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August 18th, 2006, 02:59 am
I like the animal too... ;)

Okay... Time for me to play catch-up.
Starting from the top of my page:

Siul1313: Han shot first. Indeed. 'tis very true! While the painted look is very approprate for a star wars portrait, I don't quite get what's in the background. Is it a cantena? Or is it a Robot? In my eyes, it looks like a decepticon from Transformers, de colorized. This gets a little distracting from the subject of the picture. Avatar: Well, it certainly matches your signature! Because I like the picture of Han himself better, this gets higher marks.

Sig: 7/10
Ava: 9/10

Lightningsage: Al. Golden eyes and golden hair offer greatly to the picture's background. The colors you chose were very good. The patchwork gradent offers just enough contrast so that Al doesn't stand out too much, yet doesn't blend in with everything else. The render extraction was done quite well (or you did well to mask it from my eyes). But (there's always a but) there are two things you can improve on this. 1) Font. The font used on the title of the anime looks nice, but it's a little too flashy, making it hard to decifer exactly what is written. 2) The backdrop behind the text. This is an issue with gold colors. It is very hard to make any type of font blend with it without clashing. Rather than blacking out a section of the background, I would add a couple of outline layers (black to dark grey in color), a satin layer (your current gold), and a inner glow layer (a lighter gold or a grey color). This should define the text.

Sig: 7/10
Ava: 7/10

The Music In My Head: Well... I like how minimalistic it is. The main issue with it, though, is the fact that the text is less than size 8. It is very hard to read when a font is under size 8. Not to mention the text isn't defined from the rest of the picture. I liked how it is animated, but the animation could be cleaner (like drawing the dotted line around the corner rather that having a jump). I don't know why, but I don't like you avatar at all... Perhaps it's the fact that you used multicolored spakles.

Sig: 6/10
Ava: 3/10

Kohaku: I very much like how you have a sig rotator. It's the first time we've witnessed this at ichigos and it is kind of refreshing. As to the sigs, I like the renders, and I really like the backgrounds, but one of the sigs seem out of place. Azumanga Daiou! isn't an anime to use abstract like objects for the background, rather it is more along the lines of a powder or a softer background (as you did well with almost all of them). So the I-can't-remember-the-name-of-the-one-who-always-gets-bit-by-the-cat picture's background seems way off shot. Avatar is a little boring, but the fact that it is Osaka in the picture this makes sense.

Sigs: ~8/10
Ava: 7/10

Mazeppa: I'm no good at rating Real Life pictures in signature, but it looks like you took proper effects for the era of The Beatles. Too bad I wasn't a fan of that type of art though. Don't take it personally, I just dislike the hard primaries they used on everything in that era. Avatar looks messed up, and I'm not too sure that bringing the guy's face to the center would help either.

Sig: 5/10
Ava: 4/10

Stinger: As I said with Mazeppa, I'm not very good at rating human manipulations. I think that the subject's contrast should be increased ever so slighly so that her face and hands are better defined from the background. The background is perfect, thanks to the colorization of the Subject's body. The font you used for party wave is perfect. It's not a standard font, yet it gives off great clarity. I find your black lines at the top and bottom a little annoying (is this your boarder?), and the black chunk at the lower right hand corner should be fixed. Avatar is great, except there isn't really anything there. Just the background and text.

Sig: 9/10
Ava: 8/10

Eternal: Your sets always give off such a clean feeling to them. I love the render, though the actual sig itself looks like a crop job with a boarder and some text placed on top. The white spot in the lower left hand side is very out of place seeings how her skin is the only lightly colored part of the sig. The font you used goes quite well with the Elegent Goth-loli theme, though the "I'm..." part is a little too far into the curtain, and is a little hard to read. The same with the E in Eternal. The only real thing I would do to this sig is somehow make the Girl's picture bigger so that the viewer can notice that she is holding a rose easier.

Sig: 9/10
Ava: 10/10

Akaitsuki: I really do like the art of Disgaea. It's crisp and very cool on the eyes. Colorful, yet blends well with everything. Though it does look pretty much like a crop job from a wallpaper. My only real issue with the sig is the fact that you have an outline around the entire picture except for the left side and by the font. Did this just magically disappear or was it intentional? I don't mind the lack of a boarder near the text (in fact it would be a nice effect if you used transparency around the fonts), but by leaving it off on the left side, you make the picture slightly off-balance.

Sig: 8/10
Ava: 10/10

Radical_Dreamer: Well, I've commented enough on your avatar by now (Third time running, right?), so I'll look at the Azumanga Pic. It is cute, indeed, but it gets a little annoying after a while. Perhaps add a longer delay on the last frame so that the gif doesn't loop as fast.

Sig: 5/10
Ava: 6/10

Albinoechidna: Indeed it is a good first attempt. With the sig being a "Symbol" like sig, a boarder is an absolute must. A dark colored one, judging by the colors. The font used is very nice, except that your blending and placement is a little--for the lack of a better word--ill. You blurred the text too much on the left and the diagonal text is not artistic enough to be placed in no-man's-land. Fixing those three things would greatly help the rating. Also, your avatar is just bad. The text is too small, and the only thing you can see is the rit. and the bird's eye. Fix by using better placement and sizing.

Sig: 5/10
Ava: 2/10

hordes12: I have no clue exactly who Luffy is, but the use of high contrast in the avatar is quite nice, but then there's your sig. The font looks great and very original, but I do not like how you burned and engraved the picture into a plain background. It looks very... n00bish.

Sig: 4/10
Ava: 9/10

Ashtr: That's you sniffing a Plugin, right? That's pro'lly one of the funniest pictures I have ever seen! It's the expression on your face that makes it win. No effects were really used for this, but it is still very good and artistic. As for your avatar, it is very clean, but it reminds me of a diaper commertial I saw the other day...

Sig: 9/10
Ava: 7/10

Hiei: I see you're still sticking to your favorate Mangaka. Well, it's quite original, and I haven't seen anything else similar on the fourms here. Two complaints, which you likely cannot fix. One is the pokadots. They just annoy me. Two is the fact that you cut off on of the character's jaw. Avatar: black and white, and well defined.

Sig: 7/10
Ava: 9/10

Melee54: you did well on the avatar (minus the text outline that is unreadible), but WHY DIDN'T YOU COLOR THE SIG?! You could have gained so much higher of a rating if you made it the same lush blue color you have in your avatar! I like the smoke background, and you extraced the render quite well.

Sig: 6/10
Ava: 7/10

Neerolyte: First set change in quite some time. The disolve effect looks quite cheap and sloppy. Most would use the dissolve effect and the blur/smudge tool to soften the pixles a bit more, giving it more of a clean look. I also don't like the 3|5 pixel shade boarder you put on it. It takes the already small signature and makes it even smaller. Though the render itself looks nice, as is the backgound and the font used. Just some techical things in how you manipulate it. Your avatar is a bit too blurred for my tastes.

Sig: 4/10
Ava: 7/10

And my rating spree is done! I will be getting a new sig, eventually... Pro'lly of Shana.

August 18th, 2006, 03:18 am
I will be getting a new sig, eventually... Pro'lly of Shana.

.. Shakugan no Shana? I was making one with her. :bleh:

August 18th, 2006, 03:26 am
I thought your current sig was "in the making...." :shifty:

August 18th, 2006, 03:28 am
I can multi-task. :bleh:

Mourning Glory
August 18th, 2006, 12:44 pm
Umm......I never asked for mine to be rated....partly because I didn't make it. I liked the gif, so I put it in my sig. I'm trying to find a better avatar, though.

Eternal is actually making a set for me right now. I like messing with graphics design stuff, but I'm not very good at it, so I never use anything I make. :P

Edit: Now I made one. Feel free to rate this one. :P

August 20th, 2006, 07:32 am
Oh haven't been in this thread for a while.

^ The Music in My Head

8.9/10 Nice Avatar, but it almost looks like an evil eye at a first glance.
9/10 Nice sig, but I think you can widen it a bit. :P

August 20th, 2006, 07:38 am
@The Music in My Head:
ava: 9/10
sig: 9/10 yep, just a little widening ^.^

ava: 7/10 are those lips?
sig: 9/10 cute cow ^.^

August 20th, 2006, 05:27 pm
^ Yeah, haha. Big lips.

Mourning Glory
August 20th, 2006, 07:07 pm
Lol, I didn't even think those were lips... Actually, I don't know what I thought they were.

August 22nd, 2006, 03:53 am
Just a set I use on gaming forums. Very simple actually, small text, some (good) brushing effects, and a pretty much un-edited render-which is a bit of a first time for me.

Anyway, rate.

August 24th, 2006, 02:57 am
Its actualy not that good. Looks like a textured background with some black brushing and then adding a text layer and render...

August 24th, 2006, 08:12 pm
Uh, a textured background?

No. I made this from a white background (Well, painted black. Lol). I don't use other peoples backgrounds, just other people's renders-which is obviously common.

August 24th, 2006, 10:32 pm
Umm......I never asked for mine to be rated....partly because I didn't make it. I liked the gif, so I put it in my sig. I'm trying to find a better avatar, though.

Eternal is actually making a set for me right now. I like messing with graphics design stuff, but I'm not very good at it, so I never use anything I make. :P

Edit: Now I made one. Feel free to rate this one. :P

I made one for her, but it wasn't at all like she asked for...
gosh. I'm so sorry.

