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March 23rd, 2010, 01:11 am
Screw that I want a big ass table, or something that's shiny and made by Apple.
Hahah, The Onion is so classy. =D
And I'm watching Major now; just finished episode six. Why do all the hotblood characters always die?!

>< because i cant stop listening
Kidding! =P

March 23rd, 2010, 01:23 am

asian hooters? lol?

March 23rd, 2010, 04:11 am
Yay, join calculus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Join_calculus) \o/
Totally fixes a large set of my problems with my recent research report on parallel process implementations.

March 23rd, 2010, 05:00 am
Screw that I want a big ass table (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZrr7AZ9nCY), or something that's shiny and made by Apple (http://www.theonion.com/video/apple-introduces-revolutionary-new-laptop-with-no,14299/).

I want a big ass table :\

March 23rd, 2010, 05:17 am
I want a big ass table :\

The only thing is the actual product has mega lag on the touch screen. And I still haven't got my voice back............why does mum keep asking me questions! x_x The funniest thing is I don't she means to do it.

March 23rd, 2010, 08:38 am
Nice, full specs? Well, you'll definitely be able to run sc2 with that.

But on a bad note I lost my voice. I hate throat infections...........

http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/7100/19593884.jpg (http://img12.imageshack.us/i/19593884.jpg/)

it should run sc2... :shifty:

March 23rd, 2010, 09:46 am
with a 5850... it better. Reminds me I need to gut my computer :(.

March 23rd, 2010, 10:25 am
That ain't no real quad core, can't believe you got an AMD.................. Love the 5850 though :lol:

March 23rd, 2010, 10:57 am
true. I guess having four processors isn't a quad core

March 23rd, 2010, 03:12 pm
A big ass-table (http://xkcd.com/37/)?

March 23rd, 2010, 03:52 pm
A big ass-table (http://xkcd.com/37/)?

HAHA! I lol'ed real hard at that! :lol: Now I better save that pic into my drive. ^_^

March 23rd, 2010, 04:25 pm
It's always fun to do the whole animal swear-word scenario.

March 23rd, 2010, 05:35 pm
Energy drink packaging should stop looking like alcohol packaging.
That's all I'm trying to say.

March 23rd, 2010, 05:39 pm
or you should just stop being such an alcoholic </3

March 23rd, 2010, 06:47 pm
true. I guess having four processors isn't a quad core

actually no, having four cores in a single socket makes you have a quad core.... otherwise you just have multiple procs...

M might severely own me soon tho...

Just found out my i7 has D0 stepping which is supposed to be badass for OCing, too bad my HSF is caked in dust.

Neko Koneko
March 23rd, 2010, 07:54 pm
That ain't no real quad core, can't believe you got an AMD.................. Love the 5850 though :lol:

AMD > Intel. Always. In general AMD systems are cheaper as a whole since AMD motherboards are generally cheaper. I guess Intel makes companies pay more for a license to create chipsets/motherboards for their stuff.

March 23rd, 2010, 08:44 pm
Well, Intel has a heads up on AMD right now due to it's hyperthreading patent, which essentially duplicates each processor. Thus, the i7 is essentially a quad core processor with eight hardware threads, whereas the AMD Phenom II X4 995 Deneb is a quad core processor with four hardware threads.

In less geek: the Intel processor handles multitasking about one-third better than AMD processors. The kicker is that this only works in programs that were designed for it (read: nothing that normal users use).

Then again, this is pitting Intel's top processor against AMD's high-class processor, so it's not being fair to AMD (yet, AMD is still just fine).

Neko Koneko
March 23rd, 2010, 09:06 pm
You sir, come here and have a seat. I'd like to introduce you to a wonderful new way of computing made possible by Microsoft's very own Windows™ line of operating systems (able to run on any home PC)! Gone are the days when you can only run one program per computer; we are in a new era, where multiple applications can be run simultaneously from a single terminal, using a *single monitor!* Gone is the past, where computer users wanting to run multiple applications would have to waste hundreds or even thousands of dollars on multiple displays! In the future, all applications can share a single window, and the future is now!™

I don't need it to run multiple programs. The tables I work with are so large that I can't fit them on two screens (actually, 4 screens won't cut it in some cases either but hey, it's better than just the two screens I'm currently using XD )

March 23rd, 2010, 10:03 pm
I don't need it to run multiple programs. The tables I work with are so large that I can't fit them on two screens (actually, 4 screens won't cut it in some cases either but hey, it's better than just the two screens I'm currently using
Heh, I was only kidding around anyway. If I had the extra money and any sort of need, I'd go for a multi-monitor set up, too. =D

Neko Koneko
March 23rd, 2010, 10:13 pm
I only have one screen at home :(

March 23rd, 2010, 10:32 pm
I have one screen, but four computers


March 23rd, 2010, 10:49 pm
I have one screen, but four computers


Umm, my family and I have 8 computers, total six screens. 4 of them are laptops, the other 4 are desktops, with two monitors. Is that abit too excessive? :heh:

March 24th, 2010, 02:50 am
Nope, I've got 4 computers with 7 monitors, family has 2 computers with 2 monitors, and my dad has a computer with 2 monitors. And Neko, an AMD may be cheaper, but with my findings, compared with the same priced intel processors, intel have have always performed better. Not to mention over clocking works much better on intel processors and I've never had a problem with them, while I've always had a few problems when I've had an AMD and my friends have got the same findings. This is just from personal experience though, but Intel have always worked better for me.

On another note I may be getting an ATI 5850 if I win a competition (I've got a 1 in 125 chance of winning so its looking good XD). ATI + Intel = Win.

Still haven't got my voice back though...........

March 24th, 2010, 03:12 am
I seriously just realized how much power our beowulf cluster actually has. It has two i7 core systems with twin GTX 260s interlinked with another i7 NAT with a GTX 260 and a Tesla under Route distribution system.

(FLOPS -> Floating Point Operations Per Second -> think 9.3*2.4)

Maximum throughput: (70 GFLOPS*4*2 + 716 GFLOPS*2)*2 + (70 GFLOPS*4*2 + 933 GFLOPS + 716 GFLOPS) = 4201 GFLOPS
Typical personal computer processing power: 60*2 GFLOPS
My personal computer processing power: 65 GFLOPS*4 + 716 GFLOPS = 976 GFLOPS
Public Percentage Owned: 3500%
Personal Percentage Owned: 430%

I so can't wait to put these numbers to the test >:3

March 24th, 2010, 04:02 am
I so can't wait to put these numbers to the test >:3
How? And Beowulf is a silly name. You should have called it "GALAXY COMPUTER." That'd have been much cooler.

March 24th, 2010, 04:45 am
How? And Beowulf is a silly name. You should have called it "GALAXY COMPUTER." That'd have been much cooler.

That's part of my graduate class I'm currently in, and also why I'm learning how to program in JOCaml (http://jocaml.inria.fr/), Erlang (http://www.erlang.org/), Charm++ (http://charm.cs.uiuc.edu/), and CUDA (http://www.nvidia.com/object/cuda_home_new.html), and learning technologies such as boost.threads (http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_42_0/doc/html/thread.html), OpenMP (http://openmp.org/wp/), and MPI (http://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/mpi/). I'm writing both beautifully parallel algorithms as well as ugly ones.

Stuff like

driver MAIN:
for i in 0 to 256:
thread(&t[i], NULL, useless, NULL)

for i in 0 to 256:
join(&t[i], NULL)

function useless():
a ::= 0
for i in 0 to MAX_NUMERIC:
for j in 0 to MAX_NUMERIC:
a ::= j<<i
a ::= i<<j

Looks like fun, no?

And Beowulf is sadly the standard terminology for cheap supercomputers.

March 24th, 2010, 09:12 am
ruse online isn't as bad as I thought it would be

March 24th, 2010, 11:35 am
I was going to try that out, but with only 13.2 days left in the beta. I'm debating whether to download it or not.

March 24th, 2010, 03:05 pm
Ep 24 of Kimi ni Todoke made my eyes sorta watery :cry:
I had my hands to my cheeks during the entire duration of the episode. Soo heartwarming!~

Neko Koneko
March 24th, 2010, 08:56 pm
How? And Beowulf is a silly name. You should have called it "GALAXY COMPUTER." That'd have been much cooler.

Though, if it had been called galaxy computer, you'd have complained about it having a silly name, then you would have proposed Beowulf for a better name.

That's because you are always looking for opportunities where you can point out how something is not good and would be much greater if it was different from how it currently is.

March 24th, 2010, 09:53 pm
Tonight my three CFD simulations are taking up 64/81 cpus. Yay computing power! :)

March 24th, 2010, 10:51 pm
So my University's offering a 3rd year Women's Studies course entitled "Conceptual Traps & Health Care." I know it doesn't mean what I think it means but it made me laugh when I saw "Traps" on a Women's Studies course XD

March 24th, 2010, 10:57 pm
So my University's offering a 3rd year Women's Studies course entitled "Conceptual Traps & Health Care." I know it doesn't mean what I think it means but it made me laugh when I saw "Traps" on a Women's Studies course XD

I found it even more hilarious at my school when Gender studies decided to post "I am a Feminist" posters, featuring ten females and seven guys.

March 25th, 2010, 12:35 am
Though, if it had been called galaxy computer, you'd have complained about it having a silly name, then you would have proposed Beowulf for a better name.

That's because you are always looking for opportunities where you can point out how something is not good and would be much greater if it was different from how it currently is.
That was actually a Clannad reference. Way to fail at good anime. =P
I'll work on my pointing-out-crappy-things, though.
Eg, thanks for being a mirror for me. I'll keep what you said in mind next time something strikes me as stupid. =D

Ep 24 of Kimi ni Todoke made my eyes sorta watery
I had my hands to my cheeks during the entire duration of the episode. Soo heartwarming!~
Hahahah, indeed. I was yelling "please, just get married!" over and over again during the episode.

March 25th, 2010, 12:36 am
That was actually a Clannad reference. Way to fail at good anime. ='(


March 25th, 2010, 12:43 am
^ XD
"Looking at it in reverse, is there a chance of one attaching to Fuko too? I'm shocked!"
Epic show. Also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpKmNUdXsys&feature=related
I love Okazaki's "heh." response. Perfect straight man!

March 25th, 2010, 01:30 am
hurray my assembly code is done \o/

March 25th, 2010, 02:30 am
Is it possible for a flu/cold to develop in less than 24 hours?
It started on early Tuesday morning at around 1am, I started to feel that burning sensation on my throat (the tell-tale symptom that I'm getting sick) and it usually takes 3 days to progress to congested sinuses, sore body, etc., however when I slept and woke up (roughly a 6 hour sleep) I noticed that what takes 3 days only took one night to get there and now I just feel like crap. Usually, I don't feel THIS bad until 5-6 days after my throat has that burning feeling but it's only been less than 42 hours.

Is that possible or...what? XD

March 25th, 2010, 02:40 am
Is it possible for a flu/cold to develop in less than 24 hours?
It started on early Tuesday morning at around 1am, I started to feel that burning sensation on my throat (the tell-tale symptom that I'm getting sick) and it usually takes 3 days to progress to congested sinuses, sore body, etc., however when I slept and woke up (roughly a 6 hour sleep) I noticed that what takes 3 days only took one night to get there and now I just feel like crap. Usually, I don't feel THIS bad until 5-6 days after my throat has that burning feeling but it's only been less than 42 hours.

