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March 31st, 2007, 09:00 pm
to be honest i don't think gay and lesbian people are allowed to live.. i hate them no offense...

here are some reason why
1. God or any human beginning stories started with man and woman...
2. If every one was gay and lesbians, then our species would cease to exist
3. They're damn UGLY!!!
4. They're an insult to human beings everywhere.. they're not deserve to be called human anymore...
5. It's not natural

Hahah. Thanks for that post; my faith in humanity has been a bit too high lately. Way to take it down a notch! ;)

March 31st, 2007, 11:49 pm
to be honest i don't think gay and lesbian people are allowed to live.. i hate them no offense...

here are some reason why
1. God or any human beginning stories started with man and woman...
2. If every one was gay and lesbians, then our species would cease to exist
3. They're damn UGLY!!!
4. They're an insult to human beings everywhere.. they're not deserve to be called human anymore...
5. It's not natural

1) Wrong. Ever heard of the Theory of Evolution? Oh, wait. Christians banned it because it didnt adhere to their "bible".
2) A species consists of individual organisms which are very similar in appearance, anatomy, physiology and genetics due to having relatively recent common ancestors. I don't see homosexuals having a different body structure as heterosexuals. Therefore, this claim is also wrong.
3) Ugly is a term defined by your personal preference. Therefore, if you say they're ugly, that does not mean that we all see it the same way. Since you provided "Ugly" as the reason for your claim, you are assuming that we all think that way. Well, your wrong.
4) Refer again to number 2. Homosexuals are the same in body structure as heterosexuals, therefore they are classified as a human due to the definition of a specie. Your wrong again.
5) Given the definition of Natural;

Natural - 1 : based on an inherent sense of right and wrong <natural justice>
2 : being in accordance with or determined by nature

looking at its first definition, the inherent sense of right and wrong cannot be literally defined, and is once again based on your personal preference. So using the first definition as your argument is wrong.

looking at the second definition, your not god or any special being. You cannot control nature or determine decisions made by nature. In definition of nature as in human nature, that refers back to your personal preference. Either way, using this definition is not legimate.

Looking at all your reasons you provided, they are all wrong mostly because its due to your preference, and therefore you cannot impose the reasons in the first place since it has not been decided that we all agree with your outlook on homosexuals.

April 1st, 2007, 12:08 am
i don't think gay and lesbian people are allowed to live..

They are allowed to live.
But you think they shouldn't be allowed to.
Get your English straight. Bitch.

i hate them no offense...

The feeling's mutual. Trust me.

here are some reason why

I'm fascinated. Do tell.
I cannot begin to express my excitement at discovering what sort of shit you have managed to concoct.

1. God or any human beginning stories started with man and woman...

It said it began with a man and woman. Not that men were not to allowed to love each other, and likewise for females.

2. If every one was gay and lesbians, then our species would cease to exist

Artificial insemination, bitch. Didn't you take biology?
If not, you're obviously too young to understand anything.

3. They're damn UGLY!!!

Really? How so? I find your ideals very ugly.

4. They're an insult to human beings everywhere.. they're not deserve to be called human anymore...

Human is a term for physical composition. With no attachment to mind and soul; least of all sexual orientation.

5. It's not natural

Please don't bullshit with me. I'm not in the fucking mood.

I hope you get done by a man. 'kay thanks, and bye.

April 1st, 2007, 12:56 am
I know what P-Chan said was extremely offencive, we do not have to stoop to name calling, or anything else. I do not hate Pchan, but I do dislike him.
People like him need to truely learn that we are who we are, end of story.
Do not stoop to his level, be the better of the species.

and Pchan If you hate us, why bother to start crap with us by posting here?

April 1st, 2007, 02:59 am
Question: Do you think as the years go on, people will be more tolerant on homosexuality?

April 1st, 2007, 03:05 am
I know what P-Chan said was extremely offencive, we do not have to stoop to name calling, or anything else. I do not hate Pchan, but I do dislike him.
People like him need to truely learn that we are who we are, end of story.
Do not stoop to his level, be the better of the species.

I don't recall that ever saying I hated him, he would cause our species to cease existing, that he was damn ugly, an insult to human beings or unnatural.

Stoop what level?

April 1st, 2007, 04:14 am
Hmmm, is it any worse hating people for being gay than it is hating people for hating people for being gay?
That might make a good debate for the religion thread. :shifty:

In any case, I don't see why you're all so offended by P-Chan's post. I myself found it very entertaining. X3

About P-Chan's reasons for hating gay people:

here are some reason why
1. God or any human beginning stories started with man and woman...
2. If every one was gay and lesbians, then our species would cease to exist
3. They're damn UGLY!!!
4. They're an insult to human beings everywhere.. they're not deserve to be called human anymore...
5. It's not natural

1. P-Chan seems to believe that his god is against gay people. He's mistaken. Still, it's understandable that'd he'd be angry with gays if his god truly was against them. Nobody knows better than god right?
2. He has a point there. You could throw artificial insemination and crap out there, but really, if our race started out gay, the human race would've been extinct a long time ago.
3. While hating someone for being ugly is ridiculous, I'd have to agree that I don't like the way stereotypical gay men and women look. Butch gals with hair shorter than mine? Men with earrings and pink shirts lisping all over the place? No thank you. Of course, I have gay friends who don't fit into the stereotype. Still, I can see how someone as close-minded as P-Chan could clump a group as huge as gay people all together and hate them "for being damn ugly."
4. This one is retarded, obviously just him venting his ill-founded frustrations towards gay people. XP
5. ::Shrug:: He's right, it isn't natural. But I don't remember unnatural things automatically being bad. Are people who use computers, airplanes, medicine, housing, cars, and instruments evil too? I don't think I've ever seen a piano-tree before. :rolleyes:

So yeah. My point is that uh...P-Chan probably isn't an evil person. Just a dumb, misguided one. You shouldn't get mad at people for being dumb; stupidity is a disease that inflicts the greater part of the human race. Kekekekekekeke.

April 1st, 2007, 06:42 am
Question: Do you think as the years go on, people will be more tolerant on homosexuality?

April 1st, 2007, 07:22 am
We have come a long way since the 19th century. society is getting more tollerant of homosexuality.

April 1st, 2007, 10:26 am
But at the same time humanity is becoming more tollerent and accepting of many other things in life. It doesn't bother me either way as i'm fine with gays as long as they don't want me to be involved with there 'bedroom life'.

April 1st, 2007, 11:25 am
it's like obesity it's an outbreak.. an plaque...

like i said before "no offense" you don't have to personalize it.. :lol:

well anyways call me dumb, mislead or ignorant.. ect.. but that's how i view homosexuality...

what good comes out of it anyways?

April 1st, 2007, 11:31 am
To some poeple it's just a bit of fun, for others a way to express themselves.

but most of all it is what the people like. Just like how you like a perticular food or piece of music

Dark Bring
April 1st, 2007, 11:31 am
what good comes out of it anyways?We have less of an overpopulation problem to worry about, for starters. It helps us identify people such as you. Your kind will be the first against the Wall when the Revolution comes.

April 1st, 2007, 04:23 pm
In that case, we should start that revolution soon... :shifty:

like i said before "no offense" you don't have to personalize it..
Yeah, good point. Gay people shouldn't take offense to, "No offense, but you're an insult to humanity. You don't even deserve to be called human. I think you should die."

Yeah, good point, good point. I mean, you said "no offense" before your post, so that makes it all okay! Nothing personal, right?

No offense P-Chan, but you're pretty dumb. :rolleyes:

April 1st, 2007, 07:35 pm
To some poeple it's just a bit of fun, for others a way to express themselves.

but most of all it is what the people like. Just like how you like a perticular food or piece of music

That I will have to object,
Yes I am happy the way I am, No I didn't choose to be so.

Anyone who says it's a choice needs to read up a bit more.

I myself am a Transsexual Female, I've heard every name in the book called at me.
nothing bothers me much anymore, most people have the dignity to "KEEP THERE NEGATIVE OPINIONS TO THEMSELVES"
I live in a very conservative and religious town, and other than employment I have not had a problem with anyone.

No Offense P-Chan but I think you're a Fucking Moron! lol how do you like it?

April 1st, 2007, 08:15 pm
That I will have to object,
Yes I am happy the way I am, No I didn't choose to be so.

Anyone who says it's a choice needs to read up a bit more.

I never implied homosexuality as a choice. If it looks that way to some people then i'm sorry. What i was trying to say is that it's a natural feeling.