Mourning Glory
August 24th, 2006, 10:43 pm
I made one for her, but it wasn't at all like she asked for...
gosh. I'm so sorry.

We had a number of problems with that. Actually, the reason I wanted a Wolf's Rain character with that text is because that is the last line of the ending theme, Gravity.

And then you couldn't find a good picture of Sara from Angel Sanctuary...
I still find it funny that you thought she was a little too lusty. :lol:

Anyways, it's okay. You tried.

August 25th, 2006, 01:59 am
I could make you a sig if you wanted.


Mourning Glory
August 25th, 2006, 02:06 am
If you want to, I would appreciate it.

August 25th, 2006, 02:30 am
And I've got a new one. Nothing like a misleading a gamer into "nice" game (IRCers know what I'm talking about)

August 25th, 2006, 03:03 am
nice...I like the sig, altho the text is a little hard to read (maybe its me..its 4 am so im a lil confused)

the avatar is nice...but boring..Mostly personal choice but I dont like text in avatars...


Mourning Glory
August 25th, 2006, 03:08 am
@ M: I like it. I think the text could be a little darker though. the light grey is not good for late-night surfers, such as Siul. :teeth:

I made another one! Rate, please!

August 25th, 2006, 03:16 am
Nice..simple..text xould use some work..and colors could blend better.

Is it just me or does the guys face look....stretched sideways?

6/10-nice sig, just need polishing up.

Mourning Glory
August 25th, 2006, 03:19 am
Yeah, it is. All I have to work with is a regular paint program, so simplicity is key. Otherwize it all looks like crap. The program can't resize images, so i'm stuck with skewing and stretching until I can get it to a good size.

August 25th, 2006, 03:19 am
Just a set I use on gaming forums. Very simple actually, small text, some (good) brushing effects, and a pretty much un-edited render-which is a bit of a first time for me.

Anyway, rate.


August 25th, 2006, 03:25 am
@ M: I like it. I think the text could be a little darker though. the light grey is not good for late-night surfers, such as Siul. :teeth:

I made another one! Rate, please!

Hmmm...call me an early biird...makes me sound responsible instead of a wee bit obsessed.

BTW if you ever need something image related IM me, Im not exactly great but I can always lend a helping hand (I hope).

Someone rate mine! (thanks again Marlon)

Mourning Glory
August 25th, 2006, 03:48 am
@ Mazeppa: Is that Zelda or Link? Sorry, brain's not working properly. Yeah, let's pretend that I don't even know what a render is...but I still like the set. I am a person who likes a bit of simplicity in stuff like that. I give the sig a 9/10. Partly because I don't know what's up with the eighth note in the background. It seems kindof random with the vg theme.

I did some messing around with it so that it wasn't stretched sideways. As with my other siggy, now it is very short...

August 25th, 2006, 05:24 am
Other than the fact that I am a musician (Is that impossible to figure out?) and also that game revolves around magicly-enchated songs, the note is placed finely for it's theme I think.

Mourning Glory
August 25th, 2006, 09:06 pm
Other than the fact that I am a musician (Is that impossible to figure out?) and also that game revolves around magicly-enchated songs, the note is placed finely for it's theme I think.

Nah, I knew you were a musician. I just thought it seemed a little out of place for a vg forum. I didn't know that the game involves music, so that clears it up.

August 27th, 2006, 05:05 am
7 out of 10 for ^

August 27th, 2006, 04:39 pm
How is this one I made?

August 27th, 2006, 05:38 pm
Nice.... (It looks lika an angry mob....angry mobs are nice) shows how most of us feel...

8/10 - only crit I could find is pic is abit blurry (could be intentional) and I dont like the font alot.

Mourning Glory
August 27th, 2006, 05:51 pm
@ Porsche: NNOOOO! Don't remind me!

Like Siul said, the pic is a little blurry. The text reminds me of the old DOS system. That and the blurry pic gives it a 70's feel to me. I don't know if that's what you were going for, but maybe you could find a more recent picture?

I give it 7/10

August 27th, 2006, 08:34 pm
cool 8/10

August 29th, 2006, 02:43 am
Okay new set, I'm going on hiatus for a while~

September 2nd, 2006, 04:03 am

I think its purddy. The dodging around the character render is really nice, but to bad you didnt do it to the castle as well. The text suits it to a T also :P

Someone do me! do me! :P

September 2nd, 2006, 05:09 am
Cool images, but the sig and avvy kinda contrast with each other. 7.5/10

September 2nd, 2006, 04:48 pm
oh yeah. this thread existed didn't it.. :mellow:

September 2nd, 2006, 07:58 pm
Cool images, but the sig and avvy kinda contrast with each other. 7.5/10

Well, I coloured the avatar myself, a scan from the manga. Give me some credit for that XD

September 9th, 2006, 03:14 am
I've always loved Kou's sets.
They all look so clear down to the last line and color.

100/10 ^^

no I didn't accidentally add a 0~ XD

Mourning Glory
September 9th, 2006, 11:38 pm
New set. Please rate.

September 12th, 2006, 11:42 pm
I give The Music In My Head-9/10

And Akaitsuki-9/10

September 23rd, 2006, 01:03 am
New Set. Requesting a Rating. :)

September 23rd, 2006, 07:50 pm
how bout mine guys?

September 25th, 2006, 02:16 am
i love your av...the colours are simple and i like it

the sigs....well, i think the 3rd one's the best overall, but the font's my least favourite :(

oh yes...saber is awsome and needs more cowbell

September 25th, 2006, 08:02 pm
Zeroclef: Your sigs too big. It does not go with the dimensions set by the rules. I suggest you fix it.

September 26th, 2006, 04:02 am
Okay, time for me to catch up

@Eternal: I don't even have to comment anymore... It's clean, it's pure, it's purdy. Only complaint is that it's a little too white, causing the girl's face to wash out. 9.5/10

@Music: Looks good but the picture itself is grainy. The text is a little too boring too. Also needs some form of a boarder (and this is coming from someone that doesn't like boarders!) 6/10

@XetroxIV: Sig isn't formatted to standards. To big height-wize. *not rated*

@Mazeppa: Loving how sharp the colors are. The levels are set just right on that picture, it is set for the mood of the game. Though I have to say it's a crop job (or it looks like one), so there isn't much to making it. Your name at the bottom is a little hard to read. None the less, it looks nice. 8/10

@Zeroclef: Same as XetroxIV: Your sig isn't to format *not rated*

@hofodomo01: That's Saber, right? Something about the render doesn't match up to the anime, and I can't put my finger on it. The background is a little too low profile (grey has got to be the most boring color of them all...), but I do like the FX used around the sword. Too bad the rules here doesn't allow for you to fully show what the vector looks like. The glare in the lower left hand corner is too much, and whitewashes the picture. Maybe use a constrained layer with the pen tool and lighten the edges manually so that some color remains in the corner. 8.5/10

September 27th, 2006, 12:03 am
Ok "M" your avatar is very colorful/attractive but it looks like it has been cropped. 8/10

But your signature is..well..looks wonderful (can't think of a word)
I like how you made the M and faded it and made the picture look mysterious.
Man I wish I had my own cool sig :heh:

OK to all:
Pre-Made Avatar
No comment on my signature...:bleh:

Mourning Glory
September 28th, 2006, 10:43 pm
@ M - I like the avatar and sig separately, but they don't really match. Other than that, it's pretty good. 8/10

@ Sondagger - I'll take you up on that offer to make me a set. I'm getting tired of making crappy ones. :heh: Thanks in advance.

October 2nd, 2006, 12:35 am

October 2nd, 2006, 06:56 am
I forgot we had this thread, lol.

@MiMH: It looks like yours is made in MS Paint. The quality is quite bad, but as you said you're going to get a new one... 6/10
@Sondagger: My fellow moddie. I like your set, mainly because it's Legato but also because of the expression of the avatar. 8/10

October 6th, 2006, 04:27 am
rate sig please...

October 11th, 2006, 02:59 am
I like it! 9.8/10

What about my new one?

October 18th, 2006, 08:42 pm
@hordes: I like the vector placed atop the render, and I also like the clarity of the picture. but the color makes me want to gouge my eyes out. It's too bright. Also, solid color sigs need borders. Your text is very plain and hard to read. If those two were fixed, I've give you a better rating. Now your avatar is a different story. You took the red and shifted it to a golden like orange color. It gives off the same feeling I got from the vector overlay; clean, consise, and powerful.

sig: 5/10
ava: 9.5/10

@Porsche: Screenshot of Finale with the Jazz font. Being partial to trumpets, I know the pain of going that high (actually it's quite easy on my pic). I can't say much about the styling, because there really isn't any. But the effect is still portrayed decent. And I'm no good at human manipulation rating. Your avatar looks nice, and nothing really jumps out at me. Maybe clarifying the text found at the bottom would be nice.

Sig: 4/10
Ava: 6/10

And, as always rate my new sig, minus the ava. I'm looking for a new one atm.

