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October 27th, 2006, 02:50 am
There's a concept in business that applies right now. It's called "Give and Take".

You got the give part down, but you still don't know how to take things.

October 27th, 2006, 02:51 am
*twitch twitch* dont push it..........!

October 27th, 2006, 02:52 am
A quote from a highly respected person...

"Don't play with fire because you will get burned!"

October 27th, 2006, 02:53 am
Oh don't worry, I'm still laughing from the inconceivable death threat you placed on porsche and myself five six posts back.

October 27th, 2006, 02:53 am
*cracks knuckles* ok, im really, really pissed right now........

October 27th, 2006, 02:55 am
You think you could take me? A SWIMMER!

*Laughs at the weakling

October 27th, 2006, 02:56 am
You do realize that physical threats don't work on the internets...

October 27th, 2006, 02:57 am
*gets a sledge hammer* I use my immagination.....

October 27th, 2006, 02:59 am
*Gets AP Physics*

I win! My weapon of choice is deadlier!

October 27th, 2006, 02:59 am
'tis sad.

October 27th, 2006, 02:59 am
*gets a flame thrower*

October 27th, 2006, 03:02 am
*Physics makes the room oxygenless thus a flame can not be produced

October 27th, 2006, 03:03 am
*takes away quanta* Ha! I just removed your existances!

October 27th, 2006, 03:03 am
heres something simple *grabs metel bat* this is a bat, this bat will hit your head and u will have major brain damage and skull fractures, possibly death, simple really

October 27th, 2006, 03:05 am
*Physics make the air resistance in the room so great it becomes impossible the move the bat

October 27th, 2006, 03:06 am
*opens a door to let oxygen in*

October 27th, 2006, 03:06 am
Do you even know what quanta is?


October 27th, 2006, 03:08 am
huh, interesting...

October 27th, 2006, 03:08 am
Heat death occured, everything is dead because all engry is now in the form of heat.

October 27th, 2006, 03:09 am
dun dun dun! Oh no whut are we going to do! *sighs* so whut....I'm still alive over here

October 27th, 2006, 03:11 am
You're the one contributing to Heat Death! Stop using energy right now!

October 27th, 2006, 03:11 am
*yawn* yeah, and?

October 27th, 2006, 03:21 am

So... Wolf. I found something interesting. Way, way back in this thread I made notion that you were an emo and you said I was "the boy that cried wolf". But I just recently checked into the nickname thread and you said your friends call you "Emo Tabby". Could you enlighten everyone me in this subject?

October 27th, 2006, 03:24 am
can someone say "pwned"?

Yes, yes I can!

October 27th, 2006, 03:26 am
huh? oh yea, we all give each other nick names, one friend is E-Kt, E.E or E.R, E.N or El smootho, E.S or D.V.B *Demonic violent banshy or how ever u spell it* and of course ,me E.T *emo Tabby* or dorkess, i dont kno how the subject of being emo came into our subject with me and my friends but i think it had to do with Panic At The Disco, cause they are sort of an emo band. So yea...im not really emo we just give each other wierd nicknames

October 27th, 2006, 04:20 am
“There are three important rules for writing fiction,” Maugham said. “Unfortunately, nobody knows what they are.”

October 27th, 2006, 04:48 am
Mies, which is better?

This (http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/7751/kurisutp7.jpg) or This? (http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/2842/kurisuntcz0.jpg)

October 27th, 2006, 04:58 am
Mies went to bed, I think.

Personaly I like them both, the one with text gives the impression of formality and togetherness while the other one seems more...laid back.

October 27th, 2006, 05:00 am

October 27th, 2006, 05:11 am

Read the rules you numbnut.

October 27th, 2006, 05:17 am






October 27th, 2006, 05:20 am
The one with text is hard to read (most specficly the 'I'), thus creating tention in the picture that isn't needed. So I'd go with the textless one.

And yes, I'm still awake. And yes, Wolfgoddess is a fangirl.