Is that possible or...what? XD


March 25th, 2010, 03:13 am
Huh, weird...it just never happened to me before so I was kinda curious as to what might be wrong. The rapid onset of symptoms kinda worried me for a bit, hahahah

March 25th, 2010, 08:56 am

Neko Koneko
March 25th, 2010, 06:52 pm
That was actually a Clannad reference. Way to fail at good anime. =P
I'll work on my pointing-out-crappy-things, though.
Eg, thanks for being a mirror for me. I'll keep what you said in mind next time something strikes me as stupid. =D

Depends on your definition of good anime. I'm not interested in watching Clannad.

March 25th, 2010, 09:02 pm
ima get a SC2 beta key what what?

Neko Koneko
March 25th, 2010, 11:12 pm
What's SC2? Starcraft 2?

I got a Blur beta key yesterday. It's fun, but I had to study for my MS exam today. On my testing exams my score went up from 500/1000 to 850/1000 after just one night, quite an improvement, lol (need 700 to pass).

March 26th, 2010, 12:17 am
Depends on your definition of good anime. I'm not interested in watching Clannad.
"Good Anime [good an uh mey]: Anime that is good"
That's Webster's definition, and the one I usually go by. Clannad is very good anime. Watch it - you'll probably like it, in spite of yourself. What anime have you enjoyed? I'll give you a rough estimation of how much you'll like Clannad. =)

March 26th, 2010, 01:28 am
whooo uc berkeley!

March 26th, 2010, 02:48 am
ima get a SC2 beta key what what?

i keel you

March 26th, 2010, 02:51 am
omgomgomgomg tonight is school formal ogmogmgomg

I feel like such a hormonal teen right now

March 26th, 2010, 03:32 am
omgomgomgomg tonight is school formal ogmogmgomg

I feel like such a hormonal teen right now

Do I need to book a hotel?

March 26th, 2010, 04:19 am
Lol, our school's deb (can't remember how to spell it properly) dance is tonight. I just wonder why do the girls need like, to take the whole day off school for make-up, I mean hello, you've got only like 12 hours, yes ONLY 12............. The scary part is some of the guys even took the day off to prepare........

On another note, school holidays XD

March 26th, 2010, 06:00 am
Lol, our school's deb (can't remember how to spell it properly) dance is tonight. I just wonder why do the girls need like, to take the whole day off school for make-up, I mean hello, you've got only like 12 hours, yes ONLY 12............. The scary part is some of the guys even took the day off to prepare........ Of course, girls want to look and feel gorgeous on their big night. As for the guys... well, screw 'em.

"Good Anime [good an uh mey]: Anime that is good"
That's Webster's definition, and the one I usually go by. Clannad is very good anime. Watch it - you'll probably like it, in spite of yourself. What anime have you enjoyed? I'll give you a rough estimation of how much you'll like Clannad. =) Maybe he doesn't like Key titles. :cheers:
I didn't have any incentive to get past the 2nd or 3rd episode despite all the noise that people were making over the show. Kanon 2002 on the other hand was an instant hook. Of course that was years and years ago and my tastes might have changed, but if I'm not hooked before the end of the first episode, it's a no no. White Album took me about 20 seconds to completely fall in love with.

March 26th, 2010, 06:03 am
Maybe he doesn't like Key titles.
Are you suggesting that Angelic is a soulless monster? That's kind of rude, isn't it? =P

I didn't have any incentive to get past the 2nd or 3rd episode despite all the noise that people were making over the show. Kanon 2002 on the other hand was an instant hook. Of course that was years and years ago and my tastes might have changed, but if I'm not hooked before the end of the first episode, it's a no no. White Album took me about 20 seconds to completely fall in love with.
Really? I was the opposite; I saw Clannad first (and loved it), then moved onto Kanon 2002; the only reason I kept watching long enough to get hooked (about six episodes in), was because it was a Key title, and I expected it to get great (which it did). If I hadn't seen Clannad first, however, I doubt I would've watched long enough for the show to have grown on me. Clannad hooked me on the third episode, I think, when Nagisa made her little speech about why she wanted to be an actress.

but if I'm not hooked before the end of the first episode, it's a no no.
You might be missing a lot of show you might've loved. I usually have a good idea of whether or not I'm going to like a show just by its opening, but I always give them five episodes or so before I decide to drop them; usually my initial impressions are correct, but sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised! =)

Neko Koneko
March 26th, 2010, 07:56 am
"Good Anime [good an uh mey]: Anime that is good"
That's Webster's definition, and the one I usually go by. Clannad is very good anime. Watch it - you'll probably like it, in spite of yourself. What anime have you enjoyed? I'll give you a rough estimation of how much you'll like Clannad. =)

I find the new Kanon boring and stopped after a few episodes. I found Air boring and stopped after a few episodes.

I'm not gonna waste my time on another Key-based anime.

March 26th, 2010, 08:51 am
Do I need to book a hotel?

oh oh


March 26th, 2010, 11:39 am
omgomgomgomg tonight is school formal ogmogmgomg

I feel like such a hormonal teen right now

Lol, our school's deb (can't remember how to spell it properly) dance is tonight. I just wonder why do the girls need like, to take the whole day off school for make-up, I mean hello, you've got only like 12 hours, yes ONLY 12............. The scary part is some of the guys even took the day off to prepare........

On another note, school holidays XD

What a coincidence, my little bro had his school's formal occasion just now as well... :heh: And yes, who wouldn't agree, girls in their formals are smokin' hot. ;)

March 26th, 2010, 03:33 pm
I find the new Kanon boring and stopped after a few episodes. I found Air boring and stopped after a few episodes.

I'm not gonna waste my time on another Key-based anime.
I found Air boring too, and ended up not watching it. Kanon I didn't like until around six episodes in, and even then, not as much as Clannad. Clannad seems like a different kind of show than the other Key-based anime Kyoani has done, so I still think you might like it if you gave it five episodes or so. Suit yourself though, of course. You'd know better than I would. XD
Again, out of curiosity, what anime have you liked?

March 26th, 2010, 05:50 pm
Are you suggesting that Angelic is a soulless monster? That's kind of rude, isn't it? =P I was suggesting that he and I share the same thoughts about Key-titles. :drinking:

You might be missing a lot of show you might've loved. I usually have a good idea of whether or not I'm going to like a show just by its opening, but I always give them five episodes or so before I decide to drop them; usually my initial impressions are correct, but sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised! =) If a show doesn't hook me completely with each episode starting from the first, they're doing something wrong er- they could do better, which is what I'm looking for. And I almost never watch through openings or endings unless they're exceptional. Even some incredible shows sometimes just have those typical anime openings with nothing really standing out.
Tsukihime's one that comes to mind where the producers, instead of slapping together a montage with typical "action" j-pop like most shows, actually put some thought and effort into creating something that's consistent with the show's atmosphere:

OP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQFPQo1cD7c&fmt=18
ED http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Szy1HQQ0XzA

And of course, Detective Conan's 25th opening♥ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMQr-PHfXh0

March 26th, 2010, 08:03 pm
Honestly, I have to say I miss all the zany crazy stuff that was produced in the late 90s early 2000s. Most of things made today use a concept like "cute" or as fans say "moč" = "good anime", while letting the plot flop around like a fish. An example of this is the increasing number of slice of life anime that never seem to develop anywhere, such as K'On (http://anidb.net/a6257), Kobato (http://anidb.net/a6258), Baka to Test (http://anidb.net/a6747), Nyan Koi (http://anidb.net/a6428), and Saki (http://anidb.net/a6246). All of these are mediocre anime titles, but almost all of them have gigantic followings, and other titles that have sophisticated (read: developed) plots, but might be lacking in visuals are lost and forgotten, such as Blue Drop (http://anidb.net/a5383), Cross Game (http://anidb.net/a6424), Dance in the Vampire Bund (http://anidb.net/a6773) (which surprised me), Mnemosyne (http://anidb.net/a5530), Mouryou no Hako (http://anidb.net/a6047), and, as Zero mentions, White Album (http://anidb.net/a6026) to list a few.

I know that these recent developments have done nothing but slowed how much modern anime I watch. So far, this season has nothing of real worth to offer. Sora no Woto (http://anidb.net/a6783) is decent, but it's going the K'On route of trying to be cute rather than being unique; kinda like what Valkyria Chronicles (http://anidb.net/a6244) did. Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood (http://anidb.net/a6107) is also decent except for the fact that it has been done before. The same can be said about Fairy Tail (http://anidb.net/a6662) oh wait, that's Rave Master (http://anidb.net/a125) in disguise. Oh well, there's always Queens Blade (http://anidb.net/a6080) to fall back on, shit that's a hentai. Or Princess Lover (http://anidb.net/a6438) Wait, there's no plot at all to that anime... I hope you're beginning to see the picture I'm drawing at this point. Hell, I'd even think that Dragonaut (http://anidb.net/a5112) has a deeper storyline that most anime being produced this quarter.

I just hope something new catches my attention before I hit I go comatose from the new level of quality mediocrity. And when that happens, I'll start a blog and rant for posts on end, and no one will ever read it until anime returns to it's former glory (or until anime is completely censored from Equality Now's efforts to protect feminine rights in Japan).

On a different note, what ever happened to Yello (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Q7FFjUpVLg&feature=PlayList&p=949092782AE2F727&index=0&playnext=1)? I miss their awesomeness.

March 27th, 2010, 02:18 am
lol, making tiles for my game right now; it's really surprising how much better they look when they're actually tiled across the screen. They look really crappy alone, but when they're together, they don't look too horrible. XD

March 27th, 2010, 03:03 am

March 27th, 2010, 03:06 am

Except for the fact that Dogs see humans as superior, and your spouse is viewed as an equal.

March 27th, 2010, 03:07 am
Women... equal? PFFFFFT.

March 27th, 2010, 03:15 am
Mmm... I didn't find Kanon (2006) amazing as I do now until the last arc. Ayu's arc really impressed by tying together all the mystery in the story, and made it memorable with fantastic symbolism. And it also didn't rely too heavily on melodrama to captivate audiences, which is a plus for me. Mai's story was really well thought-out too in my opinion, but it fascinated more than it moved me.

In all, if the pilot episode bores me and shows no potential, then I'll wait a while and hear others' review before moving ahead.

Does anyone know anything about Angel Beats?

Edit: lol @ picture; I should test my friends with this method!

March 27th, 2010, 03:24 am
Mmm... I didn't find Kanon (2006) amazing as I do now until the last arc.

You're kidding. :huh:

I enjoyed each person's arc just purely cuz of the expressions. eg.



*giggles like a school girl*


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sEDSfmpa2s&NR=1 win.

heheheheh xD pure win,.

March 27th, 2010, 04:51 am
I've always loved the music in Big-O.

March 27th, 2010, 11:29 am

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sEDSfmpa2s&NR=1 win.

heheheheh xD pure win,.

I just love how Yu'ichi's voice sounds when those events happened.

March 27th, 2010, 12:34 pm
You're kidding. :huh:

I enjoyed each person's arc just purely cuz of the expressions. eg.



*giggles like a school girl*


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sEDSfmpa2s&NR=1 win.

heheheheh xD pure win,.

I now somehow feel compelled to watch this now...........

That tackle though..........epic........:D

March 27th, 2010, 01:35 pm
I just love how Yu'ichi's voice sounds when those events happened.
He's channeling a very strong Kyon, for sure. Love their voice actor. He always sounds so...bored. =D

March 27th, 2010, 02:11 pm
He's channeling a very strong Kyon, for sure. Love their voice actor. He always sounds so...bored. =D

This voice actor is much better IMO though. He has this usual small sarcasm in his voice which fits his character perfectly.

