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March 17th, 2006, 05:10 pm
Whoops! My bad!


Eoma Emi
March 18th, 2006, 11:23 am
What is happiness?—
The feeling that power is growing, that a resistance is being overcome.

Heaven, I'm in heaven
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak.

Joy, gentle friends, joy and fresh days of love
Accompany your hearts!

Laughter means:
taking a mischievous delight in someone else's uneasiness, but with a good conscience.

Immature love says: "I love you because I need you."
Mature love says: "I need you because I love you."

March 21st, 2006, 01:15 am
"Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly."

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."

"It is in the giving of oneself to others that we truly live."

"All that is gold does not glitter, not all who wander are lost."

"Three rules of work; out of clutter, find simplicity; from discord, find harmony; in the midst of difficulty lies opportunity."

"One can never consent to creep when one feels the impulse to fly."

"It takes a great deal of courage and self-confidence to be yourself."

"How far that little candle throws its beams! So shines a good deed in a wearly world."

chya that's some good stuff to live by

March 21st, 2006, 06:04 am
"When God created Man, he created the perfect Asshole!"

March 21st, 2006, 10:19 pm
"I am better than your kids."

March 22nd, 2006, 07:33 pm
my favorite quote is " people say i have a bad attitude..... those people are dead.

March 22nd, 2006, 08:09 pm
"In the end, we will not remember the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends."-Martin Luther King Jr.

March 22nd, 2006, 08:56 pm
"Pain is weakeness leaving the body"

-WHS track team.

March 24th, 2006, 05:59 am
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"

-Eleanor Roosevelt-

"There are two kinds of artists. The one that believes in themselves are well known."

-Philip Han- A.K.A Me!

"Everything has a manual except babies-


"My kid can frag your honor student."

-Anonymous bumpersticker-

"I'm not cheating! I'm researching"

"What's the point of adding 25 more years to a person that is already doing life in prison? What is the judge gonna do, go to hell and say he can't burn in hell for another 25 years?"

March 24th, 2006, 07:57 pm
"he who laughs last chose the laggiest server"

March 25th, 2006, 07:52 am
"aim srtaight dont make a mess of it you bastards"
braker morant

March 26th, 2006, 10:48 pm
Boss: "Are you sleeping on the job?!"
Worker: "No... There's a fly in my eye, and I'm trying to suffocate him."

- Family Guy

April 1st, 2006, 05:02 am
"If you're going to do something wrong...do it right!"
Mike Dirnt - GreenDay

April 2nd, 2006, 09:51 pm
"3 left makes 1 right"
"3 wrongs make 1 right"

not logical but it's just a play on words somehow

April 6th, 2006, 03:19 am
"Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for - in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house that you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it." - Anonymous

April 8th, 2006, 10:15 pm
~*The opposite of success is not failure, the opposite of success is quiting...*~

(I stole it from my friend)

April 11th, 2006, 03:42 am
"If you don't have an answer, instead of saying 'I don't know' or 'I cannot answer that question', use the STOIC APPROACH. That is, just stand there, cross your arms, and stare at them. Really, really, hard." - A teacher of mine...

April 14th, 2006, 04:06 pm
“Simplicity is the final achievement. After one has played a vast quantity of notes and more notes, it is simplicity that emerges as the crowning reward of art.” -Frederic Chopin-

April 14th, 2006, 05:05 pm
Veni, Vidi, Vici

I cam, I saw, I conquered

By Julius Caesar. I say that whenever i win an argument against teachers. Makes me look smart. (im not arrogant!!, a lot)

April 18th, 2006, 04:37 am
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men, for the nastiest of reasons, will somehow work for the benefit of us all." -- Not sure who said that, actually

"Wagner's music is not as bad as it sounds." -- Mark Twain

"Rock music is a mind-desensitizing drug, a type of weapon, not a type of art." -- A webpage I found launching an excellent polemic against pop music

April 19th, 2006, 10:28 pm
"Fear Can Hold You Prisoner , Hope Can Set You Free"

Shawshank Redemption ,(unsure of origin)

April 20th, 2006, 03:56 am
"Welcome home"
any anime/show

Don't you wish your wife/husband said that hoping to see you again?

D: I put this post in the wrong thread! *so embarrassed*

May 19th, 2006, 12:20 am
"The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense."
Tom Clancy

heheh :heh:

May 19th, 2006, 12:21 am
"The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense."
Tom Clancy

heheh :heh:

found another one
"Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night.' "
Charlie Brown.

May 21st, 2006, 10:19 pm
---Look down below---

And also

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age
H.P Lovecraft
Call of the Cthulu

May 22nd, 2006, 12:32 pm
"One who wish to be forgiven must first undo the things they have done to that person" - Me!

I just felt like making that so nothing special about it.

May 25th, 2006, 03:22 am
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
-Albert Einstein

"A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read."
-Mark Twain

"The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder."
-Alfred Hitchcock

"Ballet: Men wearing pants so tight that you can tell what religion they are."
-Robin Williams

"If life was fair, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead."
-Johnny Carson

"Human beings are the only creatures on earth that allow their children to come back home."
-Bill Cosby

May 26th, 2006, 09:59 pm
"Gunna Tear Your Ass Up Like We Just Got Married"

my dear friend stephanie


May 26th, 2006, 10:10 pm
"My God..."

--M, a response to a particular quote.

May 26th, 2006, 10:11 pm
"It's not killing if you eat the corpse." -Moi

Neko Koneko
June 3rd, 2006, 05:01 pm
"Central Intelligence Agency... Now, there's a contradiction in terms." - Capt. Bart Mancuso (Hunt for red October)

June 3rd, 2006, 08:04 pm
"love makes fools of us all" -.-

King Ryudo
June 7th, 2006, 12:36 am
"love drives a person to do many things"

June 7th, 2006, 12:46 am
One of my own, just one I think I was actually ina good mood for. It something that encouages me from words from myself. I know, I need to feed two people now. Me and my Ego.

"The one melody that you keep on listening to over and over, must be the melody that you shall play. Although the melody may be controlling, you must play the melody wisely and expressiately, and not let it scramble or decide you."

Btw, has something to do with the last two posts topics..

June 7th, 2006, 04:25 am
"Heh, you think I'm stupid because I don't fall for peer-pressure?"
-me, from an event that will take place in the future. Which I hope this confrontation won't happen. But I say this every now and then

June 7th, 2006, 10:13 pm
Shakespeare : "To be or not to be"
Love that xD

June 11th, 2006, 08:41 pm
"the only way to have a friend is to be one" Ralph Waldo Emerson. i have no idea who that is,but i like the quote XD

June 18th, 2006, 05:09 pm
"Flap flap flap my albatross wings" - The most random sentence I have heard recently. Clone High.

June 18th, 2006, 07:50 pm
"I'm going to go home and sleep with my wife." -Some guy, I don't remember, from that movie based on that game, Clue.

June 19th, 2006, 12:52 am
"rap - 75% of the word "crap"" -- urbandictionary.com

June 19th, 2006, 04:38 am
"Take a man on a flight and he will be happy for its durration, teach a man to fly and he will only die on contact of ground"

-heard is somewhere...

June 23rd, 2006, 06:06 pm
"Don't fall in love with a tree, 'cause when it gets cut down, you'll be sad."
-My friend Natalia

"No matter how beautifully flowers bloom, people will always blow them away."
-Shin Asuka <3

"the darkest hour is just before dawn."

"Nothing can be done by will alone, or strength alone."
-Lacus Clyne

Yep, don't ask...

June 23rd, 2006, 06:56 pm
We are not retreating, we are advancing in another direction.
-Douglas MacArthur

June 23rd, 2006, 07:20 pm
"the darkest hour is just before dawn."

You did not make that quote up. It's been a famous quote for ages.