April 1st, 2007, 08:36 pm
Anyone who says it's a choice needs to read up a bit more.
Read up a bit more on what? A lot of sources say that it is a choice. XD

I think it's a choice in some people, and not in others. I mean, I definitely didn't "choose" to be heterosexual. X3

April 1st, 2007, 08:46 pm
What ever will be will be.

I am what I am.

April 1st, 2007, 10:08 pm
Que sera, sera.

I am what I eat.

April 1st, 2007, 10:57 pm
No offense P-Chan, but you're pretty dumb. :rolleyes:

none taken... :rolleyes:

That I will have to object,
No Offense P-Chan but I think you're a F****** Moron! lol how do you like it?

it's ok cause it's only words.. :P

April 1st, 2007, 11:49 pm
to be honest i don't think gay and lesbian people are allowed to live.. i hate them no offense...

Isn't there some law or principle in Catholicism and Christianity that sais you're not supposed to hate any of God's creations? My religous friends are always beating on me when I say that I hate someone, so I'm not very fond of the word. Especially when you slap on no offense on that to be honest i don't think gay and lesbian people are allowed to live.. and then act like it's ok. (Just like what Hopeless said.)

And about you're last post, words can do more than they're given credit for. They can get good people to commit suicide, start wars or conflicts, ruin employments, and if directed at the wrong people, can get you killed. I really do pity you.

About the talk of choosing your sexuality, I would definitely say that it wasn't a choice for me. That's why it makes me angry when people come up and say, "You're going to burn in the lake of fire for eternity!" (yes, someone has said that to me,) when I really can't help it. No, I haven't come out to my parents yet, but I know I have to... sometime... Any tips on that from people with experience? :\

April 2nd, 2007, 10:45 am
Isn't there some law or principle in Catholicism and Christianity that sais you're not supposed to hate any of God's creations? My religous friends are always beating on me when I say that I hate someone, so I'm not very fond of the word. Especially when you slap on no offense on that to be honest i don't think gay and lesbian people are allowed to live.. and then act like it's ok. (Just like what Hopeless said.)

the "do on to others" saying? hehehe.. yhea..

Lost Rain
April 2nd, 2007, 01:20 pm
Then why do you do bash people like this? It makes little sense, especially when you don't have to post here. Do you feel like starting a fire and watching it burn?

Being what I am, either out of choice or otherwise, is something that I am happy with, and as far as you should be concerned... well, you shouldn't. I haven't been told I'm going to the lake of fire, but I have thought about it a lot... but if I can find true happiness and love with another guy, then by all means, I'll see you all in hell.

I don't persecute you for being hetero, so in the same I would hope you wouldn't do the same to me and the others. So, first I'll provide a word for your limited vocabulary and say no more...

Idiocy: utterly senseless or foolish behavior; a stupid or foolish act, statement, etc.

So there, I've said my piece and no more. I hope you can get past your limited views. It really opens you up mentally.

Lost Rain
April 2nd, 2007, 01:38 pm
No, I haven't come out to my parents yet, but I know I have to... sometime... Any tips on that from people with experience? :\

Well, that's a little harder to judge, really. It just depends on the... feel of the situation. First off, make sure it's on your terms (a.k.a. choose your battleground, don't let it choose you). That can make an influence in everything, so be careful.

All in all, there's really not much advice to give, just judge the situation and use your words carefully. Probably not very helpful, but it's all I can say.

April 2nd, 2007, 01:56 pm
Oh god, ok... I'm starting on p-chan's case right away. If you are too blind to see that there is such a thing as homosexuality and that many people are being that way and that you hate 1/10 of the planet just because a group of person are a certain way... well then you're a pathetic waste of skin. What you said in that first post was offensive... so you might as well remove your little "no offence" cause you've just insulted most people that are gay. Ok another thing... I wasn't just insulted on the way I am... I was insulted on my looks too! I guess if you're gay you have to be an ugly thing. Ok before judging me of my looks mister... click on my profile and look at my picture, only then can you decide if I am Damn ugly, but don't go shooting theories around that don't even stand up. And yes, gay people can and are very friggen sexy, my girl is one of the most beautiful person know so whatev. God you angered me soo bad, I'm trembling from rage right now. Don't EVER judge me or anyone until they've done something directly towards you. Homophobia makes me want to puke, and I bet you ain't half as pretty as anyone. Anyways I'm done on you, and I'll be back if you ever dare say a peep towards me or anyone ever again.

April 2nd, 2007, 02:39 pm
all I will say is that I am not bisexual by choice.

Lost Rain
April 2nd, 2007, 03:27 pm
Neither am I, but I'm not going to hate myself for it either. I can't say I don't enjoy having an... extended menu, so to speak (that sounds so mean), but sometimes I wonder what everything would be like if I wasn't... Almost tempting, you know?

But it doesn't matter. As it is always said, I am what I am and I will not deny it. Besides, I like having all this fun! :heh:

April 2nd, 2007, 07:56 pm
Oh god, ok... I'm starting on p-chan's case right away. If you are too blind to see that there is such a thing as homosexuality and that many people are being that way and that you hate 1/10 of the planet just because a group of person are a certain way... well then you're a pathetic waste of skin. What you said in that first post was offensive... so you might as well remove your little "no offence" cause you've just insulted most people that are gay. Ok another thing... I wasn't just insulted on the way I am... I was insulted on my looks too! I guess if you're gay you have to be an ugly thing. Ok before judging me of my looks mister... click on my profile and look at my picture, only then can you decide if I am Damn ugly, but don't go shooting theories around that don't even stand up. And yes, gay people can and are very friggen sexy, my girl is one of the most beautiful person know so whatev. God you angered me soo bad, I'm trembling from rage right now. Don't EVER judge me or anyone until they've done something directly towards you. Homophobia makes me want to puke, and I bet you ain't half as pretty as anyone. Anyways I'm done on you, and I'll be back if you ever dare say a peep towards me or anyone ever again.

You're absolutely right.
and btw you're hot hehehe

April 2nd, 2007, 09:51 pm
Oh god, ok... I'm starting on p-chan's case right away. If you are too blind to see that there is such a thing as homosexuality and that many people are being that way and that you hate 1/10 of the planet just because a group of person are a certain way... well then you're a pathetic waste of skin. What you said in that first post was offensive... so you might as well remove your little "no offence" cause you've just insulted most people that are gay. Ok another thing... I wasn't just insulted on the way I am... I was insulted on my looks too! I guess if you're gay you have to be an ugly thing. Ok before judging me of my looks mister... click on my profile and look at my picture, only then can you decide if I am Damn ugly, but don't go shooting theories around that don't even stand up. And yes, gay people can and are very friggen sexy, my girl is one of the most beautiful person know so whatev. God you angered me soo bad, I'm trembling from rage right now. Don't EVER judge me or anyone until they've done something directly towards you. Homophobia makes me want to puke, and I bet you ain't half as pretty as anyone. Anyways I'm done on you, and I'll be back if you ever dare say a peep towards me or anyone ever again.

Go Celeste!!! ^_^

April 2nd, 2007, 10:19 pm
I am a Christian, and in the Bible we are told not to judge other people. I have a couple of very good friends who are gay and even though they do not share my viewpoints on some things, they are good people and I like being around them. I don't understand how p-chan can act so hateful towards gay people. It really angers me that he's using religion to make himself seem better than other people. I don't think he really understands God or Christianity at all if he thinks he's self-righteous enough to pass so much judgment on other people. Below are two passages from the Bible that I looked up about not judging other people. P-chan should take them to heart. I know it seems like it a lot of the time, but not all Christians are homophobic bigots.

"Do not judge lest you be judged. "For in the way that you judge you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. "And why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? "Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' and behold, the log is in your own eye? "You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." (Matthew 7:1-5)

"Therefore you are without excuse, every man of you who passes judgment, for in that you judge one another, you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things. And we know that the judgment of God rightly falls upon those who practice such things." (Romans 2:1-2)

April 3rd, 2007, 12:23 am
"You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination." Lev 20:13
"If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death." 1 Cor 6:9
"Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals" 1 Tim 1:9-10

not everything in the bible is roses and love...

This is where I got the quotes.

My own belieaf is that the anti-homosexuality in the bible has its origin in the roman empire. believe it or not the romans were very fond of male on male love, becaus of their belieaf in the inferiority of women. So the bible wich I believe is a product of very good human (not divine) writers, uses this as an anti roman propaganda.
thats what I believe, and I might be wrong.
now this isnt the religion thread so im going to stop here and say:

Go celest!! and go Anime_Girl_Jenni!!!
damn, the best looking girls are always into other girls.