October 27th, 2006, 05:26 am
:blink: :wave: :nono: :sleeping: :rolleyes:

Translation: WTF, Hi M! You should be sleeping! XD

Yay! Im almost done! then I just have to copy it over!

[Edit] is a cool ava!


[Edit2] Happy Friday everyone!

October 27th, 2006, 06:35 am
binary is death alone buuut with |_|17|2@-1337
it's funtastical seriouxly.

October 27th, 2006, 12:36 pm
i am seirously pissed off @ this forum i mean
#1 only oldies dont use txt talk .
#2 a lot of the people in this forum im beging to think just joined so they could bitch about others .example:

Seriously, how can you consider youself to be a forum head, if you cannot read the rules of other forums you're a part of AND follow them? You're in the wrong mentality for leading a forum.

Judgling by how you TXT TLK everywhere, the forum'll sucks.
Because of the quality I've found in your recent posts (like making up names for animated series that don't make logical sense), your forum's administration (you) amounts to shit.
If you don't read the rules of this site, then your forum will die due to the lack of following of your OWN rules..
The URL doesn't exist, because the forum don't actually exist.

Seriously, what the hell is going through your lilliputian mind?

#3 someone i met on this forum i wont say who but they got banned 4 PRIVATE MESSAGING about there forum i mean isnt it called PRIVATE MESSAGES 4 a reason!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#4 i think that this forum needs to seriously think about other people because i have been verbally abused several times on ur site mayby u should start thinking about those people aswell!!!!!!!!

i just thought since people were bagging my site i would just let u know wat i really thought of urs!
:/ Thanx

hello evry1 this is goin to b mi last post ever i am deaply offended
by the last posts that were made in mi thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
example noir7 i would like to inform u that i am 16 yrs old and that u hav bought up a very personal thing about mi and i would just like to say that i do hav hair down there !!!!!!!!!!! i would expect more from a moderator of this site i am really pissed off about ur launguage i am not a retard and that is offensive 2 handicaps
lets disgus wat u wanted 2 discus now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x_x :bleh:
<_< :( :\
p.s i like tacos

This is a nother retarted post of mine as noir 7 would say
but i just thought that u would all luv mi piczo site its way better than ichigos cause this site suks i dont hav any pics of mi on there its a site i made up 4 mi cousin so u should go 2 mi site instead!!!!!!!!!!!!
dont 4get 2 sighn mi guest book !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!well mi cousins guest book lol
luv samiri shampoo. :P XD :unsure: :bleh: :think: <_< x_x ^.^ -_-

October 27th, 2006, 12:51 pm
i would just like to say that i do hav hair down there !!!!!!!!!!!

Makes me laugh everytime I read it in Noir7's sig.

October 27th, 2006, 05:02 pm
hey everyone i had a half day of school today, and its a friday! ^-^

October 27th, 2006, 05:48 pm
*in Fysics lab*

October 27th, 2006, 05:52 pm
hows fysics M? ^-^ *haha! He had to attend classes*

October 27th, 2006, 06:14 pm
Classes? I don't have school on Fridays. I'm just doing the homework assigned over the weekend. Currently on my fifth hour in the lab with 1 out of 9 problems done. I'm about to call it quits for today and head home.

October 27th, 2006, 06:22 pm
ooooh i see! ^-^, ok, im srry.
EDIT: omfg i just learned....well, actually i knew this but i learned two new things! They're spoilers and I'm a spoiler person, i always like to serch for spoilers! I do that to pass th time sometimes.

October 27th, 2006, 08:06 pm

October 27th, 2006, 08:12 pm
even though they have ended the anime series of Inuyasha, they are currently still making more, and i knew this for a while, sesshomaru's "a.k.a. fluffmaster" mother "who is still name less" comes into the picture in the manga series in vol 47, PLUS! Kohaku "sango's little brother" joins Sesshomaru and Rin, i dont what happen to Jaken but who cares! I love finding spoilers! its my favorite thing to do to pass the time XD

October 27th, 2006, 08:21 pm
Ohg lbh fubhyq nibvq hfvat gurz jvgubhg cersrk, be ryfr gur crefba ernqf vg ertneqyrff bs vg'f gehr checbfr.

