WILL dislike the community. It's a given.

With that said, the same goes for every community. When they stand up and want something, that others feel they shouldn't have, they're gonna start going down in the favorites.

and back on Gay Rights. They don't have the same rights. A lot of superanuation, visitation and medicare rights aren't possible for homosexual couples yet. That's what I want to see changed. I don't care if it requires marriage, or the laws to be changed, or whatever. So long as gay couples can get those same rights as straight ones, I'll be content.

June 15th, 2006, 06:04 am
Like someone said a little further back, he feels awkward seeing gay couples, because to him, it IS awkward. He knows, in his mind, that it's perfectly fine for them to do that, it's their right, yet he still feels put off by it.

Thats ME! ooo its me! *jumps in seat*

RD, yeah im betting there has been a crapload of mexicns being beat up cause of what they are.

Im kinda glad (and kinda scared) that its gonna be OUR kids who decide what happens with homosexuals in the next 50 years, seems to me like most of us agree they are being screwed over. So I see a bright tomorow for future generations *crosses fingers*

Neko Koneko
June 15th, 2006, 07:37 am
I would probably feel awkward seeing two gay men kissing, but that's just.. a reaction to something you don't see every day I reckon. I mean, I never actually saw it happen, lol.

I know a few gay people and there's nothing wrong with them in any way though. Good people. Don't see why they should be considered less (which is what a lot of people do and if you deny them any rights it's exactly what you're doing).

June 15th, 2006, 01:39 pm
i dunno about u guys but i prefer not knowing that one is a homo ... i got harrassed by one in a swimming complex shower before .. he was staring at me and rubbing his privates as if he was M-ing ... i was so freaking disgusted i felt like punching him ... then when i walked past him he gave me a freaking smirk ... i agree that not all homos are like this ... but it is homos like these who make u wanna hate the whole bunch of them ...

June 15th, 2006, 04:21 pm
Um...I woulda beat his ass senseless....that was just...WTF. I dont mind homosexuals just aslong as they are "Im gay deal with it" and not "Im gay and im gonna try to make you gay too"

June 15th, 2006, 04:49 pm
I think gay men are the sweetest people ever!! they are so fun to have a laugh with!!

BUT once, my friends and i accidentally wandered into some dodgey place in central, and found ourselves amist a street of gay men.........i didn't find it shocking or anything but my other friends were a bit erm................about it.

It was in fact quite interesting to know their reaction to homosexuality..........

June 15th, 2006, 05:15 pm
I think gay men are the sweetest people ever!! they are so fun to have a laugh with!!

BUT once, my friends and i accidentally wandered into some dodgey place in central, and found ourselves amist a street of gay men.........i didn't find it shocking or anything but my other friends were a bit erm................about it.

It was in fact quite interesting to know their reaction to homosexuality..........


Freaked out?
Turned on?

I can interpret ............. into so many things :halo:

But yeah, I freak out around gay people....I think this guy in me class is gay..we are good friends but he seems gay...I feel awkward sometimes.

June 15th, 2006, 05:19 pm
But yeah, I freak out around gay people....I think this guy in me class is gay..we are good friends but he seems gay...I feel awkward sometimes.

hm....i guess it would be a bit as u are guy........but as i'm not i find it alright....kehehehe *imagines u freaking out*

But i don't see a need to.......unless they start doing weird/ suspicious things.........

June 15th, 2006, 05:25 pm
I dont..."ZOMG THE WORLD IS GOING TO END" its just...I get a little jumpy and feel awkward is all, and I go quiet.

June 15th, 2006, 05:29 pm
I dont..."ZOMG THE WORLD IS GOING TO END" its just...I get a little jumpy and feel awkward is all, and I go quiet.

jumpy????? hahahahaha

Are you generally exposed to homosexuality or u just suspect things??

*exposed sounds weird.......but yea*

June 15th, 2006, 05:34 pm
I have gay friends... and gay-ish friends. If thats what you mean.

June 15th, 2006, 05:40 pm
I have gay friends... and gay-ish friends. If thats what you mean.

hm..........i also have friends who behave interesting-ly but they're not homosexual..........at least i think they're not. But then i go to an all girl school, so there are always rumours going around about such things......Maybe i've become immune to it...........

i mean, would you react to two guys holding hands??? and would u react when u see two girls holding hands?

But when i see a guy get perved it's so funny ..........the reaction cracks me up!

June 15th, 2006, 06:45 pm
2 guys holding hands...depends on my relationship with them and how well I know em.

2 girls....I would get naught thoughtsXD

Guy get poerverted its funny? thats a new one

Neko Koneko
June 15th, 2006, 09:13 pm
Would you two not hog this thread for chatting? thanks.

June 16th, 2006, 02:05 am
But yeah, I freak out around gay people....I think this guy in me class is gay..we are good friends but he seems gay...I feel awkward sometimes.

lols i have these type of friends to ... however .. i think the word feminine would be more nice lols ... anyways ... on to lesbians ... omg ... there are so many of them in singapore ... one day i am walking on orchard (incase ur not from singapore its like the city area) and i saw these 2 pple pecking .. at first i thought they were a real couple cause the girl looked real hot and the guy looked really like a guy ... spikey hair baggy clothes ... lols but then when i walked past me later on ... i realised the 'guy' had minut boobs and they looked as if they were like strapped tight to her chest to look small and i confirmed she was a girl lols ... and she was like trying to talk like with a very low voice ... totally wth ... buti guess i am just jealous .. why do all the butchs get the hot girls !! zzz ... anyway on another day on the bus i over heard these secondary 1 girls talking about being lesbian ... they were like oh u be my bung(i dunno if i spelt correct but its liek the guy lesbian) and ill be your passive ... i was like wth ?! only 13 and thinking about being homo .. my goodness ... wad the hell is the world coming to ....

June 16th, 2006, 02:45 am
i was like wth ?! only 13 and thinking about being homo .. my goodness ... wad the hell is the world coming to ....

I'm sorry, but I really don't think that you have to think about being a homosexual, at least for me, I know that I am gay, always have been. It's a part of who I am, I didn't decide to become gay one day just for the heck of it. I don't really know, but in my opinion homosexuality is not a choice, but choosing if you are going to act upon it, is.

wad the hell is the world coming to?

nothing... the world moves on just like it always has and always will until we do something to destroy it. Homosexuals have been around for practically forever... so... the world isn't coming to anything. :mellow:

June 16th, 2006, 06:22 am
I'm With Paradox. I don't think it's so much a choice as it is a lifestyle. It's like being born with a third eyeball. You can't help it, you can just see into the fourth dimension, that's all...

Uuh... I think I lost my relevance...

"If Homosexuality is a disease. Let's call in Gay to work. 'Sorry Sue, can't come in today, still queer!'"

Neko Koneko
June 16th, 2006, 06:46 am
i dunno about u guys but i prefer not knowing that one is a homo ... i got harrassed by one in a swimming complex shower before .. he was staring at me and rubbing his privates as if he was M-ing ... i was so freaking disgusted i felt like punching him ... then when i walked past him he gave me a freaking smirk ... i agree that not all homos are like this ... but it is homos like these who make u wanna hate the whole bunch of them ...

Your point being? A woman could have done the same (now don't give me the crap women never do that kind of thing cos some do). Any straight guy could have done it to some girl, who knows? Just because one person is sick doesn't mean the whole bunch is, what a shallow way to look at things.

You don't use correct grammar. All people from your country are probably idiots who can't use English correctly.

Except for me of course.

June 16th, 2006, 12:00 pm
I'm sorry, but I really don't think that you have to think about being a homosexual, at least for me, I know that I am gay, always have been. It's a part of who I am, I didn't decide to become gay one day just for the heck of it. I don't really know, but in my opinion homosexuality is not a choice, but choosing if you are going to act upon it, is.

PARADOX&MORETH: perhaps ... sorry if i insulted u in anyway ... its because i am not u and thats why i dun understand ... maybe its really not a choice ... i just find it weird ... why people are like that ... when they are not supposed to as in physically ... actually there are alot of theories about these ... like in thailand where there are alot of homosexual people ... they think that it is karma - something they did in their previous life that made them this way in this life ... some say it actually started from the eunuchs from china ... i dunno ... but is there a scientific explanation for it ? why people turn homo ?

there comes another loophole in human psychology ... people always say they are logical but how is it logical when people judge by majority and tradition ...

Just because one person is sick doesn't mean the whole bunch is, what a shallow way to look at things.

ANGELIC: excuse me .. but if know how to read properly, u would have interpretted my message properly ... 'i agree that not all homos are like this ... but it is homos like these who make u wanna hate the whole bunch of them ...' and i think the part where u insulted everyone else in my country is raelly uncalled for ... i mean everyone makes mistakes right ... dont tell me u spoke perfect english straight away when u were born ... please take that insult back thank u ...

June 16th, 2006, 01:00 pm
Just because one person is sick doesn't mean the whole bunch is, what a shallow way to look at things..

Although that's true, the human mind works this way. It doesn't have much to do with a being shallow person or not. If you were on vacation in Sweden for instance, and the whole trip sucked for you. You got food poisoning, got ripped off my a salesman and all other nasty things -- then you hardly wouldn't recommend it to your friends right?

June 16th, 2006, 01:55 pm
I think you're both arguing for arguments sake. There's one thing I think you both could agree on: Awareness of homosexuality should not be a negative thing.

Yes, they're a minority, and yes, people have a problem with it. There's no difinitive, all-correcting solution for prejudice. Everybody has it, even if they say they don't. Like someone said a little further back, he feels awkward seeing gay couples, because to him, it IS awkward. He knows, in his mind, that it's perfectly fine for them to do that, it's their right, yet he still feels put off by it.