/the man who talks to much.

edit: oh and I dont condone anything said on that homepage.

April 3rd, 2007, 12:34 am
Oh god, ok... I'm starting on p-chan's case right away. If you are too blind to see that there is such a thing as homosexuality and that many people are being that way and that you hate 1/10 of the planet just because a group of person are a certain way... well then you're a pathetic waste of skin. What you said in that first post was offensive... so you might as well remove your little "no offence" cause you've just insulted most people that are gay. Ok another thing... I wasn't just insulted on the way I am... I was insulted on my looks too! I guess if you're gay you have to be an ugly thing. Ok before judging me of my looks mister... click on my profile and look at my picture, only then can you decide if I am Damn ugly, but don't go shooting theories around that don't even stand up. And yes, gay people can and are very friggen sexy, my girl is one of the most beautiful person know so whatev. God you angered me soo bad, I'm trembling from rage right now. Don't EVER judge me or anyone until they've done something directly towards you. Homophobia makes me want to puke, and I bet you ain't half as pretty as anyone. Anyways I'm done on you, and I'll be back if you ever dare say a peep towards me or anyone ever again.

"You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination." Lev 20:13
"If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death." 1 Cor 6:9
"Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals" 1 Tim 1:9-10

not everything in the bible is roses and love...

This is where I got the quotes.

My own belieaf is that the anti-homosexuality in the bible has its origin in the roman empire. believe it or not the romans were very fond of male on male love, becaus of their belieaf in the inferiority of women. So the bible wich I believe is a product of very good human (not divine) writers, uses this as an anti roman propaganda.
thats what I believe, and I might be wrong.
now this isnt the religion thread so im going to stop here and say:

Go celest!! and go Anime_Girl_Jenni!!!
damn, the best looking girls are always into other girls.

/the man who talks to much.

edit: oh and I dont condone anything said on that homepage.

Most of the Anti Gay Stuff in the Bible was written in the Dark/Middle Ages. and is not the true word of the bible.

April 3rd, 2007, 12:35 am
Christianity itself is a modern culture. Who really knows what happend before the age of documentation.

April 3rd, 2007, 12:39 am
"You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination." Lev 20:13
"If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death." 1 Cor 6:9

A known theory is that the crime was not homosexuality, but treating another man like a women. As said, a lot of the anti-homosexuality writings in the bible were written during the dark ages when women were severely oppressed. Therefore, a man having sexual tendencies with another man was treating that man like a women, and both would be put to death for that reason.

(Note that I put the word theory in italics, so everyone would see it. I never said that that is what I thought, but others have thought of it. I do not mean to insult any parties, or the bible.)

April 3rd, 2007, 11:07 am
A known theory is that the crime was not homosexuality, but treating another man like a women. As said, a lot of the anti-homosexuality writings in the bible were written during the dark ages when women were severely oppressed. Therefore, a man having sexual tendencies with another man was treating that man like a women, and both would be put to death for that reason.

(Note that I put the word theory in italics, so everyone would see it. I never said that that is what I thought, but others have thought of it. I do not mean to insult any parties, or the bible.)
A lot of people tried to force sense onto the bible were there is non... ;P
we all know the bible contradicts itself about a million times. :unsure:

Lost Rain
April 5th, 2007, 02:44 pm
Well, if it gives hope, we hardly pay attention, do we?

April 5th, 2007, 03:37 pm
Well, if it gives hope, we hardly pay attention, do we?
yeah, unfortunately many many don't pay any attention

Neko Koneko
April 10th, 2007, 06:32 am
Christianity itself is a modern culture. Who really knows what happend before the age of documentation.

Christianity is far from modern. It's over 2000 years old, can't call that modern.

April 10th, 2007, 01:01 pm
Thou shall not hate.

Lost Rain
April 10th, 2007, 01:15 pm
Thou shall not hate.

And yet I still hear of people who are gay or bi dying from other people killing them because of it... so much for that, eh? :cry:

April 10th, 2007, 01:17 pm
And yet I still hear of people who are gay or bi dying from other people killing them because of it... so much for that, eh? :cry:


oh right,

Thou shalt not kill.

Lost Rain
April 10th, 2007, 01:20 pm
This world sickens me... slavery, woman's rights, and now homosexuality.... *scoffs*

Dark Bring
April 10th, 2007, 02:08 pm
This world sickens me... slavery, woman's rights, and now homosexuality.... *scoffs*I hope I am reading this wrong.

Surely you don't mean to say that women's rights and homosexuality sickens you as much as slavery?

April 10th, 2007, 02:30 pm
omg, please use your brain ;P

Lost Rain
April 10th, 2007, 02:50 pm
I hope I am reading this wrong.

Surely you don't mean to say that women's rights and homosexuality sickens you as much as slavery?

...No, that is not what I'm saying at all... *sigh* It was a short example of the wrongs the U.S. and its people have commited. The acts that were committed then, that disgusts me. What homophobes and the like do to people like me, that disgusts me.

Dark Bring
April 10th, 2007, 02:57 pm
...No, that is not what I'm saying at all... *sigh* It was a short example of the wrongs the U.S. and its people have committed. The acts that were committed then, that disgusts me. What homophobes and the like do to people like me, that disgusts me.Thank you for clearing things up.

omg, please use your brain ;P
I'm a stickler for clear expression. Kinda like a relative to a Grammar Nazi, except I really don't know much about grammar.

Lost Rain
April 10th, 2007, 03:01 pm
Not a problem. I don't mind as long as there's reason to ask.

April 10th, 2007, 04:13 pm
sorry Dark Bring, I'm a bit harsh sometimes :unsure: It's just that I thought it was quite obvious what he meant ;x

April 11th, 2007, 04:39 am
...No, that is not what I'm saying at all... *sigh* It was a short example of the wrongs the U.S. and its people have commited. The acts that were committed then, that disgusts me. What homophobes and the like do to people like me, that disgusts me.

Its not just America that has the problems with previous and present prejudice and many forms of slavery, though I do agree what happens in America is amplified and also a bit more extreme compared to Eastern Europe.

April 11th, 2007, 09:45 am
Wow, reading the whole thread took some time lol. Well, i am defintely not against gay people, as i, for one, am gay (well, it took ages for me to accept it but yer x_X) well, in my experiences of telling people i have been lukcy, i told my closet friends and they were really accepting, much to my surprise lol. well, i dunno, Aus. is a pretty accepting country...to a certain extent, but the there will always be the homophoic people, who in my opinion only act that way becasue they dislike the idea of people being different from them, or the lack of understanding causes fear that manifests itself into prejudice against them.

after accepting it i feel much better, but then the other diffiuclty is that it is so hard to meet like minded people o.O" it is like a secert society hidden somewhere lols. but in all seriousness i really cannot understand the overly outdone denuncement of homosexuals, when they do everything a law abiding citizen does, except perfer to like someone of the same gender. i mean, the matters of someone's personal life should never have been a concern of other people and the soceity should just accept these choices like they would accept the decisions of (and at times disasterous) what they perceive as "normal" citizens.

and i relation to divorce statstics, the state of Masscueuts(sp!) that allows gay marriages and other "gay friendly" states have the lowest divorce rates in the USA, and while the tradtional or the very conserative states of like...Texas have the highest divorce rates in the USA. this can be contributed to the fact that the social norm that all people should get married and have children don't work out for the homosexuals involved, leading to a greater chance of relationship problems and eventually divorce, as it is not meant to be, according the the homosexual's mentality. the low divorce rates of the gay friendly states can also be attributed to the fact that the people can chose who they love and get married in confidence, and leading the more sucessful marriages and thus lowering the chance of further complications down the track.

and in rebutal that the fact that humans go against nature for survival is a weak argument by any standards, as if you looked closely, you will soon realise that the normal "marvels" we humans take for granted such as eletricity, internet, nuclear (energy generating) technology, ultra sounds etc etc, were developed with the rpimary purpose of war, thus, in other words, to kill other human beings, which then effectively voids the arguments that humans use their intelligence to primary enrich and help the human species to survive. most of the greatest inventions were built with the intention of furthering or enchaing power, or more commonly, for killing people who are in opposition with the intrests of a nation.

even religion itself has many fatal flaws, for example, the passage in leviticus where it states that it is wrong to be homosexual also outline 2 other sins associated with relationships. the 2 most common manifestations of the 2 outlined other then homosexuality are adultery AND divorce. so those people within the super conservative states in the USA and the fundamentalists out there, they should, well, i excpect the fundamentalists would also have to discriminate against people who have cheated and had a divorce, and maybe pass legistlation that forbid people to obtain a divorce, or better yet, return to the times of Victorian England where obtaining a divorce was so costly that it was nearly impossibel to do so. This point also voids the use of Religion against homosexuals, as the church or those organizations do not actively discriminate against the others that oppose what is written in that particular passage, their claims that it is their belief or religon are also void.

omg Zomg at myself for writing alot lol, but yer, just to let people know what i think.