They call my method "insurance".

October 27th, 2006, 08:28 pm
o..k..didnt quit understood whut u wrote in the spoiler........-.-

October 27th, 2006, 08:46 pm
Thus proves my point.

But you should avoid using them without prefex, or else the person reads it regardless of it's true purpose.

October 27th, 2006, 08:49 pm
ah, i see

Neko Koneko
October 27th, 2006, 09:01 pm
o..k..didnt quit understood whut u wrote in the spoiler........-.-

it's "didn't" or "did not" and not "didnt".
it's "quite", to quit means to leave or to stop.
it's "what" and not "whut".

October 27th, 2006, 09:11 pm
:thumb: But she's yet to correct the problem after being told several times, and even being ridiculed because of it.

Neko Koneko
October 27th, 2006, 09:26 pm
you spelt "proves" wrong by the way, in your previous post.


/me waits for people to start about my lousy spelling.

October 27th, 2006, 09:33 pm
I had to read 6 pages this time. This officially confirms my theory that M is an android and doesn't sleep.

Aries changed her set too. Now where is mine..?

October 27th, 2006, 09:39 pm
why must people ridicule me.....

October 27th, 2006, 09:47 pm
Because you can't spell ridicule right. I really shouldn't rib this much... But it's too much fun to watch people cringe.

October 27th, 2006, 09:48 pm
i HATE you so much right now.........

October 27th, 2006, 09:51 pm
I thought you said that yesterday -_-

October 27th, 2006, 09:51 pm
you make me pissed all the time.......

October 27th, 2006, 09:53 pm
But you don't have to announce common knowledge. That's the first rule of presenting information, ya know.

October 27th, 2006, 09:54 pm
dammit.....dammit all.....

October 27th, 2006, 10:02 pm
Ehehehe eha.. would you two mind if I asked you to stop having a go at each other? I get nauseous just watching you argue. :(
First of all:
M: Stop being witty. Your skills with language is very cool, yes, but you must stop. You and your sadistic pleasure. o.O
Wolf: Stop being short-tempered. The only reason you are being bothered is that you are easily bothered and M is enjoying it.*

*That comes from experience. People used to piss me off because I would get pissed off.

*twitch* *pokes* You. You. Are all androids aren't you..?

October 27th, 2006, 10:21 pm
I admit, I'm taking quite a deal of pleasure in this, simply because the situation turned into a three point waltz.

I will stop: as soon as regular English is used. That's the one and only thing I've demanded of Wolf, as the forum rules state.

October 27th, 2006, 10:25 pm
It says in the rules that you have to type in proper English? Really?! Wow.

(Hehe. I've never read the rules before. But I haven't broken any so far. I never do anything that's rule-worthy. . . ... Ehehe. *runs away to read the rules before anything screws up*)

You know I'm more likely to screw up once I know how I would screw up. It always works that way with me. :\

October 27th, 2006, 10:26 pm
You just have to try and spell right I suppose, no AOL speak and the like....It's what I try and do in any case. I'll only use text lik ths when I'm in a rush. Everything else is annoying. :\

October 27th, 2006, 10:29 pm
Just think commonsensically. You won't have a problem.

Use English and in a readible form
Don't talk or post illegal content
Don't feed the mods/admins.
Don't talk or post anything R-rated (or 18+ for those out of the MPAA region)
Try to make your posts have meaning or purpose to the subject


October 27th, 2006, 10:39 pm
ok, just get off my case and I'll be fine....i can get pissed real easily from other people...just to note that....

October 27th, 2006, 10:43 pm
ok, just get off my case and I'll be fine....i can get pissed real easily from other people...just to note that....