July 19th, 2006, 06:38 pm
"Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness! My-ymmuy." - Cartman

That scene was pretty funny.

July 19th, 2006, 07:01 pm
"I shall seize Fate by the throat; it shall certainly not bend and crush me completely." --Ludwig van Beethoven

Mainly, he's saying he must take control of his life.

July 19th, 2006, 08:01 pm
"You'll never get the Purple Heart hiding in a foxhloe! Follow me!"-Capt. Henry[Jim] Crowe, USMC

"We're surrounded. That simplifies the problem."-General Lewis[Chesty] Puller, USMC

July 19th, 2006, 10:50 pm
I do not know if these have been posted... But here's a couple that I love.

"Well here's another curse for you. May all your bacon burn." - Calcifer, Howl's Moving Castle.
"Hey! Hey!! You crazy lady with tongs!" - Calcifer, Howl's Moving Castle.
Zelos Wilder - "Oh... hey Lloyd? If you abandon me here, I swear, I'll come back to haunt you."
Lloyd Irving - "... I just had a sudden, violent urge to abandon you."
And my favourite one that my art teacher says all the time, but I do not think he made that up.

"You cannot spell 'Crap' without 'Rap'" XD

July 19th, 2006, 10:52 pm
"I wish I knew how to quit you" ~ Broke Back Mountain

July 21st, 2006, 03:11 am
"Time is God's way of keeping everything from happening at once"

I dont believe there is a God (been thinking about that though.. Agnostic leaves some spiritual room :P Ill be that) but I think that quote is very well thought out and very nice.

"Bad news is time flies. Good news is your the pilot."
-Michael Altshuler

Mourning Glory
July 24th, 2006, 09:26 pm
"It's only in the mind's eye that one can see rightly."

"This is the 90's. you can't just dump your boyfriend anymore. You have to recycle him."

"Brian promised to love me forever. The nhe told me about a Star Trek episode where they scientifically proved the possibility that forever might actually last only a few days."

"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because to them, you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup."

"I'm always amazed to hear of air crash victims so bably mutilated that they have to be identified by their dental records. What I can't understand is, if they don't know who you are, how do they know who your dentist is?" - Paul Merton

"Children. You spend the first two years of their lives teaching them to walk and talk. The nyou spend the next sixteen years telling them to sit down and shut up."

"Honolulu: It's got everything. sand for the kids, sun for the wife, sharks for the wife's mother." - Ken Dodd

"Happiness is like peeing your pants-everyone can see it, but only you can feel it's warmth."

"Never let the door hit you on the way out of reality!"

"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves."

I have a whole list in front of me, but I don't have that much time to post them all. :P

July 25th, 2006, 01:31 am
"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."
-Some crazy lady I saw on Court TV. XD

It makes perfect sense. I love it. :)

July 25th, 2006, 10:50 am
"Friendship is a sheltering tree" by Samuel Taylor Coderidge.

July 25th, 2006, 04:23 pm
"Where the devil are my slippers?"-Prof. Henry Higgins, My Fair Lady

July 25th, 2006, 11:27 pm
Ooh, I just found a really cool one on a website about vocals and stuff! :lol:

"Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death!"
-Earl Wilson

July 25th, 2006, 11:44 pm
From Visit to a Small Planet:

"What are you thinking about?"


July 25th, 2006, 11:54 pm
My anime quotes.

"My Child... Listen closely, The story that I'm about to tell you is very important. It is a long, long story of a journey that will be passed down from parent to child endlessly, starting now..."
~Opening Verse, Air TV

[i]Akari: Ah, This is bad, Alicia-san! I washed the toilet with bath detergent!
Alicia: Ara, ara, ara~.
~Conversation, Aria the Animation

"Today's the seventh day; the day God finished creating the heavens and the Earth. What are you going to create?"
~Eiri, Cossette no Shouzo

"Who would love me so much that he would cast aside his own precious life? Is it you?"
~Cossette, Cossette no Shouzo

"I must go, even if I were to lose my sight. And yet, why do you try to make me say it? Why do you try to make me say that you are here, when I can no longer see you?"
~Cossette, Cossette no Shouzo

"Please impart to everyone his own death... To him, a death borne of that life which hid love, meaning, and suffering within itself... We cannot become one."
~Cossette, Cossette no Shouzo

"You don't need to do anything. Don't do anything; don't think of anything; just serve and obey me, walking along the path I light for you."
~Cossette, Cossette no Shouzo

"Everything should become one; Everything that is pure. Just as a bird has two wings, just as the sky and the sea will eventually become one."
~the Epitaph, Cossette no Shouzo

"Humans are such constrained creatures. Not only by their spoken words, but they are also bound up by the words in ther minds. The more words that accumulate, the more misunderstands there are."
~Chris, Earth Maiden Arjuna

"Words give form to shifting feelings, and a reality that is hard to grasp."
~Chris, Earth Maiden Arjuna

"By combining [words] in many different ways, it brings together memories, and the power to bring together the aspirations of the future."
~Chris, Earth Maiden Arjuna

"If people had never been acquainted with words, we may not have been able to think the way we do now."
~Chris, Earth Maiden Arjuna

"The whispers that don't express themselves in words, like the birds flying high in the sky, the animals, the wildflowers, forests, and the wind that you cannot even see, as well as the ocean. They are forgotten."
~Chris, Earth Maiden Arjuna

"Even among people who speak the same words; their feelings are scattered all over the place."
~Cindy, Earth Maiden Arjuna

"The purpose of words is to categorize."
~Chris, Earth Maiden Arjuna

"We are still small flowers without names. We are small beings that finally budded, supported by those larger than us. But we dream of the day when we will eventually blossom under the wide open sky."
~Yukino Miyazawa, Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou

"What about this for a slogan? Don't mess with battleship module docking; dorky docking docks you."
~Ruri, Martian Sucessor Nadesico

"Asuka Langley Sohryu: You're thinking in Japanese. If you must think, do it in German!
Shinji Ikari: Ok, strudel, bratwurst..."
~Battle Scene, Neon Genisis Evangelion

"Why are my tastes bondage, while in sailor clothes, and naked while in an apron?!"
~Tomonori Iwaki, Rizelmine

"Let's do it! Let's Do it! Let's do it! Let's do it! Let's Do it! Let's do it! Let's do it! Let's Do it! Let's do it! Let's do it! Let's-do~it~!"
~Opening, Rizelmine

"The Only Person a lady allows to touch her hair, is the one she has let into her heart."
~Shinku, Rozen Maiden

"Now is not forever. A festival will end sometime, and each person will start walking. It's a very good thing, but what's this sad feeling?"
~Letter to Akito, Sister Princess

"The feast for Elder Brother's Guest will be Shirayuki's specially made white, black, green tea, red bean, coffee, citrus fruit, cherry blossom, Japanese-style macroon."
~Shirayuki, Sister Princess

Meh. That's it for now...

July 26th, 2006, 12:30 am
The Simpsons:

Moe - "The deep fryer's arrived. I bought it second hand from the navy. This baby'll blast fry a whole buffalo in forty seconds."

Homer - Homer groans. "Forty seconds? But I want it now!"

July 26th, 2006, 04:02 am
"Animals do things on the ground. Terrible... terrible things." - Monk

July 26th, 2006, 04:32 am
[M has been watching way to much anime]

Jack - "While were here lets look at some lerbian erotica. I've always wondered what it looks like"

Will - "I belive its like bumpercars.."

-will and grace

July 26th, 2006, 06:39 am
"STAMOS!" - Scudsworth
[At a spelling bee... Someone else just took over as the word-reader but secretly. He didn't know which words to pick so he just read the previous word-reader's shopping list]
"The word is... Banana."
"...What? Could you repeat that?"
"Definition, please?"
"What?!... A yellow fruit, also a pudding. A delicious pudding."
"The last word?"
"...I need to buy some Mitchem Ice Cream at the store, as well as... bananas."
"Sentence please?"
"Anna Banana would like to hear "Venus" by BananaRama. Banana."
- Psych
^ Might be out of order...