April 19th, 2007, 11:29 pm
my cousin's friend's brother is a homosexual, but then i have nothing against it, he's nice......it just a matter of opinion.......you can't really force yourself not to love someone when you're actually in love with that person, so why not think of this more openly?.....~Haru~

April 22nd, 2007, 11:17 am
my cousin's friend's brother is a homosexual, but then i have nothing against it, he's nice......it just a matter of opinion.......you can't really force yourself not to love someone when you're actually in love with that person, so why not think of this more openly?.....~Haru~

Because there are so many closed minded, conservative people :/

April 22nd, 2007, 04:10 pm
The world needs people to be against homosexuality.

April 22nd, 2007, 04:20 pm
What homophobes and the like do to people like me, that disgusts me.

Now, are you talking from personal experience, or just about stories you hear or read? Listen close dude, only about 1% of all people in america will actually say or do something to you because of your sexual orientation. Frankly, the other 99% dont give a fuck what you do on your time. Stop assuming all homophobes wanna kick your ass and follow you around calling you a queer. I'm homophobic myself, but its not like I think homosexuals are such a big deal that I need to be mean to them, and neither do 99% of homophobes. So stop being an attention whore, nobody cares.

April 22nd, 2007, 04:46 pm
:cry: Meanie, my poor heart :cry:

April 23rd, 2007, 04:15 am
Now, are you talking from personal experience, or just about stories you hear or read? Listen close dude, only about 1% of all people in america will actually say or do something to you because of your sexual orientation. Frankly, the other 99% dont give a fuck what you do on your time. Stop assuming all homophobes wanna kick your ass and follow you around calling you a queer. I'm homophobic myself, but its not like I think homosexuals are such a big deal that I need to be mean to them, and neither do 99% of homophobes. So stop being an attention whore, nobody cares.

First of all, base your statistics on real one cause the numbers are much higher than that. I've seen alot of guys get excluded many times from alot of things because of their sexual orientation. It's the same thing as racism... alot of people won't actually talk or do something to someone of another color just because they are another color... but behind their backs, they'll talk about him or make jokes about his color. The fact that people keep doing this is what makes a person homophobic. And the fact that you concider yourself as a homophobe only explains clearly that you are a closed minded person.

And this is a forum, people share opinions on here, if he wants to say something he'll do it as he wishes. that doesn't make him an attention whore. As a matter of fact, I'd rather be an attention whore than a homophobe.

April 23rd, 2007, 04:47 pm
1) He can say his opinion, and I'm saying mine.

2) My statistics are real, they may not be scientifically proven, but its a damn close estimate. Look on the news kid, or read a buncha books. How often do you see or read something about homosexuals being being treated badly? And when you do see it, the majority of the time its just a buncha kids stuck in puberty who have nothing better to do than prove to their friends that they can beat up a gay kid. There are millions of homophobes in the world, you'll be lucky to find more than 100 that will discriminate against a gay person.

3) I'm closed-minded now because I'm against homosexuality and really dislike it? If anything I'm open minded because I see what it is, I know what it is and I choose to be against it. There is nothing closed-minded about being homophobic, it is my personal choice whether or not I like homosexuality.

4) "behind their backs, they'll talk about him or make jokes about his color. The fact that people keep doing this is what makes a person homophobic." You got some screwed up definition of being homophobic. Scientifically, a homphobe is a person who fears homosexuals. Though, in our society we use it as someone who dislikes, or hates homosexuals and homosexuality. Get your shit straight. You might as well be saying that because I'm british, I hate the french, because you clearly stated that because I'm a homophobe I talk bad and discrimnate against homosexuals.

5) Also, people will ALWAYS have something to talk about behind people's backs. Homosexuals are no minority there. Everyone in their life will face discrimination multiple times. Homosexuals shouldn't be treated any more kindly than the rest of us.

5) Saying his opinion don't make him an attention whore, but (not done

April 23rd, 2007, 06:54 pm
3) I'm closed-minded now because I'm against homosexuality and really dislike it? If anything I'm open minded because I see what it is, I know what it is and I choose to be against it. There is nothing closed-minded about being homophobic, it is my personal choice whether or not I like homosexuality.
Closed-minded is, by definition, someone who is not going to change his mind even though evidence points in a different direction.
So no, you're not closed-minded as long as you're open to change ._. You'd be closed-minded if you said "I'm not ever going to change my opinion about gay people! NEVER!" That'd be closed minded. ;)

April 23rd, 2007, 08:35 pm
Anyhow Asuka, I pity you for being this way. Oh and just to say a last thing to you about statistics, you'll know that you should never ever ever base statistics on your own experiences or thoughts... until you do your own research and prove to me that 99% of the people never say or do anything I'll never believe you and so should this whole forum. stats isn't something you can just make up like that, stats are based on actual researches.

April 23rd, 2007, 08:45 pm
Lol, fine, it wasnt a statistic, it was a logical figure. Happy? Sheesh, so much over something that wasn't hardly related to my point.

April 23rd, 2007, 08:49 pm
Too bad you didn't know your husband studies statistics :lol:

April 23rd, 2007, 09:31 pm
Oh, I heard about you two ^_^

Congrats ^_^

Neko Koneko
April 23rd, 2007, 09:55 pm
Whenever I read Asuka's posts I'm reminded of Fairbanks of SoreThumbs (http://www.sorethumbsonline.com). They seem pretty similar in about everything.

April 23rd, 2007, 10:44 pm
First of all, base your statistics on real one cause the numbers are much higher than that. I've seen alot of guys get excluded many times from alot of things because of their sexual orientation. It's the same thing as racism... alot of people won't actually talk or do something to someone of another color just because they are another color... but behind their backs, they'll talk about him or make jokes about his color. The fact that people keep doing this is what makes a person homophobic. And the fact that you concider yourself as a homophobe only explains clearly that you are a closed minded person.

And this is a forum, people share opinions on here, if he wants to say something he'll do it as he wishes. that doesn't make him an attention whore. As a matter of fact, I'd rather be an attention whore than a homophobe.

I'm going off on a tangent here, but in lieu of all that: www.dayofsilence.org

Quite recent.
At least some people try.

Edit: Please forgive my ignorance, but I find it hard to understand how one is homophobic.
What is there to fear, besides a homosexual of your gender hitting you, or one of the opposite gender hitting on your significant other?
Both of which would be quite creepy for me personally, I should think, what with my still yet-to-diagnosed paranoia, if you would forgive me for that as well.

April 24th, 2007, 01:23 am
Hey, talking about homophobic, I just saw a video of the Holocaust and such, and it said that one of the groups persecuted was homosexuals. :unsure: That really scares me.

April 24th, 2007, 04:55 am
I for one think that the things done to homosexuals and those of various other "queerness", such as transsexuals, is appalling. I happen to live in a very conservative, religion run town and have seen, and felt what bigotry is like.
My brother is bisexual, my best friend's sister is a lesbian, and I am a transsexual. My brother had his jaw fractured, my best friend's sis got run out of town, and I have endured far more beatings than anyone should have to go through, along with being shot, stabbed, and hung.
I for one am sick of all the bigotry this word has to offer.

People need to start realizing that no one is better or worse than anyone else, just different

April 24th, 2007, 05:12 am
I don't get it, if you're married to han.. and you joke about being gay, yet you're a homophobe....?

April 24th, 2007, 05:40 am
I don't get it, if you're married to han.. and you joke about being gay, yet you're a homophobe....?

heh I was thinking the same thing as well Eternal :heh:

Divine Shadow
April 24th, 2007, 05:54 am
A homophobe "married" to another person of his own sex..... yeah.... that doesn't make sense at all. I'm getting confused trying to understand it too. @_@

April 24th, 2007, 07:01 am
Basically I tricked him into a Vagas wedding and got him super drunk :)

April 24th, 2007, 04:14 pm
@ Angelic: Is that a bad thing? I don't get it...
@ Methodx: As I've stated before, scientifically, to be homophobic is to fear homosexuals (thats like, if you break the word down to its literal terms) But the way it is used in modern society, a homophobe is someone who dislikes, or hates homosexuals and homosexuality.
@ X, Eternal: Hantony speaks the truth... He brought the Jack Daniels out when we went to vegas...