March 27th, 2010, 02:22 pm
This voice actor is much better IMO though. He has this usual small sarcasm in his voice which fits his character perfectly.
What the hell? It's the same voice actor! How can you not instantly tell that's Kyon's voice!? You bastard! Sugita has the coolest voice ever! XD
And I like Kyon a little more than Yuuichi. Kyon has to put up with a lot more bullshit, and stays his stoic bastard self the whole time. Yuuichi does the same, but he doesn't have Suzumiya to deal with. I'm sure me seeing Suzumiya before Kanon helped too, though. When I saw Kanon, I just thought to myself "oh, Kyon's in this show too? That's AWESOME," so that probably wasn't very fair for Yuuichi's character, hahah.

March 27th, 2010, 07:28 pm
I just hope something new catches my attention before I hit I go comatose from the new level of quality mediocrity. And when that happens, I'll start a blog and rant for posts on end, and no one will ever read it until anime returns to it's former glory (or until anime is completely censored from Equality Now's efforts to protect feminine rights in Japan).

And that's where we step in. Besides, you're not allowed to go into a comatose state. Lycoris Studio owns your soul right now. :)

March 27th, 2010, 11:38 pm
Edit: What would Sawako do?

March 27th, 2010, 11:52 pm
What the hell? It's the same voice actor! How can you not instantly tell that's Kyon's voice!? You bastard! Sugita has the coolest voice ever! XD
And I like Kyon a little more than Yuuichi. Kyon has to put up with a lot more bullshit, and stays his stoic bastard self the whole time. Yuuichi does the same, but he doesn't have Suzumiya to deal with. I'm sure me seeing Suzumiya before Kanon helped too, though. When I saw Kanon, I just thought to myself "oh, Kyon's in this show too? That's AWESOME," so that probably wasn't very fair for Yuuichi's character, hahah.

Oh woops, I think I got used to listening to Kyon's voice in Season 2 Haruhi. x_x

March 28th, 2010, 12:44 am
General Anime Chat?

*covers his eyes*

March 28th, 2010, 03:34 am
I love anime. :bigsmile:

March 28th, 2010, 04:02 am

Awesome video. Everybody watch. Especially HC and Girlfriend. They may be the only two that appreciate it.


Girlfriend, an awesome 18th birthday present for me would be one of those tiger outfits in the video. =D <3

March 28th, 2010, 04:11 am

Awesome video. Everybody watch. Especially HC and Girlfriend. They may be the only two that appreciate it.


Girlfriend, an awesome 18th birthday present for me would be one of those tiger outfits in the video. =D <3

It's stuck in my head XD

I don't even know where to get tiger outfits like that:heh:
I will look for you Boyfriend!

March 28th, 2010, 04:13 am
=D You can make jimmeh pitch in for it if it turns out to be expensive.


Is it just me, or are the forum time stamps two minutes ahead of regular time?

March 28th, 2010, 04:18 am
I might just make him do that.

And idk about the forum time stamps, I never really look at them :unsure:

March 28th, 2010, 06:44 am
I love anime. :bigsmile:

I've pretty much given up on anime in general, I don't have time to watch it, when I find time, I usually end up disappointed in whatever anime it was. :\

March 28th, 2010, 01:17 pm
j-drama and k-dramas are where it's at =D

March 28th, 2010, 01:22 pm
j-drama and k-dramas are where it's at =D

Korean, Boys Over Flowers win.


March 28th, 2010, 06:07 pm
Awesome video. Everybody watch. Especially HC and Girlfriend. They may be the only two that appreciate it.
lmao, I enjoyed that, somehow. XP

I love anime.
*Pats head.* Smart girl!

March 28th, 2010, 09:38 pm
That video was disturbing. Yet hilarious.

March 28th, 2010, 09:50 pm

Awesome video. Everybody watch. Especially HC and Girlfriend. They may be the only two that appreciate it.

You know how people disputed how true the movie Idiocracy (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/) was to humanity's real future? Yeah. All doubt has been cleared.

March 29th, 2010, 01:13 am
I'm not an animator! D':
Edit: Fuck, I suck at geometry too! Argghhh.

March 29th, 2010, 03:04 am
Gee, I cracked a password for this random guy I don't know. I wonder what's going to happen next?


Oh anime. :)

March 29th, 2010, 05:16 am
I've pretty much given up on anime in general, I don't have time to watch it, when I find time, I usually end up disappointed in whatever anime it was. :\

I...don't know what to say. :unsure:

j-drama and k-dramas are where it's at =D


*Pats head.* Smart girl!

I do what I can

March 29th, 2010, 01:07 pm
Not safe for work (strong language)


March 29th, 2010, 02:22 pm
lol wut?

March 29th, 2010, 03:30 pm
Sankaku Complex's latest madness...

A few of those were pretty funny though.

March 29th, 2010, 06:58 pm

I seriously hate how when I start thinking about anime, I get their opening theme stuck in my head. And it doesn't leave for days...

March 29th, 2010, 08:47 pm

I seriously hate how when I start thinking about anime, I get their opening theme stuck in my head. And it doesn't leave for days...

As they say, if you can't beat them, join em! :P What's wrong with getting songs stuck inside your head actually? Suppose the song's quite nice, isn't it better to just leave them be?? :heh: Just saying only...

Neko Koneko
March 29th, 2010, 09:05 pm
It's annoying when an annoying song gets stuck in your head though.

March 29th, 2010, 09:08 pm
It's annoying when an annoying song gets stuck in your head though.


March 29th, 2010, 11:56 pm
but tomiko van is full of win

March 30th, 2010, 12:03 am
but tomiko van is full of win

But to hear her voice every ten minutes saying "DOUKO NII!!!!!!!" is a bit much. Not to mention, the really annoying ones in this case is the composer. Damn you Dai. Damn you to Hell with a spork.

March 30th, 2010, 12:33 am

March 30th, 2010, 12:34 am
hell-zero good to see this place is still full of.... er.. energy?


March 30th, 2010, 12:37 am
time to code red-black trees and splay trees in java \o/

March 30th, 2010, 01:17 am

March 30th, 2010, 02:31 am

Awesome video. Everybody watch. Especially HC and Girlfriend. They may be the only two that appreciate it.


Girlfriend, an awesome 18th birthday present for me would be one of those tiger outfits in the video. =D <3

I... I... I... I can't unsee that... Why... *scratches his eyes out*

March 30th, 2010, 02:50 am
All hail visual terrorism!

March 30th, 2010, 03:49 am
So, I made a notepad file with all my usernames and passwords for all the sites and forums I'm on, and I hid it. I need to add something to it, and i can't remember where I hid it. I don't even remember what I named it.

Nevermind. I found it.

March 30th, 2010, 04:00 am
^ I had something like that once. I threw it away since.

Finally White Album soundtrack! Thank ye o Gods of Music- *eargasms*

March 30th, 2010, 04:08 am
Finally White Album soundtrack! Thank ye o Gods of Music- *eargasms*

PorscheGTIII like this. /Facebook

March 30th, 2010, 09:21 am

March 30th, 2010, 10:24 am

Their accents are so think that I could understand a Chinese conversation easier. This is illustrated by turning on the close captioning system.

Besides, man-made global warming is a problem caused by humans, not technology. The problem is that the mass of the human body in the world emits more carbon dioxide than all byproducts of technology today and that sea algae supports over 80% of the oxygen needed to counter this. Thus, it's kinda pointless to try and fix global warming, because the only true solution requires a restriction on global human population, which has long since been classified as inhumane. If anything is to attribute to global warming, it's medial science and poverty (and countries that are in the third level of development).

March 30th, 2010, 10:46 am
do you have an opinion on everything?

March 30th, 2010, 11:02 am
Besides, man-made global warming is a problem caused by humans, not technology. The problem is that the mass of the human body in the world emits more carbon dioxide than all byproducts of technology today and that sea algae supports over 80% of the oxygen needed to counter this. Thus, it's kinda pointless to try and fix global warming, because the only true solution requires a restriction on global human population, which has long since been classified as inhumane. (and countries that are in the third level of development).

Hmm, it looks like we need another dictator like Hitler/Stalin to wipe out a quarter of the Eath's population... :shifty: anyone up for the job?? :heh: Haha, just kidding. :P

March 30th, 2010, 11:04 am
that's not even funny

March 30th, 2010, 11:08 am
I was just trying to be.... different? Lol.

March 30th, 2010, 12:02 pm
do you have an opinion on everything?

Well, if you really want to know, I don't really care about molecular dipole moments (http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/electric/diph2o.html) or how effective mints are on bad breath (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10825862) and how Coke Cola can be used as a contraceptive (http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE49200220081003?rpc=64) (and how it is not (http://www.snopes.com/cokelore/sperm.asp)).

You might want to take some time and reflect on how inelegant you were with your last post. If you make a comment, there's going to be discussion, which is posed only through authoritative facts and personal opinions; that's called communication.
And no, I don't have an opinion on everything. Rather, I tend to think and speak (type) out-loud whenever I feel like it. Even if something it outside of my scope of expertise, I feel as though it is necessary to find out more information about the subject, because it was important enough to bring it to the attention of the other party. That's the ultimate nature of being a Researcher. If you really must know, the aforementioned topics are all centered around Biology.

March 30th, 2010, 02:32 pm
o.O You're interested in Biology? Wow....

March 30th, 2010, 02:49 pm

March 30th, 2010, 03:36 pm
o.O You're interested in Biology? Wow....



SCII beta key what what time to waste my grades away on RTS games

March 30th, 2010, 04:24 pm
Actually, human population's only an indirect cause of global warming at best. It's the heavily industrial genetically-modified food pumped with hormones that make up the bulk of the cause. I remember hearing somewhere that the methane released by industrial cows form something like >90% of the greenhouse gasses. I think they talk about it in Food Inc.
In other words, just capitalism at work again.

do you have an opinion on everything? I'm the exact opposite. I don't care about anyone else's opinions, nor my own. Opinions are completely meaningless... imo.

PorscheGTIII like this. /Facebook Indeed, some of the best tracks I've heard in years. And we finally get to hear Secret Chaos! It sounds cute with that little girl's voice :3

March 30th, 2010, 09:50 pm
Wow. Modern Warfare 2 stimulus package is like fifteen dollars. And all it is is three new maps, and two old CoD4 maps. Fifteen bucks... I'll wait 'til they do a half off deal of the day thing I think

March 30th, 2010, 10:16 pm
Ugh, I'm still waiting for the OSTs of Tears to Tiara (anime), Needless (not the electric guitar album), and Seitokai no Ichizon... Somehow, I don't think I'll ever see them. :(

March 30th, 2010, 10:28 pm

March 31st, 2010, 12:37 am
Wow. Modern Warfare 2 stimulus package is like fifteen dollars. And all it is is three new maps, and two old CoD4 maps. Fifteen bucks... I'll wait 'til they do a half off deal of the day thing I think

That's the norm for games nowadays, their unreasonably expensive extra packs come with so little content inside, not worth their costs. Last 2 years, my little bro bought this Sims 2 additional pack for $30, turns out there's only about 30 additional furniture inside the software. What a cheap ripoff... I can download thousands of that same stuff for free from TSR (http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/browse/category/sims2-objects-furnishing-electronics/)! :ranting: I guess it can't be helped, companies need every single cent to survive, they will try to obtain it even at the cost of the consumer's rightful trade. :sigh:

March 31st, 2010, 03:10 am
Actually, the CoD4 map pack was only 800 Microsoft Points. Though Chinatown was an absolutely shitty ass map, I would have paid extra for them not to have added that map.