Homosexuals need to realise that they can't stand in the middle of a crowd and demand that everybody pay attention to their sexuality. If we call attention to homosexuality, and start demanding this and that, people WILL dislike the community. It's a given.

With that said, the same goes for every community. When they stand up and want something, that others feel they shouldn't have, they're gonna start going down in the favorites.

and back on Gay Rights. They don't have the same rights. A lot of superanuation, visitation and medicare rights aren't possible for homosexual couples yet. That's what I want to see changed. I don't care if it requires marriage, or the laws to be changed, or whatever. So long as gay couples can get those same rights as straight ones, I'll be content.

I'm just going to stick with that and stop getting all heated up on this. It's not worth attacking your posts anymore RD.

June 16th, 2006, 07:44 pm
PARADOX&MORETH: perhaps ... sorry if i insulted u in anyway ... its because i am not u and thats why i dun understand ... maybe its really not a choice ... i just find it weird ... why people are like that ... when they are not supposed to as in physically ... actually there are alot of theories about these ... like in thailand where there are alot of homosexual people ... they think that it is karma - something they did in their previous life that made them this way in this life ... some say it actually started from the eunuchs from china ... i dunno ... but is there a scientific explanation for it ? why people turn homo ?

there comes another loophole in human psychology ... people always say they are logical but how is it logical when people judge by majority and tradition ...

ANGELIC: excuse me .. but if know how to read properly, u would have interpretted my message properly ... 'i agree that not all homos are like this ... but it is homos like these who make u wanna hate the whole bunch of them ...' and i think the part where u insulted everyone else in my country is raelly uncalled for ... i mean everyone makes mistakes right ... dont tell me u spoke perfect english straight away when u were born ... please take that insult back thank u ...

Is there a scientific explanation for why you like chicken more than meat?
People dont turn homo...they ARE homo (as far as I know)

June 17th, 2006, 01:44 am
hmm .. i mean there must be some difference ?! like men and women have different hormonal levels that cause the difference in behaviour ... more estrogen makes u feminine blablabla .. so does this mean that people who have more of the opposite sex hormones are more prone to be homo ...

another question ... do u realise u are homo when u are young or when u are like grown up ? is it something that is subconcious and u need to like unlock it inorder to realise urself ? man bad structuring but i think u noe wad i mean ...

June 17th, 2006, 01:47 am
Most people have said that it's something they've always been aware of on subtle level, but never gotten out because being straight is 'the real sexuality'.

@sumrscent: Your language sucks. Make an effort you slug.

June 17th, 2006, 03:44 pm
lols sorry dewd ...

June 17th, 2006, 05:15 pm
I think people can turn homo.............some things u have to experiement before you actually know what u like best............

June 20th, 2006, 04:50 pm
Some people do "turn homo", but some just are...

And as for scientifically different... It was actually theorised that a homosexual males portion of the brain reacts in the same way that of a females would... It was one of those crackpot "OMG LIEK, LETS TRY EXPLAIN EVERYTHINGLOL!" things, but it was still interesting :p

That guy in the showers? Yeah... He makes me wanna hate homo's too... Actually, a lot of them make me wanna hate homo's... (and yes I realise the irony in the situation!) I don't mind times like Mardi Gras, and pride days and such, but really... If you're gonna take homosexuality and give it a bad name, don't do it. Other decent people have to live with the label, and we'd rather not have you tarnish it.

sumrscent: I'm not insulted at all by anything you've said. In fact, I like the curiosity. It helps eliminate the unknown and the prejudice, so questions are a good thing. And I think that's what this thread is about: Discussing and discovering things about Homosexuality.

And now, storytime with Moreth! :D

Last year, I was living near Sydney, Australia (one of the gay capitals of the known universe :D) and, every year, usually at the start, they have a mardi gras parade!

I'm friends with a lesbian couple (who live together, go to uni together, do absolutely everything together. it's so damn cute!) and they decided that they wanted to go, and invited me along!

So, we jumped on a train, and 2 hours later we were standing in the middle of the most enthralling, beautiful, most rockin' party ever.

For those of you not in the know, Mardi Gras is a celebration of Gays, their cultures and their way of life. All the queers get together, make big pretty driving things, wear barely anything, or way too much, and go strutting down the middle of the city for everybody to see :)

It's the most awesome fun a boy could have! I saw some of the most luxurious drag queens I will ever see in my life (and got kisses off a few too! :D)

And it's not only for queers! There's a bunch of straight guys, girls, couples, whatever! Just there for the booze and the party! All nationalities are there (we were jipped out of front row spots to the parade by a bunch of brittish chicks! So cool!)

One of the most exciting moments of my entire life, and I'll definately be going again :)

I actually have a bunch of friends who march in the parade every year... Maybe I'll try see if I can march with them sometime! :D
That'd be cool...

Anyways, there's my shameless promotional plug! Come to Australia! See the queers! :D

Neko Koneko
June 21st, 2006, 04:43 pm
I personally think that things like mardi grass or gayparades have little to do with being gay and are only about drawing attention by screaming out "HEY LOOK EVERYONE, WE'RE GAY AND YOU'RE NOT!".

And then they complain when people call them strange... <_<

July 10th, 2006, 11:31 am
I actually agree with you... I think it's just an excuse to party, cause for some reason, we need an excuse to party half naked on the streets... *shrug*

July 11th, 2006, 05:39 am
hmm .. i mean there must be some difference ?! like men and women have different hormonal levels that cause the difference in behaviour ... more estrogen makes u feminine blablabla .. so does this mean that people who have more of the opposite sex hormones are more prone to be homo ...

another question ... do u realise u are homo when u are young or when u are like grown up ? is it something that is subconcious and u need to like unlock it inorder to realise urself ? man bad structuring but i think u noe wad i mean ...

Not exactly true. I've seen and know some homosexuals who are completely man-like (including me, somewhat) and not in denial. They body-build, become lazy, don't do housework, goes out and have a beer with friends, wearing baggy pants and ghetto shirts, etc.

People don't realize their homo when they're young everytime. Many people differ in timescale in when they are confused with their sexuality to the point where they confirm it. Homosexuality is not a disease that always have a certain time and effect when it takes over, its genetical that sticks with you in the beginning.

Although I just said that, there is still a possibility that outside enviornments can affect your sexuality (Unless proven not, which IMO is quite hard to prove).

I actually agree with you... I think it's just an excuse to party, cause for some reason, we need an excuse to party half naked on the streets... *shrug*

Maybe its because of all the trouble to go though a gay life in a straightfoward world, that on that day they would just release all the stress, and go "HEY WE'RE GAY, AND THIS IS WHAT WE DO. SEE IT AND ACCEPT IT, YOU HOMOPHOBIC BASTARDS."

My point of view, not 50% correct.

July 11th, 2006, 06:10 am
i think for some people (definitely myself) it's hard to detemine these things while still living at home. it feels insecure to really know. i don't feel free to really know who i am, but i think even when i live on my own i will still be scared. i don't like to put myself in a category, especially without any experience, so i don't want to say i am straight, lesbian, or bi. not only do i not want to label myself, but i truly don't know. for a while i did label myself, but whatever i label i would choose for the moment felt wrong. at the present, i don't think i need to place importance on figuring myself out until i've actually had an intimate experience, which i haven't.

July 13th, 2006, 12:34 am
Maybe its because of all the trouble to go though a gay life in a straightfoward world, that on that day they would just release all the stress, and go "HEY WE'RE GAY, AND THIS IS WHAT WE DO. SEE IT AND ACCEPT IT, YOU HOMOPHOBIC BASTARDS."

Or perhaps it's up to every individual. ;)

I don't think homos should be hated for being homos, but be hated or loved as individual people (just like straight people). That's what they are, after all. There's the disrespectful ones (i.e. hitting on straight guys) and the ones that someone can comfortably hang out with. Same thing with straight people. Nobody goes: "He's straight, so he's cool." No, there's just some people you like and some people you don't like.


Just my opinion.

July 15th, 2006, 10:52 pm
who are you to talk?!?!? your a homophobe yourself!

Dark Bring
July 15th, 2006, 11:44 pm
who are you to talk?!?!? your a homophobe yourself!You're sounding like a heterophobe now.

July 16th, 2006, 02:24 am
a what?

July 16th, 2006, 03:02 am
Scared of striaght people.

July 16th, 2006, 05:21 pm

July 16th, 2006, 05:30 pm

July 16th, 2006, 05:31 pm
who are you to talk?!?!? your a homophobe yourself!

I'm not the sort of homophobe to hate homos. x_x I just get nervous around them. It's kinda like: You touch me in any weird way, and I'll sock you in the face.

But I always give homos a chance to be respectful. ^_^

July 17th, 2006, 04:33 am
not only around them, just talking about them scares you!

Dark Bring
July 17th, 2006, 08:50 am
ME411, you are not helping Marlon. At all.

Such behaviour is precisely why the numbers of homophobes aren't decreasing.

July 17th, 2006, 04:43 pm
i don't think i'm homophobic but when one of my girl friends does something weird............."weird".......i kindof freak out, but it's just with her, when someone else does that i don't freak as much, but with her............*shivers*

it's so strange

July 17th, 2006, 05:36 pm
*wonders what would happen if Marlon would runinto a homosexual clown*

July 18th, 2006, 02:00 am
he would die of fright!
@Dark Bring: im joking, he's my bf!