Which reminded me of this:

"If I had to describe a banana, I would use the words delicious and challenging. Whenever I try to spell banana, it makes me feel stupid. Cause I don't know when to end it. I'm like, how many nas are on this thing? Bana - keep going. Bananana - damn!" -Demetri Martin

July 26th, 2006, 07:12 am
"It's better to die on your feet, then to live a lifetime on your knees"-Zapata

Don Vercetti
July 28th, 2006, 12:41 am
"We now know a thousand ways not to build a light bulb" - Thomas Alva Edison

It's my general motto.

July 28th, 2006, 01:09 am
"We now know a thousand ways not to build a light bulb" - Thomas Alva Edison

It's my general motto.

Indeed, it's a great quote. :)

July 29th, 2006, 01:17 am
Why didn't I think of this first, genius idea...

"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas..."

July 29th, 2006, 05:03 am
"Never rely on a rabbit's foot for luck, because remember, it didn't turn out too well for the rabbit." - Anonymous
"Remember: Amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic."

July 29th, 2006, 06:12 am
^ Those seem a little familiar...

Eh, can't remember.

July 30th, 2006, 05:01 am
^ Those seem a little familiar...

Eh, can't remember.


July 30th, 2006, 04:43 pm
there just so funny! and true!

July 31st, 2006, 12:36 am
you think you are all that and a bag od chips? Well im all that and a bag of skittles. How do you like that? Taste my rainbow!!

Sorry i just love that.

July 31st, 2006, 12:48 am
Dont drink water....fish have sex in it....

July 31st, 2006, 12:50 am
Team America: World Police

Spottswoode: From what I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.N.C.E has gathered, it would be 9/11 times 100.
Gary Johnston: 9/11 times a hundred? Jesus, that's...
Spottswoode: Yes, 91,100.
Chris: Basically, all the worst parts of the bible.


July 31st, 2006, 04:28 am
it's hard to face the problem
when the problem is your face
-proactiv commercial

July 31st, 2006, 04:32 am
Anyone can spot a mistake, but only a genius can make them.


July 31st, 2006, 08:04 am
"that pretty is"

July 31st, 2006, 03:08 pm
"You can get more with a kind word and a really big gun than with a kind word alone." ~Al Capone

Meh...I forgot the rest I wrote down. I'll edit soon as I find them.

July 31st, 2006, 05:03 pm
"A good friend will bail you out of jail, a true friend will be sitting next to you in jail saying, 'Man... we fucked up XD'"
-- From a friend who might have taken this from somewhere else~

It's cute no?

Eoma Emi
August 1st, 2006, 05:43 am
"When walking through a melon patch, don't adjust your sandals"
(meaning: That when things get really bad, you have to try to remember what's important.")

August 2nd, 2006, 02:13 am
"You can always trust a thief, but you can never trust a liar."

August 2nd, 2006, 07:14 am
"If you are ever in company of a dwarf and an aggravated dragon, remember that you don't have to outrun the dragon, you just have to outrun the dwarf." -Vraxx

Mourning Glory
August 2nd, 2006, 03:20 pm
"If you are ever in company of a dwarf and an aggravated dragon, remember that you don't have to outrun the dragon, you just have to outrun the dwarf." -Vraxx

LOL. What's that from?

August 2nd, 2006, 03:21 pm
Something or someone called Vraxx, apparently.

Mourning Glory
August 2nd, 2006, 03:44 pm
I was assuming that Vraxx was the name of a character. I was asking what movie/show/other it was from.

August 2nd, 2006, 03:47 pm
"how exactly does one suck a fuck? "
--donnie darko.


August 2nd, 2006, 07:56 pm
"I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image. " - Stephen Hawking

August 4th, 2006, 09:02 pm
A few funny quotes:

"I was told years ago that I would never be allowed on television. Now I had to try to find out who you had to f*ck to get off!"

-Charles Nelson Reilly

"I find your lack of pants disturbing"


"(said with absolutely no enthusiasm at all) I'll answer it. (buzzer) Pudding."

-Peter Tomarken on Scrabble

August 4th, 2006, 10:03 pm
Ben Franklin-
"We must stick together, or not stick at all."

So true...

August 4th, 2006, 10:07 pm
"Because I make more money than you" -- a car commercial~ XD

August 4th, 2006, 10:25 pm

-my keyboard went crazy

August 5th, 2006, 12:06 am
"People are most likely to believe quotes if they are anonymous"

"Anonymous quotes are sometimes labeled 'unknown' because they don't know how to spell 'Anonymous'"


August 5th, 2006, 05:21 am
I was assuming that Vraxx was the name of a character. I was asking what movie/show/other it was from.

My friend from the anime convention said it when we were talking about mmo's and how our party member (dwarf) always dies >>

August 5th, 2006, 04:52 pm
"YEAH!!!! I got the....Holy spirit...." The 'Napster' from The Italian Job. that one made me and my sis laugh sooo mcuh, i don't know why XD

August 5th, 2006, 05:38 pm
"Act as if it's impossible to fail."
"Don't fear moving slowly, fear standing still."
I don't remember who said the first one, but the second is a Chinese proverb.

August 5th, 2006, 05:57 pm
they are not really smart just super funny
"I am not a vegetarian because I love animals, I am a vegetarian because I hate plants" -A. Whitney Brown

"I told you I was Sick!" -On a tombstone

"Gay Motherf***er!" -English professor giving an example of an oxymoron

August 6th, 2006, 09:30 am
I <3 Maestrosetti!
Finally a quote worth putting in my sig!

Sunny Kimiko
August 6th, 2006, 02:26 pm
'If you follow the crowd you'll never be seen' - Off a poster
'To the world you may just be one person, but to one person you may be the world' - Anonymous
'Life's too short to screw around, so just kiss her already!' - Cant remember... XD

August 7th, 2006, 02:45 am
"All work and no play makes an ASS out of YOU!"

How true...

August 8th, 2006, 04:54 am
"STFU AND PLAY" - Some Gamer (I <3 this quote to death-and whore it's use on games too)

August 8th, 2006, 08:11 pm
"MC Trebek is in da hizz-ouse!"

-Alex Trebek (that was a category on Jeopardy last night, no joke)

August 8th, 2006, 11:55 pm
"I belive that there are Weapons of Mass Destruction."- George Bush
"We still haven't found any Weapons of Mass Destruction."- George Bush
"I think we have found--No wait, that's my iPod..."- George Bush

August 9th, 2006, 12:30 am
ME411 is my beloved wifey! :cheek:

by lightningsage!

August 9th, 2006, 12:33 am
Lightningsage is my wonderful hubby! :cheek:

Sunny Kimiko
August 9th, 2006, 08:48 am
Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like you do when nobody's looking, only when you live like this is life worth living - Er.... An email.. XD

August 10th, 2006, 09:51 pm
I mustn´t run away!!
I mustn´t run away!!
I mustn´t run away!!
I mustn´t run away!!

August 10th, 2006, 10:09 pm

"I'm a barbie girl!"
-Rei Ayanami

August 10th, 2006, 11:59 pm
"To give is to recive"

"Heres a grenade, Happy brithday!!!"
-Reese - Malcome in the Middle

August 11th, 2006, 04:38 am
hurusai (shut up)!!! of shakugan no shana. (dont know if its spelled right)

August 15th, 2006, 03:08 pm
"you are such a fuckass"

--donnie darko.

August 17th, 2006, 03:40 am
"War has no rules, whatever strategy is effective, that strategy is good and should be used"

famous chinese general's speech during WW2

August 17th, 2006, 03:55 pm
To define is to give limits.