Hey angelic, wanna hook me up with some Microsoft Points?

March 31st, 2010, 09:40 am
Do you play CoD4 Whiplash?

March 31st, 2010, 10:39 am
Actually, human population's only an indirect cause of global warming at best. It's the heavily industrial genetically-modified food pumped with hormones that make up the bulk of the cause. I remember hearing somewhere that the methane released by industrial cows form something like >90% of the greenhouse gasses. I think they talk about it in Food Inc.
In other words, just capitalism at work again.

which is why we should make it legally binding to attach butane lighters to the rear end of every cow. replace methane with carbon dioxide! now we got one bigger problem instead of two big ones!

global warming is the least of the worries. there are more important issues like how i should answer my ex's calls

Kaji Motomiya
March 31st, 2010, 12:28 pm
I wanna try ramen from a restaurant and see how different it tastes from packaged ramen.

Actually....I want udon...XD Oh my, I'm getting hungry.

March 31st, 2010, 01:16 pm
ramen from a restaurant is delicious
ramen made at home because i'm asian is teh uber \o/

and i rage quit because i got placed on a novice map, i hate having desctructible rocks preventing me from leaving my natural so quickly rofl

March 31st, 2010, 01:41 pm

The cat........my god the cat.........Didn't stop roflmao'ing for ages :lol:

The extra packs for dragon age (just got it 2 days ago XD) are so a rip off as well. I ain't blaming bioware though, since it was (the evil gods of evilness) EA that made them and priced them. Worst thing is, they have all the characters in the game from the extra's, but to do anything related to the quests you have to download them. So here I am talking to yet another npc and suddenly it goes "please purchase content to begin quest".........

March 31st, 2010, 03:17 pm
you don't have to purchase the extras for dragon age tho....

March 31st, 2010, 04:07 pm
Anyone else going to watch Angel Beats this week? I'm pretty excited to see how Maeda Jun does with P.A. Works (Canaan and Ghost in the Shell).

Neko Koneko
March 31st, 2010, 04:24 pm
Actually, the CoD4 map pack was only 800 Microsoft Points. Though Chinatown was an absolutely shitty ass map, I would have paid extra for them not to have added that map.

Hey angelic, wanna hook me up with some Microsoft Points?

1.) I stopped working for MS over a year ago
2.) I didn't work for Xbox
3.) EU points would be useless in the US anyway

So, no :P

March 31st, 2010, 05:20 pm
translation, angelic doesn't wanna give you his points :P

Neko Koneko
March 31st, 2010, 08:10 pm
4.) Even if I worked for xbox and I could give you points, I wouldn't cos you're not worth risking a job over :P

And I work for a different company now anyway. Pays more.

March 31st, 2010, 08:49 pm
5) Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 sucks in comparison to the rest for the fact that they eliminated private servers from the mix. So much for internet-free gaming. Not to mention that it also removed the realism factor after the third game (automatic healing, wtf). Should I also mention the fact that it's now an arcade game where you strive to obtain achievements that unlock more powerful abilities as opposed to making them all available with a strategic limit in place, which has and is the norm for every FPS? Leveling in a FPS is so Nexon.

So be happy with your 15 USD purchase for new things. I'll be playing something that is less restricted and with a more skilled userbase :D

March 31st, 2010, 09:30 pm
Oh... thanks anyways I guess Angelic.


I play CoD where it's meant to be played. On an Xbox. I'm guessing in CoD4 you could play on private servers in the PC version of the game. Since that isn't possible on Xbox, imo, MW2 is quite a step up from CoD4.

I think your view on leveling is bullshit though. There is no "best" ability, or "best" equipment/gun. It's all preference. Sure, you have to level up to unlock certain perks and guns, but who ever said that the perks/guns you unlock are any "better" than the perks/guns you start out with? In fact, the only time perks actually matter, is when you play hardcore. Even then, it isn't mandatory for you to have perks such as Cold-Blooded and Ninja, and it really doesn't set you at a disadvantage to not use those.

Also, all the perks/abilities you need, you start out with. You start out with Stopping Power, Commando and the FAMAS no matter what level you are. Those are the only three things that you need to kick ass in any regular match. Everything else is just extra. If you want to use that "extra" stuff which (outside of hardcore matches) doesn't actually give you an advantage, then play "extra" and earn it. Not to mention, by level four (it only takes two matches to get to level four, even if you suck at the game) you get to make your own classes, and you then get to use the M4A1, .50 Cal sniper rifle, and the SPAS shotgun.

There is no real disadvantage for being a low level in MW2. Again, I just think M sucks at new FPS. Oh and one last thing, if it isn't "real" enough for you, then play Hardcore matches. Sure there is still healing, but there is a very slim chance that you'll actually get a chance to.

@: Whoever asked if I play CoD4

I used to, then CoD6 came so I switched to that.

March 31st, 2010, 10:10 pm
What M said: <3

April 1st, 2010, 01:59 am
What Whiplash said. CoD is one of the most fun FPSes I've played in a long time, realism be damned. I'm not going to let the fact that it's popular make me hate it for no reason. =P
What shooters would you consider "realistic," anyway, M? Since when have hit points been realistic? "OH SHIT I'VE ONLY GOT ONE HP LEFT, BUT I'M STILL SPRINTING AND JUMPING AROUND AND SHIT LIKE I'M IN PERFECT HEALTH! OH DAMNIT I STUBBED MY TOE AND INSTANTLY DIED!" I'd argue that CoD is more "realistic" than most shooters out there; at least you die in a few hits as opposed to a million like in most shooters. And there are no hit points!

I'm going to venture a guess that M has never been a fan of any very realistic FPSes and is only saying anything because it's the cool thing to do to complain about the lack of private servers. BECAUSE THE MAN IS TRYING TO KEEP US DOWN!

And like Whiplash said, no gun or perk is much better than any of the others. I'm still using the freaking perks and guns I got two hours into playing the game, because I like them more than the other crap I've unlocked. The unlocks give you something different to look forward to as a reward for extended play time, and give you no real advantage over other players. Which is perfect, in my opinion. And apparently in the opinions of a lot of other people, since COD6 freaking DESTROYED RECORDS WHEN IT RELEASED.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go play some...Counter Strike....
Source.Yeah, Source. Screw you, haters! =P

Edit: Ah, and M, I'm looking forward to Angel Beats![.] Your taste in anime is sound enough, at least. =P
'(JM): Producer 鳥羽 / Toba first pitched the idea to me from the very start as “Something you can happily laugh or smile with at the beginning, but also something that will have you in tears by the end.”
Hell yeah! Time to cry my eyes out again!

April 1st, 2010, 02:37 am
What Whiplash said. CoD is one of the most fun FPSes I've played in a long time, realism be damned. I'm not going to let the fact that it's popular make me hate it for no reason. =P
What shooters would you consider "realistic," anyway, M? Since when have hit points been realistic? "OH SHIT I'VE ONLY GOT ONE HP LEFT, BUT I'M STILL SPRINTING AND JUMPING AROUND AND SHIT LIKE I'M IN PERFECT HEALTH! OH DAMNIT I STUBBED MY TOE AND INSTANTLY DIED!" I'd argue that CoD is more "realistic" than most shooters out there; at least you die in a few hits as opposed to a million like in most shooters. And there are no hit points!

I'm going to venture a guess that M has never been a fan of any very realistic FPSes and is only saying anything because it's the cool thing to do to complain about the lack of private servers. BECAUSE THE MAN IS TRYING TO KEEP US DOWN!

And like Whiplash said, no gun or perk is much better than any of the others. I'm still using the freaking perks and guns I got two hours into playing the game, because I like them more than the other crap I've unlocked. The unlocks give you something different to look forward to as a reward for extended play time, and give you no real advantage over other players. Which is perfect, in my opinion. And apparently in the opinions of a lot of other people, since COD6 freaking DESTROYED RECORDS WHEN IT RELEASED.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go play some...Counter Strike....
Source.Yeah, Source. Screw you, haters! =P

Ah, time for me to be a "hater" as I was just called.

Call of Duty 2. That was I consider the baseline for realistic shooters. It was right after that game that they went tits up in the series. And yes, I've played a lot of FPSes, and there were quite a few that I liked (say, Swat 4, UT2004, CoD2, Rainbow Six, ArmA, Tribes, Area 51) and there were quite a few that I didn't like (Serious Sam, CoD Modern Warfare, Crysis, CSS, the various Battlefield games). I'm just not liking the whole "We're doing a serious game about serious stuff" attitude they had at the beginning, and then dropping it for this new arcade-like, "satisfy the tweens too" mood. There's nothing particularly wrong with this when comparing the product directly, but when you scope the entire series, it's a good way to derail your original fanbase. Right now, Call of Duty seems to be taking after a lot of free FPSes out there, and I feel as though that's the wrong direction to move.

And the privatized server thing has always, ALWAYS, been important to those that remember going to lan parties or plays older games often. Long long ago, before Whiplash or HopelessComposer were born, not every household had a Internet connection that is fast enough to handle a team of eight players hitting a master server. Heck, it was hard enough playing with one player let alone everyone else. That's where private servers came in. Not only were you able to fix the bandwidth problem by not even needing an Internet connection, but you were also able to play locally with custom maps that the fanbase created on-the-fly (meaning: you don't have to look for a server that's not crawling with idiots with the map that you like in the game mode you like), and you have complete control over everything and anything about the server. There's a reason why games moved from the client-server architecture to a client-client/client-server model. It makes sense. There's nothing, and I shall repeat myself, NOTHING more annoying than a company dictating what you can and cannot do after purchasing a product and using it. That's like showing a child a jar of candy and then putting it in a com-lock firebox and telling them that each time that they want candy, you have to ask.

Oh, and let's not forget in seven years when the game's exceeds it's support cycle and the master servers are killed and you can no longer play multiplayer with it. That's the other side of this coin.

The biggest rule of thumb when it comes to game development is give the users the most options possible. By doing so, your game will, either by your own development team's hands or by the communities' hands, become huge. Look at Second Life, World of Warcraft, UT2004, and CSS. These games are 100% open and customizable, and look how little people complain about what the game can and can't do, and just how long they have been considered popular and active. Now look at what the Call of Duty series is doing. It's pretty clear that they're starting down a pathway which isn't not the best for the franchise. Slippery slopes slide speedily. The aversion isn't to hate on the game, but it's to hate on the company which is diminishing the game for their own purposes (read: prevent pirating).

Edit: Ah, and M, I'm looking forward to Angel Beats![.] Your taste in anime is sound enough, at least. =P
'(JM): Producer 鳥羽 / Toba first pitched the idea to me from the very start as “Something you can happily laugh or smile with at the beginning, but also something that will have you in tears by the end.”
Hell yeah! Time to cry my eyes out again!

The only thing I'm worried about is the action factor that they're adding. Night Wizard pretty much proved that schoolgirls with guns doesn't exactly work (then again, Gunslinger Girl: Il Tietario proved that it does). Regardless, it's being done almost entirely by Jun, so I'm a bit interested in how well he pulls of the anime platform as opposed to the game platform.