July 18th, 2006, 04:47 pm

um...IDK I think ME411 has a point, I havent talked to marlon in a while, but when I idd know him he seemed to consider homosexuality and sexuality as a whole abit of a taboo subject. (then again this was a couple of years ago)

ME411 is simply saying that marlon seems uneasy at even the mention of homosexuals, now theres nothing wrong about that, I think she just wants marlon to admit that.

Then again Im harly right about stuff.

July 18th, 2006, 09:46 pm
well you are right! you should be happy!

August 7th, 2006, 06:18 am
In my opinion, many people feel uneasy towards homosexuality, because they were not accustomed to it when they were young. While some are naturally uneasy towards it, I believe that others are brought up the same feeling because they were taught in a way that a relationship should be between a man and a woman, growing up and being accustomed to that image that any alternation to that mental image would make them feel uneasy and confused.

I don't disagree that a relationship is regularly be between a man and a woman, but it shouldn't be limited to only that choice. Homosexual relationships should be supported as well, because that also is a natural thing. I believe that sooner or later, people will just have to accept it. Banning rights (maybe in the near future) and marriage rights to homosexual couples won't be effective in the long run.

August 7th, 2006, 03:17 pm
In my opinion, many people feel uneasy towards homosexuality, because they were not accustomed to it when they were young. While some are naturally uneasy towards it, I believe that others are brought up the same feeling because they were taught in a way that a relationship should be between a man and a woman, growing up and being accustomed to that image that any alternation to that mental image would make them feel uneasy and confused.

I don't disagree that a relationship is regularly be between a man and a woman, but it shouldn't be limited to only that choice. Homosexual relationships should be supported as well, because that also is a natural thing. I believe that sooner or later, people will just have to accept it. Banning rights (maybe in the near future) and marriage rights to homosexual couples won't be effective in the long run.

ZOMG we dont have a bow smilie...:(

Hiei great post, and I agree. I think I was kinda lucky 'cause the first homo I met had been a friend of mine (when called gay and stuff he would just ignore people..then again he ignored all insults) so when I found out it was a shock..but I came to realise it was still him. until that point I though homosexuals to be..weird..or strange. Then the truth kinda just hit me.

I think maybe if the majority of someones experiences with homos is with a stranger it could...slow down the process of realising they are just people.

August 7th, 2006, 10:46 pm
ZOMG we dont have a bow smilie...:(

Hiei great post, and I agree. I think I was kinda lucky 'cause the first homo I met had been a friend of mine (when called gay and stuff he would just ignore people..then again he ignored all insults) so when I found out it was a shock..but I came to realise it was still him. until that point I though homosexuals to be..weird..or strange. Then the truth kinda just hit me.

I think maybe if the majority of someones experiences with homos is with a stranger it could...slow down the process of realising they are just people.
Right again!

August 8th, 2006, 01:05 am
I think thats just BS really. Ive never lived around a lot of blacks or Middle Eastern people but that doesnt mean I have rights to start hating them.

August 8th, 2006, 01:28 am
I do not understand your reasoning.

No one needs rights to hate anyone. It comes out of free will. So why are you talking about hate and rights? They don't match in your context.

What I am stressing to say, is that people shouldn't hate homos just because of trends in society, beliefs in religion, or because they were brought up in a way that relationships should be portrayed a certain way. The only way people should hate them is that if one homo they know as an aquaintance or a friend does something that makes them hate him. Then again, everyone does acts like this that causes hate towards one another, therefore homos should be treated be treated as regular people. The role of religion in this issue is decreasing as time goes.

I don't care about religion, because religion sticks to their old values in a everchanging world. When too many changes happen that the bible or religious text does not talk upon, then it cannot be depended upon. Either that or someone else makes up the rules as we go. (Offtopic, but relevant to my point.)

August 8th, 2006, 04:10 am
Rights as in there is no reason. I said what I said because you said "In my opinion, many people feel uneasy towards homosexuality, because they were not accustomed to it when they were young.". I assumed that ment living near or with homosexuals in the youth.

August 8th, 2006, 05:06 pm
Why is always homosexuals, anyway? I would think that sadomasochists, foot fetishists, fat admirers and so on who I would think would strike them as much worse than someone who is merely attracted to the "wrong" gender. Yet despite that, I've never even seen any protests against "fat admirer rights" or calls for bans on marriage for those who engage in bondage.

August 8th, 2006, 11:48 pm
I think the Lord WANTS us to marry someone who is the opposite gender than us. Which is why it is not wanted, it's wrong, and sick...

August 9th, 2006, 12:28 am
I think the Lord WANTS us to marry someone who is the opposite gender than us. Which is why it is not wanted, it's wrong, and sick...
THAT is the reason it is thought of most. THAT is why it was wrong.

August 9th, 2006, 03:22 am
If the Lord didn't want it to happen why would he have made it possible? But, I don't want this to be a religion thread.

Just because it is a popular thought it doesn't make it false.

August 9th, 2006, 04:52 am
I think the Lord WANTS us to marry someone who is the opposite gender than us. Which is why it is not wanted, it's wrong, and sick...

God dang thats retarded. Think for your self and you will be better off in life. If it was so bad there would be better reasons for it being bad. Killing is bad because you took away somthings life; rape is bad because you subjected somthing to somthing they dont want... so on and so on.

Homosexuality. All it has is "The lord says its bad so I only think what a damn book tells me to think".


August 9th, 2006, 05:00 am
If the Lord didn't want it to happen why would he have made it possible? But, I don't want this to be a religion thread.

Just because it is a popular thought it doesn't make it false.

Erm, do you mean true? Cause placing false wont make much sense.

Religions do play a big role in the battle of homosexuality, but many people take these things too seriously, believing that their god's word is law. There are many other religions in the world that coexist with Christianity, so how can your words be true while others also have works of their own?

I really think people place too much emphasis on religion in the problem of homosexuality than its moral and real problems concerning them and the world. If you take a look at it, homosexuality really didn't harm anyone/thing, and except it is the people who hates them that assumes such things. Leave homosexuals the fuck alone. They are not your business so why would one try to fuck up their lives if they did not fuck your lives up?

Again religion takes into play when people answer these questions. Its like people making hypocrites of themselves for God Sakes.

Neko Koneko
August 9th, 2006, 08:55 am
I think the Lord WANTS us to marry someone who is the opposite gender than us. Which is why it is not wanted, it's wrong, and sick...

The idea is indeed that people of the opposite sex come together, get married, and then have as many babies as possible (who will all be good Christians, of course).

A hundred years ago, in the Netherlands you'd get a priest visiting your house if you didn't have a child over the last two years or so. "So when will there be a new child? Better work on it" or something like that. Really fucked up, but hey, that's religion for you.

August 9th, 2006, 02:16 pm
Erm, do you mean true? Cause placing false wont make much sense.

THAT is the reason it is thought of most. THAT is why it was wrong.

August 9th, 2006, 03:20 pm
It's not as though agents of the Gay Agenda™ are at your house forcing you to have gay sex. Can't you be satisfied with letting others live their lives the way they want as long as they don't bother you?

August 9th, 2006, 05:07 pm
It's not as though agents of the Gay Agenda™ are at your house forcing you to have gay sex. Can't you be satisfied with letting others live their lives the way they want as long as they don't bother you?

GHEY (Goverment Homosexual Enforcement Yahoos)
They are one of the more secret 4 letter agencies

Meh Lighning, lets not get into religion...these guys will pwn you no matter what you say....basicaly because you aint supposed to discuss that here.

August 9th, 2006, 05:32 pm
did any of you know that Leonardo Da vinci was a flamboyant homosexual and only did religous paintings for money! shoking, isnt it!

August 9th, 2006, 07:50 pm
not realy, sexuality is a very western creation. in particular a religouse creation. its fluid not set not evil. even hetresexualty is treated as a damn tabboo

August 9th, 2006, 09:33 pm
:huh: what are you talking about?

August 9th, 2006, 11:06 pm
he means Heteroseualty is taboo for religion, mostly because it limits it to after marriage and with only one person. One might see this as a taboo thats necesary but one that must be as controled and censored as possible.

August 10th, 2006, 12:33 am
"not realy, sexuality is a very western creation. in particular a religouse creation" is whats confusing me!

August 10th, 2006, 02:27 pm
the definition of sexuality hasnt allways existed. in non western cultures homosexuality was accepted for a long time.

just drop the point coz it'll turn into a religouse discusion

August 14th, 2006, 04:36 pm
In Greek and Roman mythology some gods were homosexual.

August 14th, 2006, 05:26 pm
The Greek and Roman gods pretty much screwed anything with a heartbeat (family, animals, various mythical creatures, each other)

But you do have a point. Homosexualty was once widely accepted in Greek culture. A adult man (usually outside the family) took on a younger male in both an authorative, as well as teaching role. It was not out or the ordinary for an older man to compliment a young boy's body or "fondle" him in courtship. Many greek stories have such relationships (Pan and Daphnis, Heracles and his various partners, many of the gods, Apollo especially).

However, blunt carnal relations were far from the norm for some reason. Greek homosexuality seemed more, subtle...

August 14th, 2006, 11:22 pm
yes! but then it died so when it was revived it was shocking!

September 10th, 2006, 02:11 am
Bump because this thread is really enlightning for the ignorant people.

Where do the religious get idea's that homosexuality is wrong? And where do the non-religious get the idea also. Sorry to talk a bit about religion/Christianity, but isn't it true that the parts of the bible that speak of homosexuals is in the old testement? And yet, of all the parts in the bible, Christiants choose to follow that one and refuse to do all the other things the old testement says to do, like not eat pork, get curcumsized and a bunch of other things.