My brother had his jaw fractured, my best friend's sis got run out of town, and I have endured far more beatings than anyone should have to go through, along with being shot, stabbed, and hung.
I for one am sick of all the bigotry this word has to offer.

People need to start realizing that no one is better or worse than anyone else, just different

Alright, I'm sorry, but I find it hard to believe that your friend's sis got run out of town, she must have done something really wrong, because I have never seen someone seriously against lesbians. And again, i find it hard to believe you've been beat up multiple times, been shot, stabbed and hung. How are you still alive? Especially if you've been shot AND hung. Can you explain this to me please? Were you like, shot in the foot, and stabbed in the hand or something? Cuz honestly dude, when someone brings a knife or gun out, they mean to do something fatal.

April 24th, 2007, 06:13 pm
I think she means people in general, not herself.

Neko Koneko
April 24th, 2007, 06:31 pm
@ Angelic: Is that a bad thing? I don't get it...

If you don't mind coming across like a stupidly conservative bush-loving nerd with a round head and the bad habit of never listening to other people I guess it's not too bad being compared to Fairbanks :mellow:

April 24th, 2007, 06:42 pm
@ Han: No...she specifically said "I have endured far more beatings than anyone should have to go through, along with being shot, stabbed, and hung."

@ Angelic: Oh yeah, thats definately me.

April 24th, 2007, 10:32 pm
I would still like to know exactly what it is about them that you fear.
Or is it something you can't quite place?

April 24th, 2007, 10:40 pm
I'm also extremely curious as to how Princess Stephi is still alive after multiple beatings, being shot, and being hung. Because you know...you usually die from that kind of stuff. Super powers? And I'm pretty sure I'd see gay lynchings on the news, considering how trendy it is to be gay lately. XD

April 25th, 2007, 03:57 pm
I would still like to know exactly what it is about them that you fear.
Or is it something you can't quite place?

what the fuck are you talking about dude? do you like, read the first half of posts and not the next? I already explained all this.

"@ Methodx: As I've stated before, scientifically, to be homophobic is to fear homosexuals (thats like, if you break the word down to its literal terms) But the way it is used in modern society, a homophobe is someone who dislikes, or hates homosexuals and homosexuality"

April 25th, 2007, 05:02 pm
[QUOTE=Asuka;348594]what the fuck are you talking about dude? do you like, read the first half of posts and not the next? I already explained all this.[QUOTE]

Well i'm not reading half a book everytime one of you people speak your mind. Blame yourselves for repetitivness.

April 25th, 2007, 05:55 pm
Well i'm not reading half a book everytime one of you people speak your mind. Blame yourselves for repetitivness.
Aye, if you find someone's post too long to read, you are in no way obligated to read it. However, if you don't read a post fully, you shouldn't be responding to it either. ;)

April 25th, 2007, 06:07 pm
I don't but there were acusations of people only reading half the post and replying to it, where as i just ignore it cos i'm useless like that :/

April 25th, 2007, 08:57 pm
I feel like I'm speaking more and more Russian everyday.

Ah well. It's just the internet.

April 26th, 2007, 03:44 am
Having a vast knowledge of over 5 million languages, I can assure you that you have not, in fact, spoken any Russian lately - it's all English to me! ;D

Did you get that? See what I did there? Funny right?

.....Right!??! D:

~Whee XD

April 26th, 2007, 03:59 am
We went off topic x_x

April 26th, 2007, 04:59 am
lol, we did. X3

April 30th, 2007, 11:57 pm
The problem with society is that we associate behavior and how we act to what sex were are... So if you are male you are suppose to be this masculine manly man and if you are female you are suppose to be this feminine figure that cooks. It has been like that because people defined it that way but in truth that is false. There are countless people that act differently from their defining sex. That is because nature does not define sexuality as behavior. That is why homosexuality and homosexual people are classified differently then any other group of people. That is because some homosexual males and females act like the opposite sex.

Here is an example of a friend who is bisexual and is a drag queen. I dated him and yes he refers to himself as a he and not a she. He was a drag queen because he liked to be a woman but still wanted to be a male. People thought he was gay or a trans gender but he wasn't. That was who he was. The problem is society looked at him like a freak and in the end he stop being his drag self. It was more of a personal thing then anything. The other reason he looked so much like a woman straight men would hit on him and he did not feel like fooling them anymore. He mainly was sick of it. Know he is a very fem-masucline man. He is very strong and well built but is equal as a feminine and masculine.

That is truly the main issue with homosexuals is the stereotypes and yeah those stereotypes are true but should not been seen in a negative way.

Another the reason is the act of sex itself. I find it beautiful but I can see why heterosexuals feel sick by it. They really should in some way or another just like homosexuals could feel sick seeing straight sex. I know some who are... But that does mean that we should say it is wrong because of how some people may feel or how you feel or whatever.

Homosexuality like any sexuality been around a hell of a lot longer then this argument been going on. I think it is about time to just accept it.

May 6th, 2007, 02:47 pm
Whenever I hear people speaking against gay rights, I just wonder to myself: haven't they read history books? Haven't they read the countless times people have been persecuted, by gender, by race, and always, in the end, the conclusion has been that tolerance and equality is the "good side" and those against it are always the "bad side"? So why do people still want to be on the bad side, and be remembered in the history books as fighting against the good side?

May 6th, 2007, 09:35 pm
The problem with society is that we associate behavior and how we act to what sex were are... So if you are male you are suppose to be this masculine manly man and if you are female you are suppose to be this feminine figure that cooks. It has been like that because people defined it that way but in truth that is false. There are countless people that act differently from their defining sex. That is because nature does not define sexuality as behavior. That is why homosexuality and homosexual people are classified differently then any other group of people. That is because some homosexual males and females act like the opposite sex.

Here is an example of a friend who is bisexual and is a drag queen. I dated him and yes he refers to himself as a he and not a she. He was a drag queen because he liked to be a woman but still wanted to be a male. People thought he was gay or a trans gender but he wasn't. That was who he was. The problem is society looked at him like a freak and in the end he stop being his drag self. It was more of a personal thing then anything. The other reason he looked so much like a woman straight men would hit on him and he did not feel like fooling them anymore. He mainly was sick of it. Know he is a very fem-masucline man. He is very strong and well built but is equal as a feminine and masculine.

That is truly the main issue with homosexuals is the stereotypes and yeah those stereotypes are true but should not been seen in a negative way.

Another the reason is the act of sex itself. I find it beautiful but I can see why heterosexuals feel sick by it. They really should in some way or another just like homosexuals could feel sick seeing straight sex. I know some who are... But that does mean that we should say it is wrong because of how some people may feel or how you feel or whatever.

Homosexuality like any sexuality been around a hell of a lot longer then this argument been going on. I think it is about time to just accept it.

wow. that's deep. it great that you could tell people this that are blind and don't understand. i hate when people do that. it degrades the person and makes them feel like less of an human being. we are all the same people yes some of us are different and act like the oppsite sex but what the hell? we like it. sso it's ok. i think it's cool.

Lost Rain
May 20th, 2007, 02:16 am
Now, are you talking from personal experience, or just about stories you hear or read? Listen close dude, only about 1% of all people in america will actually say or do something to you because of your sexual orientation. Frankly, the other 99% dont give a fuck what you do on your time. Stop assuming all homophobes wanna kick your ass and follow you around calling you a queer. I'm homophobic myself, but its not like I think homosexuals are such a big deal that I need to be mean to them, and neither do 99% of homophobes. So stop being an attention whore, nobody cares.

Yeah, I am talking from personal experience, of course everyone else wouldn't know that now, would they?

First off, there are crimes committed that no one ever finds out about. Crimes against homosexuals are very much the same thing. They (homosexuals) are hurt, whatever the form, and if the person hurting does a good enough job, you'll never hear about it, so the statistics themselves aren't a good thing to go by.

And as far as the "I'm homophobic myself", as mentioned by some else earlier, you're married to Han, right? :huh: Please tell me there's something I don't understand because that doesn't make any sense at all.

P.S. Attention whore? I was stating an opinion. Regardless of whether or not I like attention is not the point here. Stop diverting from the main topic. Truth be told, I'm with Celeste. If I had to be anything, I'd rather be an attention whore than an ignorant ass.

May 20th, 2007, 02:40 am
Ok, no offence, who gives a damn about statistics, when it is still happening? Racism, Homophobia, Bigotry, Sexism shouldn't be happening. and even 1% is enough for it to be stupid, and unneccisary.Even if someone is only telling stupid racist, or sexist jokes, its still dumb. Disliking a person for who they are, is dumb.