April 1st, 2010, 03:13 am
Call of Duty 2. That was I consider the baseline for realistic shooters. It was right after that game that they went tits up in the series. And yes, I've played a lot of FPSes, and there were quite a few that I liked (say, Swat 4, UT2004, CoD2, Rainbow Six, ArmA, Tribes, Area 51) and there were quite a few that I didn't like (Serious Sam, CoD Modern Warfare, Crysis, CSS, the various Battlefield games). I'm just not liking the whole "We're doing a serious game about serious stuff" attitude they had at the beginning, and then dropping it for this new arcade-like, "satisfy the tweens too" mood. There's nothing particularly wrong with this when comparing the product directly, but when you scope the entire series, it's a good way to derail your original fanbase. Right now, Call of Duty seems to be taking after a lot of free FPSes out there, and I feel as though that's the wrong direction to move.
Tribes and UT aren't arcadey? I'm pretty sure UT was trying to "satisfy the tweens" more than CoD is. I don't see any gibs or rocket-jumping in CoD. Rainbow six is one of the best games ever, though. I played Rogue Spear for hours a day when I was nine/ten, and I crushed everybody. Nobody believed me when I told them how old I was, hahah! Fun times. Tribes was great too, but I never got a chance to play it much. I wish they'd make a new one, so I could get into it proper.

And the privatized server thing has always, ALWAYS, been important to those that remember going to lan parties or plays older games often. Long long ago, before Whiplash or HopelessComposer were born, not every household had a Internet connection that is fast enough to handle a team of eight players hitting a master server.
Oh, please. How old are you, forty? I started multiplayer gaming with Doom, and yes, that was LAN, back when it was NEEDED. By the time Rainbow six came out, internet connections were more than good enough to play games on. That's right, we haven't needed private servers in OVER A DECADE NOW, and here you are complaining about the lack of them in CoD6. Maybe they should have included split screen on the computer version, too? What if your buddy doesn't even have a computer?! Oh noes!

Oh, and let's not forget in seven years when the game's exceeds it's support cycle and the master servers are killed and you can no longer play multiplayer with it. That's the other side of this coin.
That is indeed a valid point, assuming nothing better than CoD6 comes out in the next decade. Chances are, something will.

The biggest rule of thumb when it comes to game development is give the users the most options possible. By doing so, your game will, either by your own development team's hands or by the communities' hands, become huge. Look at Second Life, World of Warcraft, UT2004, and CSS. These games are 100% open and customizable, and look how little people complain about what the game can and can't do, and just how long they have been considered popular and active. Now look at what the Call of Duty series is doing. It's pretty clear that they're starting down a pathway which isn't not the best for the franchise. Slippery slopes slide speedily. The aversion isn't to hate on the game, but it's to hate on the company which is diminishing the game for their own purposes (read: prevent pirating).
They did what they thought was best for their company by taking out a feature that, judging by sales, not many people wanted anyway. You can't really blame them. Or you can, but then I'll complain at you on the internet. I do agree that the lack of private servers is regrettable, but I'd hardly call it a huge flaw, unlike you. Then again, I've had a reliable internet connection for the last fifteen years or so, so I probably just don't have the perspective to understand your woes. =P
And please, never ever use Second Life as an example as to how games should be made. You just made me die a little inside, even though you weren't calling it a good game.

The only thing I'm worried about is the action factor that they're adding. Night Wizard pretty much proved that schoolgirls with guns doesn't exactly work (then again, Gunslinger Girl: Il Tietario proved that it does). Regardless, it's being done almost entirely by Jun, so I'm a bit interested in how well he pulls of the anime platform as opposed to the game platform.
I'm not worried about the action sequences. Like you said, they're going to be in there because Jun wills it. I'm going to trust Jun's judgment here, since I hold Key in pretty high regard. =D
And schoolgirls with guns are pretty much the coolest things ever. It just takes an awesome director to handle that powah. I think Jun is probably up to it, though.

April 1st, 2010, 03:39 am

Because he wills it. :)

April 1st, 2010, 03:44 am
I'm too busy destroying n00bs with my riot shield to join sides in the MW2 argument. Any person can handle a gun in a first person shooter, but it takes skill to turn a defensive weapon into a destructive melee weapon >=3
...though, having a throwing knife equipped along with the shield helps too. (TDM match with a k/d of 37:5, only using shield bash and knife throwing)
But really though, I only use the shield to piss off people. I get a lot of funny hatemail.

As for Angel Beats, I've been waiting for it since I've heard news of the anime being green-lit. Can't wait! >w<

April 1st, 2010, 04:04 am
Because he wills it.
lol, that's an awesome picture. Source?

And I just watched the last episode of Kimi ni Todoke. Now that I've completed the show, I can finally officially give it my "One of the Best Things Ever Created" award. =D
I hear a lot of complaining about how anime is slowly being destroyed by the industry leaders, but with shows like Todoke coming out, the future of anime seems more than bright to me. I loved the last episode (along with the rest of the show!) The artwork was gorgeous, and I'm glad they didn't fall into the trap of forcing the characters to kiss out of nowhere for the last episode. Their ending was a more natural one than most shows have, and I was happy about it. Anyway, anyone who hasn't seen Todoke yet should hop to it. It's like the Gurren Lagann of the romance genre, hahah.

I can't wait for the next season!

April 1st, 2010, 04:16 am
Tribes was great too, but I never got a chance to play it much. I wish they'd make a new one, so I could get into it proper. Tribes 2 is alive and still kicking. As far as multiplayer FPS goes, I haven't seen anything come close to the level of quality T2 offered us. And it was made in 2001.

Too bad most people like games like WoW or CS:S. You know, center of the bell curve, average mediocre games that give up quality for profit. Good business model, but shitty games, and they're doing more damage than good. In other words, developers with poor taste, perfect for the "average gamer."

I've always thought of CoD as a franchise that focused on the presentation of its quality single-player campaigns. Who could forget the beginning of the Russian campaign in CoD1? *dudes bail out from the ship* "NO SWIMMING!" *ratatatatata machine gun fire* http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/ZeroIchigo/gonk.gif
They wouldn't want to follow the footsteps of games like Second life, WoW, CS:S, UT2004. That's not what they're about.

Night Wizard pretty much proved that schoolgirls with guns doesn't exactly work (then again, Gunslinger Girl: Il Tietario proved that it does). Ugh, Il Tietario is the worst thing ever conceived. They took what was a fantastic work of art, what was incredibly subtle and classy, and turned the second season into a cesspool of mediocrity. A friend of mine and I were joking that whoever directed the second season just hated Gunslinger and wanted to butcher it.

And I just watched the last episode of Kimi ni Todoke. Now that I've completed the show, I can finally officially give it my "One of the Best Things Ever Created" award. =D The feel-good show of the year. :)

April 1st, 2010, 04:58 am
HC pretty much said everything I would have, and more. I'd just like to emphasize the fact that there is a reason for, "Oh, and let's not forget in seven years when the game's exceeds it's support cycle and the master servers are killed and you can no longer play multiplayer with it" happening. Other games come out. You can only play a game for so long before you get bored with it. This goes for every game ever made. I think what makes games so great is that you can stop playing them for a month, and then come back to them and once again have a great time playing them.

Oh, and Zero brought up an interesting point. The single-player in Modern Warfare 2 is fucking outstanding. The graphics are excellent as well.

April 1st, 2010, 05:06 am
Too bad most people like games like WoW or CS:S. You know, center of the bell curve, average mediocre games that give up quality for profit. Good business model, but shitty games, and they're doing more damage than good. In other words, developers with poor taste, perfect for the "average gamer."
Tch, zero taste (no pun intended). Or maybe you're right, and the whole world has terrible tastes, and you're the shining final bastion of rationality. But probably not. It's not Valve's fault you're too slow for CS!

The feel-good show of the year.
Alright, decent taste. CS is still great, though.

Also, I complained a few months ago that Super Mario Galaxy 2 looked like it wasn't going to use a full orchestra, because the first trailer they released was using samples instead. They just released a second trailer, this one using the same song, but orchestrated. I'm very pleased. =)
Also also, the new trailer for Metroid: Other M looks promising. Very, very pleased.

Tribes 2 is alive and still kicking. As far as multiplayer FPS goes, I haven't seen anything come close to the level of quality T2 offered us. And it was made in 2001.
Yeah, I kind of figured, but I don't know how much fun I'd have playing a game against a bunch of noobs who have been playing the same game for almost a decade. I have a feeling it wouldn't be too awesome, so I'm just kind of holding out for three. Kind of like how I sort of want to play SC, but just get raped by Koreans whenever I show my face online. It feels a little pointless, since I don't want to play thirty hours a day to catch up. XD

April 1st, 2010, 05:09 am
Tribes and UT aren't arcadey? I'm pretty sure UT was trying to "satisfy the tweens" more than CoD is. I don't see any gibs or rocket-jumping in CoD. Rainbow six is one of the best games ever, though. I played Rogue Spear for hours a day when I was nine/ten, and I crushed everybody. Nobody believed me when I told them how old I was, hahah! Fun times. Tribes was great too, but I never got a chance to play it much. I wish they'd make a new one, so I could get into it proper.

Now, if you actually took the time to read my post carefully, you'll notice that I was arguing the ambiance/mood of the game, not the genera of the game in question. UT2004 was developed explicitly for arcade purposes. Call of Duty was not. They both feel like an arcade game. Therein lies a problem.

Oh, please. How old are you, forty? I started multiplayer gaming with Doom, and yes, that was LAN, back when it was NEEDED. By the time Rainbow six came out, internet connections were more than good enough to play games on. That's right, we haven't needed private servers in OVER A DECADE NOW, and here you are complaining about the lack of them in CoD6. Maybe they should have included split screen on the computer version, too? What if your buddy doesn't even have a computer?! Oh noes!

:\ Everyone in my town was on 56k dialup until about 2003. As I said before, this does not scale well for multiple people in one location. Especially when there are idiots using daemon download protocols like bittorrent which saturates the line. The fastest Internet connection was our High School which was a blazing 3 Mbps over 100 computers. This, of course changed, but that does not deny that my generation believes in offline multiplayer that doesn't require split screen. That's a baseline.

Let's also not forget that there are still people in this world that have a computer but do not have an Internet line. Mind you, it's growing smaller by the second (thanks to efforts like free public wifi), but the company, for one reason or another, demanded the removal of an already existing framework for a more locked down version of it.

They did what they thought was best for their company by taking out a feature that, judging by sales, not many people wanted anyway. You can't really blame them. Or you can, but then I'll complain at you on the internet. I do agree that the lack of private servers is regrettable, but I'd hardly call it a huge flaw, unlike you. Then again, I've had a reliable internet connection for the last fifteen years or so, so I probably just don't have the perspective to understand your woes. =P
And please, never ever use Second Life as an example as to how games should be made. You just made me die a little inside, even though you weren't calling it a good game.

Erm. The feature's not removed. Far from it. If it were removed, then there would be no servers for the game. It's just that they extracted it from retail copies. It takes the same amount of time to develop a piece of software with private servers as it does without. They just wanted to completely stop pirates from being able to play multiplayer. Not a bad choice, but not the best choice (at least it's not like the 3dMax prevention which requires a USB key to be plugged in to use it).

The only reason why I gave Second Life as an example is because it is huge and undeniably scalable. It's not a "game", but it demonstrates what can and cannot be extended in a video game.

lol, that's an awesome picture. Source?

That's Maeda Jun's chibi-ed portrait. You can see it here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jun_Maeda).

April 1st, 2010, 07:38 am
Tch, zero taste (no pun intended). Or maybe you're right, and the whole world has terrible tastes, and you're the shining final bastion of rationality. But probably not. It's not Valve's fault you're too slow for CS! Actually, I was good in CS. Played it a lot when I was younger. It’s one of those games where you just jump in and start firing. Instant gratification.