Isnt that bad? I know theres going to be those who say some things are not as important as others, but isnt god strict about even the tiniest details?[/religion]

I have this to say to some new members; if you hate others who arent like you and preach it, please shut up for my sake and shove it.

September 10th, 2006, 04:27 am

76 pages on homosexuality?

Watch these and you'll all know what it's all about:



September 10th, 2006, 09:24 am
homosexuality....nothing wrong with it...
but i think some older men like father's and grandfathers are more likely to be against it....don't know why?

September 10th, 2006, 10:16 am
well older generations are more likely to be against i due to tradition, homosexuality has (for a while now) been a bad thing, those people were raised and educated in that time, so the idea that homosexuality is a bad thing was "implanted" into their mentality, right now we're doing the opposite, eventualy there will be no "heteros" or "homos" just people. The choice in the partners sex would be as meaningless as if I were to like blondes but not brunettes.

September 10th, 2006, 07:40 pm
I agree with Siul1313 . Homosexuality has become a freer subject , and has become an easier topic to discuss than it was in our parents & grandparent's generations . Some religions were against such "sin" , yet still are . But people have become more open minded about the subject .

Back in my elementary school , we weren't allowed to discuss sexuality , because many people had strong opinions on it . Many of my peers were against homosexuality because it is what their parents believe in . For instance , homosexual marriages became legal in Canada (where I live) . So in English class , if the subject had ever risen up , most would be against . I would ask them , "Why are you against something that has nothing to do with you?" they would just reply that their parents said it was bad .

But lately , people have been more open minded about this subject . I don't know what it is .. but our generation is slowly opening up to the subject . Perhaps we're finally understanding that they're not so different from us .

But then again . There will always be people who will rebel against homosexuality . *shrugs*

September 12th, 2006, 04:35 am
We've just had another gays and lesbians parade in Central Auckland... AND OUR PRIME MINISTER JOINED IT!!!

It's just not right...

Dark Bring
September 12th, 2006, 05:00 am
So, Solarys, what do you think is right?

September 13th, 2006, 08:00 pm
Bump because this thread is really enlightning for the ignorant people.

Where do the religious get idea's that homosexuality is wrong? And where do the non-religious get the idea also. Sorry to talk a bit about religion/Christianity, but isn't it true that the parts of the bible that speak of homosexuals is in the old testement? And yet, of all the parts in the bible, Christiants choose to follow that one and refuse to do all the other things the old testement says to do, like not eat pork, get curcumsized and a bunch of other things.

Isnt that bad? I know theres going to be those who say some things are not as important as others, but isnt god strict about even the tiniest details?[/religion]

I have this to say to some new members; if you hate others who arent like you and preach it, please shut up for my sake and shove it.

They believe its wrong, because its a sin to have sex before your married and oviously (in some states) People as the same sex can't get married.

September 14th, 2006, 11:49 pm
Huh? Christianity doesnt just exsist in America, and in some places people of the same sex can get married? So all this religious stuff is over powered by government laws?

So much for the all mighty god then.

September 15th, 2006, 12:34 am
they also think its a sin for same sex to be married so that explains it

September 24th, 2006, 03:29 am
Homosexuality and gay are not the same shit. Homosexual is a freakin'
something wrong with the chemicals in your body and hormones, w/e. But
that's O.K. But being gay is just you like the dick and that ain't
cool. And religion has nothing to do with homosexuality, because religion is some
old ass beliefs or way of life we are expected to follow, but times change.
Things just can't stay the same. Religion's something some old white
guys (actually they were black, or Arabian, or whatever the fuck they
were...) made and was changed from the original thing, just for little monks and
priests made so they had control of their government and their little
bitch-ass kings, so they can get pussy behind the church with those
little monk-ladies or w/e. Nuns. :yes: What now? But that's just my

September 24th, 2006, 06:29 pm
Wow. If you could be any less constructive with your post I would actually have to applaud you. You did nothing but degrade people/ideas without any real solid backing up of your statements. Not even that, you went on like you were ranting. Personally, I don't take sides in these things. It's the job of a Humanist to respect both sides of the argument.

Gay is the slang term referring to the act of liking the same sex, NOT the act of wanting a certain phallic object from a man's lower torso. It only gained the meaning of homosexuality as of recent too... The mid 60s. It was established because Homosexual was too clinical to be used in general conversation, and Queer sounded too phoneticly hard, thus making it natually sounding deragatory. Thus they found an uncomon word with somewhat similar meanings and used it instead. That's how the word 'Gay' came to being.

And religion does has quite a bit to do with this. It's not the central idea of Religion, but the followers that interpret the rules. Even if you don't believe that it doesn't exist, there still exists people that do believe in it; and very strongly at that.

But we are not allowed to discuss religion on these boards for obvious reasons.

September 24th, 2006, 07:29 pm
Homosexuality and gay are not the same shit. Homosexual is a freakin'
something wrong with the chemicals in your body and hormones, w/e. But
that's O.K. But being gay is just you like the dick and that ain't
cool. And religion has nothing to do with homosexuality, because religion is some
old ass beliefs or way of life we are expected to follow, but times change.
Things just can't stay the same. Religion's something some old white
guys (actually they were black, or Arabian, or whatever the fuck they
were...) made and was changed from the original thing, just for little monks and
priests made so they had control of their government and their little
bitch-ass kings, so they can get pussy behind the church with those
little monk-ladies or w/e. Nuns. :yes: What now? But that's just my

10 bucks says you're under 13 and think cursing is cool.

That my friend is a load of crap, but yes you are entitled to your opinion, no matter how idiotic and senseless it seems to me.

M, I didnt know the gay thing..very intresting.

Personaly I just recently found out someone I know is gay, so I've been getting alot of gay POVs...and some of it makes me ashamed of myself.

*discussion continues*

September 24th, 2006, 07:51 pm
*watches blood demon getting owned*

to each his own applies here.

my work is done.

September 24th, 2006, 08:29 pm
I just don't see how the hell religion and sexual preference go with each other. I just brought up the religion thing cause theres a lot of you talking about it... "But being gay is just you like the dick" The reason i said that is just because there are little bitch kids that think just because there are a lot of people "coming out" about being homosexual is the "cool" thing now. That shit about metrosexual... god lets not even talk about that even though its out of subject. Most of the reason there are gay kids now its not because they like other men its because there is so much shit on the T.V now about gay this and gay that, jesus most of those kids are stil virgins they dont know what they are talking about or actually doing.

<_< im 17 and personally i dont give a flying **** if you dont like my language. i write what is on my mind, not what you want to hear and/or read.
ooh and btw you owe me $10. :bleh:

September 24th, 2006, 09:01 pm
People are gay because of TV? What the...?

September 24th, 2006, 09:15 pm
I just don't see how the hell religion and sexual preference go with each other. I just brought up the religion thing cause theres a lot of you talking about it... "But being gay is just you like the dick" The reason i said that is just because there are little bitch kids that think just because there are a lot of people "coming out" about being homosexual is the "cool" thing now. That shit about metrosexual... god lets not even talk about that even though its out of subject. Most of the reason there are gay kids now its not because they like other men its because there is so much shit on the T.V now about gay this and gay that, jesus most of those kids are stil virgins they dont know what they are talking about or actually doing.

<_< im 17 and personally i dont give a flying **** if you dont like my language. i write what is on my mind, not what you want to hear and/or read.
ooh and btw you owe me $10. :bleh:

Wow....you sure are mature...

I do agree that maybe an "over exposure" to "gayness" could lead to some people questioning their sexuality.. I dont however agree that being a virgin or not dictates wether you are knowlegable enought to choose your sexual orientation.

Being gay is not liking dick...that again we agree on...but I faul to see what you mean, could you...umm IDK explain? :think:

September 24th, 2006, 10:08 pm
"I do agree that maybe an "over exposure" to "gayness" could lead to some people questioning their sexuality.. I dont however agree that being a virgin or not dictates wether you are knowlegable enought to choose your sexual orientation. "(siul) Sometimes some people act like if they are gay; I dont know why the hell they do act gay; but when its time to "put up or shut up" the real them comes out. I know cause i have done the test to many "gays".

"People are gay because of TV? What the...?" Rofl!!! Did you just post that to post?

September 25th, 2006, 01:57 am
The same goes with hetrosexuality by your theory.

September 25th, 2006, 04:26 pm
The same goes with hetrosexuality by your theory.


September 25th, 2006, 04:43 pm
"I do agree that maybe an "over exposure" to "gayness" could lead to some people questioning their sexuality.. I dont however agree that being a virgin or not dictates wether you are knowlegable enought to choose your sexual orientation. "(siul)

Sometimes some people act like if they are gay; I dont know why the hell they do act gay; but when its time to "put up or shut up" the real them comes out. I know cause i have done the test to many "gays".

"People are gay because of TV? What the...?" Rofl!!! Did you just post that to post?

He means that if that is correct then one could argue that people who are heterosexual could be for the same reason...

September 25th, 2006, 04:54 pm
@blood demon: Instead of answering our questions/thoughts correctly you give out random "rofl" and "wtf" which makes you look like a total idiot.

And about your "I don't give a flying **** about my language"; I will personally delete every post you make in the General Discussions forum if you keep that up.

September 25th, 2006, 05:48 pm
*to Blood Demon* don't be rude man. And metrosexual is just guys dressing with fashion sense. It's not about sexual orientation. It's a nice change, to see men actually care how they look and dress, other than just women.