Hate is just bloody rediculous. The only reason humans hate others for who they are, weather or not it is a choise, is because they are afraid and feel alone. And because they have nothing better to do.Some people hate, just to have a sence of purpose.

Homosexuality dosn't hurt anyone, and the people that say it hurts them are only afraid of what they don't know about.

There is no good or bad side to this. There is right and wrong. Kill someone for who they are, and not kill someone else because they are something you like.

How come people can't just accept people for the way they are? and that not accepting it is pointless. It just causes both parties stress and hurt. It may be hard, but to ignore something you don't like and let them live thier lives is healthier for both parties.

This argument is getting rediculous, its gone on, as theowne said, for hundreds, maybe even thousands of years. Isnt it time for humanity to grow the hell up and stop being close minded biggoted idiots?

Oh, and while were at it, if your going to be a biggot, keep religious figures out of it, because if they do exist, chances are they accept things better than you know. Just as a heads up...

*takes a deep breath* >_<

May 21st, 2007, 04:39 pm
Yeah, I am talking from personal experience, of course everyone else wouldn't know that now, would they?

First off, there are crimes committed that no one ever finds out about. Crimes against homosexuals are very much the same thing. They (homosexuals) are hurt, whatever the form, and if the person hurting does a good enough job, you'll never hear about it, so the statistics themselves aren't a good thing to go by.

And as far as the "I'm homophobic myself", as mentioned by some else earlier, you're married to Han, right? :huh: Please tell me there's something I don't understand because that doesn't make any sense at all.

P.S. Attention whore? I was stating an opinion. Regardless of whether or not I like attention is not the point here. Stop diverting from the main topic. Truth be told, I'm with Celeste. If I had to be anything, I'd rather be an attention whore than an ignorant ass.

1) I didn't really get half of that, people wouldn't know what?

2) What makes homosexuals so different from everyone else? Every minority is targeted around the world, to make a big deal about homosexuals is ridiculous. How come no one is making a big deal about Americans being targeted in european and western countries? They are a minority there and get discriminated against too, but I'm not going to create a post, or a whole topic about it.

3) Me and Han were just playing around, taking it into deep thought is foolish, it is the ichigos pair up thread, there is no reason to take is serious.

P.S. Well, you were stating your opinion in a very "look at me and be sympathetic" fasion, in my opinion of course.

@ XxIntegralEinxX: Agreed.

May 23rd, 2007, 03:13 am
I never understand why people are so prejudice to people who have a different preference. I never and never will have anything against gays, lesbians, bisexuals, homosexuals and heterosexuals. I have a ton of friends who are have differnce sexual preferences. They're are easy to get along with. Heck, I dated one. :3

You can't help who you fall in love with cause sometimes circumstances like these always happen every day.

May 25th, 2007, 04:01 am
Racism, Homophobia, Bigotry, Sexism shouldn't be happening. and even 1% is enough for it to be stupid, and unneccisary.Even if someone is only telling stupid racist, or sexist jokes, its still dumb.
I disagree. I find racist, sexist, and stupid jokes to be very funny. As do most people. Because they are. Look at Family Guy. Sexism and racism everywhere, and it's a very popular show. Because they're jokes. Jokes almost always make fun of someone, and nobody ever complains. It's great when black comedians tell jokes about white people, but when it's the other way around, people get all offended. Because you know, watching Chris Rock go "Cracker, cracker cracker! lololol!~!!" for an hour is hilarious, but gay jokes are unacceptable obviously.

A few years ago, I had a Korean upperclassman on my track team. For practice, we were scheduled to run through some woods. One of my track-mates jokingly said, "I don't want to go in there, there may be wild dogs!" The awesome Korean kid turned around with a big grin on his face and replied, "Don't worry sir, I'LL EAT THEM." I'm pretty sure the whole team cried laughing; it's still one of the funniest memories I have. Jokes are for fun. Being politically correct is a retarded waste of time that only serves to highlight the fact that people are different colors. I say instead of pretending that gay, black, hispanic, and asian people are all the same as straight white men, we embrace that they are in fact, NOT. I'd say almost half my friends are minorities. They're not worried about being politically correct, and neither am I.

I find it retarded that I'm allowed to openly say "I prefer brunettes to blondes," without anyone giving me dirty looks, but when I say "I prefer white skinned girls to black girls," people flip the f*ck out. Not that I care, because those people are retarded.

Anywayyyyyy. I don't think any minority should play the victim. So some people may treat you differently. Big deal. If you're gay and don't like it, move to San Francisco. If you're Hispanic and don't like it, move to Southern California. Still, I don't think such drastic measures should have to be taken. People are treated differently for all kinds of reasons. Some people are fat. Some people are losers. Some people have terrible acne and horrible personalities. All of these people are destined to be treated worse than beautiful, smart, charming people for the rest of the lives. Why don't we have threads full of fat people complaining that people chuckle behind their backs? Why don't we have threads full of stupid people saying schools and jobs are discriminating against them because they just can't compete with their more intelligent classmates? Why isn't their a thread for losers who just can't manage to get a girl or boyfriend? Surely being discriminated against for having an annoying personality hurts just as much as being bothered for being gay, right?

My point is, we all have problems, and we are all put down in some way for our flaws throughout our lives. Now, I'm sure you're all thinking "BUT BEING GAY ISN'T A FLAW, OMG!~!~!~ D: ", to which I say, perfectly true. But then are being stupid, fat, or a lousy conversationalist flaws? What's wrong with fat, annoying, stupid people? It's not like idiots choose to be bad at studying. It's not like losers choose to have no friends. Why should they be treated differently? WHY DON'T THEY HAVE A THREAD COMPLAINING ABOUT THEIR PROBLEMS!?!?

Oh yes, that's right. It's because right now, being a minority is a hot-button issue in America. People love being politically correct to show what good people they are. It's so fun to pretend that straight white men are totally the same as any minority, when in fact, they are not.

Maybe in a few years, people will become sick of being politically correct, and all the races can get around to actually talking to each other, without constantly worrying about sounding racist.

Sadly, when that time comes, people will most likely become bored, and we'll have threads for fat and ugly people popping up instead, filled with random people sympathizing with them. Still, I think I'd find that thread slightly less obnoxious.

*cough* [/rant]

May 25th, 2007, 09:24 am
I disagree. I find racist, sexist, and stupid jokes to be very funny. As do most people. Because they are. Look at Family Guy. Sexism and racism everywhere, and it's a very popular show. Because they're jokes. Jokes almost always make fun of someone, and nobody ever complains. It's great when black comedians tell jokes about white people, but when it's the other way around, people get all offended. Because you know, watching Chris Rock go "Cracker, cracker cracker! lololol!~!!" for an hour is hilarious, but gay jokes are unacceptable obviously.

A few years ago, I had a Korean upperclassman on my track team. For practice, we were scheduled to run through some woods. One of my track-mates jokingly said, "I don't want to go in there, there may be wild dogs!" The awesome Korean kid turned around with a big grin on his face and replied, "Don't worry sir, I'LL EAT THEM." I'm pretty sure the whole team cried laughing; it's still one of the funniest memories I have. Jokes are for fun. Being politically correct is a retarded waste of time that only serves to highlight the fact that people are different colors. I say instead of pretending that gay, black, hispanic, and asian people are all the same as straight white men, we embrace that they are in fact, NOT. I'd say almost half my friends are minorities. They're not worried about being politically correct, and neither am I.

I find it retarded that I'm allowed to openly say "I prefer brunettes to blondes," without anyone giving me dirty looks, but when I say "I prefer white skinned girls to black girls," people flip the f*ck out. Not that I care, because those people are retarded.

Anywayyyyyy. I don't think any minority should play the victim. So some people may treat you differently. Big deal. If you're gay and don't like it, move to San Francisco. If you're Hispanic and don't like it, move to Southern California. Still, I don't think such drastic measures should have to be taken. People are treated differently for all kinds of reasons. Some people are fat. Some people are losers. Some people have terrible acne and horrible personalities. All of these people are destined to be treated worse than beautiful, smart, charming people for the rest of the lives. Why don't we have threads full of fat people complaining that people chuckle behind their backs? Why don't we have threads full of stupid people saying schools and jobs are discriminating against them because they just can't compete with their more intelligent classmates? Why isn't their a thread for losers who just can't manage to get a girl or boyfriend? Surely being discriminated against for having an annoying personality hurts just as much as being bothered for being gay, right?