So can I. That's what messed up the first forum I ever joined. <_< (It didn't help that it was a ten year old and no people skills with a mod at his back that snapped at me with every post I made). Just control it. You don't know them/us in real life, so it doesn't matter.

October 27th, 2006, 10:45 pm
i will try.....its just that M can get on my nerves.....stu-....control....control..

October 27th, 2006, 10:48 pm
Much better, wolf. Just stop yourself before making any harsh posts. Everyone can get on everyone's nerves; it's pretty much called being human. We just have to learn how to deal with it and ignore whatever happens. Most of the time.

October 27th, 2006, 10:49 pm
i cant ignore things that bug me...........

October 27th, 2006, 10:54 pm
Yay it looks like we're onto our first step to enlightenment. ^_^

Nah maybe it's the second. I don't know much 'bout Buddhism anyways.

editsu: Looks like Aries is invisible again. :\
This is it tonight for me. I have to go to dinner and then piano lessons and then a two hour long marathon of anime on the telly. Fridays are anime night on cable 25. Inuyasha, Eureka Seven, Fullmetal Alchemist then Bleach. ^_^

October 27th, 2006, 10:54 pm
Orchestra was so much fun today...we didn't play anything. We just played online music-related games. My conductor was really good at one of them! ^_^ I love my orchestra...

October 27th, 2006, 10:57 pm
yep, Aries is invisible again

October 27th, 2006, 11:01 pm
Shall I appear? I was going to anyway, I had to feed the dog though. It's kinda pointless to be in invisi-mode when you post a lot anyway~

October 27th, 2006, 11:04 pm
true, very true

October 28th, 2006, 12:52 am
A new 'subject' is needed for us to branch out from.......
Wait for it to load; it's good! And it has a cute little squirrel. You have to love the ending. I love this song.

October 28th, 2006, 01:00 am
Things you can't grasp no matter how far you reach out...
Things that will be gone forever if you let go...
These are the things people always chase after.
And one day, we all become lost.

October 28th, 2006, 01:02 am
Sad, yet very true. I skimmed over it quickly the first time and got lost, read it slower and understood the second and third. I think I can relate......
Ooh, sis got the DVD player working. Time for some Xena....
edit: Great, not a funny episode. Well, a little funny. They sing. XD

October 28th, 2006, 01:32 am
hmm..heat to push the subject, but Im curious. I heard somewhere (I hope I didnt make this up) that something like 15-20% of your post could be in l337 and it wouldnt matter, so I sometimes sneak in words like "pwned" or "j00".

Is the 20% rule true? a genera guideline? a figment of my imagination?

I know I could check the rules...but Im just getting up and im lazy :p

October 28th, 2006, 01:50 am
You belong to the gang
And you say you can't break away
But I'm here with my hands on my heart

Our families can't agree
I'm your brother's sworn enemy
But I'll shout out my love to the stars

So wait for the stone on your window, your window
Wait by the car and we'll go, we'll go

When first we laid eyes
I swore to no compromise
'Til I felt my caress on your skin

Well, how soon we were betrayed
Your sister gave us away
And your father came all unhinged

So wait for the stone on your window, your window
Wait by the car and we'll go, we'll go

Oh Valencia
With your blood still warm on the ground
And I swear to the stars
I'll burn this whole city down

All I heard was a shout
Of your brother calling me out
And you ran like a fool to my side

Well the shot, it hit hard
And your frame went limp in my arms
And an oath of love was your dying cry

So wait for the stone on your window, your window
Wait by the car and we'll, go we'll go

Oh Valencia
With your blood still warm on the ground
And I'll burn this whole city down
With your blood gettin' cold on the ground
And I swear to the stars
I'll burn this whole city down

-The Decemberists

I think these lyrics are so strong and beautiful. One of, if not, the best I've every heard. You can listen to it at my myspace page (myspace.com/radicaldreamer_92).

October 28th, 2006, 01:51 am
I heard somewhere (I hope I didnt make this up) that something like 15-20% of your post could be in l337 and it wouldnt matter.