I do believe that homosexuals should get rights (such as to be able to make decisions for their partner in the hospital, etc.). I don't see why some people are all upset about it. They should be left in peace. I know some homosexual people (girls and guys alike) and they're really nice, and they're not hurting anyone with their sexual preferences, so I don't see any problems. It's not like they're forcing anyone to be like them. They shouldn't be treated differently. They're still human, correct?

September 25th, 2006, 05:52 pm
*to Blood Demon* don't be rude man. And metrosexual is just guys dressing with fashion sense. It's not about sexual orientation. It's a nice change, to see men actually care how they look and dress, other than just women.

I do believe that homosexuals should get rights (such as to be able to make decisions for their partner in the hospital, etc.). I don't see why some people are all upset about it. They should be left in peace. I know some homosexual people (girls and guys alike) and they're really nice, and they're not hurting anyone with their sexual preferences, so I don't see any problems. It's not like they're forcing anyone to be like them. They shouldn't be treated differently. They're still human, correct?

Meh...you dont have to be metrosexual to care how you look....

September 25th, 2006, 06:01 pm
I just don't see how the hell religion and sexual preference go with each other. I just brought up the religion thing cause theres a lot of you talking about it... "But being gay is just you like the dick" The reason i said that is just because there are little bitch kids that think just because there are a lot of people "coming out" about being homosexual is the "cool" thing now. That shit about metrosexual... god lets not even talk about that even though its out of subject. Most of the reason there are gay kids now its not because they like other men its because there is so much shit on the T.V now about gay this and gay that, jesus most of those kids are stil virgins they dont know what they are talking about or actually doing.

<_< im 17 and personally i dont give a flying **** if you dont like my language. i write what is on my mind, not what you want to hear and/or read.
ooh and btw you owe me $10. :bleh:

*raises an eyebrow*

I'm homosexual, I have been since I was, what, 12 years old? TV doesn't influence my life to any degree, unless, of course, it's the news. I'm 18 now, still homosexual, will soon be 19(next month) and I have to say, I'm not a virgin either. I think you are an ignorant prick, but that's just my opinion.

September 25th, 2006, 06:09 pm
Para pwns...:)

*hides before noir thinks he's spamming or something*

September 25th, 2006, 06:22 pm
Meh...you dont have to be metrosexual to care how you look....

haha I know, I'm not denying that some men care about how they look, but metrosexual men take it to the next level (i.e. Not being afraid to wear pink, matching colors, waxing hair), and people mistake them for being homosexual because they're in touch with their feminine side.

September 26th, 2006, 12:35 am
Meh...you dont have to be metrosexual to care how you look....

Metrosexuality has nothing to do with your sexual preference [confusing when I first heard it of the thing, but its true], so in a way, if you are a male and care about how you look you are most def a metro.

Metrosexuality has nothing to do with gel or pink anywhom, its just caring how you look, aka not a personal slob.

September 26th, 2006, 12:54 am
imma metro


September 28th, 2006, 10:30 pm
@blooddemon: you have been here less then a month and you already have more peole against you then any one else

everyone is entitled to there opinion, but no one will care about your opinion unless you actually know what youre talking about. other wise you are giving a bias opinion and everyone will think you're jackass. also, i thought you were twelve when i saw the excessive and unneccessary cursing.

September 29th, 2006, 11:04 am
Metrosexuality has nothing to do with your sexual preference [confusing when I first heard it of the thing, but its true], so in a way, if you are a male and care about how you look you are most def a metro.

Metrosexuality has nothing to do with gel or pink anywhom, its just caring how you look, aka not a personal slob.

Technically Incorrect.

met·ro·sex·u·al - n - a usually urban heterosexual male given to enhancing his personal appearance by fastidious grooming, beauty treatments, and fashionable clothes.

Caring about how you look doesnt deem him/her as metrosexual. Metrosexual is where a man goes all out in clothes, beauty supplies, almost like a homosexual but in a fashion sense.

September 29th, 2006, 01:19 pm
For Example:

http://happygrrls.com/relating/metrosexual.jpg http://www.unav.es/digilab/proyectosenl/2004/metrosexual/dibujos/beckham2.jpg

http://www.smh.com.au/ffxImage/urlpicture_id_1030508164500_2002/09/02/02entbeckham.jpg http://image2.sina.com.cn/ent/r/m/2006-03-30/U1513P28T3D1033148F358DT20060330175943.jpg

Both have good fashion, but it's more common to see a woman dressed like that; hense the term Metrosexual. A good example is the use of a purse rather than a wallet, because it allows the gradent of shirt to pants work.

October 1st, 2006, 05:19 am
Let's just blame the word, shall we? If you break the word down, 'metrosexual' is pretty misleading as it is. It's just a preoccupation.

If you think this post was redundant, mind you, I'm just trying to get outta 'New Member' mode. Thanks for your understanding. <~That means don't say anything in response XDDD

October 7th, 2006, 12:19 am
Too bad, I'm replying to that. Don't just spam like that. BAD.
Anyway, on the topic of homosexuals: I believe it's just a matter of opinion. I never really did understand it, really. There's a homo at my school (possibly two, I dunno) and I hate him because he never shuts up. Not cause he's gay.
Metros: This baffles me. Not really. I see someone on the street dressed in outlandish clothes I just assume they lost a bet. I guess I don't really consider homosexuality as the answer. But, hetero or not, I can't imagine why anyone would do that.

October 8th, 2006, 05:37 am
I forget if I've posted here or not...:think:

Anyway, metro is a tough term to define. There's so many different levels of specificness it could have like (an urban man who takes interest in the arts, his clothes and general style) to (a man who cares about his appearance).

I'm Metro/Bi. I wear aerie and shirts that accentuate your body and go to a 'stylist' rather than a 'barber.' But I avoid generally being "out." Here's different. Hell, when I first came here, people thought I was a girl.

I mean, people ASSUME you're gay if you like Top Model, W&G and other shows like that. I can understand W&G, but TOP MODEL!? It's girls in bikinis for Madonna's sake!

Anyways... rant is over. Didn't really go anywhere, but HA!

October 9th, 2006, 12:03 am
do you mean "here" as in ichigos or "here" as in Seattle?

October 10th, 2006, 02:09 am
do you mean "here" as in ichigos or "here" as in Seattle?


October 18th, 2006, 01:18 am
This seems completely off from you guys are talking about . But I just felt like asking .. :heh:

So , I don't know many people who are homosexual . Those who I DO know , I completely support them . No biggie . I was just wondering .. is more people becoming bi than plain homo/heterosexual ? I know of very few people in my area who are bi , & .. well , i'm pretty sure I'm completely straight , but there's a possibility i'm bi . Anyways , so I know the percentage of people who are homosexual is rising .. so I was just wondering if it was more common for people to be bi than strictly to one gender ?

October 21st, 2006, 04:07 am
One thing thought, I am against gay marriages. I mean, it's fine if they live together but to the point where they want to be married is just kind of offensive to my religion. Sorry if I offended anyone but that's my logic.

Well, you sorta just proved your ignorance right there.

Some gay people don't like the idea of straight marriage, but they don't complain or anything. I think straight people should learn to do this too, to tolerate things that you might not like.

October 24th, 2006, 12:45 am
Simplicity, I too have been noticing there are less completely straight and more bi people lately. But I see it with girld more than guys here in my area. I myself am bi. More on the gay side. Which I basically define that Im usually attracted to guys but there are a few girls I've liked/like. But one of my friends put it this way. "Unless you have a religion that tells you one way is wrong, you can't be straight or gay unless you have experienced both sides of the coin" And it makes sense. A lot of people are more open minded and not so fast to rule out something because of what others say. Now I know this can all be disagreed with, and I know it doesn't follow everyone, but it is a trend I have noticed in my area. And all of these are just my friends and my thoughts on this, nothing more.

And technically the original Christianity wasn't against homosexuality. In ancient Israel and Roman times and all that, it was actually quite common and accepted. Now Israel was very small and was surrounded by enemies, they needed a lot of men in the army. And well homosexuals cannot reproduce can they? So they had made it forbidden for the time being for homosexuality. And now the Chrurch has misinterpreted the meaning and never abolished it once all the wars were over, well still its not quite over even today. But the church is not just in Israel anymore. And now people have been branded into thinking its bad when its not because of what they have been taught. The Christian god does not have anything wrong with homosexuals, its the people after him.

And note all the history above came from a priest. A priest my parents took me to see because I'm their screwed up son >.>

Now even before I considered myself bi/gay.. I was very open minded. My parents were the typical redneck homophobes and kept me sheltered most of my life. I didn't know about homosexuality til the 8th grade until my friend told me. Whenever there was someone I saw like that in public or on TV before that, my parents just said they were wierd people.

No matter what people think if its right or wrong, religion shouldn't be your only excuse to why you dislike it. Because if you research it deep enough you will find out that originally that it was not forbidden and was changed due to circumstances like the priest told me above. And honestly, maybe you can use it as your excuse if you are that devout and take everything literally.

But my theology teacher taugh us this "To interpret what they meant in the Bible, we must look at the past and its history and determine what was happening at that time to understand how they ruled" It is a very wise statement that also lends support that it was forbidden not because it was wrong, simply because it was inconvienient at THAT time. Also people have admitted to the mistakes Christianity has made in the past. Misinterpreting the understanding of homosexuality is simply another mistake that they have made.

Now I in no way mean to have this sound offensive. I promise you I am not at all like that. I'm just not the best with words and can be rather blunt a lot of the time. But I assure you, I have researched this topic very thouroughly.