Me, after watching Eva, time after time...

August 18th, 2006, 01:58 am
The best speech ever...


"Men, this stuff that some sources sling around about America wanting out of this war, not wanting to fight, is a crock of bullshit. Americans love to fight, traditionally. All real Americans love the sting and clash of battle. You are here today for three reasons. First, because you are here to defend your homes and your loved ones. Second, you are here for your own self respect, because you would not want to be anywhere else. Third, you are here because you are real men and all real men like to fight.

When you, here, everyone of you, were kids, you all admired the champion marble player, the fastest runner, the toughest boxer, the big league ball players, and the All-American football players. Americans love a winner. Americans will not tolerate a loser. Americans despise cowards. Americans play to win all of the time. I wouldn't give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. That's why Americans have never lost nor will ever lose a war; for the very idea of losing is hateful to an American."

The General paused and looked over the crowd. "You are not all going to die," he said slowly. "Only two percent of you right here today would die in a major battle. Death must not be feared. Death, in time, comes to all men. Yes, every man is scared in his first battle. If he says he's not, he's a liar. Some men are cowards but they fight the same as the brave men or they get the hell slammed out of them watching men fight who are just as scared as they are. The real hero is the man who fights even though he is scared. Some men get over their fright in a minute under fire. For some, it takes an hour. For some, it takes days. But a real man will never let his fear of death overpower his honor, his sense of duty to his country, and his innate manhood. Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best and it removes all that is base. Americans pride themselves on being He Men and they ARE He Men. Remember that the enemy is just as frightened as you are, and probably more so. They are not supermen."

"All through your Army careers, you men have bitched about what you call "chicken shit drilling". That, like everything else in this Army, has a definite purpose. That purpose is alertness. Alertness must be bred into every soldier. I don't give a fuck for a man who's not always on his toes. You men are veterans or you wouldn't be here. You are ready for what's to come. A man must be alert at all times if he expects to stay alive. If you're not alert, sometime, a German son-of-an-asshole-bitch is going to sneak up behind you and beat you to death with a sockful of shit!" The men roared in agreement.

Patton's grim expression did not change. "There are four hundred neatly marked graves somewhere in Sicily", he roared into the microphone, "All because one man went to sleep on the job". He paused and the men grew silent. "But they are German graves, because we caught the bastard asleep before they did".

The General clutched the microphone tightly, his jaw out-thrust, and he continued, "An Army is a team. It lives, sleeps, eats, and fights as a team. This individual heroic stuff is pure horse shit. The bilious bastards who write that kind of stuff for the Saturday Evening Post don't know any more about real fighting under fire than they know about fucking!"

The men slapped their legs and rolled in glee. This was Patton as the men had imagined him to be, and in rare form, too. He hadn't let them down. He was all that he was cracked up to be, and more. He had IT!

"We have the finest food, the finest equipment, the best spirit, and the best men in the world", Patton bellowed. He lowered his head and shook it pensively. Suddenly he snapped erect, faced the men belligerently and thundered, "Why, by God, I actually pity those poor sons-of-bitches we're going up against. By God, I do". The men clapped and howled delightedly. There would be many a barracks tale about the "Old Man's" choice phrases. They would become part and parcel of Third Army's history and they would become the bible of their slang.

"My men don't surrender", Patton continued, "I don't want to hear of any soldier under my command being captured unless he has been hit. Even if you are hit, you can still fight back. That's not just bull shit either. The kind of man that I want in my command is just like the lieutenant in Libya, who, with a Luger against his chest, jerked off his helmet, swept the gun aside with one hand, and busted the hell out of the Kraut with his helmet. Then he jumped on the gun and went out and killed another German before they knew what the hell was coming off. And, all of that time, this man had a bullet through a lung. There was a real man!"

Patton stopped and the crowd waited. He continued more quietly, "All of the real heroes are not storybook combat fighters, either. Every single man in this Army plays a vital role. Don't ever let up. Don't ever think that your job is unimportant. Every man has a job to do and he must do it. Every man is a vital link in the great chain. What if every truck driver suddenly decided that he didn't like the whine of those shells overhead, turned yellow, and jumped headlong into a ditch? The cowardly bastard could say, "Hell, they won't miss me, just one man in thousands". But, what if every man thought that way? Where in the hell would we be now? What would our country, our loved ones, our homes, even the world, be like? No, Goddamnit, Americans don't think like that. Every man does his job. Every man serves the whole. Every department, every unit, is important in the vast scheme of this war. The ordnance men are needed to supply the guns and machinery of war to keep us rolling. The Quartermaster is needed to bring up food and clothes because where we are going there isn't a hell of a lot to steal. Every last man on K.P. has a job to do, even the one who heats our water to keep us from getting the 'G.I. Shits'."

Patton paused, took a deep breath, and continued, "Each man must not think only of himself, but also of his buddy fighting beside him. We don't want yellow cowards in this Army. They should be killed off like rats. If not, they will go home after this war and breed more cowards. The brave men will breed more brave men. Kill off the Goddamned cowards and we will have a nation of brave men. One of the bravest men that I ever saw was a fellow on top of a telegraph pole in the midst of a furious fire fight in Tunisia. I stopped and asked what the hell he was doing up there at a time like that. He answered, "Fixing the wire, Sir". I asked, "Isn't that a little unhealthy right about now?" He answered, "Yes Sir, but the Goddamned wire has to be fixed". I asked, "Don't those planes strafing the road bother you? And he answered, "No, Sir, but you sure as hell do!" Now, there was a real man. A real soldier. There was a man who devoted all he had to his duty, no matter how seemingly insignificant his duty might appear at the time, no matter how great the odds. And you should have seen those trucks on the road to Tunisia. Those drivers were magnificent. All day and all night they rolled over those son-of-a-bitching roads, never stopping, never faltering from their course, with shells bursting all around them all of the time. We got through on good old American guts. Many of those men drove for over forty consecutive hours. These men weren't combat men, but they were soldiers with a job to do. They did it, and in one hell of a way they did it. They were part of a team. Without team effort, without them, the fight would have been lost. All of the links in the chain pulled together and the chain became unbreakable."

The General paused and stared challengingly over the silent ocean of men. One could have heard a pin drop anywhere on that vast hillside. The only sound was the stirring of the breeze in the leaves of the bordering trees and the busy chirping of the birds in the branches of the trees at the General's left.

"Don't forget," Patton barked, "you men don't know that I'm here. No mention of that fact is to be made in any letters. The world is not supposed to know what the hell happened to me. I'm not supposed to be commanding this Army. I'm not even supposed to be here in England. Let the first bastards to find out be the Goddamned Germans. Some day I want to see them raise up on their piss-soaked hind legs and howl, 'Jesus Christ, it's the Goddamned Third Army again and that son-of-a-fucking-bitch Patton'."

"We want to get the hell over there", Patton continued, "The quicker we clean up this Goddamned mess, the quicker we can take a little jaunt against the purple pissing Japs and clean out their nest, too. Before the Goddamned Marines get all of the credit."

The men roared approval and cheered delightedly. This statement had real significance behind it. Much more than met the eye and the men instinctively sensed the fact. They knew that they themselves were going to play a very great part in the making of world history. They were being told as much right now. Deep sincerity and seriousness lay behind the General's colorful words. The men knew and understood it. They loved the way he put it, too, as only he could.

Patton continued quietly, "Sure, we want to go home. We want this war over with. The quickest way to get it over with is to go get the bastards who started it. The quicker they are whipped, the quicker we can go home. The shortest way home is through Berlin and Tokyo. And when we get to Berlin", he yelled, "I am personally going to shoot that paper hanging son-of-a-bitch Hitler. Just like I'd shoot a snake!"