But, the game lacks depth. The gameplay plateaus quickly, and once you hit that point all that’s left is the addictive quality of zoning out in front of the screen, hitting headshots, getting killed early in the round, or coming out alive… and repeat. I understand its psychological appeal - I used to play it.

WoW is similar, though in a different form, or why else do you think people zone out in a game for hours and hours? From a business standpoint that’s as good as it gets – millions of people zoning out in a video game that, while it may be fun in the beginning, ends up feeling like zombies after a couple of hours. And paying for every month of it. That’s why I say they do more harm than good.

Games like Tribes 2 on the other hand… 10 years after its release people are still witnessing new things that amaze them and make the game worth playing every now and then. It’s intellectually stimulating because there’s so much you can do, and there’s something for everyone no matter their background. You really can’t do the same things over and over again – you’d get bored. And you wouldn’t, because thanks to how flexible and open it is, even veterans find new and creative things to do that makes every session fresh and exciting. Then you stop after an hour or so and feel, “Ahhh, that was refreshing!” ;)

Piano, go! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMk4KuSqD7c

April 1st, 2010, 07:49 am
I just dislike the way people think they know everything about, like, WWII and different guns and stuff, just cause theyve played CoD. That, and the fact they'll sit and play it for 26 hours a day -__-

Laura: 'Oh look a plastic army man'
Ben: 'Oh yeah, i do believe thats a standard issue AK47 with telescopic sight'
Laura: '.....dick'.

^Story of my life, because my boyfriend, brother, boyfriends brothers, all male friends, have that game :|

April 1st, 2010, 11:51 am
I just dislike the way people think they know everything about, like, WWII and different guns and stuff, just cause theyve played CoD. That, and the fact they'll sit and play it for 26 hours a day -__-

Laura: 'Oh look a plastic army man'
Ben: 'Oh yeah, i do believe thats a standard issue AK47 with telescopic sight'
Laura: '.....dick'.

^Story of my life, because my boyfriend, brother, boyfriends brothers, all male friends, have that game :|
Who doesn't have CoD though? :P

I know what you mean though, my little brother thinks he's knows everything about WW2 just because he's played Call of Duty 2. Hello you know like 2 things, there are the allies, and the axis. I'm not saying that you can't learn some things from games but seriously, you're not a historian just by playing a game.

But, now that my knee is finally back to how it should be, got a martial arts tournament tomorrow. Hoping I'll get into the top 3 three in this one.

April 1st, 2010, 12:16 pm
Good luck Teamond! ^_^

I feel the need for a serious lay back (being Aussie and all, lol), then I need to go for a serious make over after that. -.- I feel like crap.

April 1st, 2010, 12:32 pm
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs506.snc3/26568_1431537666569_1176705302_31295426_7081321_n. jpg

XD ahaha... lulz.

April 1st, 2010, 12:35 pm
Who doesn't have CoD though? :P

I know what you mean though, my little brother thinks he's knows everything about WW2 just because he's played Call of Duty 2. Hello you know like 2 things, there are the allies, and the axis. I'm not saying that you can't learn some things from games but seriously, you're not a historian just by playing a game.

But, now that my knee is finally back to how it should be, got a martial arts tournament tomorrow. Hoping I'll get into the top 3 three in this one.

i don't have CoD, nor any other FPS

April 1st, 2010, 12:48 pm
i don't have CoD, nor any other FPS

You actually have a life :O

...........I envy you...........

Edit: Wait, urcute's an aussie!?!?!? HIGH FIVE :D

April 1st, 2010, 01:51 pm
HC pretty much said everything I would have, and more. I'd just like to emphasize the fact that there is a reason for, "Oh, and let's not forget in seven years when the game's exceeds it's support cycle and the master servers are killed and you can no longer play multiplayer with it" happening. Other games come out. You can only play a game for so long before you get bored with it. This goes for every game ever made. I think what makes games so great is that you can stop playing them for a month, and then come back to them and once again have a great time playing them.

I forgot this post somehow in my last tower.

That's bullcrap. I paid anywhere between 40 and 70 USD for a game. I should be allowed to use it in entirety for as long as I would like and without restriction. This is the whole concept of "owning" a game. Someone saying that we're shutting off the master servers which kills half the game and majority of the replayability is not only retarded, but also not smart for their name. It never used to be like "Just buy the new game" when you can't play video games. That's why there are several games produced in the 1990s that are still classified as outstanding, and most modern games are forgotten. It's the classic quality of replay argument all over again. Then again, it seems like these days game manufacturer's are focused on having zero backwards traction on old FPS philosophy and are trying to make everything the same using gunmetal gray and fecal brown on everything.

April 1st, 2010, 03:29 pm
-still replays chrono cross and tales of phantasia on his emulator all the time-

April 1st, 2010, 03:42 pm
I got bored today and then for some reason a thought of Ichigos came into my head. So here I am.. But I'm still bored.. lol This place has gotten so fat since I left. Too many people. I don't feel special anymore. ahaha. Although I do remember a few.

April 1st, 2010, 03:46 pm
i totally did a double take and thought for a sec eternal changed her name xD
then i was like..."i remember an eternity vaguely"

April 1st, 2010, 03:47 pm
Everyyyone said the same thing one point of their life on this place. >_> I was here first!!! rararara

April 1st, 2010, 03:56 pm
xD i just forgot since you haven't been here in a long time :P

April 1st, 2010, 05:21 pm
Dude, Topeka (http://www.google.com/)'s the most awesome search engine ever.

April 1st, 2010, 06:33 pm
it totally is
and youtube upped the quality of their videos, have you seen the mega definition they have now?

April 1st, 2010, 07:27 pm
The ASCII one? Yep, it's awesome XD

Neko Koneko
April 1st, 2010, 09:26 pm
Doom rocks (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQblFGXDq4A).


April 1st, 2010, 09:45 pm
I love the original doom games and I still play them every now and then. <3

April 1st, 2010, 10:58 pm
The original doom is so popular around school lol. You can bet there's always a multiplayer server up :lol:

Random note: I just realised how suited Ichigo's is to widescreen resolutions. Everything just fits in so well.:think:

April 2nd, 2010, 12:01 am

Mourning Glory
April 2nd, 2010, 01:03 pm
-still replays chrono cross and tales of phantasia on his emulator all the time-

Yay Chrono Cross!

And Legends of the Dragoon.

April 2nd, 2010, 01:17 pm
Came 3rd in my martial arts tournament XD Now, just to get to first.......:think:

April 2nd, 2010, 06:16 pm
Doom rocks (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQblFGXDq4A).

Literally. I heard Doom 2 online's still alive and kicking.

IIIIIIIZAAAAAAAAAYAAAAAAAAAA!!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rYivEyqR78) Oh Shizuo http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/ZeroIchigo/emot-unsmith.gif

April 2nd, 2010, 06:49 pm
Eeee, I only have 3 more achievements to get in MW2. Get 1 star in every special ops, get all 69 stars in special ops, and kill four people in a row while downed in special ops.

Anybody wanna play some special ops with me? I've done all the ones in Alpha, Bravo, and all but one in Charlie. And like, two others I think.

April 2nd, 2010, 07:00 pm
Eeee, I only have 3 more achievements to get in MW2. Get 1 star in every special ops, get all 69 stars in special ops, and kill four people in a row while downed in special ops.
lol, you're wasting your time, idiot. Ten years from now, EA's servers will be down, and nobody will even be able to see your hard work anymore. =P

April 2nd, 2010, 07:03 pm

April 2nd, 2010, 10:25 pm
True but that just reminds me of the movie Frankenstein. Where Captian Walton says "Our names will live on long after we are gone!"

April 3rd, 2010, 01:32 am
boyfriend said score.

April 3rd, 2010, 01:34 am
X doesn't like me anymore :(
she ignores me and doesn't talk to me xD

April 3rd, 2010, 01:38 am
X doesn't like me anymore
she ignores me and doesn't talk to me xD
It's because you're not manly enough. You should probably start wearing sunglasses more often.

April 3rd, 2010, 01:40 am
oh well, too bad that's not my aim, to be as manly as possible

April 3rd, 2010, 01:41 am
X doesn't like me anymore :(
she ignores me and doesn't talk to me xD
Oh you, don't be so dramatic~

April 3rd, 2010, 01:45 am

April 3rd, 2010, 01:46 am
i didnt understand the last comeback lol

April 3rd, 2010, 01:47 am
I want pizza right now.

April 3rd, 2010, 01:47 am
xD, me and X have our own language :O

April 3rd, 2010, 01:48 am

April 3rd, 2010, 01:49 am
go suck my goo </3

April 3rd, 2010, 02:10 am
oh well, too bad that's not my aim, to be as manly as possible
Indeed, it appears you and X are fated to be mortal enemies. =P

April 3rd, 2010, 03:11 am


April 3rd, 2010, 04:01 am
I began reading old topics and threads.. Good times.. How I miss everyone.. xD Especially Angelic of course :P Or should I say Neko Koneko now. Did the RP blow up or something and got remade?

April 3rd, 2010, 04:05 am
or just went inactive and was gone

April 3rd, 2010, 04:16 am
Ichigos has an RP?

April 3rd, 2010, 04:19 am


April 3rd, 2010, 05:29 am
sigh, transcribing is much harder than I thought.

April 3rd, 2010, 07:51 am
OMG TWIN lol...

April 3rd, 2010, 11:39 am
Get a new car. Holden SV6. :D

Some idiot can't stay on his side of the road properly and leaves a very nice LARGE scratch on the side of it. :MASS ANGER!: < we need an emoticon for that.

April 3rd, 2010, 12:21 pm
urgh tell me about it. I have a scratch above my front left wheel arch.


April 3rd, 2010, 05:06 pm
Weee, I got a 1750 on me SAT first try. I can't say I'm disappointed, especially since I did absolutely no studying for it.

April 3rd, 2010, 06:55 pm
Weee, I got a 1750 on me SAT first try. I can't say I'm disappointed, especially since I did absolutely no studying for it.

1750 on me SAT first try.


Neko Koneko
April 3rd, 2010, 10:52 pm
I began reading old topics and threads.. Good times.. How I miss everyone.. xD Especially Angelic of course :P Or should I say Neko Koneko now. Did the RP blow up or something and got remade?

Yeah, pretty much :P Gonna join it? XD

April 4th, 2010, 12:13 am
I just realized what zugzwang meant today. Oh how wrong I was in using it...

April 4th, 2010, 01:28 am
Are you laughing at the score? Or at the grammar mistake? Or both?
Protip to Whiplash: the SATs are out of 2400 now, not 1600. Dohohohohohohoho.
Just kidding, my score wasn't amazing either.

Also, one of my friends is teaching an SAT class right now. He showed me the work of one of the girls who scored a 1080. Fucking HILARIOUS. Her essay was pure gold.

April 4th, 2010, 01:42 am
Are you laughing at the score? Or at the grammar mistake? Or both?

I'll leave that up to you (the reader) to figure that out.

April 4th, 2010, 02:24 am
Sora no Woto :cry:

Definitely one of the best anime I've EVER seen in a long time.
If this is what Anime no Chikara can dish out, I can't wait for the Spring season's show

April 4th, 2010, 02:43 am
Definitely one of the best anime I've EVER seen in a long time.
If this is what Anime no Chikara can dish out, I can't wait for the Spring season's show
Ever seen....in a long time? Isn't that like saying "the best thing I've seen THIS WEEK today?" XD
And Sora no Woto looked like terrible fanservice crap to me, so I totally skipped it. Was I wrong in doing so? Note that I don't have an aversion to giant boobies; I've simply learned through experience that their presence is usually a dark omen for any anime they appear in. Is it actually really good? The production values looked high. It's just that it looked....breastcentric. Actually, why haven't I watched this already?