November 16th, 2006, 07:52 am
I support gays, but im not sure if i accept gay marriage or not. i mean, its a beautiful thing to be united with the one you love (regardless of age, ethnicity, why not gender?), but it is kind of against my religion... even though God is supposed to be forgiving and accepting...its hard for kids to grow up with gay parents, so i dont think gay people should bring up kids...

Neko Koneko
November 16th, 2006, 09:00 am
I think it's funny when people say they'd support something if it wasn't against their religion. Then either you're not true to your religion or you let your religion determine your opinion, which means you can't have your own.

And who says it's hard for kids to have gay parents? You happen to know somoene who has gay parents?

November 16th, 2006, 09:01 pm
good point.

And anyway, if you have no problem with gays marrying, and describe the beauty of marraige, then why cxan't they have kids? Many people get married so they can have kids. Isn't having children without marraige agains't your religion?

November 17th, 2006, 12:13 am
I don't understand the problem with gay marriage. I know the bylaws of the USA have a little clause called "Separation of [Christian] Church and State" (the reason I put in Christian, is because that seems to be the religion that has the most problems with modern sexuality). The Church has its own constitution and laws on marriage. No one said that you have to be married by a priest in order to be "married". You could be married by a Judge, a captain of a ship, Military Officer (General and up), and several other powers that I cannot remember.

So why not modify the laws, and make it legal. Regardless of what the government does, the church IS separate from the state; meaning it may affect the governmental laws, but it will not affect or even touch the church laws. The church can decide on a later date on whether or not to allow same-sex marriage.

November 17th, 2006, 12:54 pm
I’m somewhat of a dedicated Catholic and still think that gay marriages in the United States should be allowed. A couple of reasons why, is I think religion kind of screwed up when it handed the keys to the sacred bond of marriage to the government. To this day I still don't know how such a divine thing as marriage, is still considered a legal action a couple can partake in, as M said seperation of Church and State.

Secondly, according to the U.S Constitution, all men and women are created equal . To exclude individual in matrimonial practices of the state just because of their sexuality, debases that unalienable right of equality.

Probably the most prominent point I want to make here though, and the reason why I support homosexual marriages by state, is the Church will never allow marriages between two people of the same gender, period. So why worry about what the government does, when there’s no point to the prejudices or debates that are so prominent today. There are so many other things we need to be worrying about right now.

Neko Koneko
November 17th, 2006, 01:18 pm
Problem right now with the US is that they have a hick for a president =/

November 17th, 2006, 03:22 pm
Problem right now with the US is that they have a hick for a president =/

at least the democrates have a bit more power now =)

November 18th, 2006, 01:02 pm
im not against any gay stuff, but i dont support it either

November 19th, 2006, 04:50 pm
Gay people shouldn't be treated any different from so-called "normal" people.
~My philosophy on homosexuality

The Dead Man
November 19th, 2006, 08:48 pm
I am a Christian and gay. (Yes, it is possible) Marriage is not something that I think the government should have any say on. I believe that going down to a court house and getting a paper that says that two people are married is not really marriage. Marriage should not have to be validated by any document or law. It should be an agreement between two people stating that they love each other first and foremost.

Divine Shadow
November 20th, 2006, 08:03 am
@The Dead Man: Man....that is truly something.

I personally don't understand why this is even an issue. If two people love each other, regardless of wether they're the same sex or not, they should be able to marry each other, no question. I mean, gay people are the same as everyone else. Just because they have a different life style, doesn't mean they can't have the same joy of being married....well those who are happy being married. It sickens me that this country would even consider banning it.

November 20th, 2006, 05:43 pm
This world is so corrupt by Homosexuality and people are for it what in the world is up with that. No affence to the homo's but what is wrong with you I am sure their is someone besides you own sex that will love you. Thats all.

November 20th, 2006, 05:59 pm
... that isn't meant to be offensive? I can see you getting banned here pretty quickly...

You have been banned from the religion thread already! ^_^

If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything. In fact don't bother signing on.

November 20th, 2006, 06:21 pm
Sir Jaso, this is a two-way street you know. If we have discussions like this it would be kind of unfair if you couldn't express yourself?

But yes, you (cody) should elaborate a little more. 'Cos saying "Gays are corrupting the world" without explaining why, you leave people to bash back at you. Then a flame war has begun. I don't want this to become such a thread.

Neko Koneko
November 20th, 2006, 06:44 pm
Cody's a bit of an idiot, he can't even spell properly.

November 20th, 2006, 06:47 pm
Sir Jaso, this is a two-way street you know. If we have discussions like this it would be kind of unfair if you couldn't express yourself?

But yes, you (cody) should elaborate a little more. 'Cos saying "Gays are corrupting the world" without explaining why, you leave people to bash back at you. Then a flame war has begun. I don't want this to become such a thread.

Okay thanks. I will... later though.

November 20th, 2006, 10:22 pm
This world is so corrupt by Homosexuality and people are for it what in the world is up with that. No affence to the homo's but what is wrong with you I am sure their is someone besides you own sex that will love you. Thats all.

What the hell's this? Bullshit on a whole new level?
Oh yes, that's right. It's the homosexuals' fault that children in Africa are dying of AIDS. Please sir, get some sense into yourself.

And btw it should be like this:

This world is corrupted by homosexuality and people are for it. What in the world is up with that? No offence to the homos but, what is wrong with you? I am sure there is someone besides someone of your own sex that will love you. That's all.
You made 11 spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Way to go!!
And on another note, here's something to think about. The Netherlands were the first country to allow gay marriage. Are people dying in their streets? Is it raining blood? Have the Gods come down from the heavens and smited(sp?) them all? Has the ground opened up and swallowed the country?
No sir. Not at all.
So please. Let me see your proof that it's ruining the world and I'll lay off.

Neko Koneko
November 21st, 2006, 07:41 am
People like Cody corrupt this world because they are too narrow minded to see that the vision of others might be good too, or even better than their own. They only see what they want to see and everything else is instantly wrong.

Anyone noticed that Cody never has anything to back up things he says? And when you confront him with that he'll say something like "later" or so. Very convincing.

November 21st, 2006, 09:15 am
i don't really have anything against homosexuals, or bisexuals as well; a really good friend of mine is bisexual but he's just another ordinary guy, you wouldn't particularily notice much...
the concept of homosexuality is somewhat intriguing to me though, could someone please explain how it resulted? why people get into massive discussions about it sometimes?

November 21st, 2006, 10:28 am
People like Cody corrupt this world because they are too narrow minded to see that the vision of others might be good too, or even better than their own. They only see what they want to see and everything else is instantly wrong.

Anyone noticed that Cody never has anything to back up things he says? And when you confront him with that he'll say something like "later" or so. Very convincing.

=.= Just like my stepdad =.=

In response to ^, I had a bisexual friend and it was fine, untill she fell in love with the same girl that I did. Then there were problems...

The Dead Man
November 21st, 2006, 11:04 am
This world is so corrupt by Homosexuality and people are for it what in the world is up with that. No affence to the homo's but what is wrong with you I am sure their is someone besides you own sex that will love you. Thats all.

Honestly, Cody. Do you think that I am this way by choice? No one in their right mind would choose to be homosexual. I did not choose to be this way.

But I am. Nothing will ever change that. I cannot become heterosexual anymore than you could become homosexual.

What do you mean that homosexuality is corrupting the world?

November 21st, 2006, 05:04 pm
im not against any gay stuff, but i dont support it either

If you don't support it and you say you don't have anything against it thats kind of defeating your own comment thanks.

I'm a bisexual girl and I love it. And Cody: theres nothing wrong with me its just you that cant face the reality of the world that people now are chaging more than ever. I've been wuth several girls before and I must say that I have no shame and why on earth would I ever give a sweet damn about others thinking things about me cause of my sexuality. Hah, I'd laugh in your face if you confronted me about my sexuality... The girl I was with first of all was a lesbian and she hated it, why couldn't she be born a guy? Other than bashing all of them down think. I'm not going to start detailing all my thoughts but Homophobes are just like racists people, they pick a group of people put them all in a room and isolates them from everyone.

Dark Bring
November 21st, 2006, 05:15 pm
If you don't support it and you say you don't have anything against it thats kind of defeating your own comment thanks.It's like I'm not against Manchester United (football team in the UK), but I don't support it either. I just don't care.

November 21st, 2006, 08:15 pm
I'm almost jealous of bisexuals (almost) because they can choose who they like. Then, again, I am now paranoid of saying anything now in case it becomes another forum signature phenomenon...

November 21st, 2006, 08:24 pm
It's like I'm not against Manchester United (football team in the UK), but I don't support it either. I just don't care.

I see, alright well sorry for the misunderstanding.

Lol, being Bi is quite odd sometimes but I always said that Bisexual in the step towards becoming ether gay or not. You can't stay bi all your life.

Neko Koneko
November 21st, 2006, 08:38 pm
Why can't you?

November 21st, 2006, 08:40 pm
Polygamy exists in may places of the world.

November 21st, 2006, 08:51 pm
isnt polygami having various wives/husbands?

I have to say I hate myself cause when I hear Bi, i say ok..when I hear Bi Girl I say ok...but when I hear Bi Guy I go "urm..wtf...ok"

I dont like hate em or anything but theres always that...pause?

Dark Bring
November 21st, 2006, 08:58 pm
It's because you're a masculine guy yourself.

November 21st, 2006, 10:46 pm
Why can't you?

Eventually I'll settle with someone of either sex, so I'll then be either lesbian or heterosexual; in fonction of that person's sex.

Edit: But of course one can remain with someone and still have sexual desired for the other sex, so I guess I was too quick to say something. But I trust you know what I mean, when I settle for someone I'll never look back.