"When a man is lying in a shell hole, if he just stays there all day, a German will get to him eventually. The hell with that idea. The hell with taking it. My men don't dig foxholes. I don't want them to. Foxholes only slow up an offensive. Keep moving. And don't give the enemy time to dig one either. We'll win this war, but we'll win it only by fighting and by showing the Germans that we've got more guts than they have; or ever will have. We're not going to just shoot the sons-of-bitches, we're going to rip out their living Goddamned guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks. We're going to murder those lousy Hun cocksuckers by the bushel-fucking-basket. War is a bloody, killing business. You've got to spill their blood, or they will spill yours. Rip them up the belly. Shoot them in the guts. When shells are hitting all around you and you wipe the dirt off your face and realize that instead of dirt it's the blood and guts of what once was your best friend beside you, you'll know what to do!"

"I don't want to get any messages saying, "I am holding my position." We are not holding a Goddamned thing. Let the Germans do that. We are advancing constantly and we are not interested in holding onto anything, except the enemy's balls. We are going to twist his balls and kick the living shit out of him all of the time. Our basic plan of operation is to advance and to keep on advancing regardless of whether we have to go over, under, or through the enemy. We are going to go through him like crap through a goose; like shit through a tin horn!"

"From time to time there will be some complaints that we are pushing our people too hard. I don't give a good Goddamn about such complaints. I believe in the old and sound rule that an ounce of sweat will save a gallon of blood. The harder WE push, the more Germans we will kill. The more Germans we kill, the fewer of our men will be killed. Pushing means fewer casualties. I want you all to remember that."

The General paused. His eagle like eyes swept over the hillside. He said with pride, "There is one great thing that you men will all be able to say after this war is over and you are home once again. You may be thankful that twenty years from now when you are sitting by the fireplace with your grandson on your knee and he asks you what you did in the great World War II, you WON'T have to cough, shift him to the other knee and say, "Well, your Granddaddy shoveled shit in Louisiana." No, Sir, you can look him straight in the eye and say, "Son, your Granddaddy rode with the Great Third Army and a Son-of-a-Goddamned-Bitch named Georgie Patton!"

August 18th, 2006, 11:58 am
Drunk friend: You look like I could need a drink.

August 20th, 2006, 01:54 am
tunak tunak tun
tunak tunak tun
tunak tunak tun
DA,DA,DA! (4x)

so excellent!

August 20th, 2006, 01:28 pm
An eye for an eye, and the whole world is blind. - uh, some (dead?) guy

August 20th, 2006, 02:08 pm
I believe that was Martin Luther King Jr? Can't quite remember.

"Is 'desire to mate' a feeling?" -Dr. Zoidberg (Futurama)

August 21st, 2006, 01:21 am
Matt || veritas lux mea says:
gonna crap something to eat, brb
Matt || veritas lux mea says:
*crab! not crap -.-


Best typo, EVER.

August 21st, 2006, 05:42 am
An eye for an eye, and the whole world is blind. - uh, some (dead?) guy

Gahndi, and yeah, he's dead

August 21st, 2006, 10:59 pm
oh. thanx. I also like Mark Twain's Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.
Mark Twain is one of my fave dead guys. ^^

August 22nd, 2006, 01:38 am
Matt || veritas lux mea says:
gonna crap something to eat, brb
Matt || veritas lux mea says:
*crab! not crap -.-


Best typo, EVER.

Hahahah! It truly IS the best typo ever XD
but isn't it supposed to be "grab" instead of "crab"?

August 22nd, 2006, 10:58 am
... I corrected myself afterwards.. I was in a hurry to correct my typo, so I made another one..... <_<

anyway, here are a few of my favs:

"You buy with money, you don't have, things, you don't need, to impress people, you don't like."

"Give me calmness, to accept things that I can't change;
Give me courage, to change things that I can change;
and give me the wisdom, to keep them apart!"

"You should always borrow money from pessimists... they don't expect to get it back."

"The idiot organizes, the genius dominates the chaos."

"Always remember you're unique.... just like everyone else."

"There are two tactics for arguing with a woman, and neither one works"

"God made woman beautiful and foolish; beautiful, that man might love her; and foolish, that she might love him."

oh *points at his sig* and this one! It means "The truth is my light."

Sunny Kimiko
August 26th, 2006, 08:10 am
"Lend me the wisdom to accept what I cannot change,
the courage to change what I cannot accept...
And the wisdom to bury those I had to kill today because
they pissed me off"

"Help us all to remember, when we're having a really bad
day, and it seems as though everyone is trying to piss us off,
that it takes 42 muscles to frown and only 4 to raise a middle
finger and tell them 'Bite em!'"

"Money cant buy everything.
Money cant make you a king.
Money may not bring success.
Money cant buy happiness.
But of one thing I am sure.
Money doesn't make you poor.
Money doesn't make you sad.
Money cant be all that bad!"

August 31st, 2006, 11:21 am
"English motherfucker do you speak it?"

- we all know where that's from. I think >_>

Talking about funny typos, just one from IRC a looooooong time ago

<humacide> err PUBLIC
<magisect> O.o
<Mystel|School> Bye bye =(
* Mystel|School has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)

<A>Windows ME sucks
<B>Sure it does
B sucks cock
<B> DAMMIT!! ME not /ME !!!


August 31st, 2006, 06:20 pm
"I'm a girl!!!" - My couz Jamie, who is in fact a boy....XD

September 1st, 2006, 04:13 am
"It is awfully hard to be b-b-brave," said Piglet, "when you are only a Very Small Animal."

September 1st, 2006, 04:18 am
"And thus, Al was proven to be a little child with a quote of the hand, and the piglet of the avatar"


September 1st, 2006, 06:02 pm
"when i say distressed, i mean about to give birth to a small cow...."

"i am like a bird in many ways, i aspire to fly and my diet is mainly cereal based"

September 1st, 2006, 06:04 pm
"am I not destroying my enemies when I befriend them?"

September 1st, 2006, 07:18 pm
I get the best feeling in the world when you say hi or even smile at me because I know, even if it’s just for a second, that I've crossed your mind.

"Never frown, because you don't know who might be falling in love with your smile"

September 1st, 2006, 08:02 pm
"Today's your lucky day! We don't have one, or two, but THREE different flavors of Cosine to deal with!"

~a random statment done in trig class

September 1st, 2006, 09:18 pm
I've started trig. I... dilike it

September 1st, 2006, 09:46 pm
"what's ur favourite childrens classic?"
in reply "the hungry caterpillar?!"

XD!! since when was the hungry caterpillar a childrens classic?! no offence to the caterpillar coz i think it's such a funky picture book, but classic..........hm.......

Mourning Glory
September 2nd, 2006, 04:38 pm
"Promise me?"

"On my honor as a bloodthirsty murderer, yes."

From Anne Rice's The Tale of the Body Theif, I believe.

September 2nd, 2006, 09:44 pm
'Jeanette, you are not a Jedi yet'
one of my sister's old teachers, talking to some girl i forget her name so i used what i thought it was

September 2nd, 2006, 10:33 pm
"a man once told his son that masturbating too much would make him blind. His son replied, "dad, i'm over here""

-Willie Nelson, in Beerfest.

September 3rd, 2006, 01:41 am
your beliefs are your truth

September 6th, 2006, 07:00 am
Lol, a Swedish tourist in Scotland started to talk to a scottish man in a bar, and he thought he'd say that he liked the way they pronounced their "R's" it didn't quite come out right;

"I like your r's" (interpreted as "I like your arse" by the Scot)

It sounds more like a joke, but it actually happened XD Best quote ever.

September 6th, 2006, 07:05 am
I've been meaning to compile this all into one Word document. 364/5 of my favorite quotes, one for each day.