April 4th, 2010, 03:19 am
It's completely opposite from the usual terrible fanservice crap and it's not at all breastcentric XD
I say go for it, hahahah

And I also finished Kimi ni Todoke just now. Wow...I can understand how you guys felt when you guys finished it XD

April 4th, 2010, 03:38 am
It's completely opposite from the usual terrible fanservice crap and it's not at all breastcentric
I say go for it, hahahah
lol, alright. Sounds like I found my next show to watch, then. =D

April 4th, 2010, 03:43 am
Ever seen....in a long time? Isn't that like saying "the best thing I've seen THIS WEEK today?" XD
And Sora no Woto looked like terrible fanservice crap to me, so I totally skipped it. Was I wrong in doing so? Note that I don't have an aversion to giant boobies; I've simply learned through experience that their presence is usually a dark omen for any anime they appear in. Is it actually really good? The production values looked high. It's just that it looked....breastcentric. Actually, why haven't I watched this already?

Sora no Woto is K-On, just with militia instead of musicians; from mood to character design. There appears to be something deeper as you watch through the season, but that's a false hope.

April 4th, 2010, 04:01 am
Well, I suppose it varies from person to person, but I stand by my words XD
This really is one of the best ones I've seen in a long time. While it might seem like a militarized K-ON, it's definitely different from the shows released along with it in the Winter season

April 4th, 2010, 04:06 am

Are you laughing at the score? Or at the grammar mistake? Or both?
Protip to Whiplash: the SATs are out of 2400 now, not 1600. Dohohohohohohoho.
Just kidding, my score wasn't amazing either.

Also, one of my friends is teaching an SAT class right now. He showed me the work of one of the girls who scored a 1080. Fucking HILARIOUS. Her essay was pure gold.

1) 1750 isn't a bad score at all, so you can blow me M. I'm sorry that I am happy with mediocrity. I can easily get into the University of Colorado at Boulder with the 640 I got in Critical Reading and 550 I got in Math. Why do any more than is necessary? Once I'm accepted, what difference does it make if my score was 1750 or a 2000? My family is too wealthy for me to get any scholarships from UCB anyways.

2) The grammar mistake was on purpose. Once again, blow me.

After reading my post, it seems rather hostile. Oh well though, I can't be fucked to try and make it nicer.

April 4th, 2010, 04:19 am
*bends Whiplash over and spanks him*

I love you. I don't know why, but I do.

April 4th, 2010, 04:21 am
I have no idea where this thread's going now >_<

April 4th, 2010, 05:01 am
Mmm, I'm feelin the love Para.

On a side note:


April 4th, 2010, 05:20 am
On a side note:
I'm not sure I like that picture. It might give people the false impression that the iPad is indeed better than a large rock.

April 4th, 2010, 05:21 am
So... it's slightly better than a rock?

April 4th, 2010, 07:25 am
Well maybe it is, I mean it can make pertyful colours...........wait, rocks come multi-coloured too! I take that back.

April 4th, 2010, 08:10 am
If you buy an iPad you just have to buy a protective case for it, I suggest the:



April 4th, 2010, 01:12 pm
I got a 17XX on my SAT too...

I'm not exactly what people should be aiming for >_<.

Studying wont help IMHO, just paying attention will...don't finish yer sections 15min early.

Mourning Glory
April 4th, 2010, 03:51 pm
I seem to remember talking about SAT scores on Ichigos before.

Do they still not count the critical reading section?

April 4th, 2010, 03:58 pm
1) 1750 isn't a bad score at all, so you can blow me M. I'm sorry that I am happy with mediocrity. I can easily get into the University of Colorado at Boulder with the 640 I got in Critical Reading and 550 I got in Math. Why do any more than is necessary? Once I'm accepted, what difference does it make if my score was 1750 or a 2000? My family is too wealthy for me to get any scholarships from UCB anyways.

2) The grammar mistake was on purpose. Once again, blow me.

After reading my post, it seems rather hostile. Oh well though, I can't be fucked to try and make it nicer.

It was two fold.
The intentional grammar mistake (laughing with you)
The long discussion on the worth of the SAT and upper level education (IV and Honors) we had about a year ago (laughing at you)

There's nothing more misguided than the SAT or ACT. A single test cannot begin to show the proper aptitude of a student.

April 4th, 2010, 04:55 pm
Just found a long lost childhood friend.:wub: Words cannot describe the happiness.

April 4th, 2010, 05:32 pm
It was two fold.
The intentional grammar mistake (laughing with you)
The long discussion on the worth of the SAT and upper level education (IV and Honors) we had about a year ago (laughing at you)

There's nothing more misguided than the SAT or ACT. A single test cannot begin to show the proper aptitude of a student.

Oh well, regardless of how misguided they are, colleges and universities do take them into consideration when accepting students. I'm just happy I took the test and was up to par with the universities standards.

April 4th, 2010, 08:06 pm
There's nothing more misguided than the SAT or ACT. A single test cannot begin to show the proper aptitude of a student.
You say that, but all the idiots I know scored shit on the SATs, while all the smarter people I know scored in the higher ranges. Sure it isn't an end-all solution to deciding who should be placed where, but there was a definite trend from what I saw.

Edit: Also, happy Easter, ya'll biscuit-heads!

April 4th, 2010, 10:10 pm
You say that, but all the idiots I know scored shit on the SATs, while all the smarter people I know scored in the higher ranges. Sure it isn't an end-all solution to deciding who should be placed where, but there was a definite trend from what I saw.

Edit: Also, happy Easter, ya'll biscuit-heads!

I know a lot of informants that know shit for spot-knowledge, but are able to assemble unbelievably detailed reports when requested. Being able to know a lot about a lot of things is not the same as being able to contain a lot and attempt to recall it.

and mmmmmmmmm.... Biscuits.

April 4th, 2010, 10:14 pm
I know a lot of informants that know shit for spot-knowledge, but are able to assemble unbelievably detailed reports when requested. Being able to know a lot about a lot of things is not the same as being able to contain a lot and attempt to recall it.
Yes, but on average, a more intelligent person will know more than a stupid one, simply because it's easier for intelligent people to learn and store things. Suggesting otherwise is a little silly, I think.

What would you have, in place of the SATs? I think they work rather well; colleges are looking for good students, not loser geniuses who are too lazy to learn anything. If you're a good student, chances are you'll do well on the SAT. If you're a bad student, chances are you'll do worse. Intelligence will help you either way, but again, colleges are looking for good students anyway; intelligence is a second-string trait to them. And isn't that how it should be anyway? I'd rather work with a person blessed with average intelligence and an incredible amount of drive and willpower than someone with high intelligence and no desire to achieve anything. Like you just said, the ability to learn things and actually learning things is different. Potential means nothing if it isn't acted on!

As an example, my Dad has a friend, Geno SomethingOrOther. He's one of the smartest people I've ever met, but he has absolutely no willpower. He must be like thirty-five now, and he still lives in his Mom's basement. Why the hell would any college ever want someone like that joining the ranks of their students? What would he do for them, lower their average GPA? Drop out? Granted, he'd probably do well on the SATs anyway, since he's so smart, but that's where grades come in - I doubt he put in enough effort during highschool to score very well at all. So along with class grades, I think the SATs are a pretty good indicator to colleges as to who they should accept and who they should reject.

and mmmmmmmmm.... Biscuits.
Delicious. :3

And lol, we did the typing test thing at work yesterday, and I got 70wpm, compared to everybody else's ~30wpm. Everyone was like "OH MY GOD YOU'RE INCREDIBLE!" It's easy to impress computer illiterates, heheh. XD

April 4th, 2010, 10:45 pm
Yes, but on average, a more intelligent person will know more than a stupid one, simply because it's easier for intelligent people to learn and store things. Suggesting otherwise is a little silly, I think.

What would you have, in place of the SATs? I think they work rather well; colleges are looking for good students, not loser geniuses who are too lazy to learn anything. If you're a good student, chances are you'll do well on the SAT. If you're a bad student, chances are you'll do worse. Intelligence will help you either way, but again, colleges are looking for good students anyway; intelligence is a second-string trait to them. And isn't that how it should be anyway? I'd rather work with a person blessed with average intelligence and an incredible amount of drive and willpower than someone with high intelligence and no desire to achieve anything. Like you just said, the ability to learn things and actually learning things is different. Potential means nothing if it isn't acted on!

There's already a system in place which doesn't roll every piece of educational material into one test. It's called secondary school. The state needs to kick things into gear and make it less of a "community" and more of a "standard". I've never understood why a standard bar test was needed after running over twelve years inside of a system where you are graded for your performance. States need to kick up their regional curriculum to a national level as well. States such as Florida have a piss-poor educational curriculum which doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of other states.

Simply put: we need to invest the current efforts of SAT and ACT into secondary schools and standardize on curriculum such that each school covers the same subject matters. This is also better than the ACT and SAT as it's more difficult to maintain excellent scores over four years rather than obtain a single excellent score for a six hour test. And what about poor test takers, where all the studying in the world doesn't aid in the time to recall material.

I myself have this problem, where I cannot respond back fast enough to questions in what the adjuncts called the "correct" way. Thus, I was unable to reach about five questions in each part of my testing. Regardless, I got a 32 on my ACT. This tells me that "Hey that person's may be smart, but he's just not fast enough". Bullshit. That's complete and utter bullshit. Given another ten minutes, and I would have completed the test in entirety, but their "standard" says that you only have X amount of time to complete the test; ergo the rest, regardless of what you do or do not know, is automatically wrong. Never in the real world would you have such an insane time constraint to such a wide array of information passed to you.

As an example, my Dad has a friend, Geno SomethingOrOther. He's one of the smartest people I've ever met, but he has absolutely no willpower. He must be like thirty-five now, and he still lives in his Mom's basement. Why the hell would any college ever want someone like that joining the ranks of their students? What would he do for them, lower their average GPA? Drop out? Granted, he'd probably do well on the SATs anyway, since he's so smart, but that's where grades come in - I doubt he put in enough effort during highschool to score very well at all. So along with class grades, I think the SATs are a pretty good indicator to colleges as to who they should accept and who they should reject.

This is exactly why we need a system which grades a person not on a single test, but over a large span of time. In fact, you're on the same line of thought when you say that high school grades are directly related to SAT and ACT scores. If such a strong corelation exists, then there's obviously something that can be minimized or removed

April 4th, 2010, 11:56 pm
Well answered. It seems like you've done a lot more thinking than I have on the matter (I couldn't care less), so I concede. Like you pointed out, I actually proved your point for you with my story about Geno, hahah. Looks like I might have just been believing in the SATs because I can't see any real reason to get rid of them - now that you mention it, there isn't a very strong argument to keep them, either. Looks like they're unnecessary, after all.

April 5th, 2010, 03:59 am
There's already a system in place which doesn't roll every piece of educational material into one test. It's called secondary school. The state needs to kick things into gear and make it less of a "community" and more of a "standard". I've never understood why a standard bar test was needed after running over twelve years inside of a system where you are graded for your performance. States need to kick up their regional curriculum to a national level as well. States such as Florida have a piss-poor educational curriculum which doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of other states.