You did. :mellow:

The only, and I repeat, ONLY reason you should ever speak in leet, or other english devations, on a bb system is to work a joke (ie it has to be typed verbatim to give off the appropriate effect). Anything else is pointless, difficult to decypher and/or parse, and exudes the impression that you don't want to take the time to honor the other reader with real words.

And it's that last one that usually sets me off.
And on a different note, Kanon is now on episode 4. DOWNLOAD IT NOW!

October 28th, 2006, 01:56 am
i agree with you^^, its nice

October 28th, 2006, 01:58 am
Romeo and Juliet came to mind when reading that for some odd reason.

While they do have a few similarities, they differ greatly.

October 28th, 2006, 02:02 am
eh, i ain't the romatic play person, i find them boring, some of them are ok but Romeo and Juliet, not so much of a fan of it...

October 28th, 2006, 02:04 am
It's a very nice song. I like the name Valencia....I dunno. I just thought of the Outsiders, maybe because that reminded me of a ghetto. You know, people shooting people, gangs, weird dads......not that that's not just in the ghetto, mind you, but because we're reading the Outsiders it seems to be the only thing I can think about these days.

October 28th, 2006, 02:06 am
you mean la ghetto? Oh yea the ghettos, we had that for a spelling word once, its really easy to spell, i think i used to live in a some what like ghetto, in west chicago, my home town to me, even though I'm like 10 min away from it...

October 28th, 2006, 02:07 am
Romeo and Juliet, and West Side Story both come to mind.

I <3 all three. Conincident?

*I have so many typos based on grammer I'm not going to go and fix them*

October 28th, 2006, 02:08 am
i would be with you BUT someone keeps nagging me about the way i spell....grr...

October 28th, 2006, 02:10 am
West Side Story's pit orchestra music is crazy! I played it back in 2002 and I about died.

October 28th, 2006, 02:12 am
Anyone wanna buy a little sis? She's got talking power...she likes FMA, Shojo Beat, final fantasy games, rock music, plays the violin...mix it all together with Gir's personality, and it's her. She's 8. She's annoying...any buyers? *puppy eyes*

October 28th, 2006, 02:12 am
tough peice of music i presume...you play trumpet right M?
EDIT: If she loves Gir, i would be glad to take her! ^-^

October 28th, 2006, 02:13 am
West Side Story's pit orchestra music is crazy! I played it back in 2002 and I about died.

We're playing Farandole in our orchestra. I feel like dunking my arms in buckets of ice every time I play it. x_x I practically die after playing it. Or at least, I want to. Too many notes......
Sorry Seymourgirl, I'm not buying. You didn't exactly try to make it convincing......
And wolf....woops, forgot what I was going to say.

October 28th, 2006, 02:14 am
@Wolf: Yep, and I now play the piccolo trumpet. The chior director at our school made a mistake and ordered the grade 9 music, instead of the grade 6. Let me say, three levels worth of playwrite music is quite the impressive jump.

I would, but she'd come back terrified in a week.

October 28th, 2006, 02:15 am
West Side Story was very good. The story was emotional, but it didn't get me that emotional as other things have [that had a similar theme].

EDIT- Mies isnt a good rolemodel for anyone in real life.

Mies comes with hentai ...

October 28th, 2006, 02:16 am
@M:yea she would freak just being around you, haha!

October 28th, 2006, 02:18 am
oh but...I'm afraid *you'd* be the damaged ones :heh:

October 28th, 2006, 02:18 am
Well, there goes my self-esteem.

Me? Damaged? HA!