November 21st, 2006, 11:36 pm
People like Cody corrupt this world because they are too narrow minded to see that the vision of others might be good too, or even better than their own. They only see what they want to see and everything else is instantly wrong.

True. And there's a related, "disease", if you will, that grows out of that.
There are so many people that are so arrogant that when they state their opinion but are proven wrong, they know they are are wrong but refuse to acknowledge it publically. They blantantly and stubbornly insist they are right though they know they aren't. Then they aggressively surpress anyone that speaks out against them. They're too proud to admit defeat so they end up just making a bigger ass out of themselves.
Hey. I can admit my mistakes. I can even admit that there have been times where I've been proven wrong but pride took hold and I aggressively surpressed and insisted. I am a hypocrite. And yes, I did make an ass of myself. But heck, I admitted that much, eh?
Anyhow, this is off topic but I had to get it out of my system.
*spoilers the statement*

Anyone noticed that Cody never has anything to back up things he says? And when you confront him with that he'll say something like "later" or so. Very convincing.

I noticed that myself when I was reading the Religion thread. No matter how many times you told him to type intelligently and site his references, the silly child just won't. He's a procrastinator, that one.

All of the bisexuals I know are the absolute nicest people you could ever meet. It's just amazing how much more understanding they can be compared to.. Well, at any rate, many of the straight population. I don't know how this can be explained, but they just are. *prepares for rebuttles and possible flames* Perhaps it's because they can see past gender barriers and find the true person inside worth loving. 'Coz that's what counts right?
Damn. I hate jaded old clichés, but some of them are true.
I see nothing wrong with being bisexual. As long you're happy about yourself, all should be alright with all.
"Bisexual" is a word now so, let's hope we're not the type to take back our words. They're here to stay. That they are.

November 23rd, 2006, 12:54 am
All of the bisexuals I know are the absolute nicest people you could ever meet. It's just amazing how much more understanding they can be compared to.. Well, at any rate, many of the straight population. I don't know how this can be explained, but they just are. *prepares for rebuttles and possible flames* Perhaps it's because they can see past gender barriers and find the true person inside worth loving. 'Coz that's what counts right?
Damn. I hate jaded old clichés, but some of them are true.
I see nothing wrong with being bisexual. As long you're happy about yourself, all should be alright with all.
"Bisexual" is a word now so, let's hope we're not the type to take back our words. They're here to stay. That they are.

Aww, lol thats sweet. I to have to agree with you, not because I am, just because I have numerous freinds who are bixesual and they are quite special.

December 18th, 2006, 08:25 pm
i have a friend that is bi-sexual. She just told me this a few months ago. I did not feel any differently about her. The only thing I felt was her bravery in telling me. Homosexuals and bi-sexuals are very aware of the public outlook on them and it takes alot of courage and will-power to come forth and admit who they really are.

we can learn from these people.

December 19th, 2006, 11:33 pm
Perhaps it's because they can see past gender barriers and find the true person inside worth loving.

Actually, that's not really bisexuality; that's more like pansexuality. ;)

December 20th, 2006, 05:42 am
The term pansexual generally is used for a person who does not classify their sexuality with a person's sex, but their gender. They believe that there is a set difference between sex and gender - gender being the socially constructed condition of being male or female, and sex being the biological condition of male or female.

.............i dunno, just thought it was worth looking into ;)

I get what both of you mean...I guess you were both just kinda vague.

December 20th, 2006, 07:26 am
Didn't we just learn a new word today?

Im a pansexual

December 20th, 2006, 09:43 pm
I classify people as: men, real men, she-men, women, sluts and pookahs.

Does that make me pansexual?

December 22nd, 2006, 08:51 pm
True. And there's a related, "disease", if you will, that grows out of that.
There are so many people that are so arrogant that when they state their opinion but are proven wrong, they know they are are wrong but refuse to acknowledge it publically. They blantantly and stubbornly insist they are right though they know they aren't. Then they aggressively surpress anyone that speaks out against them. They're too proud to admit defeat so they end up just making a bigger ass out of themselves.
Hey. I can admit my mistakes. I can even admit that there have been times where I've been proven wrong but pride took hold and I aggressively surpressed and insisted. I am a hypocrite. And yes, I did make an ass of myself. But heck, I admitted that much, eh?
Anyhow, this is off topic but I had to get it out of my system.
*spoilers the statement*

I noticed that myself when I was reading the Religion thread. No matter how many times you told him to type intelligently and site his references, the silly child just won't. He's a procrastinator, that one.

All of the bisexuals I know are the absolute nicest people you could ever meet. It's just amazing how much more understanding they can be compared to.. Well, at any rate, many of the straight population. I don't know how this can be explained, but they just are. *prepares for rebuttles and possible flames* Perhaps it's because they can see past gender barriers and find the true person inside worth loving. 'Coz that's what counts right?
Damn. I hate jaded old clichés, but some of them are true.
I see nothing wrong with being bisexual. As long you're happy about yourself, all should be alright with all.
"Bisexual" is a word now so, let's hope we're not the type to take back our words. They're here to stay. That they are.

Everything there was just quotes...

January 11th, 2007, 03:14 am
Well I my violin teacher is gay but he is one of the coolest and nicest person you'll ever meet. I've never even heard of that word before. People have sometimes called me gay, but I am not. I have nothing against gay people. I seriously do not like people who just assume other people are gay. It annoys me. They do not know what the person is, only the person does.

January 14th, 2007, 12:24 am
There is one thing that anoys me. I had a friend a couple of years ago. we were kind of close friends. He was a really nice guy even though he was always the ladies favourite =). When he came out he became a totaly different person. You know all those cliche´ feminin men, he even changed his dialect. He just pasted societys idea of a homosexual man on himself. And after that I havent seen or heard from him. And yes he broke contact not me.

that anoys me. Even though im totaly at peace with with the idea of homosexuality.

I have to say its really fun to hang with gay guys because the morepart of them have some selfdistance. Where as some straight guys would go balistic if you even mention homosexuality.

to all of you in the closet. please dont adopt other peoples image of you if thats not really you. dont be just what you are expected to be.

oh and one more thing, speaking to all of the guys now:
if you havent kissed a guy you should. its an experience and it teaches you alot about what men (you) do wrong when you are kissing someone. I tried it just to see if it felt good. well it didn´t. Alot of girls kiss their friends and its not like you´re going to get kolera or something.

bring on the flamethrowers =)

February 3rd, 2007, 11:24 pm
I agree with the fact that there are quite a few nice gay people. I know several myself. And it's their choice - it's not my place to decide how they live.

Doesn't mean I have to agree with it.

February 17th, 2007, 01:54 am
Yup that's how it is I guess.

March 18th, 2007, 11:21 pm
honestly, i have nothing against them and i probably never will. but i really can't stand it when someone bad mouths or makes jokes about them. that also goes for racial comments, but i'll save that for another topic.
homosexuals are people, too. just because a woman loves another woman or a man loves another man doesn't mean they're "weird" or "not normal". i know there's something in the Bible that says something against it. i couldn't stand it when the priest at my church used to go on about it and tried to get everyone to sign a petition against it. of course, i didn't sign it. sorry, i get very worked about these kind of topics. :sweat:

March 18th, 2007, 11:26 pm
just because a woman loves another woman or a man loves another man doesn't mean they're "weird" or "not normal".

Actually, yeah, it does. Most people are heterosexual. Being gay puts you in the minority, going against the norm. Hence, "not normal" or "weird."
Of course, there's nothing wrong with being unusual, and people who think there is are close-minded and/or stupid.

March 19th, 2007, 02:10 am
i know there's something in the Bible that says something against it. i couldn't stand it when the priest at my church used to go on about it and tried to get everyone to sign a petition against it. of course, i didn't sign it. sorry, i get very worked about these kind of topics. :sweat:

Actually, there's a site that explains how the Bible isn't really against homosexuality... Well, there are actually a lot, but here's one of them.
http://www.whosoever.org/bible/ It's your choice to beleive it or not.

And about what HopelessComposer said, I'd have to say that that's the best anyone could say. bisexual or homosexual people are definitely the majority, and should live with the fact that, for now, not everybody has to accept them. However, the majority could do its best...

March 19th, 2007, 07:43 am
The bible is very diferent depending on what mentality you aproach it with, and AFAIK the bible is in itself a series of interpretations.

As far as being homosexual not being normal AFAIK studies have shown that (I remember fruitflies) a percent range of a colony of fruitflies is in deed homosexual or has homosexual tendencies....so they ARE normal...since its a semiconstant percent.

(I think)

March 19th, 2007, 05:08 pm
I have a homsexual friend, and my second love was Bi.

March 19th, 2007, 06:36 pm
As far as being homosexual not being normal AFAIK studies have shown that (I remember fruitflies) a percent range of a colony of fruitflies is in deed homosexual or has homosexual tendencies....so they ARE normal...since its a semiconstant percent.

Since when were we talking about gay bugs? That's like discussing human caniballism and someone going "yeah, but lot's of spiders eat their mates after mating. It's normal. >_> "

March 19th, 2007, 06:47 pm
Since when were we talking about gay bugs? That's like discussing human caniballism and someone going "yeah, but lot's of spiders eat their mates after mating. It's normal. >_> "

Praymatises do that to but what does that have to do with human caniballism?