October 21st, 2006, 10:37 am
Your signature is funky, M ^^ Just that the writing on the top left is a bit blurry. Not a fan of the outer-glow or whatever it is, since the font is so thin. 8/10 ~

Neko Koneko
October 21st, 2006, 10:55 am
outer glow is almost always a no-no anyway =p

October 21st, 2006, 10:09 pm
hahah LOVE IT GAO AND *POINT* XD 10/10! <3 ^_^

October 23rd, 2006, 11:54 pm
I love your avvie~ it's cute~

New Set from me~ ^^ Rates~

October 26th, 2006, 01:08 am
@Angelic & Spoon: I always did like the husband & wife pair sigs. Even better yet the render on each sig looks fantastic (though you can see the jaggedness from the avi screenshot), and the avatars speak--or should I say mouth--for themselves.

Ava: 9/10
Sigs: 9/10

xo1Dr4gonfly: I don't like the overpowering blue color gradent in the right hand side. I also don't like how the text is colored with almost exactly the same color without a strong outline/shadow. This makes it both difficult to read, and really choppy. I would at least add a drop shadow to the text to aid the readability of the font, which I do like. Also, it looks like you illumanated Mizusu a bit too much. I would try to keep a bit of the skin color and overlay a blue tint to give it a more texture. And I'm with eternal on the Avatar. Very cute.

Ava: 8.5/10
Sig: 4/10

Eternal: I actually do have a complaint this time (which is rare for you)! The resulting size you chose for your sig is too small for your render. You cannot take in the pictures true beauty as it is. I'd expand on the height by another 10-15 pixels to include her mouth at least. Other than that... :drool: Your avatar is perfect. Expression is very approprate, the color meshes nicely, it's sharp, it's clean, it's good!

Ava: 10/10
Sig: 9/10

@Myself: Instead of working long and hard on vectoring an avatar that works for my infornography sig, I just scratched it all, and made a sig off of Aria the Animation. (note: this is my first actual "set")

October 26th, 2006, 05:38 am
Mainly my "Three Sigs" The Avatar isn't supposted to match, it's just an avatar. :\

October 27th, 2006, 12:27 am
meep I just wanted to show her eyes~
I guess I felt small that day so my sig turned out small~ But thank you for the rating ^^

@ Mies I think it would be better if you showed more head and less body for your sig ^^
I like the green though, it feels aquatic~

November 2nd, 2006, 10:50 am
looks like you cropped a larger picture and framed it >.< 7.5/10 still pretty though xD

November 2nd, 2006, 11:23 pm
na the background was a sunny day, added some grey and white to it and some trees... pretty simple, took a long time cos I don't have a tablet and I kept coloring in the line~

November 17th, 2006, 05:28 pm
@PorscheGTIII: 8/10 for the avatar, 7/10 for the sig [a little simple?]

@M: 7/10 for sig [outer glow?]

@xo1Dr4gonfly: 8/10 for avatar [cute], 6/10 for sig [simple]

@Eternal: 8/10 for avatar [good, what a facial expression], 7/10 for the sig [simple]

@Mazeppa: 7/10 for avatar [small?], 8/10 for the sig [good, but is it too abstract or my eyes are just dizzy?]

November 17th, 2006, 11:34 pm
lol, once again with One Piece? XD

Divine Shadow
November 18th, 2006, 09:41 am
ChristopherArmalite.... 10/10 for both avatar and signature! They're so cool!

November 19th, 2006, 12:02 pm
lol, once again with One Piece? XD

@ChristopherArmalite: 9/10 for both avatar and sig

November 19th, 2006, 02:52 pm
WOW. Lol you gave me a 7/10 and a 8/10, and you give him a 9/10 for not even making his own sets.

Wow, I'm a discouaged GFX artist now. Lol, I hate you.

November 19th, 2006, 03:18 pm
WOW. Lol you gave me a 7/10 and a 8/10, and you give him a 9/10 for not even making his own sets.

Wow, I'm a discouaged GFX artist now. Lol, I hate you.

He simply doesn't like your style.

"Hey, I hate your rating technique. I hate you." :mellow:

November 19th, 2006, 03:52 pm
That's why I never ask for ratings nor give them. Comments are just as good if not better. Who needs a stinking number anyway?

November 19th, 2006, 04:22 pm
WOW. Lol you gave me a 7/10 and a 8/10, and you give him a 9/10 for not even making his own sets.

Wow, I'm a discouaged GFX artist now. Lol, I hate you.

Your avatar is too small. Zero is both too small and lost in the background color. The circular vectors don't match the overall mood of the sig, the text color for your name is too much like the demon sword, and makes it hard to see the M in Mazeppa. It looks too cluttered near the center, and you could have used levels to bring in a little more intensity to the render of the picture. Yes, you made it yourself. Yes, you probably took more time to make it, but it isn't anything above average.

@Chris: Very clean looking. Almost too much. The giant void between his head and the background (dome?) draws my attention. Maybe if you add some type of a dim glowball, rain effect, (or ash, if that is fire that I see) would level things out. The color overlay of Khaki is very nice, but a little too strong on the lower right, causing the texture of the object to be lost. The font is a little big, and also boring. When font is that big on a picture, it needs to have some type of style applied to it, that way it isn't text anymore, but part of the picture.

@Hordes: What!? No catgirl sig with a lifesaver in her mouth?! Oh well. Like Chris's, your background is too dark. The actual render used is very nice, with strong focus on Intensity and color, making it fit the too dark background. I don't think the ghost render works. Fixing the background would do it wonders.

November 19th, 2006, 05:26 pm
WOW. Lol you gave me a 7/10 and a 8/10, and you give him a 9/10 for not even making his own sets.

Wow, I'm a discouaged GFX artist now. Lol, I hate you.

I don't think he's a very fair rater is all because I made Chris' set and it's the same style as mine but I got a lower rating~
It has nothing to do with your style Mazeppa~ :polish:

@ Mies

Wahh I'm getting more complaints from you noooooooo
I added in the dome cos night background seemed too plain like the way I added in the dice to make it less simple... but you don't like the dome >_<
oh and that little stick is a swaord which you could see better on the matching set XD
I cut the anime picture as a whole therefore I couldn't get rid of it hehehe....

and I hate fancy text, they're too complicated for me~
Instead I like monotype Cursive at a large visible font~
Simple and Clean... lol like the song ^^

November 20th, 2006, 01:03 am
and this would be the picture where she took it from

November 20th, 2006, 11:59 pm
WOW. Lol you gave me a 7/10 and a 8/10, and you give him a 9/10 for not even making his own sets.

Wow, I'm a discouaged GFX artist now. Lol, I hate you.
@Mazeppa: i thought this was "Rate Everyones Avatars And Sigs" thread. I didn't rate Chris, i rated the set, even though Chris wasn't the one who made it. "I'm a discouaged GFX artist now" don't be discouarged, rating or comments can make you learn some things to be change on your style or on how you make your sets. Slap me if you don't get my point. ^_^

He simply doesn't like your style.

"Hey, I hate your rating technique. I hate you." :mellow:
@Meer: Don't hate me, just making rates here. I didn't say i don't like his style, just saying what i thought of it. by the way this "Rate Everyones Avatars And Sigs" thread right?

I don't think he's a very fair rater is all because I made Chris' set and it's the same style as mine but I got a lower rating~
It has nothing to do with your style Mazeppa~ :polish:

@ Mies

Wahh I'm getting more complaints from you noooooooo
I added in the dome cos night background seemed too plain like the way I added in the dice to make it less simple... but you don't like the dome >_<
oh and that little stick is a swaord which you could see better on the matching set XD
I cut the anime picture as a whole therefore I couldn't get rid of it hehehe....

and I hate fancy text, they're too complicated for me~
Instead I like monotype Cursive at a large visible font~
Simple and Clean... lol like the song ^^
@Eternal: yup nothing to do with mazzepa's style, and yet nothing to do with your style. In fact i didn't realized, just when looked agian, that Chirs' set by made by you. i don't rate people. still, Chris' set made by you, then the glory is still yours. Just luckily the Shinning armor beats the Die of life.

and this would be the picture where she took it from
@Chris: ^.^

November 21st, 2006, 12:04 am
es here. I didn't say i don't like his style, just saying what i thought of it. by the way this "Rate Everyones Avatars And Sigs" thread right?

I was just getting my point across to Mazeppa not to take it so seriously. :mellow:

November 21st, 2006, 12:10 am
I was just getting my point across to Mazeppa not to take it so seriously. :mellow:

ohh. ^.^, didn't got that. it missed me. LOL.

November 22nd, 2006, 02:20 pm
Lol, good thing you guys took it seriously. Made me laugh.

I didn't take it seriously--I added the "Lol"s in there for the hint. Hehe. :P

Mourning Glory
November 22nd, 2006, 03:14 pm
*reads entire page* Lol.

@ Eternal: I've always been a fan of your sets, but I happen to like the one you made for Chris better than your own this time... The cleanness of Chris's is good, but completely different than the cluttered feeling I get from your own. I get where you're coming from on the monotype Corsiva thing, too. One of my favorite fonts. :lol:

@ mazeppa: I actually like this one... I like the effect of having everything in the center, then the darker burgundy space to the outside of the bright neon colors. It seems to fit the big-headed anime Megaman dude, or whoever he is.

@ hordes: Much better than that garish orange dice thing from a while back... But again with the One Piece, lol. I don't think the avatar matches it as well as it could though. It seems brighter, overall, than the sig.