My point is, we all have problems, and we are all put down in some way for our flaws throughout our lives. Now, I'm sure you're all thinking "BUT BEING GAY ISN'T A FLAW, OMG!~!~!~ D: ", to which I say, perfectly true. But then are being stupid, fat, or a lousy conversationalist flaws? What's wrong with fat, annoying, stupid people? It's not like idiots choose to be bad at studying. It's not like losers choose to have no friends. Why should they be treated differently? WHY DON'T THEY HAVE A THREAD COMPLAINING ABOUT THEIR PROBLEMS!?!?

Oh yes, that's right. It's because right now, being a minority is a hot-button issue in America. People love being politically correct to show what good people they are. It's so fun to pretend that straight white men are totally the same as any minority, when in fact, they are not.

Maybe in a few years, people will become sick of being politically correct, and all the races can get around to actually talking to each other, without constantly worrying about sounding racist.

Sadly, when that time comes, people will most likely become bored, and we'll have threads for fat and ugly people popping up instead, filled with random people sympathizing with them. Still, I think I'd find that thread slightly less obnoxious.

*cough* [/rant]

I think, to summarize that in one or two sentences, one could say: All people are equal, but some people are different and will never be treated like the norm. Get over it.

May 25th, 2007, 11:00 pm
I make rascist jokes all the time, in fact, I probably have a reputation for it. The thing is, people know that I obviously do not mean to offend anyone. It's a rascist joke. Keyword: joke. They're for laughing at. So I haven't been shot. Yet.

May 25th, 2007, 11:31 pm
I think, to summarize that in one or two sentences, one could say: All people are equal, but some people are different and will never be treated like the norm. Get over it.
Hahah, yes, exactly. Al Sharpton and his ilk have been annoying me recently; if I hadn't been so ruffled when I wrote that last post of mine, it probably would have been only a paragraph at the most. X3

I make rascist jokes all the time, in fact, I probably have a reputation for it. The thing is, people know that I obviously do not mean to offend anyone. It's a rascist joke. Keyword: joke. They're for laughing at. So I haven't been shot. Yet.
Aye, jokes are for fun. People who can't take them need to get over themselves I think.

May 25th, 2007, 11:39 pm
This thread feels like it is going in circles.

May 26th, 2007, 01:05 am
^This thread is ninety pages long. Wouldn't you consider it a little odd if it weren't going in circles by now? ;P


May 26th, 2007, 08:47 am
I think people should know respect their feelings too...
hey,you never know,you could be a homo or bi too...

May 26th, 2007, 12:31 pm
I could also be the murderer living down the road from you.
Also respect is to be gained, not forced. In the end it's just more humans that like other humans so I don't see what the problem is. Best of all it's more girls available for me :)

May 26th, 2007, 10:06 pm
A quote from Bishop Desmond Tutu
“To penalize someone because of their sexual orientation is like what used to happen to us; to be penalized for something which we could do nothing (about) — our ethnicity, our race,” said Tutu. “I would find it quite unacceptable to condemn, persecute a minority that has already been persecuted.”

May 26th, 2007, 11:08 pm
^This thread is ninety pages long. Wouldn't you consider it a little odd if it weren't going in circles by now? ;P


I just noticed this, wtf did you all talk about for 90 pages?!

EDIT: first post on 91, yay!

May 27th, 2007, 06:28 am
I could also be the murderer living down the road from you.
Also respect is to be gained, not forced. In the end it's just more humans that like other humans so I don't see what the problem is. Best of all it's more girls available for me :)


May 28th, 2007, 09:11 am
Han couldn't murder someone >.<

could he..... ?

May 28th, 2007, 11:04 am
hope not....
because he's just down the road...*gulp*

May 28th, 2007, 11:19 am
Any man could become a murderer given a good enough reasons. Meanwhile lets get back on topic for another 90 pages or circles. Gay people seem unable to keep a relationship going for any length of time, addmitedly 1/3 of traditional marriages also fail but does anyone know the statistics for gay marriage?

May 28th, 2007, 12:32 pm
I don't think gay marriages should happen in the first place anyways.

May 28th, 2007, 12:41 pm
Then why is my name still in your profile ;)

May 28th, 2007, 12:48 pm
Because this is the internet :) The place where all things happen.

Neko Koneko
May 28th, 2007, 01:18 pm
I don't think gay marriages should happen in the first place anyways.

I don't think you should have happened either, ah well.

May 28th, 2007, 01:23 pm
I don't think you should have happened either, ah well.

And you wonder why you are the most disliked admin on this forum.

May 28th, 2007, 02:06 pm
I don't think gay marriages should happen in the first place anyways.

Then why is my name still in your profile ;)

Because this is the internet The place where all things happen.

That must be some new level of ignorance that I'm unaware of. Do you honestly think that anyone would accept your opinion in this thread when you have such a situation going on near you? That's like saying "Being poor sucks" when your Bill Gates. Everything you have said, post-marriage to han, has been an oxymoron.

Then again, you've never made much sense to begin with. The knife does have two edges, but you can only slice in one direction at one time. Oh well...

May 28th, 2007, 02:12 pm
Woah, how can you guys take the ichigos pair up thread so seriously? It's just for fun, so saying that because I paired up with han completely contradicts what I say about homosexuality is just foolish. Bill gates saying he being poor sucks has nothing to do with me saying i'm against homosexuality when I'm with han. Why? Because I am not actually with Han. Bill gates IS rich. I am NOT actually with han, nor will I ever be with another guy. You guys need to really stop taking the Pair Up Thread so seriously.

May 28th, 2007, 08:04 pm
While I totally disagree with Asuka's opinions on homosexuality (his arguments don't make any sense and his views are ignorant in my opinion), I have to agree with him when he says "Being married to Han on the internet doesn't matter."

Because it doesn't.
*Gives Asuka $1,000,000,000.*
Now Asuka is rich, right? Oh wait, wrong. It's ridiculous to say "Asuka can't be against gay marriage because he's e-married to Han," because being "married" and being married are two completely different things. Asuka doesn't hate gay people, thus he can "marry" and be friends with Han. That doesn't mean Asuka would marry Han. Gawd.

Neko Koneko
May 28th, 2007, 09:05 pm
And you wonder why you are the most disliked admin on this forum.

And you wonder why you're one of the most disliked regulars on this forum?

I'll give you a hint. You're a conservative monkey. Most people here hate conservatives.

And me disliking conservatives such as yourself hasn't got fuck to do with me being an admin.

May 28th, 2007, 09:33 pm
Woah, how can you guys take the ichigos pair up thread so seriously? It's just for fun, so saying that because I paired up with han completely contradicts what I say about homosexuality is just foolish. Bill gates saying he being poor sucks has nothing to do with me saying i'm against homosexuality when I'm with han. Why? Because I am not actually with Han. Bill gates IS rich. I am NOT actually with han, nor will I ever be with another guy. You guys need to really stop taking the Pair Up Thread so seriously.

Just because i'm not with you now doesn't mean I wont travel 200 miles to find and ____ you.
This isn't the pairup thread, stop involving it.

May 29th, 2007, 02:08 am

Then why is my name still in your profile ;)

This isn't the pairup thread, stop involving it.

Sorry Han, but that's uh...meh. Anyway, you mentioned it first, and then Asuka got jumped on for it. Don't say "this isn't the pairup thread" now.

Neko Koneko
May 29th, 2007, 05:25 am
Poland is going to ban the teletubbies because one of them has a hand bag (http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/41418000/jpg/_41418476_tinky_203.jpg) and apparently that makes children gay. Polish people are truly retarded. I hope they get in trouble with the EU for this, that'll be fun.

May 29th, 2007, 06:44 am
At the risk of sounding foolish, I would like to state my OPINION on this subject.

First of all, I personally do not find myself to have any sort of problems with anybody based SOLELY on their sexuality. To be completely honest, though, this is probably because I am not exposed to people who are indeed homosexuals on a regular basis.

Second, even if I did have a problem with it, that should be no reason for anyone to attempt to say that I am wrong or ignorant, or anything else, due to the fact that it is A) my opinion and B ) a statement which has no bearing on the individual life of any or all homosexuals, unless, of course, I were in a position in which my opinion really mattered to anyone but myself, i.e. a dictatorship, etc.

Also, I think it is ridiculous for any one person to say that any other person is wrong or right based solely on their own moral/etichal incliniations, which is often the case in these types of arguments.

I believe that everyone is entitled to THEIR opinion, which should matter only to them, and which other people should not try so hard to change. That is the reason for the existence of opinions. They serve as vehicle with which we may convey our true feelings without worrying about societal consequences. So, therefore I feel that it destroys the essence of the art of opinion when one person attempts to rebut it in some rude/disrespectful manner.