October 28th, 2006, 02:19 am
i have more annoying cosins, if i can handle them, i can handle her

October 28th, 2006, 02:20 am
Yeah, I don't see me being damaged. I ignore all. <_<

October 28th, 2006, 02:20 am
Trust me here XD She's eternally sugar-high and right now she's singing something about a cuban fly...*twitch*

October 28th, 2006, 02:21 am


October 28th, 2006, 02:22 am
eh, i can take it, don't worry, I'm mentaly strong at this stuff

October 28th, 2006, 02:22 am
Believe me S.Girl, I could handle it if I had to. There's a certain little thing called a 'overheated garage' and another called a 'lock'.
I think that would do it. I'd just go out back and read a book. ^_^
EDIT: Ok good I didn't double post the same thing. :sigh:

October 28th, 2006, 02:24 am
hmm...ok, I'll trade her for FFX music sheets :D XD

October 28th, 2006, 02:24 am
I can also handle it, i can handle weirdness, cause, I'm wierd.

October 28th, 2006, 02:26 am

October 28th, 2006, 02:26 am
lets...change the subject

October 28th, 2006, 02:28 am
XD She shut up O__O..anyways, byes XD

October 28th, 2006, 02:29 am
um....i hope everything goes alright.... *studies spanish*

October 28th, 2006, 02:34 am
Hmm, this seems interesting. It seems that there's a rumour floating around the school about having a Japanese 10, 11 and 12 courses...
*Is thinking of taking them*

October 28th, 2006, 02:35 am
if there was a course for that at my school, i would deffinatly sign up for it!

October 28th, 2006, 02:35 am

Anyways, Chris, please listen to me. That it's really related to this thread.
I went to Yoshinoya a while ago; you know, Yoshinoya?
Well anyways there was an insane number of people there, and I couldn't get in.
Then, I looked at the banner hanging from the ceiling, and it had "150 yen off" written on it.
Oh, the stupidity. Those idiots.
You, don't come to Yoshinoya just because it's 150 yen off, fool.
It's only 150 yen, 1-5-0 YEN for crying out loud.
There're even entire families here. Family of 4, all out for some Yoshinoya, huh? How fucking nice.
"Alright, daddy's gonna order the extra-large." God I can't bear to watch.
You people, I'll give you 150 yen if you get out of those seats.
Yosinoya should be a bloody place.
That tense atmosphere, where two guys on opposite sides of the U-shaped table can start a fight at any time,
the stab-or-be-stabbed mentality, that's what's great about this place.
Women and children should screw off and stay home.
Anyways, I was about to start eating, and then the bastard beside me goes "extra-large, with extra sauce."
Who in the world orders extra sauce nowadays, you moron?
I want to ask him, "do you REALLY want to eat it with extra sauce?"
I want to interrogate him. I want to interrogate him for roughly an hour.
Are you sure you don't just want to try saying "extra sauce"?
Coming from a Yoshinoya veteran such as myself, the latest trend among us vets is this, extra green onion.
That's right, extra green onion. This is the vet's way of eating.
Extra green onion means more green onion than sauce. But on the other hand the price is a tad higher. This is the key.
And then, it's delicious. This is unbeatable.
However, if you order this then there is danger that you'll be marked by the employees from next time on; it's a double-edged sword.
I can't recommend it to amateurs.
What this all really means, though, is that you, Chris, should just stick with today's special.

October 28th, 2006, 02:36 am
hmm I need help, I cant get this to work, I want to get the Dash of an M6 and animate it so that the RPM counter revs up... but it wont work ..and im only just preparing the images... any help?

[edit] OMG..M's rant seems familiar!

October 28th, 2006, 02:38 am
O_O....uh....*sweat drop* ok..thank you for telling me...i think....

October 28th, 2006, 02:39 am
this sounds and feels more like irc chatting.

*goes to irc, and waits for the mages to unite*

October 28th, 2006, 02:39 am
Maybe because I posted it before, and it's a popular rant copy pasta.