@ Meer: *laughs at Jaso quote* How, may I ask, did that come up in discussion? Do we have a hentai board on Ichigo's?

November 22nd, 2006, 04:23 pm
That started way back here. read a couple of pages and you'll see exactly why Jaso thinks Hentai is good.

November 22nd, 2006, 04:28 pm
i see the "Lol"s usefulness ^.^

@The Music In My Head: 7/10 avatar, 7/10 sig

November 27th, 2006, 02:31 am
Avatar: 7/10
Signature: 8.5/10

December 18th, 2006, 05:58 pm
I think I overdid it on the snow... >__<

oh well~ I didn't cheat this time I actually made this one...

January 2nd, 2007, 09:47 am
New set~

Stupid thing, I was still following the 500x120 guides, wondered why my sig looked weird, re-read the guidelines, headsmacked the desk and re-made it T_T dammit.

Made in Photoshop 7.0. Not my images! I just randomly searched for pretty sunflower photos!

February 5th, 2007, 02:24 am
Love the clarity, hate the text, 7/10.

Rate mine! One of my easy to do, pro-outcome sig sets. :sweat:

February 5th, 2007, 10:00 pm
9.75/10~ I don't get it, but there's something I don't like about the signature.

This is the very first set I've ever made...

February 6th, 2007, 04:38 pm
The Avatar is Smexy :)
The Siggy is too rainbow x_x
I suggestion would be to shift the text down just a notch and shrink the bass clef so it doesn't hit the top and bottom of the sig. In addition a border won't hurt. Just use the paint tool with the box button XD
Noir7 taught me that like 2 years ago... :think: yeah, and I still use it today~

overall: 7/10

@ Mazeppa, I think they took down your sig cos you uploaded it with personal image? It dosen't look that big to me. But Gand fixed that problem so maybe re-uploading will fix it~
Link looks kinda weird in that pic like a bit too triangular but the background is great. I don't really like the sizing or the bordering of the either so
8/10 :)

February 6th, 2007, 04:50 pm
@ Mazeppa, I think they took down your sig cos you uploaded it with personal image? It dosen't look that big to me. But Gand fixed that problem so maybe re-uploading will fix it~

Actually, it's because he had 2 signatures~ one in the spoiler, and one showing. The two must add up to the limit (including sizes).

Like this:

Signature1+ Signature2 MUST= 500 on width, 120 on height, and 48.8 KB.



9/10~ It's the signature. It sort of looks like you pasted the city picture on there, and then added the picture of that one person, but how would I know? :P

February 6th, 2007, 05:01 pm
it looks like he only has one sig now and yeah I did just take a picture or a city colored to background blue and put a girl infront of it. Lol it took me very long to do so too XD

February 6th, 2007, 05:14 pm
For that style, looks pretty nice. :heh: 7/10

February 6th, 2007, 05:18 pm
actually I didn't even ask for ratings on this one but thank you XD~

February 7th, 2007, 08:31 pm
Mwahaha, I'm gonna rate it again too! XD
Now let me try to put my finger on what I don't like about it...
I think the blue of the background is too saturated...
The girl is on a different perspective plane than the background, so she looks kind of pasted on...
The girl's warmth kind of clashes with the overly-saturated cold blue I think...
Also, having your name in the top left of your sig is totally jarring. We read top to bottom, left to right, so your name should usually go in the bottom right of the sig. Ever notice how most artists sign their names down there? There's a reason for that - that's typically the last place the eye ends up when viewing a picture; it's the most natural place to put your name. Putting your name anywhere else interrupts the flow of the piece, making the viewers eye catch on your name and stop to read it. ;)
Overall, an okay siggy, but the colors and composition bother me a little. :heh:

Someone rate mine! O:

Edit: I decided to lighten up your set a bit for you Eternal, so you could see how it looked:




I personally think it's much easier on the eyes like that. XD
I was going to tweak it some more for you, but photoshop wouldn't let me do much to your gif. :(

February 7th, 2007, 09:49 pm
Avatar: 7/10
the text is too..pixely and and there should be an outer border.
Sig: 6.5/10
same as the avatar(border&text) and theres jsut too much..empty space. The background is nice, but i have no idea what the thing on the left is. The render could've been transformed better to fill more space and such.

February 8th, 2007, 01:51 am
*sigh* but I didn't ask for a rating on this one meaning I'm happy for the way it is.

It's a little different cos life would be no fun if everything were to be the same~ But thank you for taking the time I guess for making it lighter? I personally think that the darkness of it sharpens the image and plus it's suppose to be night time and all dark~

The Girl is simply closer than the background she standing up in front that's why it's called a background :) And yes, I make(edit) a background and crop and paste stuff in front~ there's nothing wrong with it. I like it blue cos her eyes are blue and "saturated" cos it's cool like that. I hope you don't expect me to actually draw a character instead of stealing one~

I have been going to an art class for 8 years, I know that MOST artists sign down there but the word "Eternal" isn't my signature it's just text. Like if you have some sort of phrase that you want to put into your sig, cept mine's only one word. Besides there was space there. So it'd look squeeky clean~

Edit: @ Ashtr I think it's the top of a guitar~

February 8th, 2007, 02:17 am
*sigh* but I didn't ask for a rating on this one meaning I'm happy for the way it is.
Oh, that's good to hear. You should be; you have a pretty nice looking set. I just thought I'd help you make it better. ^_^

The Girl is simply closer than the background she standing up in front that's why it's called a background And yes, I make(edit) a background and crop and paste stuff in front~ there's nothing wrong with it.

It's not that you put her in front of a background; that's fine. I was saying that she's on a different perspective than her background. As in, even if you were to have drawn the whole thing, I still would've commented on that. ;)

The Girl is simply closer than the background she standing up in front that's why it's called a background

Again, the perspective is off. I know what a background is. XD

I hope you don't expect me to actually draw a character instead of stealing one~

After only 8 years of art class? Of course no- oh...wait a second. XD
Ahhh, only poking fun of course. ;) I wouldn't draw my own character either; I'd have a pretty crappy looking sig with my anime-talents. :heh:

Edit: @ Ashtr I think it's the top of a guitar~
Haha, yeah, it is. :lol:
The image is from one of the dvd covers if I remember correctly. :3

February 8th, 2007, 02:36 am
I can draw anime characters perfectly fine. But I don't have a tablet or a scanner and my control of the mouse isn't good enough just to draw off photoshop~
And I don't want comments on this one >__<
isn't that clear that I'm getting really really annoyed?

February 8th, 2007, 02:56 am
I can draw anime characters perfectly fine. But I don't have a tablet or a scanner and my control of the mouse isn't good enough just to draw off photoshop~

Oh, I see. You made it sound like you couldn't is all. ^_^

And I don't want comments on this one >__<

Yeah, you said that, after I had already commented on it.

isn't that clear that I'm getting really really annoyed?

Haha, now it is. What I can't understand is *why* you're really really annoyed. Do you *like* being ignorant of the mistakes you've made? You won't learn much with that kind of outlook on things. ;)

Sorry again!

February 8th, 2007, 03:50 am
I rate 10/10 for both HopelessComposer's avatar and sigge!! >_< yeah!!! It looks sssoooooooooo nice.. and it matches!!!

*gives claps*

February 8th, 2007, 04:27 am
Yah! Thanks Dream! ^_^

I don't think I'm supposed to rate the person's set who rated mine though, so I'll let the next person rate yours. ^ ^

February 10th, 2007, 08:54 pm
actually I didn't even ask for ratings on this one but thank you ~

that was before you posted. I don't want your opinion. I didn't make any mistakes that's just your opinion. Which I once again don't care about. Do not call me ignorant when it's you who is ignorant about me. You're not a friend nor a collegue, I don't know who you are and I hope you can keep your nose out of my sets. I don't need you to save my set, go to photoshop and click the "lighten" button.

I hope you understand why I am really annoyed by you. Mind your own business~

February 10th, 2007, 11:48 pm
Hopeless... I think you might wanna lay back on the comments now.... Your'e making Eternal upset... and that not nice... Now that I've looked back at the comments... it seems that uou have been pressuring Eternal about her siggie.... maybe you should stop hey? ^.^ I like Eternal's siggie the way it is! ^-^

I rate it 10.5/10

(yup... there's such things as this.. :P)

February 11th, 2007, 02:08 am
actually I didn't even ask for ratings on this one but thank you ~

Yeah, that was before I posted. Sorry, I thought the "thank you" was sincere, and not a nicety uttered through your teeth. I guess I overestimated you. ;)

I don't want your opinion. I didn't make any mistakes that's just your opinion. Which I once again don't care about.

Of course. Art is *technically* totally subjective. I could go urinate on a piece of cardboard and call it a perfect piece of art. Of course, I wouldn't do that, because I have some sense. Just keep on doing what you're doing I suppose.

Do not call me ignorant when it's you who is ignorant about me.
On the contrary, your character is quite one dimensional. Nothing much to be ignorant of. ;)

You're not a friend
A good thing; I'd be ashamed if I was.

nor a collegue
Colleague? Are you a professional artist? Or are you just suggesting that you're in a higher class of artist than me? Or did you just need something cool to say after "you're not a friend"? In any case, I'm laughing right now. ;)

I don't know who you are and I hope you can keep your nose out of my sets.
Like I already said, won't be a problem anymore. You've made it quite clear you're not worth the effort, and I'm not one to waste my time.