Simply put: we need to invest the current efforts of SAT and ACT into secondary schools and standardize on curriculum such that each school covers the same subject matters. This is also better than the ACT and SAT as it's more difficult to maintain excellent scores over four years rather than obtain a single excellent score for a six hour test. And what about poor test takers, where all the studying in the world doesn't aid in the time to recall material.

I myself have this problem, where I cannot respond back fast enough to questions in what the adjuncts called the "correct" way. Thus, I was unable to reach about five questions in each part of my testing. Regardless, I got a 32 on my ACT. This tells me that "Hey that person's may be smart, but he's just not fast enough". Bullshit. That's complete and utter bullshit. Given another ten minutes, and I would have completed the test in entirety, but their "standard" says that you only have X amount of time to complete the test; ergo the rest, regardless of what you do or do not know, is automatically wrong. Never in the real world would you have such an insane time constraint to such a wide array of information passed to you.

This is exactly why we need a system which grades a person not on a single test, but over a large span of time. In fact, you're on the same line of thought when you say that high school grades are directly related to SAT and ACT scores. If such a strong corelation exists, then there's obviously something that can be minimized or removed

Welcome to Canada.
We have provincial exams for all the major grade twelve subjects, which are about the only criteria universities look at. Which ones they look at depends on the program you're entering, but by default you're required to have English 12, Math 12, plus at least one other provincially examinable grade twelve course.

The first time I heard about SAT's I knew they were just like IQ tests - just a quick way to generalize at a low cost. It's kind of like how Americans love their fast food joints.

April 5th, 2010, 09:34 am
-.- I'm on my holidays. I don't need to talk about school on this website too!

Happy be-lated EASTER everyone! ^_^

April 5th, 2010, 09:46 am
Agreed, normally holidays are boring as, but they suddenly just got a whole lot better :lol:

Also I love the families new sports car. The only thing is it accelerates so damn fast you practically don't stop in-between changing gears till you get to like, 4th. But yeah, its so big, and red...........XD

April 5th, 2010, 10:03 am
Welcome to Canada.
We have provincial exams for all the major grade twelve subjects, which are about the only criteria universities look at. Which ones they look at depends on the program you're entering, but by default you're required to have English 12, Math 12, plus at least one other provincially examinable grade twelve course.

The first time I heard about SAT's I knew they were just like IQ tests - just a quick way to generalize at a low cost. It's kind of like how Americans love their fast food joints.

Actually, nowadays you're only required to take English 12 Provincials + 2-3 other Provincial examinable Grade 12 courses. You can stop taking Math after you pass Grade 11 math if you want to...which is what I did. My 3 provincial exam classes were English 12, Lit 12 and History 12.
And as for Universities over here, we don't have to do those SAT stuff to find out where we're going. The universities(the ones I looked at here in Vancouver anyways) only have a required grade percentage for admissions. My university for example, has this as their general admissions requirement:

English Proficiency for Open Registration and Undergraduate Selective Entry

Applicants applying for admission to undergraduate level studies are required to have met the English proficiency requirement with a minimum grade of “C” in English 12 (or equivalent) prior to registering for courses.

The following achievements can also be used to meet the English Proficiency requirement:
- "C" in English Literature 12, English 12 First Peoples, Communications 12 or TPC 12 (each option must include the completion of the provincial exam unless the option has been completed through the BC Adult Graduation Diploma program, for which the provincial exam is not required)
- Paper-based TOEFL 550 with TWE 4.5, or
- Internet-based TOEFL 80, or
- LPI Essay score 26 level 4, or
- IELTS Academic Module score of 6.0 with a minimum band of 6, or
- Completion of ENGQ 1098 with a minimum grade of "C", or
- Completion of ELST 0281, ABEE 0081 with a minimum "B-" grade, or
- Placement test into ENGQ 1099 or ABEE 0091 or ABEE 0092 or ELST 0381, or
- Concurrent enrollment in a designated program.

That's it. You only have to score as high as a C+ in high school (64%-67%) to get into a University.

As for UBC, which ranked 2nd in Canada's top Universities (Top 32 in the world. I suppose it's the Canadian equivalent to an Ivy League school in the US) has this as their general admissions requirements:

General admission requirements
English language requirement

All prospective students must demonstrate competency in English before being admitted to UBC. Most Canadian students meet this requirement – called the English Language Admission Standard – by completing three years of full-time education in Canada. If you do not meet the requirement in this way, you can meet it in other ways.

High school requirements

UBC has a basic set of requirements that all BC and Yukon high school students must meet. UBC has the following requirements for each grade level:
Grade 12

- Graduate from high school
- Complete English 12 or English 12 First Peoples
- Complete three additional Grade 12 courses (additional details apply)

Grade 11

- English 11
- Mathematics 11
- A Grade 11 language course
- A Grade 11 science course
- A Grade 11 social studies course

That's all. But then there are also Program specific requirements which you must meet to get into the program you want. Not only do you have to meet the general requirements, you have to meet your specific program requirements as well (which varies from program to program)

Hmm...looking at UBC's general requirements and program requirements(for my program) it looks like if I had applied there, I would've gotten in...damn XD

Neko Koneko
April 5th, 2010, 10:35 am
Mmm, I'm feelin the love Para.

On a side note:


Lol, I'd take the stone so I can smash Apple goods. Apple products are for stupid people. The guy who teaches me to play guitar works for Apple, and he agreed that if Apple made a guitar, it would:

1.) Only have one string
2.) You'd only be allowed to play songs that are approved by Apple

And you'd probably have to buy them on iTunes first, too.

April 5th, 2010, 10:53 am
Lol, I'd take the stone so I can smash Apple goods. Apple products are for stupid people. The guy who teaches me to play guitar works for Apple, and he agreed that if Apple made a guitar, it would:

1.) Only have one string
2.) You'd only be allowed to play songs that are approved by Apple

And you'd probably have to buy them on iTunes first, too.

No, please no! Apple must not ruin music any further!

April 5th, 2010, 08:12 pm
Apple people will say nothing because they know they are better.

I'm allowed to say that because I don't care~

April 5th, 2010, 08:26 pm
Apple people will say nothing because they know they are better.

Or they just don't know what to say in response. This is true more times than not.

April 5th, 2010, 09:02 pm
Or they just don't know what to say in response. This is true more times than not.

Yes, that would make sense. They're more likely stunned by the stupidity of the conversation.

April 5th, 2010, 09:44 pm
Dick measuring contest... GO!

*Places bet on mystery 3rd position who will wipe the floor with both of these camps*

April 5th, 2010, 09:52 pm
you mean me?

nahh not happening xD

aaron FtW!!11
April 5th, 2010, 11:13 pm
Dick measuring?
count me out in

I just applied for McDonalds and checked my race/ethnicity off as hispanic. I hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the arse O.o

April 5th, 2010, 11:57 pm
Dick measuring?
count me out in

I just applied for McDonalds and checked my race/ethnicity off as hispanic. I hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the arse O.o

Depends on the corporation and where you live. In the US, once a company hits a certain criteria, with the assistance of reverse-segregation, they are required to show that they are an equal opportunity employer, and do so by having at least 20% of staff being reported as a minority. By doing so, the company either upholds standards specified by higher powers or obtains grant money for "assisting" in globalization. Depending on your race this can either aide or hinder you.

And I can't tell you how many under-deserving people got jobs because they were either a minority or female. Not that I blame the aforementioned parties, as it's not their fault, but instead the management's fault for looking only skin deep.

April 5th, 2010, 11:59 pm
-is on a guang liang fix listening to his entire discography of the amazing dude-

April 6th, 2010, 12:00 am
I just applied for McDonalds and checked my race/ethnicity off as hispanic. I hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the arse O.o
What the hell, how did you get on Ichigos?! Dohohohoho. No, just kidding. Like M said, it'll probably help you, if anything.

April 6th, 2010, 12:53 am
Dick measuring contest... GO!

:teeth: *gets out his tape measure*

Step right on up, don't worry, I'm a judge. :lol:

April 6th, 2010, 01:05 am
this judge is biased ^

April 6th, 2010, 01:10 am
*gets out a measuring tape as well*

April 6th, 2010, 01:11 am
but you already know how long it is :|

aaron FtW!!11
April 6th, 2010, 02:16 am
What the hell, how did you get on Ichigos?! Dohohohoho. No, just kidding. Like M said, it'll probably help you, if anything.

I just hope they don't expect me to be bilingual....or hispanic
But my last name is hispanic, so I just tried increasing my employment chances by saying I was. :D

April 6th, 2010, 02:45 am
Do you have any hispanic heritage?; because if not that could be counted as lying on your resume' (letter of admission or whatever you call it over there)...... Having a certain last name doesn't really tell you much, for example, my last name is of dutch origin but my family have been living in England for the last 1500 years (as far as the documentation goes, although through stuff being passed down it seems that we were some of the original people of England). So yeah, as you see, I'm definitely not dutch even though my last name is.

I think this may backfire and "bite you in the arse" to be honest lol. I'm just saying.....People over here take resume's very seriously.

April 6th, 2010, 02:49 am
As for UBC, which ranked 2nd in Canada's top Universities (Top 32 in the world. I suppose it's the Canadian equivalent to an Ivy League school in the US) That's what they say, but the name and location of the university has to have some kind of impact. SFU, UVic and all the big ones from the east shouldn't have much reason to be considered inferior to UBC. They just don't sound as official or famous.

Imagine you're looking for a job overseas and the employer sees that you went to UBC, they'd go "University of British Columbia huh, that's... ah yes yes, that's the world famous Vancouver isn't it? And the Olympics too! Okay, you're hired!" As opposed to SFU, "What's this, 'Simon Fraser' University? Is that in some kind of hillbilly town? Get the fuck outta here!"

The guy who teaches me to play guitar Neko wants to be a rockstar. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/ZeroIchigo/emot-unsmith.gif

aaron FtW!!11
April 6th, 2010, 03:08 am
Do you have any hispanic heritage?

Technically I could be hispanic. My grandpa is from San Juan, but that only makes me 25% Puerto Rican. Oh, and maybe a little african :o

April 6th, 2010, 04:23 am
That's what they say, but the name and location of the university has to have some kind of impact. SFU, UVic and all the big ones from the east shouldn't have much reason to be considered inferior to UBC. They just don't sound as official or famous.

Imagine you're looking for a job overseas and the employer sees that you went to UBC, they'd go "University of British Columbia huh, that's... ah yes yes, that's the world famous Vancouver isn't it? And the Olympics too! Okay, you're hired!" As opposed to SFU, "What's this, 'Simon Fraser' University? Is that in some kind of hillbilly town? Get the fuck outta here!"

LOL, I definitely agree. I don't think much of university prestige...in my opinion, a degree is a degree, no matter where you get it. That's one of the reasons why I went to the University I go to now :3

April 6th, 2010, 01:39 pm
Seems like the iPad isn't as useless as first thought:


April 6th, 2010, 02:27 pm
What the hell, how did you get on Ichigos?! Dohohohoho. No, just kidding. Like M said, it'll probably help you, if anything.

Woah Woah Woah Woah, BACK THE FUCK UP.

Don't make me use mah magic...:P

[Edit] Check out the lower right of Zero's signature.... REPRESENT!

April 6th, 2010, 03:39 pm
Woah Woah Woah Woah, BACK THE FUCK UP.

Don't make me use mah magic...
Ack! Don't sue me for hate crimes! More than 20% of my friends are minorities! You'll never win in court!

[Edit] Check out the lower right of Zero's signature.... REPRESENT!
That mexican lady? :shifty:
There's like one minority out of every thousand anime characters. And 80% of those characters are hilariously politically incorrect. XD