*does a flying visit in the IRC*

October 28th, 2006, 02:40 am

Anyways, Chris, please listen to me. That it's really related to this thread.
I went to Yoshinoya a while ago; you know, Yoshinoya?
Well anyways there was an insane number of people there, and I couldn't get in.
Then, I looked at the banner hanging from the ceiling, and it had "150 yen off" written on it.
Oh, the stupidity. Those idiots.
You, don't come to Yoshinoya just because it's 150 yen off, fool.
It's only 150 yen, 1-5-0 YEN for crying out loud.
There're even entire families here. Family of 4, all out for some Yoshinoya, huh? How fucking nice.
"Alright, daddy's gonna order the extra-large." God I can't bear to watch.
You people, I'll give you 150 yen if you get out of those seats.
Yosinoya should be a bloody place.
That tense atmosphere, where two guys on opposite sides of the U-shaped table can start a fight at any time,
the stab-or-be-stabbed mentality, that's what's great about this place.
Women and children should screw off and stay home.
Anyways, I was about to start eating, and then the bastard beside me goes "extra-large, with extra sauce."
Who in the world orders extra sauce nowadays, you moron?
I want to ask him, "do you REALLY want to eat it with extra sauce?"
I want to interrogate him. I want to interrogate him for roughly an hour.
Are you sure you don't just want to try saying "extra sauce"?
Coming from a Yoshinoya veteran such as myself, the latest trend among us vets is this, extra green onion.
That's right, extra green onion. This is the vet's way of eating.
Extra green onion means more green onion than sauce. But on the other hand the price is a tad higher. This is the key.
And then, it's delicious. This is unbeatable.
However, if you order this then there is danger that you'll be marked by the employees from next time on; it's a double-edged sword.
I can't recommend it to amateurs.
What this all really means, though, is that you, Chris, should just stick with today's special.
I don't even know how to answer to this one :\

hmm I need help, I cant get this to work, I want to get the Dash of an M6 and animate it so that the RPM counter revs up... but it wont work ..and im only just preparing the images... any help?

What animator do you use?

October 28th, 2006, 02:40 am
*shakes head* ok, my head got screwd...... i still dont get this crap *looks at spanish book*

October 28th, 2006, 02:43 am
*** Joins: M| (mies@24-236-239-123.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com)
<M|> HI!
<M|> BYE!
*** Parts: M| (mies@24-236-239-123.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) (Konversation terminated!)

Very smooth, Mies. Very smooth.

This isnt the unification I expected.

October 28th, 2006, 02:43 am
West Side Story's pit orchestra music is crazy! I played it back in 2002 and I about died.

Come on M, we played that last year. It wasn't so tough! :lol:

October 28th, 2006, 02:47 am
What animator do you use?

Umm IDK, I was planning on asking that next, problem is I managed to remove the needle form the dial but now I cant get the needle to "spin" convinvcingly (placmeent is off for some reason...)

October 28th, 2006, 03:06 am
anybody know good spoilers?! I need spoilers or I will explode! It does that to me sometimes...

October 28th, 2006, 03:09 am
Show Spoiler


October 28th, 2006, 03:10 am

October 28th, 2006, 03:12 am
Check the "What anime made you cry" thread.

...Oh wait, people don't spoil stuff in the anime threads...

October 28th, 2006, 03:15 am
need.....spoilers......TO WIKIPEDIA!!!!!

October 28th, 2006, 04:40 am
Lol I clicked Suil's showspoilers XD

October 28th, 2006, 06:16 am
I knew it was coming, but that enough didn't stop me from clicking it XD

October 28th, 2006, 06:20 am
Spoiler Pranks - lvl 3 *w00t*

Hmm so this is Ichigos down time?

October 28th, 2006, 07:03 am
you have a LONG way to catch up to me XD
and yes, this could be Ichigos' downtime. It's exactly midnight here

October 28th, 2006, 07:09 am
you have a LONG way to catch up to me XD
and yes, this could be Ichigos' downtime. It's exactly midnight here


Its 8am for me lol

Neko Koneko
October 28th, 2006, 11:00 am

So will Inuyasha in the last manga, along with sesshmarouorwhat'shisname. They will die in eachother's arms while kissing deeply and laughing at all the homophobes in the world. The ugly girl with her lame school uniform will be eaten by a monster.


October 28th, 2006, 01:59 pm
Dont feed the trolls!