I don't need you to save my set, go to photoshop and click the "lighten" button.
To take a line out of your book: "That's just your opinion." And for the record, there is no "lighten" button in Photoshop. ;)

I hope you understand why I am really annoyed by you.
I can, but I won't mention it, as I'd probably be banned from these forums. As it is, I'm expecting some kind of repercussions for this post. I'm posting it anyway, as I think you deserve to hear this.

Mind your own business~
Haha, k. Have a nice life. ^_^

Sorry for being so blunt. You should really drop the ego act though; your art is far from perfect. I'll make a few last suggestions to you, just because I'm so damned nice. As far as I can see, you have four courses of action you could take:

1.)Keep going as you are, producing decent art and yelling at people who comment on it.

2.)Stop doing art and save everyone some trouble.

3.)Do art, but don't publish it; then you can pretend it's perfect all day long, and nobody will mention that it isn't. Your art won't be very good, but who cares? Not you obviously!

4.)Come to terms with your art's imperfections. Publish your art online, get critiques and grow.

I'd do the fourth one, but you don't care about my opinions anyway. XD
So, good luck with that!

And to anyone who thinks I'm an asshole for posting this:
Sorry. I work hard at my artwork, and take any critiques to heart. I frequent forums where Eternal would be chastised for acting the way she has and *banned* if she didn't change her tune quickly. I really just can't take people who are content to be mediocre, because they get angry if any comments they receive can't be used to stroke their egos. I doubt very much Eternal would be going "I DON'T WANT YOUR OPINIONS!~!!~ O:< ;___; " if I was going on about how awesome she was. That's called hubris, something neither I, nor any friends I keep stand for. Sorry again Eternal.

February 11th, 2007, 02:28 am
there's only so much a person can take~
When someone else keeps critizing your work there will be a certian point in which you want them to shut up, especially if they are not of importance to you. It's not called excessive pride or a huge ego.

In addition everyone could express their opinion, one may not want the opinion, but when you keep pushing it people would want to slap you.

There is such thing as rating and there is something that is cosidered excessive pressuring and pushing for what you think it should look like not the original artist. When someone says they're happy with their work you should respect it and just stop and leave it alone. What you're doing is talking someone down and trying to cover it with "niceties". I'm going to defend myself and my works.

February 11th, 2007, 02:29 am
Oh, please.
You grew defensive about your set after my FIRST comment about it.

It's a little different cos life would be no fun if everything were to be the same~
A grand excuse.

The Girl is simply closer than the background she standing up in front that's why it's called a background
For some reason, it sounds like you're talking down to me here. Suggesting I don't know what a background is?

~ there's nothing wrong with it.
Again with the defensiveness.

I have been going to an art class for 8 years
So? Are you trying to prove something? Is that even *more* defensiveness?

After this post of yours, I didn't even comment on your set again; I merely clarified points of my original comments you seemed to be confused with. Such as the whole background thing. After that you threw your little fit, and here we are. ;)
So yes, I'd hardly call commenting on one's artwork ONE TIME "pushing people" or "disrespecting someone."
And again, I don't see why you wouldn't want people critiquing your stuff to death anyway. It seems to me you don't really care about improving and only wish people to compliment your work. It's very sad, and slightly annoying.

there's only so much a person can take~ ....but when you keep pushing it people would want to slap you.
Haha, I loved this. I get the impression that if I'd met you in real life, and so much as looked at a painting of yours the wrong way, you would not only slap me, you'd try to light me on fire. Oh well. XD

And we're insanely off-topic. If you want to complain at me some more, feel free to do so via PM. Sorry for hijacking the thread everyone.
Anyway, sorry to annoy you so much. You should really take advice better though, especially when you don't really want it. ;)

February 11th, 2007, 10:51 pm
well... i can see why Hopeless and Eternal are in an argument... maybe... -_-
but... like Eternal mentioned... a bit of critism might be fine... but having too much can get hurtful... and I guess I can understand how Hopeless is trying to help with his comments... but both of you... try to lay back on your insults towards each other cause that will get even more chaotic...

I hope I'm not insulting anyone here and I don't mean to "stick" my nose into your guy's business.... but I don't want ya guys to be mad at each other... is that okay..? :mellow:

and I know you guys might've alreadly solved your problem between each other...

so now,

I'll shut up.

(anyhow... after all this time... no one has commented on my avatar and Sig yet ^_^ .... but... try not to be too hurtful about it when you do :\ ... an important person made the sig for me)

February 11th, 2007, 11:26 pm
its pretty much perfect.
cept its missing a border.

1 stroke black border would be better
everything else is pretty nice.
maybe a little brighter and more contrast.

February 11th, 2007, 11:40 pm
thing is.... I don't how to do that! XD

through photoshop right? ^-^ I don't have that... and do all AVAtars and siggies have to have borders? o_o cause I like it better without it... :P

February 12th, 2007, 12:34 am
^Haha, no problem Dream. ^_^
I think me and Eternal are done arguing anyway though. ^ ^

February 12th, 2007, 01:01 am
I don't really like the text, but I like the parchment look to it.

February 12th, 2007, 03:05 am
I'll take it from anyone I actually care about, so just minus you~

@ Supercali~
Besides the revealing-ness of the picture I like it a lot~

February 12th, 2007, 03:10 am
I don't really like the text, but I like the parchment look to it.

Haha, yeah, I need to get on blurring that text a bit. I'm just too lazy I'm afraid. XD

I'll take it from anyone I actually care about, so just minus you~
Lmao, I'll bet.

@ Supercali~
Besides the revealing-ness of the picture I like it a lot~

Uh, I don't think Supercali asked for you comments. Shoving your opinions on people? lol. ;)
It's a good thing Supercali isn't an idiot, otherwise he'd (heheh ;)) probably be pretty mad at you for that. ;P


February 12th, 2007, 03:12 am
Supercali didn't say "I don't want your opinion"
Plus I didn't go and try to change anything~

February 12th, 2007, 03:14 am
Plus I didn't go and try to change anything~

Yes, you just said what should be changed instead. So is Supercali not worth your time? Or are you just too lazy to demonstrate what you mean? XD

February 12th, 2007, 03:16 am
I didn't say it should be changed~ Learn to read~

February 12th, 2007, 03:18 am
Haha, I can read just fine. Anyway, shouldn't you stop posting in this thread? What if someone rates your precious set again? I don't know if your heart could take it. ;)

Edit: And blah, we're going at it again, so I'm leaving. For real this time! No matter what! XD

So~ You'll~ ~ have to~ talk to me~ later~ or via~ pm. ;)

February 12th, 2007, 03:40 am

Oh, and Supercali's a boy.

@ Supercali~
Besides the revealing-ness of the picture I like it a lot~

It's a bikini.... shhhh.

February 12th, 2007, 03:50 am
What?! A guy cool enough to admit that he likes Mary Poppins enough to use it as inspiration for his forum name??! Lies! Lies and debauchery! Heheh, sorry about that, original post edited for truthery. ^_^

It's a bikini.... shhhh.
Yeah, I see bikinis like that all...the...time. >_>
Actually, I don't. Which is actually a blessing, considering how badly people take care of their health in America. XP


Edit: Since I'm here, I may as well rate your sig too. (Even though I've already done so in your other thread. XD)
Anyway, I *really* like the blues and pinks going on here, very pretty. The only real gripe I have with the sig is how the girl doesn't mesh as well as she could with her background; the background is very smooth and such, and the girl's style seems a little out of place in it; she has line art, her coloring is sharper and warmer, etc etc. Anyway, still a very pretty sig. Let me rustle up a reference for you to show you what I mean. I'll edit when I get one. X3

Edit x2: Here we go, found one!

Not the best ref ever, but that's basically the style of girl I'd expect to see coupled with the background in your sig. ^_^
And to be clear, that artwork totally isn't mine. My skills are quite up to producing something that sexy. XD

February 12th, 2007, 03:53 am
Ah I thought so you were the Digimon set maker whoes old name I forgot :P

I liked those sets very good renders~

February 12th, 2007, 04:01 am
What?! A guy cool enough to admit that he likes Mary Poppins enough to use it as inspiration for his forum name??! Lies! Lies and debauchery! Heheh, sorry about that, original post edited for truthery. ^_^

Yeah, I see bikinis like that all...the...time. >_>
Actually, I don't. Which is actually a blessing, considering how badly take care of their health in America. XP


Edit: Since I'm here, I may as well rate your sig too. (Even though I've already done so in your other thread. XD)
Anyway, I *really* like the blues and pinks going on here, very pretty. The only real gripe I have with the sig is how the girl doesn't mesh as well as she could with her background; the background is very smooth and such, and the girl's style seems a little out of place in it; she has line art, her coloring is sharper and warmer, etc etc. Anyway, still a very pretty sig. Let me rustle up a reference for you to show you what I mean. I'll edit when I get one. X3

Pretty much, Mary Poppins is the best thing ever. Julie Andrews is my idol, so... <3.

Yah, I get what you mean about the stock, but I didn't have much of a choice. It was a scan of the picture in a card about 1.85 square inches.

And Eternal, I used to be Kohaku.