New favorite:

Kagura: Yeah, that's our school famous wildcat idiot.
Tomo: That's right I'm... HEY! Well, so what, Miss Eternally-Chasing-After-Miss. Sakaki-girl.
Kagura: Hah! I've got more brains in my butt than you have in your head!
Tomo: How's that? I thought you stuffed 'em all into your boobs!
Kagura: At least I have boobs!
Yukari: Now, girls be nice. You're both a vital part of my forces! :D


September 6th, 2006, 02:34 pm
"Peanut Butter Jelly Time..." stupid but funny

September 9th, 2006, 09:58 pm
hate that song. :bleh:
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
Winston Churchill
"The tiger can't change his spots. No, wait, he did! Good for him!"
Jack Handey
"Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?"
Edgar Bergen
"Young men think old men are fools; but old men know young men are fools."
Truman Capote
"A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
Bill Cosby
coolquotes.com for some good ones

September 12th, 2006, 10:19 am
"The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?" - someone.

September 12th, 2006, 07:15 pm
"they're like, eight legged freaks with legs.." uh..me! I was trying to say---> "they're like, eight legged freaks with wings." cause i was talking about Daddy long legs from some strange reason...I can't talk properly, haha.

September 13th, 2006, 02:17 pm
"a man once told his son that masturbating too much would make him blind. His son replied, "dad, i'm over here""

-Willie Nelson, in Beerfest.


I like: "if a composer could express himself through words, he wouldn't bother using music"

- Mahler

Sunny Kimiko
September 14th, 2006, 11:45 am
'Smile like you mean it, or dont smile at all'

September 14th, 2006, 10:50 pm
"These violent delights have violent ends
and in their triumph die, like fire and powder,
which as they kiss consume."

It's a quote from Romeo and Juliet. I think it's brilliant and true and all those things people say about the quotes they obsess over.

September 14th, 2006, 11:30 pm
Revenge is a dish best served cold. (French)


When seeking revenge, you must dig two graves. (Japanese)

September 15th, 2006, 05:35 pm
"That which does not kill you makes you stronger."-?
"Surrendering to reality is a tranquil suicide."-?
"A pro isn't someone who sacrifices himself for his job. That's just a fool." -Reno, Final Fantasy VII

September 16th, 2006, 05:19 am
Happy Gilmore: (knocks out Bob Barker) “The Price Is Wrong”, bitch!
Bob Barker: (wakes up, chokes Happy and knocks him down) I think you’ve had enough.
Happy Gilmore: (tries to get up)
Bob Barker: No? (Kicks him in the face) Now you’ve had enough . . .bitch.

September 19th, 2006, 01:05 am
"Lest we falter by the left hand of doubt"

September 20th, 2006, 05:04 am
"The bad news is...you're right! You know why that's bad? Because I HATE YOU! I HATE YOUR FACE! I HATE YOUR TIES! I HATE MORMONS! I HATE YOU! AND I HATE THAT SMILE!"

"Y'know, Bob, with your white hair and tan, you kinda look like a negative!"

"Hold your spayed and neutered horses!"

September 23rd, 2006, 01:48 am
"No matter how tough you are, don't cross the street when you are drunk because the moving vehicle always wins." - Statement from a Doctor

September 23rd, 2006, 01:52 am
'The only signs of life are the roadkill.' My sister, who was probably going insane from the length of our road trip.

September 23rd, 2006, 02:11 am
Doc: What meds are you on?
Pt: Peanut butter balls.
Doc: What?
Pt: Peanut butter balls! Peanut butter balls, for my seizures!
Doc: Do you mean phenobarbital?

Doc: Have you had any other illnesses?
Pt: Just smiling mighty Jesus.
Doc: You mean you've never been sick before?
Pt: (Looks at Doc like she's crazy) Oh no, I was REALLY sick with that smiling mighty Jesus!
.... she had had spinal meningitis.

True statements from doctors... again.

First one was best (in my opinion).

September 23rd, 2006, 06:49 pm
a quote from a tshirt i saw earlier; "bulimia makes me sick"

*giggles but feels bad for doing it*

September 23rd, 2006, 07:42 pm
Monday is cancelled. From a tshirt I saw one time. I really like that one.

September 23rd, 2006, 08:02 pm
Still one of my favorites,

"Those who do not learn from history--are doomed to repeat it."

Voice of Violence
September 23rd, 2006, 09:45 pm
"even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there" it means alot to me...

"You where born an original, don't die a copy"

That's all that comes to mind.

September 25th, 2006, 04:14 am
"Dude, stop wailing on my junk!!!" - Hank Venture, as his brother Dean tries to extinguish a fire on the crotch of his pants by slapping at it with his hands. ("The Venture Brothers")

September 26th, 2006, 05:03 am
"tell him, fine, there's no way i'm going to die before you do, you morally bankrupt colonel with a god complex," edward elric to maes hughes.

September 28th, 2006, 08:16 pm
Someone probably already posted this but,
"An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind." Gandhi

September 28th, 2006, 09:30 pm
Yep, I posted that. Here's a new one I really like: Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight."
Phyllis Diller
I agree on so many levels. >.>

September 29th, 2006, 12:28 am
"He has kids! He never gets scared!"

-Some random student talking about my english teacher...

September 30th, 2006, 04:54 am
Yep, I posted that. Here's a new one I really like: Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight."
Phyllis Diller
I agree on so many levels. >.>

Variation: "Never go to bed mad. Stay up and plot revenge."

October 4th, 2006, 11:05 pm
"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet." - Fortune cookie

October 5th, 2006, 11:45 pm
Quoth the Raven "never more."~ Edgar Allen Poe~ The Raven ,i dont even think it is a saying but i like it.

Mourning Glory
October 6th, 2006, 01:45 am
"You will soon achieve perfection." ~ today's fortune cookie from my vegetables and beef!

October 6th, 2006, 03:21 am
My best friend made this quote

October 6th, 2006, 04:33 am
"When in doubt, press the big red button."-myself

October 6th, 2006, 03:16 pm
"welcome to the wonderful world of mathematics, prepare to be amazed!!" Um...thats what my maths teacher said the other day, when we walked into his classroom. and then my friend goes, "OMG and i thought he wasn't mad enough already."

October 6th, 2006, 05:15 pm
"He who has no life cannot be killed" i was watching southpark the other day and they said that to the 40 year old guy living in his mothers basment playing WoW. heh i like it

October 6th, 2006, 11:18 pm
a quote form my dad...ahem... "when in doubt, throw it out."~dad

October 7th, 2006, 02:16 am
"One holds the cards, two plays the game and the third watch to learn."

"Who am I to question my own state of mind?"

"Everything is purely a thought of everyone's collective unconctious"

"Only a zephyr would whisper in that person's ear."

"Physics is the study of just how fast my head can reach my desk."

"To remain emotionless is to remove all impurities of life."

"Can you solve this equation? Maybe on planet Zeus!"

"You missed a semicolon." (C++ reference)

"I have no life, just a lot of free time."

"There is no excuse for ignorance."

"Ever wonder if Schizos see what is actually there, and we just can't see it?"

"...I think."

"Start to end to a new start."


"So if I add all those numbers up, I get something right?"

~all are uttered by myself

October 7th, 2006, 11:07 pm
dude how many do u like?! oh and.....i found this on an icon but its pretty funny to me "An apple a day keeps the doctor away, if the doctors cute srew the fruit."

October 10th, 2006, 02:14 am
"God made trees so we could debate" - Referring to the gobs of packets that are printed.

"Atheism is a religion in the same way that not collecting stamps is a hobby."

October 10th, 2006, 05:59 pm
everything returns to the darkness.

October 15th, 2006, 11:25 am
The closer we get to light, the larger our shadow becomes...

October 15th, 2006, 04:36 pm
Variation: "Never go to bed mad. Stay up and plot revenge."