Also, I believe that a thread like this cannot help but to get wound into countless circles, seeing as there will be those who believe that homosexuality is acceptable trying to rebut those who disagree for all eternity, and vice versa.

With regards to the acceptance/persecution of homosexuals, I must agree that there isn't a large base of evidence to say that it occurs to the extremes which some of you have mentioned. However, I would also like to point out that there is no evidence to deny that there is the same level of persecution.

I think that everyone should have there opinion, and that should be it. To submit your own opinions only leads disagreements about whether or not your own opinion is right by someone's standards, or right by another's.

With regards to persecution in general, however, I would like to state one last very personal example, which, some might argue, is not entirely related to the case of homosexuality.
I was at one of my cousin's parties to celebrate his birthday a few months ago. He had invited my father and I to attend, as well as several other family members and friends. Everything was going extremely well, with the successful roast of a pig (traditioinal in Puerto Rican culture as a celebration), and lots of festivities. There was a fair amount of drinking at the party, and my father did partake. At this party, was one of my cousin's friends, who had made several perceivably racist comments directed at my father, somewhere along the lines of the standard comment of him being a Mexican. Now, my father, a Puerto Rican by raising who joined the United States military and succeeded in establishing a 20 year long career despite the racist tensions he was subjected to on a somewhat regular basis, particularly due to his strong accent which is the result of his learning of english as a second language, is usually a cool-headed individual. He did not immediately react. However, as tensions grew, one of my cousins other friends ended up punching the person who had made those remarks in the face. My father then, for reasons at that point unknown to me, wished to add to the beating of that individual. As much as I tried, I was only able to restrain my own father so much, and he ended up adding to the injuries of said individual. When that individual left, I was in a state of emotional shock. I had never seen my father act so rashly in my life. My cousin thouogh I was shaken because I feared that someone would harm my father. As explained before, that was not the case. And after a long discussion with many of my cousins after which we decided that we all had different opinions, I was left to consult with my father. After I told him about how I felt, he too became emotionally distraut. However, he attempted to justify his own actions by explaining that he had been tormented over so many years due to his race, and that it was dificult to reisist such temptations as to inflict injuries on one who could be so "stupid" as to believe that any race is superior to another. I replied that, if those words do not bother, then there is no damage. If someone called me a son of a bitch, why should I reduce myself to fight them over some silly name. Sure, it could be argued that I should defend my own mother's honor, but for what? To spread the cycle of violence which is plagueing mankind? No, thank you. I would much rather walk away with the knowledge that my mother is not a bitch, at least by my standards anyways, and continue to live a seemingly content, carefree life. What should I care if someone is ignorant, and why should that bother me? That is the basic moral of my story, and if you have read it to this point, I hope that you can glean something from it.

Violence and disagreement only begets violence and disagreement. One should accept the difference of others because they don't affect you. They only do if you let them. For example, I ask to the members of this forum who are homosexuals, if I were to call you a gay fucker(hypothetically, of course) would I offend you and why. In reality, I would go on to be, in your mind, that hopelessly ignorant idiot who knows nothing about just how equal people of different sexual preferences can be. So then, my insult would only injure you if you took it to heart. If you attempted to deny the fact that I'm an idiot, or prove that you are, indeed, a gay fucker. You would either prove my point, or disprove your own. That is why I say that opinions are meant to be just that. OPINIONS. If humankind were to eliminate discrimination based on opinions, then that would truly be the end of war and the beginning of peace. However, peace is an unattainable ideal in today's society, and as I live today, I can promise, without a doubt in my mind, that war will continue until I die and for a long time afterwards. No one will single-handedly be able to stop it. Only a joint effort on behalf of the enire world would ensure its victory. But, that would mean the giving up of contradictory cultural aspects, and the giving up of religions and other things which mankind would not be so willing to give up.

So, I have hopefully made the point that to debate this issue furthermore would be a fruitless battle, because there are only two sides. One can either agree or disagree, and neither side can perceivably win or lose. That's it. If you have read this far, then I appreciate your patience, and I hope that I have enlightened you in at least some aspects of life.

Thanks for reading,

June 1st, 2007, 12:26 pm
Defenders of Marriage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bja2ttzGOFM&mode=related&search=)
Oh my Gawd! That's awesome ;D

June 3rd, 2007, 05:55 am
If I were to call you a gay fucker(hypothetically, of course) would I offend you and why.

I'm gay, but a virgin, you hypothetical bitch! :lol:

I agree with your post for the most part, except for the thing about taking two sides, and that's it. I'd rather we let each other hear other's opinions, so we can see the flaws in our own. Can you not say that someone in your life has ever changed your opinion, or perspective on something for the better? Of course we shouldn't get mad at someone for thinking something and then being on their way, and we shouldn't be too sensitive about our own opinions, but that doesn't mean that people's opinions can't change.

June 5th, 2007, 01:01 am
We are who we are!

June 5th, 2007, 03:55 am
Poland is going to ban the teletubbies because one of them has a hand bag (http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/41418000/jpg/_41418476_tinky_203.jpg) and apparently that makes children gay. Polish people are truly retarded. I hope they get in trouble with the EU for this, that'll be fun.

I always thought that the green one was a girl... :huh: Oh well... It'd be funny if that shows up on the news or something. :lol:

June 5th, 2007, 01:50 pm
Hey. While we're at it... I gay too :heh:. No one would ever guess until I told them:shifty:...:woohoo:

June 5th, 2007, 04:56 pm
Congatulations. Want a cookie?

Liquid Feet
June 5th, 2007, 08:09 pm
I posted this on my MySpace earlier this morning... Since it's relevant, I feel like sharing it with you all.

I've been stumbling across a lot of really good stuff on YouTube lately, and I feel like sharing it with you all. These three videos pertain to LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) issues such as the Fundamentalist Christian opinion of Homosexuality and the controversial gay marriage debate... so if you don't like it, don't look any further.

This first video is a little song by Roy Zimmerman, a singing comedian much like Stephen Lynch, called Defenders of Marriage. It takes the issue of same-sex marriage, puts it into perspective, and presents it in a fun, accessible way.

"Defenders of Marriage" - Roy Zimmerman (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bja2ttzGOFM) (Thanks, Matt!)

I have my own personal biases, of course, but that song really hits the nail on the head. My personal view is, if that one Pentacostal church disapproves of homosexuality, then fine: they don't have to honour same-sex marriages. However, if the Episcopal church down the street embraces homosexuals and actually has the balls to say, "Maybe the Bible is wrong", then that particular church should be able to extend marital rights to gays and lesbians. And if the gay or lesbian couple were agnostic or atheist, they shouldn't be prohibited from marrying just because "the Bible says it's wrong"; after all, The U.S.A. has this wonderful concept called The Separation of Church and State.


This second video is something my friend showed me. It's a comical, but surprisingly accurate cartoon based on the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Sodom and Gomorrah (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KVVRIpO-kA)

It is almost irrelevant to this blog because there's no direct reference to homosexuality, but that's just it: a lot of Christians use the story of Sodom and Gomorrah as an excuse for hating homosexuals, yet it doesn't even mention homosexuality at all; Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God because the only thing their people could think about was having sex with anything and everything.


This third and final video has an Atheist man from the U.K. expressing his personal opinions and criticisms of Christianity when talking about LGBT issues. Whatever your faith (or lack thereof) is, it deserves your time.

Christians: Hateful, Homophobic, Hypocritical (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2w0SPq536g) (Not my title)

This guy brings to mind a lot of really good points and gives a very intelligent argument. However, he's stooping down to what he says to be the Fundamentalist Christians' level by saying that he hates Christianity--not Christians. Despite that brief moment of hypocrisy, though, the video as a whole is very compelling.


I didn't mean for any of that to be an attack on Christianity, if that's what it came across as. I only use Christianity as an example because the U.S.A. (where I currently live) is predominantly Christian; 90% of the people that will read this are Christian anyway.

June 6th, 2007, 02:32 am
Just my short opinion of this subject -

Overall, I do not agree with gays, and obviously cannot 'adjust' to their lifestyles. Other than being a Christian, it's just kinda odd looking at the homosexual lifestyle. Really, I don't mind them, but still, I wouldn't want to hang around 'em.

I guess I'm partial to them, but more 90% 'aganst'.

Neko Koneko
June 6th, 2007, 06:01 am
This topic is getting really, really old. It's just going around in circles, and I'm starting to receive complaints about it. I think it's time for this topic to be put to rest.