February 12th, 2007, 04:05 am
It was a scan of the picture in a card about 1.85 square inches.
Oh, it was from a card? I guess you really didn't have much choice then. I thought it was just some random stock you grabbed from the net. ^_^
And I remember kohaku! Haha

February 12th, 2007, 04:09 am
my my... once I'm gone, I see Eternal and Hopeless here again... well... i guess I won't say anymore cause it seems hardly anyone takes me seriously... and i don't want to invade people either... *sigh* -_-

anyhow... the pixels look a little fuzzy but.. I'd say Supercali's sig and avatar are overall pretty god.... I like the background too and how you centered it in the middle ^-^


February 12th, 2007, 04:22 am
An argument in a set rating thread? Lawl.

HopelessComposer and Eternal you can fight over PM and IM as much as you want. Not here.
You're being childish and it ain't cool. Stop that... unless you want a temp-ban.

February 12th, 2007, 05:38 am
An argument in a set rating thread? Lawl.
Is there really any *good* place for an argument? ;)

HopelessComposer and Eternal you can fight over PM and IM as much as you want. Not here.
Lol, we know, we just can't contain our rage apparently.

You're being childish and it ain't cool.
Haha, sorry for offending your taste in coolness. XD

Stop that... unless you want a temp-ban.
No, I'm pretty sure we're done. Sorry again for ruining the thread for the last two pages or so. ^ ^"

February 14th, 2007, 05:10 am
haha.. well seems like you got off topic again, HopelessComposer... ^-^
I think you should've replied to Zero's post through PM or something... but oh well... what's done is done. :P

Since Zero doesn't have a siggie, I'll just rate your avatar... ^-^
well... I really really like the image of two people in one avatar... it's cute... but I think that you should add a tiny bit of background to the back... maybe... this is just my opinion... ^-^


February 24th, 2007, 03:15 am
Yours is very pretty, although I dislike where the tree and hair overlap.

Very pretty on the whole though.

February 28th, 2007, 01:39 am
Well, I've tried something new, in the form of a new set. Anyone care to have an opinion on it?

February 28th, 2007, 01:58 am
Ah I've seen that picture of Sakura in blue before~, I like the thick bordering and style 10/10

February 28th, 2007, 10:49 pm
Well, I've tried something new, in the form of a new set. Anyone care to have an opinion on it?

Whoa! I thought you were someone else XD
Until I saw that "Dale Fort-ian to be" on your member title :lol:

I too have seen that picture of Sakura, style's awesome
10/10 for me as well

February 28th, 2007, 11:32 pm
*is ready to be flogged*

Hit me with comments.

March 1st, 2007, 03:34 am
*blink blink*
When the thing blinks I blink with it. 10/10

I liked the picture on your sig until Angelic made her fat girl, now even without the legs I still think she's fat x_x
I like the faded characters but its so far away, iono maybe cause my sigs are always so compressed. So I'm not taking away from that, just the fat girl think lol 9/10

March 1st, 2007, 04:54 am
Sayuri Kurata...10/10
though I still think it could've been better with the 2006 art, but given your situation, you deserve this XD

March 2nd, 2007, 01:37 am
Aah, who can deny the awesomeness of Ed in classic manga form? :heh:

March 3rd, 2007, 02:35 am
hmmm i do like edwardo
and picture isn't bad at all

What does every1 think of my new set ?

March 3rd, 2007, 02:33 pm

Overall: 7.5/10

March 7th, 2007, 10:47 pm
I had to use Altana Model viewer to fix my models, critique etc please. I'm not good with negative space.

March 8th, 2007, 09:16 am
Not good with negative space ?


March 8th, 2007, 08:11 pm
Not good with negative space ?



That is negative space, I'm not good with filling blank spaces in. Besides that I had to work on the model partly from scratch which is suppose to be the main attraction.

March 9th, 2007, 06:29 am
Supercali Expiali -
the background is simple and clean [omg] but the lady is blurry and unfocused. Almost like those red-blue pictures you look at with the paper glasses to get 3d effects. How ever, the lady is nicely blended into the background. ++

The picture, background and text don't flow to nicely; it doesn't blend. Its almost like paper cut outs. Maybe copy the layer, put it on 75% opacity and blur slightly? I like the placement though.

Its hard to tell if you used any maipulations in your signature. But if you did its very good. Not over done and not to simple either.

its so old its a classic lolol

Your avatar is perfection. It has clean lines, the animation is short and cute. However, the animation jumps while the character blinks. It may be like shes moving forward while she does so, but its so short and cute its like a mess up in the animation.

everyone else has ms paint sets O_O

March 9th, 2007, 12:03 pm
everyone else has ms paint sets O_O

.......ahahahahahaahahahahahahaha XD
Your sig is alright RD, pretty interesting looking, and plenty mysterious. What is RD company?! What do they want!? Are they friendly?!??? What did they do with RD's avatar??? All questions your sig is asking.

March 10th, 2007, 01:06 am
everyone else has ms paint sets O_O

I'm not even going to bother.


Only problem I have with your sig is the white lines, they are too out of place. Just leave it as RD co. and maybe blend by lowering the opacity a little.

March 10th, 2007, 01:08 am
I actually like Meer's set, there is a lot of negative space as you said but I like the 3D feeling from the blended grey and black :)
ummm for negative space iono unless you like it black maybe you can add something like a 3D medow, steal it from a game screen shot or something~

8/10 :)

March 10th, 2007, 12:31 pm
I like it!

Eventhough they are two different pics, they mix in well with eachother, and it's kind of cute to me XD.

Ava: 8/10
Sig: 9/10
Overall: 9.5/10

March 10th, 2007, 06:14 pm
9+8/2 is 8.5 lol
but I'll take the 9.5 cos it's higher XD

Voice of Violence
March 10th, 2007, 09:21 pm
8/10 I think it's too shinny, but I like it. :)

Looky at what I made:


I finnaly got a program that lets me do neat things! Yay! Rate my sig and this one ^ please...

March 11th, 2007, 01:09 am
RD: set the white lines to overlay or something.

eternal: 9/10
the brushes on the left are nice, but i dont care for the brushing job on the right; it seems too..sloppy or uneven.
i dunno.

i like the background.
was it just a custom pattern?

March 11th, 2007, 04:29 am
Eternal- Simple Vector, very nice I thinks ;) 8/10

Ashtr- Still with the sunflowers! :heh: 7/10


Rate mine I guess; the quality of the Lang Lang picture was a tad noisy, which kinda sucked for the type of depth-stock that I was goin' for. :cry:

March 11th, 2007, 11:53 pm
Lang Lang looks like he's about to stab the living crap out of the piano XD
I think the best picture of him is the one on his CD cover the dragon folksong one~ You know the black and white one with him bowing~

March 15th, 2007, 10:05 am
I, personally, like this set better than my last. But I'd still like to get some other people's opinions on it.

March 15th, 2007, 02:27 pm
I haven't done any of this in a long time.
It's not great, I know. . .
But does anyone have any ideas on how I can get the backgrounds out better? I can never find fantastic pictures that don't have a hard to erase background.

Anyway, here's the one I just did. Let me know if anyone can help with my problem.


ACK! My border isn't there. . . *goes and looks* There we go. I was there. . . just white. So I added a small black one. :D

March 16th, 2007, 02:50 am
oooh shiney 10/10 :D

umm I think you rendered the girl too much so now her head looks to pixeled.
The text is nice but seems kinda Disneyland-ish to me~ I like Disneyland :P

March 24th, 2007, 04:10 am
Okay, new sig. Model done from scratch, etc etc I need to critique, suggestions, help.

April 7th, 2007, 08:51 am
New set~

Really just a cut and paste because I liked this picture as it is, and added in the text. Orignal pic just struck me, ya know? Thus, new set (not to mention the amount of One Piece I've been watching XD)

Meer, I'll just rate you, I would not be able to offer you anything, seeing as when I make my sets, I just go at it and hope for the best XD

8/10: the sig looks all cool and futuristic like!

April 7th, 2007, 09:38 pm
Zebras+grapes=9/10 across the board. :D

April 19th, 2007, 05:54 pm
Well, how do you like my first sig? I know, im working on the "draged" thingey

Mourning Glory
April 19th, 2007, 07:27 pm
Gundam Seed, right? Cool. I don't like to critique people, because I'm pretty bad at this myself, but I kinda want to know if this one's any better than my last try. :lol:

April 19th, 2007, 07:56 pm
^ I can't make the text out very well, for better blending options you may want to lower the opacity or stroke the text.

Mourning Glory
April 19th, 2007, 08:47 pm
I would if I had a better program than Paint. :lol:

Scarlet Letter
April 20th, 2007, 01:35 am
Eh, it's better than what some others may come up with and see as a masterpiece. Though, if you get rid of the border and text, it will work fine as a cropped image from the real illustration.

Also, my stock does not have floating head syndrome, the neck is there, where a bunch of white was brushed.

April 25th, 2007, 01:13 pm
wow ilike all of your avatar but the most i like is everyone who have saber avatar and i rate it 10

May 23rd, 2007, 03:15 am

rate, I'm still a photoshop n00b looking for some help.

This too, you can tell that it's alot more simple but it appears to be a better end product then above D:


May 28th, 2007, 08:37 pm
Scarlet Letter's is great! Like really great.