Hm, I like that one more. :P
"The only real diet: If it tastes good ... spit it out."
"An optimist laughs to forget. A pessimist forgets to laugh."
"My luck is so bad that if I bought a cemetery, people would stop dying."
Ed Furgol (I really like this one :yes: )

October 15th, 2006, 05:34 pm
"Be kind to pigeons, a statue might be made of you one day."

October 23rd, 2006, 07:00 am
"I define confidence as that feeling you get right before you suddenly comprehend the enormity of the problem you're facing." - Mikey Weinstein

"experience is what you get immediately after you need it" - Anon.

October 28th, 2006, 01:47 am
My conductor: "So you're just gonna chill?"

Me: "Yeah, I'm just gonna chill."


Divine Shadow
November 2nd, 2006, 08:45 am
"You all say you want to be human, but why would you want to become something that is so flawwed?" -Ed, during a preview on Episode 45 for Human Transmutation.

Oh yeah, my mom said this to me so many times, I remember it perfectly.

My mom: "If you can figure out how to solve a problem in that game, then how the hell can't you solve this math problem!?"

Me: "But they're two different things mom.-.-"

November 3rd, 2006, 07:52 am
Sorry wolfie......

Divine Shadow
November 3rd, 2006, 09:44 am
[23:26] <Wolfgoddess> shut up you mother fucking lard ass who doesnt know that he was born from a gay ass ho
[23:26] <Angelic> Banstick time!
the best <3


November 7th, 2006, 06:25 pm
Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?"
Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
-Charle Shulz

November 7th, 2006, 08:48 pm
please, dont use my quote, I am so guilty for it and every time i see it, i just want to kill myself for saying that...

November 8th, 2006, 04:49 am
We all make mistakes ^_^ At least your popular! ¬,¬ you kinda make ME wish i did it..I mean now YOU have the best quote :P ...ok ok sorry but just think before you type...you lard ass...ya know what never mind.

"I never beleived in Hell until I met you."~ me (bored)

November 8th, 2006, 07:21 pm
"The only real diet: If it tastes good ... spit it out."

i heard that one, but i was about christianity. (puts on fireproof suit)

"you just got sarge'd"
"sarge only drinks the blood of his enemies. and occasionally a straberry yoo-hoo"
"my name is O'MALLEY!!!"
"boom. headshot. MULTYKILL"
"i like swords"
"im in your base killing your doodz"
"my current position complies with your center of operations. i am enacting fatal hostilities upon your conscripts."
"as weird as a windchime made of ears"
"as weird as a bottle full of french fries"
"we are the borg"

all for now :heh:

November 11th, 2006, 11:29 pm
i like the quote...

"Now that it's all over, what did you really do yesterday that's worth mentioning?"

November 11th, 2006, 11:34 pm
this one my friend made up.
"Your tottaly marshing my mello man!"~friends
oh yea, I almost forgot about this one.
"no shit sherloch!"~friend
they are good quotes plus this one....
"The battle is on!"~friend
and this one...
"We are in a battle of life and death *points to friend* and theres Erin!!"~Wolf
and this one i saw on tv
"come tored the light *insert name*, all are welcome, all are welcome!!!"~TV and Wolf
yea...those are my quotes for the day ^-^

November 12th, 2006, 10:51 pm
it's mushy, cheezy, and personal but I'm showing it off anyways:
anonymous says:
but it is sad...
because you are in my head...
and I am in your head...
but in the end I would rather be with you
where ever you are... <3
miranda. says:

Divine Shadow
November 13th, 2006, 06:54 am
(Team Rocket theme song)
Yuffie: WTF! Is that pokemon background music?
Kadaj: Prepare for nipple
Yazoo: And make it triple
Loz: To provide the main characters w/ frustration
Yazoo: To be the hottest within our nation
Kadaj: To find our mother, where she is we don't knows
Loz: Even if this involves slapping some hoes
Kadaj: Kadaj
Yazoo: Yazoo
Loz: Loz
Kadaj: Silver hair men, blast off at the speed of light
Yazoo: Oh hell yeah
Loz: That's damn right
Cast of FF7: ........
Loz: What!?

From YouTube: Super Funny Final Fantasy Film Including Darth Vader (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuVlqgeRAAE&search=ff7%20final%20fantasy%20advent%20children%2 0cloud7fantasy%20cloud%20strife%20reno%20tifa)

Ah...if only that was in Final Fantasy: Advent Children's extra.....

November 20th, 2006, 06:15 am
Rugby player (trying to intimidate an opponent): "Rugby players eat their dead!!!"

Opponent: "Shows what a wuss *you* are! *WE* eat our wounded, the *dead* we feed to our fans!"

November 20th, 2006, 08:31 pm
"Dude, stop wailing on my junk!!!" - Hank Venture, as his brother Dean tries to extinguish a fire on the crotch of his pants by slapping at it with his hands. ("The Venture Brothers")
Dr. Venture: "Dean, what the hell are you doing in there, I need to take a shower!"

Dean: "I'm practicing being a boyfriend, pop!"

Dr. Venture: "...never mind, Dean."


November 23rd, 2006, 07:07 pm
Stop the world I wanna get off. (From an old movie. (Haven't seen it myself))


Don't leave me, 'cause if you die I'll kill you. (Anime ... Forgot which one)


Searching...searching...searching...sorry, brain not found. (Don't remember from where)

November 24th, 2006, 01:13 am
Rugby player (trying to intimidate an opponent): "Rugby players eat their dead!!!"

Opponent: "Shows what a wuss *you* are! *WE* eat our wounded, the *dead* we feed to our fans!"

LMAO. That's priceless. XD XD XD

November 24th, 2006, 03:18 am
sure.........*nervous goofy laugh*~ Marlon does this every time he doesnt know what im talking about or he didnt here me

November 26th, 2006, 12:49 pm
These are hilarious and dumb at the same time...

1. When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.

2. I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out.

3. I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.

BTW: I use the 2nd at school against my teachers. :heh:

November 26th, 2006, 08:58 pm
Best quote ever:

"STEVE HOLT!!!" -Steve Holt, Arrested Development

December 4th, 2006, 10:35 pm
There are times when me shed our humanity to find our self.

Divine Shadow
December 6th, 2006, 08:04 pm
"You can wax on wax off all you like, I'm still... kicking your ass!"
-Gene from God Hand

December 8th, 2006, 04:18 am
"what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" and
"the time you enjoy wasting is not time wasted"

December 9th, 2006, 05:04 pm
Stop the world I wanna get off. (From an old movie. (Haven't seen it myself))
Don't leave me, 'cause if you die I'll kill you. (Anime ... Forgot which one)

Pure gold, the first one. I have a variation of the second.
If I eat this and I die, will it kill me? From someone I know after they were offered a wild berry that looked like a blueberry but really wasn't.
There's too much hair! Me, while waving my arms around my head like a lunatic. I was talking about my cello instructor (who looks more and more like a hobo every week). He never shaves his face.

Mourning Glory
December 10th, 2006, 05:37 pm
"Come back later. I am sleeping. (Yes, cookies need their rest too!)" ~ fortune cookie

My mom, the Chinese lady at the register, and I all laughed at this one...