Neko Koneko
March 19th, 2007, 08:48 pm
Since when were we talking about gay bugs? That's like discussing human caniballism and someone going "yeah, but lot's of spiders eat their mates after mating. It's normal. >_> "

Well, if bugs do it... and dolphins do it... that pretty much proves it's a natural thing, so people who are like OMG GAYZ R NOT NATURAL!~~!!~! are proven wrong by that :o

March 19th, 2007, 09:08 pm
That was a joke right? ^ ^;;

*Points to the cannibilism thing again*

March 19th, 2007, 09:28 pm
Angelic, I agree that studies such as the fruit-fly one prove homosexuality occurs in nature. I'm curious as to what you would say to someone that bring up the argument that "humans are above/different from/superior to the other animals".

Although most people would probably agree that killing a person is slightly different form having sex with them, I think Hopeless is hitting on an interesting point. Namely, and please correct me if I'm wrong, that because we see a certain behavior displayed by animals, is it okay to apply that same situation to people?

March 19th, 2007, 09:40 pm
Angelic, I agree that studies such as the fruit-fly one prove homosexuality occurs in nature. I'm curious as to what you would say to someone that bring up the argument that "humans are above/different from/superior to the other animals".

Angelic never said anything about humans being above other animals. He just said that because some species had homosexual tendancies, that it definitely isn't "unatural" in humans.

March 19th, 2007, 09:51 pm
Spot, what I mean is that someone, as I'm hypothesizing, probably would make that argument. That just because the animal do something, doesn't mean it necessarily pertains to humans. Most likely by bring religion into the matter. I think you would agree that people in general are capable of saying some pretty crazy things.

I'm just fishing for opinions is all.

March 20th, 2007, 12:29 am
Well it's just that you're kind of going off topic... You could go and dig up an animal vs. human thread, (if there is one, I searched the first 2 pages of threads,) or start a new one. Fishing for opinions is good, your just in the wrong place to bring that up.

It might be me that's doing the veering off of the topic, but let's get back on nonetheless.

March 20th, 2007, 06:39 pm
Well it's just that you're kind of going off topic... You could go and dig up an animal vs. human thread, (if there is one, I searched the first 2 pages of threads,) or start a new one. Fishing for opinions is goof, your just in the wrong place to bring that up.

He isn't going off-topic, god damnit. Angelic just said that "ah, fruit flies do it, so it's ok for humans too."
eg, comparing humans to animals.
eg, exactly what Knight is doing.

Just because animals do something, DOESN'T MAKE IT NATURAL FOR HUMANS.
Hamsters eat their babies half the time. Does that mean next time some woman has a baby and decides to eat it, we should all just smile and go, "Awww, how natural of her! Like a fucking HAMSTER!!"
I think not!

Of course, as I said earlier, "unnatural" and "wrong" are two totally different things. Being gay goes against the norm (for humans), thus "unnatural" or "abnormal." Eating babies is both unnatural, and wrong. Since you know...eating babies...kills babies. Heheh. ;)

Edit: Did I just compare homosexuality to eating babies? Jesus Christ. XD

March 20th, 2007, 09:49 pm
I see where Hopeless and Knight are coming from, and yes that is something I didn't consider until after my post.


(They are not off topic at all so back off)

March 20th, 2007, 10:36 pm
Omg, hopeless... You can't cut the human race off from the rest of nature. I never said anything about humans or hamsters being like humans. What I said was that because homosexuality appears in nature, it is somewhat natural. Some natural things definitely aren't normal, so you can say that homosexuality is weird, but not wrong, and not unnatural.

BTW, I never said that I agreed with Angelic, did I? Stop putting words into my mouth hopeless.

And I apologize, KnightxJustice88, for my last post. It was partly that I didn't know where you were coming from, and should've thought about my post for longer, but I would also really like to see a thread like that created.

March 20th, 2007, 10:56 pm
Omg, hopeless... You can't cut the human race off from the rest of nature.

...But you can. What's natural for fruit flies may not be natural for monkeys. What's natural for monkeys may not be natural for humans. "Natural" can mean more than one thing. It can refer to something that occurs in nature, or it can be more specific, referring to what is "normal" in a group. We're just using the same word differently; we're actually agreeing with each other on the main topic here. Semantics are silly. :heh:

BTW, I never said that I agreed with Angelic, did I? Stop putting words into my mouth hopeless.
When did I say that you agreed with Angelic? I know well that you don't. X3

Then again...this whole thread is kind of silly. I mean, I don't think there are any people here that would disagree that gay people rock any less than any other group of people. :3

March 20th, 2007, 11:03 pm
No need to apologize Spot. ^_^
We're here to have a discussion, and that involves questioning what other people say. If all our posts ran along the lines of "i agree, lol", it would be quite boring. Perhaps I should have attempted to expand upon my point a bit more, so I'll try to keep that in mind for the future.

I also think that a humans-animals thread would bring about some interesting topics. I'm sure we'll get around to that at some point. :)

March 20th, 2007, 11:10 pm
He isn't going off-topic, god damnit. Angelic just said that "ah, fruit flies do it, so it's ok for humans too."

From that, i got that you were yelling at me for agreeing with Angelic's last statement... Your posts just came off offensively when I read it first. :heh:

Hey, does anyone find it coincidental that studies are being made on the "fruit" fly for homosexuality traits? That's got to be the worst pun, or a very big coincidence.

March 21st, 2007, 12:09 am
Oh no. Never take my posts offensively...ever. I just like to add "god damnit" and things for fun. It's just how I talk. X3

And yes, I noticed the "fruit" fly thing too. It made me chuckle. Haha. XD

March 23rd, 2007, 06:22 am
Hah, I finaly came out to my parents the other day... I've found myself a girl.

March 23rd, 2007, 03:47 pm
Haha, congrats!
I'm going to assume they were really good about it, since you didn't mention otherwise. That too is great to hear. ^_^

Lost Rain
March 23rd, 2007, 03:50 pm
:) I'm happy for you! I hope you weren't as nervous when I was. I think I nearly fainted at the idea of telling my parents, but they took it pretty well, surprisingly enough.

March 25th, 2007, 06:39 am
Hah, I finaly came out to my parents the other day... I've found myself a girl.



March 29th, 2007, 09:49 pm
Hah, I finaly came out to my parents the other day... I've found myself a girl.

You must be good at concealing... what's her name?

March 30th, 2007, 01:45 pm
Hah, I finaly came out to my parents the other day... I've found myself a girl.

Congrats hun. it's been forever since I've posted here. I've since gotten a Fiancee!

March 30th, 2007, 08:46 pm
Wow, you are from aaaaaaaaages ago! A year to be exact, why/when did you come back?

Welcome back!

Thats good for you ^_^

March 30th, 2007, 11:17 pm
Ever get punched in the face for askin too many questions?

March 30th, 2007, 11:28 pm
What, 1?

March 30th, 2007, 11:29 pm
Off topic. Take it to PM or IRC.
I still recon i can make a strait guy go gay.

March 30th, 2007, 11:33 pm

March 30th, 2007, 11:36 pm
Ask divine shadow.

March 31st, 2007, 11:06 am
Wow, you are from aaaaaaaaages ago! A year to be exact, why/when did you come back?

Welcome back!

Thats good for you ^_^

I came back maily cause I decided I should, and I wanted to see how everyone was doing.
and thank you hun.

so Yeah I'm engaged to a gorgeous girl. Well Actually we are Promised to each other due to being so far apart., we are hoping to make it official in a few weeks.

March 31st, 2007, 11:36 am
to be honest i don't think gay and lesbian people are allowed to live.. i hate them no offense...

here are some reason why
1. God or any human beginning stories started with man and woman...
2. If every one was gay and lesbians, then our species would cease to exist
3. They're damn UGLY!!!
4. They're an insult to human beings everywhere.. they're not deserve to be called human anymore...
5. It's not natural

March 31st, 2007, 11:59 am
to be honest i don't think gay and lesbian people are allowed to live.. i hate them no offense...

here are some reason why
1. God or any human beginning stories started with man and woman...
2. If every one was gay and lesbians, then our species would cease to exist
3. They're damn UGLY!!!
4. They're an insult to human beings everywhere.. they're not deserve to be called human anymore...
5. It's not natural

Dude I pity you.
If you have to put down others to feel big.
To bash us cause your wee willie winky won't ever see the light of day.
Just so you can feel proud.
The true bible teaches compassion, and to "Love Thy Enemies"
We aren't out to get you. we could care less. We just want to live in peace without scrutiny. Do on to others as you would have others do on to you.

Dark Bring
March 31st, 2007, 12:36 pm
to be honest i don't think gay and lesbian people are allowed to live.. i hate them no offense...

here are some reason why
1. God or any human beginning stories started with man and woman...
2. If every one was gay and lesbians, then our species would cease to exist
3. They're damn UGLY!!!
4. They're an insult to human beings everywhere.. they're not deserve to be called human anymore...
5. It's not naturalI pity you.

March 31st, 2007, 01:01 pm
to be honest i don't think gay and lesbian people are allowed to live.. i hate them no offense...

here are some reason why
1. God or any human beginning stories started with man and woman...
2. If every one was gay and lesbians, then our species would cease to exist
3. They're damn UGLY!!!
4. They're an insult to human beings everywhere.. they're not deserve to be called human anymore...
5. It's not natural
I wouldn't even bother to pity you.

March 31st, 2007, 07:14 pm
to be honest i don't think gay and lesbian people are allowed to live.. i hate them no offense...

here are some reason why
1. God or any human beginning stories started with man and woman...
2. If every one was gay and lesbians, then our species would cease to exist
3. They're damn UGLY!!!
4. They're an insult to human beings everywhere.. they're not deserve to be called human anymore...
5. It's not natural

You were in the load your mom should have swallowed you inbred POS.
Give me a couple reasons that haven't been implanted in you by the church.