Meer: The 3rd is the best, followed by the 1st. The 2nd needs a border and less intrusive text. :)

Rate mine, anyone?

May 28th, 2007, 11:15 pm
^ Just blend the text and made the render match a little better. 6.5 / 10

Eh, not really my best set, just wanted an Anime one for Ichigo's. ;)

June 4th, 2007, 04:23 am
Maze is that spike from cb bebop?

if so 10/10
if not 5/10 for looking like spike

(edit:: his previous pic not current)

June 4th, 2007, 04:28 am
Nicolas D. Wolfwood -- Trigun

June 9th, 2007, 08:50 pm
^Nice sig.

June 10th, 2007, 03:16 am
i give you avatar a 10 cause cloud was awesome in that moive and i give your banner a 10 also cause kingdow hearts 2 was awesome too:lol:

June 10th, 2007, 07:50 am
Ava: 8/10
Sig: 7/10

The ava is just fine, but the sig needs to be a bit bigger.

June 10th, 2007, 04:53 pm
^Sweet set, even though I don't know where it comes from. 9/10 for avvy and sig.

June 13th, 2007, 02:15 pm
Its not much but better than my last ava and sig >.<

June 14th, 2007, 03:31 am
seems ^ had changed ^'s avatar and sig

i'll give 9/10 for the avatar and 10/10 for the sig
good for you!!:lol:

June 14th, 2007, 01:20 pm
It seemeth that you have no sig. I like the avvy, though. 9/10

June 14th, 2007, 04:20 pm
@ OneWinged
I really like the flower :D but I think it needs a border and already is spelled with one "L"?

July 2nd, 2007, 01:25 pm
haha!now I have a sig!Rate it!:lol:

July 2nd, 2007, 02:14 pm
cats ^_^ kawaii 7/10

July 2nd, 2007, 07:48 pm
Ooh rate mine!

Note: By the way, if I wanted everything to be perfect and straight and perfect, I would have photoshopped, but I like a little squibble squabble of my own essence in there. AND it's my first time drawing Neopets characters. But I like this one... it's cuute :)

July 2nd, 2007, 10:12 pm

neopets are so adorable


i have no shame in saying that =]


July 3rd, 2007, 12:24 am
Gundam seed :)

August 27th, 2007, 10:11 am
New set, featuring Grimmjow from Bleach~

I made like, three versions. Maybe I'll cylce through them XD

Rate please~!

Mourning Glory
August 27th, 2007, 12:28 pm
That's creepy. I don't know that guy...

Anyways, I actually like the negative space on this one. Gives it that minimalist, clean feel. With that particualr set, I think I'd just use the sig, but not the avvie. But maybe that's just me and my new preoccupation with eliminating clutter...


August 27th, 2007, 03:26 pm
hmmm lets see.... no avatar and signature speaks of death and sorrow, I like it!


August 27th, 2007, 08:54 pm
6/10 for the set. Its not bad, but not exquisitely well done either.

I don't even have a set, person below me can rate Zekushion

August 27th, 2007, 09:07 pm
Not bad. 7/10

Someone rate mine, please.

August 28th, 2007, 01:45 am
Looks decent Cloud9, though I can't quite shake the feeling that it's too well balanced to have manipulations on it (AKA crop-shop). The Fen Violet in the corner seems very out of place; the identity line is hard to look at, thus causing unnecessary focus on that one spot. I'm a little curious on what's to the left of the background nebula that would cause that much shift in color. It seems like either the planet Marine or a massive Final Fantasy Aqua magic was cast.


August 28th, 2007, 02:44 am
lol Like Eternal's avatar the most, Cute girl ^^

August 28th, 2007, 09:30 pm
My favorite sigs on this page are Cloud's, M's, Zekushion's, and Eternal's.


Ava: It's pretty freakin' sweet. Kingdom Hearts is my favorite PS2 game, not to mention Final form is my 2nd favorite form. (LIMIT FORM ALL THE WAY!) 10/10

Sig: Same as the ava, awesome. Great quality. 10/10


Ava: That girl is CUTE. >< 9/10

Sig: Japanese is my favorite language, so I have to give points on that, and I kinda like the plainess of it. Plain is sometimes just awesome. 10/10


Ava: It could use a little work, but I have to give points on Zexion 'cause he's my...4th favorite Org. XIII member. 8/10

Sig: Now the sig is a different story, I love the idea of how you have a different Zexion background picture than the final layer. The sig is just plain sick. 10/10


Ava: Like M's, that girl is cute. Green eyes are awesome, and the quality is great. 10/10

Sig: It's like a dream come true...Twin with different eye color...blue and green...Not to mention they look chibi. Great quality. 10/10

August 28th, 2007, 11:37 pm
Sage: The only real problem I have with the sig is how the background is kinda pixelly. Other than that, great!

August 28th, 2007, 11:39 pm
yeah I've noticed that lots of my backgrounds turn all pixely after I save it as gif, actually lots of things look pixelly on my new flat screen. Is it just me? or is this something I can fix?

August 29th, 2007, 02:14 am
Save as jpeg? You really don't have much gain by saving gradient images (i.e. those that blend colors as opposed to solid colors) as gif. I don't use gif for anything other than animations. For smaller images, I use the jpeg format with a few tweaks in it's opt (makes a 100 KB sig down to about 10 KBs without visible loss), and for quality, png is god.

September 3rd, 2007, 12:23 am
png ftw.

I like your ava a lot M, good choice of image and if you did all those lighting effects, +1. The sig I don't understand because... I lack reading skills in that language. I bet it would be cooler if I knew what it said.

September 3rd, 2007, 01:40 am
*tries to translate* the word in red is "ai" or love.
the one on the far left is "ren mu zi dan" which is some sort of proverb meaning to be a good person. I can kinda see some of the other words but I'm not too sure on some of them.

September 3rd, 2007, 03:02 am
New set.... rate please...

As for Eternal

Avatar: 10/10
Signature: 10/10

September 4th, 2007, 02:34 am
Guess most ppl that watch anime online are azns ^^.

avatar: 8/10
sig: 10/10

September 9th, 2007, 05:33 pm
Guess most ppl that watch anime online are azns ^^.

avatar: 8/10
sig: 10/10

Um... so not true.

October 7th, 2007, 09:24 pm
all glory to the hypnotoad.

October 8th, 2007, 10:25 am
all glory to the hypnotoad.

OMG! don't look into it's eyes!!!!!!!!

Neko Koneko
October 8th, 2007, 10:27 pm
png ftw.

Yet on your signature it's a total waste of bandwidth since your source image was JPEG.

October 8th, 2007, 10:40 pm
@Angelic: I like your new set! It's really cool, especially with the greenish-blue colors.

October 8th, 2007, 11:05 pm
Yet on your signature it's a total waste of bandwidth since your source image was JPEG.

My signature was a total ASSHAT OMG
paint job ftw.
quick 2 second google image search FTW
god like I take the time for a damn Ichigo's signature anymore. png still ftw

its only 15kb give or take anyways. since you seemingly have the time to make that fancy image in an image, can you show me how big it would be if I were to make it jpeg anyways?

December 11th, 2007, 09:45 am
New set~

Vaan from FFXII. A two second job, but I liked this image so much. And the starfruit. Hence why I focussed on it :)

December 11th, 2007, 08:25 pm
New set...

@Inu-chan: It looks very nice.

Full Moon
December 18th, 2007, 02:34 am
Ok I guess :P 5/10

Mine? Made it this morning :3

December 18th, 2007, 03:14 am
And it doesn't abide by the rules.


December 18th, 2007, 04:32 am

5 min paint job cuz seasons demand it. man it's been ages since i last touched ps (...)

December 18th, 2007, 01:27 pm
Inu-chan's :
Avatar: 9/10
Sig: 9/10
If you stare hard enough, I can see the picture quality is somewhat compromised.

Avatar: 10/10
Sig: 7.5/10
Don't mind my stupidity, I don't get the signs, hohoho.

Avartar: 9/10
Sig: 9/10
The red border merged with the curtain's colour.

I did my set completely online. Ohhh I judged.

December 18th, 2007, 07:31 pm
This took me like ten seconds so it's not very good, but I was bored.

Full Moon
December 19th, 2007, 02:30 am
And it doesn't abide by the rules.


....Dang DX I'm so sorry.... Gosh I can't believe it was that big O.O I apologize, it won't happen again. (at least you caught it fast)

December 19th, 2007, 06:26 am
Dragged my Xmas sig out from 2005, lol - was too lazy to make a new one. Everyone has cool xmas sets this year :D

December 19th, 2007, 01:46 pm
Dragged my Xmas sig out from 2005, lol - was too lazy to make a new one. Everyone has cool xmas sets this year :D

I was so damned sure I saw it before.. and yet I couldn't quite recognise where :mellow:

well I tried to use one of my older sets and found out that they were in my oldER computer.

December 20th, 2007, 06:46 am
You saw it on me! Lol, it's the best of the xmas sets I have - must make a new one next year. I transferred all my siggies across to my new computer, though the old one's, oh, 10 steps away, so it's not as if I couldn't get them anyway!

December 27th, 2007, 04:37 am
Cute ava Tang 9/10 and the sig 8/10 super cute!!! ^_^

December 27th, 2007, 10:48 am
Okay...be honest now.