December 10th, 2006, 07:55 pm
"Come back later. I am sleeping. (Yes, cookies need their rest too!)" ~ fortune cookie

My mom, the Chinese lady at the register, and I all laughed at this one...
I once got a blank fortune cookie, I was paranoid the rest of the week. :unsure:

December 10th, 2006, 07:59 pm
maybe they expected you to write your own fortune? :P

December 11th, 2006, 03:47 am
That's actually a good way to look at it!

maybe you looked at the wrong side XD

December 12th, 2006, 03:40 am
The author of the Iliad is either Homer or, if not Homer, somebody else of the same name.
-aldous huxley

December 13th, 2006, 12:45 am
"I'm already used to the cold in that classroom. I'm used to getting raped, too." -Lauren [some girl from school...XD]

December 13th, 2006, 12:52 am
"I'm already used to the cold in that classroom. I'm used to getting raped, too." -Lauren [some girl from school...XD]
I bet that was during a certain Science class. XD

December 13th, 2006, 01:42 am
I bet that was during a certain Science class. XD

You hit the bull's-eye. XD

December 13th, 2006, 05:17 am
"So, The Little Drummer Boy! And just to mix things up a bit, we have, on the drums, a girl!"

-My conductor at our concert tonight. (Actually, I was the girl he was referring to...I was playing the drums!)

December 13th, 2006, 05:18 am
"...So take too many pictures, laugh too much...because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you will never get back."

I live by this now =]

December 13th, 2006, 05:23 am
"You look nice!"

"I try too..."

Me, my conductor at our concert tonight...

Little Arrow
December 13th, 2006, 12:31 pm

December 13th, 2006, 09:51 pm
"Don't believe crazy people, they might not be acting"


"I tried being normal once, it didn't work."

Both off a calander in mom's office.

December 13th, 2006, 10:41 pm
"Confidence is ignorance. If you're feeling cocky, it's because there's something you don't know."

December 14th, 2006, 01:47 am
Whoops. Sorry about this. *points to later post*

December 14th, 2006, 01:49 am
"One who writes a book, brinks insanity."

December 14th, 2006, 01:49 am
Marlon! I can't believe you! You actually posted that!
Now everyone on Ichigos knows it's you. :P

"Being insane is not doing something over and over again. Being insane is doing something again and again and expecting different results."

I'm crazy. :P

December 14th, 2006, 03:52 am
Marlon! I can't believe you! You actually posted that!

My fav. quote is " Words are immortal, until someone comes along and burns them."

You guys know each other?


-Me...last year around valentines day...

Neko Koneko
December 14th, 2006, 02:50 pm
"god i hate u m" - we all know who XD

December 14th, 2006, 08:18 pm
"HI, I've realized that most men proably think that you're beautiful and think you're unapproacable but i'd give you the benifit of the doubt to see if you're friendly."

December 14th, 2006, 09:29 pm
"Now, the moral of this story is: If the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, what's the Pennsylvania turnpike paved with?"

-Chuck Barris

December 15th, 2006, 01:10 am
"Got Milk?" haha

Divine Shadow
December 15th, 2006, 11:46 am
"Love, love, love. Is that all you can think about you damn love freak!?"
-Laharl, to Flonne in Disgaea: Hour of Darkness

December 16th, 2006, 04:27 pm
"And the hero's blood will drain away
As the wicked win the day."

It's from some poem, I really don't know by whom. Really cool stuff. :)

Neko Koneko
December 16th, 2006, 11:38 pm
"Slash his throat! Eat his eyes! STEAL HIS SHOES!" - Dryzen, lower third of Dark Lord Valvoga from Makai Kingdom

December 17th, 2006, 02:50 pm
"A furore Normanorum libera nos, Domine!"

you figure out what it means... it was said by the french priests all over the place in 900 AD I think.

December 17th, 2006, 02:55 pm
[B]Searching...searching...searching...sorry, brain not found. (Don't remember from where)

The simpsons I think...

December 19th, 2006, 01:22 am
"- So how are you holding up caboose, are you getting any of this whatsoever?
- i think so...that guy tex is really a robot, and your his boyfriend, so that makes you...a gay robot.
- thats right. im a gay robot."

red versus blue. its made of WIN and LOL.

mobius music
December 20th, 2006, 09:45 am
My favorite quote is by Mark Twain:
“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”

December 26th, 2006, 01:36 am
"Oh, great! A hot bath is probably a good idea. Right now, you're probably the smelliest Lartnei in the galaxy."
"Excuse me? Did you just say that you'd like to die? I can help you with that."

~Princess of the Empire, Seikai

December 26th, 2006, 07:25 am
"Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what chya gonna get." -Forest Gump

lol yeah i know.

December 27th, 2006, 10:42 pm
"Never rely on a rabbit's foot for luck, because remember, it didn't turn out too well for the rabbit." - Anonymous

"When a man's best friend is his dog, that dog has a problem." - Edward Abbey

"Remember: Amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic." - Anonymous

"If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would ever get done." - Anonymous

December 28th, 2006, 08:05 pm
"Love is magic, but sometimes magic is an Illusion."
"A blind woman and a deaf man make a perfect couple."

"If you get married to a good wife you will be happy, if you get get married to a bad one, you'll become a philosopher"-Socrates

"The stars are the only things in the world that could shine so brightly, and not make me envy them." -me

January 3rd, 2007, 12:44 pm
"Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what chya gonna get." -Forest Gump

lol yeah i know.

I always hear that quote but wonder, if it's a box of chocolates, all it's gonna get is chocolate. :think:

January 3rd, 2007, 06:54 pm
"Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something." ~The Dread Pirate Roberts The Princess Bribe best movie ever

January 4th, 2007, 05:20 pm
"There is no I in fuck you"

January 9th, 2007, 12:53 am
"Find the Computer Room!"

-Vector the Crocodile, "Shadow the Hedgehog" (it's funnier when you hear him say it...)

Divine Shadow
January 9th, 2007, 11:08 am
Cliff Fittir: Hey, don't laugh. I'm actually a bit of an artiste myself, though you wouldn't know it to look at me. Mirage said as much.

Fayt Leingod: She did?

Cliff Fittir: That's right. She said, "You're the kind of guy who decides with his emotions before using his head." In other words, she thinks I'm an impressionist.

Fayt Leingod: I don't think that's what she meant...

Cliff Fittir: Yeah, and she also said I'm "Always looking at pretty girls," which I guess is her way of praising my keen sense of aesthetics, don't you think?

-Star Ocean 3

Cross Diskenth
January 19th, 2007, 01:19 am
"Art is not a mirror. Art is a hammer." -Drawing Blood by Poppy Z. Brite

"I like long walks, especially when they're taken by people who annoy me." -Noel Cowards

Divine Shadow
January 19th, 2007, 11:07 am
You get paralyze, they don’t got shit for you. Look at Christopher Reeve. Superman can't walk. What kind of sorry ass shit is that. Superman can't walk. What's next? What the fuck! Aquaman is gonna drown in the tub!?
-Chris Rock

January 19th, 2007, 01:34 pm
from a friend in encouraging me to put things down (in terms of dealing emotions):
understading that putting things down is actually quite easy
1) let go
2) the gravity will do the rest

January 20th, 2007, 04:11 am
'Contrariwise,' continued Tweedledee, 'if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be: but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic'
--Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass

Every time I paint a portrait I lose a friend
--John Singer Sargent

O hateful error, melancholy's child!
--Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

January 20th, 2007, 06:05 am
"There's no 'I' in 'Orchestra'"

-My conductor

January 20th, 2007, 03:20 pm
"A person's life was saved and a child became a president
all because of a smile that didn't even cost a cent."
~*Chicken Soup


Mourning Glory
January 21st, 2007, 05:41 am
An entire page of quotes from the American medical drama House.


Sarcastic humor at every turn... :lol:

January 24th, 2007, 04:39 am
"This is the last straw!"

"I better buy more straws"

-Trapper and Hawkeye from M*A*S*H

January 27th, 2007, 04:41 pm
"Protect your ears."
-can't remember :heh:

January 27th, 2007, 10:19 pm
"Does the dyslexic athiest not believe in Dog?"

That one really cracked my up. If you get it, it might crack you up too.

January 28th, 2007, 06:43 pm
"Being a genius is 99% Effort and 1% Insight"
I'm 99% insight XD