Does it look terrible?

December 28th, 2007, 01:12 am
Looks great Mira its from 300 correct ?

Me and you have to catch up sometime btw ^_^

December 29th, 2007, 01:06 am
Looks great Mira its from 300 correct ?

Me and you have to catch up sometime btw ^_^

Yeah it's from 300, it's the oracle girl.

and we really do...

warrior zin
December 29th, 2007, 03:59 pm
Anyone like mine? I made it using MS Paint

December 29th, 2007, 06:46 pm
It's definitely been awhile since I last played Runescape. Avvy's pretty good (9/10), but the sig should probably match(5/10).

January 13th, 2008, 12:30 am
does anybody wanna rate my sig. I had problems posting the avatar so its kinda pixely.

January 18th, 2008, 04:58 pm
Its really dark. I can't really tell what's in it except for the violin text and I see eyes. If you can still edit it I would make it a touch lighter and add a border on the top and bottom.

January 20th, 2008, 01:45 am
kay thanx. I'll try and fix when i get the time.

January 23rd, 2008, 02:11 am
I made new sets for myself and teh hubby (link to his profile in my sig, the "Spiky" one)~

Images from the Nodame Cantabile opening of Nodame and Chiaki-sempai (duh, lol). I got them from some site and upped the colour saturation and stuff so they were brighter. I was gunna put some music notes in it, but I preferred the sparser, cleaner version.

Nate River
January 24th, 2008, 06:04 pm
I like your sets, Inu. ^_^

I just made mine with Open Canvas... I suck horribly at things like this. Thoughts anyone? How can I make em better? :(

January 26th, 2008, 08:22 am
The layout and colours all look pretty good to me :) Really, it's just practice. Make lots! Experiment! Go wild until you're happy with it :P

Nate River
February 3rd, 2008, 06:05 am
Ok, finally finished my sig.


Disclaimer: I did not actually draw any of it. It's a cut and paste job with some text and an outline added. I changed the face and hair to look like my RP character.


To the RP mods: I added my sig and a link to the RP to my WoW guild forum profile. I demand a cookie for advertising!

February 3rd, 2008, 09:59 pm
Ok Nate, your sig and avatar are amazing, they are really good.

Now can some people comment mine??? I didn't really take a long time on them, but I hope they are at least a little decent, and I didn't make the anime picture, I just changed the clothing, eye, and hair colors

February 3rd, 2008, 11:16 pm
Lol, you two - we DO like people who advertise the RP :D If I could draw/think of an RP character that looks like my mental image of Kyrian I'd have her in my sig!

Nate: Definitely improving! *gives you a cookie* keep advertising, everyone else does everywhere we can :P

Sparklingdude101: We need to get you a nickname cos that's too long to type every time we talk to you XD I lik the avatar, though the image is a little blurry. The blurry image is much more obvious in the sig, which makes it look a little sloppy - and you could do with a border around it, because I imagine on the pink background, it sort of fades off. Your writing, especially 'Harmonic Dissonance' isn't very clear to read, mostly because of the fact that it falls over the cracks in the sig background - the background looks very cool, btw! But it surely is better than any of my early attemps and about the same as what I can do now, lol - I suck XD

February 4th, 2008, 12:04 am
Random-wow, thanx, and I think I am going to make a better one, and also find a better picture, but yours looks really good so don't say you suck. And when I was on a different site with the name Sparklingdude101 people called me Sparky, so I think that would work if you like that.

February 4th, 2008, 11:59 pm
Someone want to give me an idea for my sig? I'm not into anime or manga at all.

Nate River
February 5th, 2008, 12:17 am
I suggest something to do with music. Otherwise, what the hell are you doing here? :P

February 5th, 2008, 01:01 am
That's what I was going to say XD And yeah, your set's looking really nice there Nate ^_^

@Shicoco: You could go the way Nate and Sparky have gone and use RP related stuff :P

February 5th, 2008, 01:32 am
I suggest something to do with music. Otherwise, what the hell are you doing here? :P

Lol, what am I doing here? Wait, that's right, I am here for the music, and maybe HD. This guy above me has a good avatar, along with Roy Mustang.

February 5th, 2008, 01:45 am
Um. Inu is a CHICK. She is Spiky's wifey, hence the matching sig/avas.

EDIT: With the recent spate of RP- related sigs, I decided to make my own XD What think peoples? Yes, that is an edited picture of Kirika from Noir - she was the most like Kyrian that I could find, lol - had to change the eye and hair colour, and changed the colour of her shirt because I could. The edges still look a little dodge to me, so I might try and fix that, then re-upload it. The texture is actually a rug with vines on, with the opacity dragged down to just get the pattern.

February 7th, 2008, 06:11 am
The set's looking good Ran! Apart from the edges you pointed out, it's great :) 8/10!

New HD sets for hubby and me! Click the "Spiky" link in my sig to see his.

I drew the characters, he made the sets.

February 7th, 2008, 10:11 pm
I think they are awesome! 10/10

I liked the ones before these, as well.

They're always so clean looking, too.

February 7th, 2008, 10:55 pm
OH NO!!! INU CHAN...! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR OTHER AVATAR? It was really great, my favorite.

Mourning Glory
February 8th, 2008, 02:03 am
Hmm. I really like Inu's. It makes me want to take up pencil and paper and draw again, lol. Although I have a whole alphabet of illuminated letters to do, so I'm gonna be back at it soon enough, I think.

And that spate of RP sigs makes me really wish I could understand Harmonic Dissonance. Gah.


Inu - 9.5/10 The way Harmonic Dissonance overlaps her arm bothers me.

X - 9/10 It looks good, but I would have gone with a plain background. It would make the text stand out more, and make it not so texture-rich.

Ran - Same deal. 9/10 Not as much texture overload on yours though.

Eh. I think I'm in a simple and clean mood right now.

February 8th, 2008, 03:04 am
I think Rantan's, Inu's and X's sigs/avatars are really neat and deserve a 9.5/10 the only thing is maybe...idk...ok nvm all should get 10/10 they are all very good

February 12th, 2008, 06:51 pm
Lmao. I like how Ran's used an assassin for Kyrian. That alone is brilliant!! 8/10 The edges are rough where it's been cut - but I sympathize, I can never get rid of them.

Inu..I like your sig, but your avatar is missing something ^_^ Don't know what. 9/10

February 12th, 2008, 09:18 pm
Mine will re-appear cleaned up as soon as I can be bothered to mess around with it some more XD I've gotten rid of all the random patches that were in there - because I changed the colour of her hair, I have to be uber-careful of how I go around deletng things - it's looking much better IMo :D now, if I just get un-lazy enough to actuallly make the sig....

February 18th, 2008, 11:53 am
a sig i've made recently:
i'm kinda rusty on this one... gotta get back in the game!:lol:

February 23rd, 2008, 09:35 pm
i like that sig Syg. Not sure about the border, a bit strong for my liking but the bg and everything else is awesome ^_^ good work!

February 23rd, 2008, 10:10 pm
My freaking god that's way too big. Fix it to the guidelines.

Mourning Glory
February 26th, 2008, 12:02 pm
Of course M only posts on this thread to point out a size issue.

Why not stay a while?

Psht. Meanie.

February 27th, 2008, 06:24 am
very nice saber gfx :)
yeah it is too big, ever tried making wallpaper? you'd be good at that I bet

February 29th, 2008, 01:55 am
I agree with Eternal. And maybe its not for Ichigos.

I had an rp set. Totally jacked up a picture from saiyuki, but meh. Changed back to Sanzo more, cause he's just pretty. Found a better avatar too.

March 29th, 2008, 01:46 am
Eternal, i really like yours, and i've seen all the other ones you've done for people. Verry nice work. Cloud9's is cool. LightningSages is AWESOME! and yours tops them all :)

March 29th, 2008, 02:37 am
Sondagger: I've always liked your sets, this one is no exception 8.9/10

NainamoR: A bit blurry, but then again, it's for your RP character it looks like, so, 7.7/10

March 29th, 2008, 05:16 am
its actually issac from golden sun, i just like him :P

Mourning Glory
April 3rd, 2008, 01:40 am
I've noticed something.

Nobody ever rates my sets except for the ones that even I don't like.


EDIT: Illuvatar? For some odd reason I know that comes form some book or movie or something... But I can't remember what it is right now. But I will in like two hours.

April 3rd, 2008, 02:29 am
Mourning Glory: I really like yours, it's very brooding. 9.7/10

April 3rd, 2008, 12:15 pm
@ Mourning Glory: It comes from the Silmarillion (Tolkien book)

April 9th, 2008, 12:31 pm
yeah, i meant that the picture in my thread is issac from golden sun, but my rp character's name is Illuvatar. I just like issac :P

April 9th, 2008, 10:08 pm
Avatar: funny! 8/10 though, coz it's a little bad quality...
Sig: haha, love hina fan~ 9/10

*sorry, i'm just rating whoever posts right before me... will rate the rest later~*

Awww, 8/10

just because its not amazingly wonderfully done *_* meant in the best possible way

April 11th, 2008, 12:02 am
I just made this one tonight...

April 24th, 2008, 08:39 am
I like it albino.

Please tell me what you think of my new set :)

April 25th, 2008, 02:37 am
It needs a border. And maybe a different color shadow to make the text pop.