Hmmm, I wonder has there ever been talk of an ichigos redesign?

Neko Koneko
October 28th, 2006, 02:31 pm
I think I'm the only one who ever mentioned getting rid of the pink and give the site a slightly more mature look to keep the n00bish 13 year old emo kids away. No one really cared though.

October 28th, 2006, 02:39 pm
Actually I brought it up also...

Neko Koneko
October 28th, 2006, 02:41 pm
Time for spoony to get creative again :shifty: I suck at layouting, lol.

I just invented a new word though :sorc:

October 28th, 2006, 02:43 pm
Perhaps we could have the blue scheme as a standard for the forums aswell, with the pink colour scheme as an alternative. (To match the eventual new site design)

Neko Koneko
October 28th, 2006, 02:49 pm
We should pick carefully though, dark colours would attract emo kids, too bright and it'll attract kiddies.

October 28th, 2006, 02:50 pm
Where's the love? :cry:

Neko Koneko
October 28th, 2006, 02:52 pm
Not with you, not giving the site a beauty treatment for so long :(

October 28th, 2006, 02:52 pm
Can I update the layout put still make it pink? Or... like blue, with touches of pink? lol.

Neko Koneko
October 28th, 2006, 03:00 pm
Dunno, make something blue with touches of pink and show it in the supersecret staff forum no member ever heard of and let's see.

on another note:

Spoony says:
Spoony says:
Spoony says:
Angelic says:

October 28th, 2006, 03:04 pm
Dunno, make something blue with touches of pink and show it in the supersecret staff forum no member ever heard of and let's see.

on another note:

Spoony says:
Spoony says:
Spoony says:
Angelic says:

Boo, why did you have to paste that, you meanie :cry:

And yeah.. the super-secret-staff forum. :ph34r:

October 28th, 2006, 03:09 pm
So will Inuyasha in the last manga, along with sesshmarouorwhat'shisname. They will die in eachother's arms while kissing deeply and laughing at all the homophobes in the world. The ugly girl with her lame school uniform will be eaten by a monster.

what the hell of a spoiler is that?! u fricken ja-...............*think:control.... control.....!*

Neko Koneko
October 28th, 2006, 03:16 pm
what the hell of a spoiler is that?! u fricken ja-...............*think:control.... control.....!*

*is sad cuz inuyasha TEH GR8 INuYASHA was insulted*waaaaaah *sob* *cries* I hate you al........ *sob*

</ichigo fangirl emo kiddie with overuse of dots and asterisks>

October 28th, 2006, 03:18 pm
hey! i wasn't thinking of that! i would love to swear at you but i have to control my anger.......*thinks:god how i would love to swear at him!*

Neko Koneko
October 28th, 2006, 03:26 pm
Go ahead, swear at me, do I give a damn? When 13 year old Inuyasha emo-kids swear at me it's only funny. Apparently you don't get my hint, your way of posting is... well, kinda stupid.

1: your spelling is not very good, type "what" instead of using "whut" for example. There are more things you could work on.
2: don't use text speak like "u" instead of "you". It generally pisses people off.
3: What you do is nice but you don't have to go *must control uncontrollable anger* all the time in every post. Cut down on the action descriptions.
5: Oh yeah, your punctuation sucks, it's don't.

Sorry if my way of pointing this all out is mean and maybe a bit cruel, but really, I'm tired of people not being able to use some proper English and whatsoever around here. It's actually stated in the rules that you should, so maybe you should go read those. I bet you haven't.

October 28th, 2006, 03:27 pm
1: I am not emo
2: I cant help the way i type cause I'm always on AIM or YIM
3: your a fruckin jack ass

Neko Koneko
October 28th, 2006, 03:40 pm
and I'll give you a warning for using lousy aim speech on purpose. I hope you also do your tests at school this way, that way you'll totally fail in life.

edit: oh, and I know a lot of people who also use proper English on MSN, so maybe you could consider being that instead of acting like a dope who can't spell or use grammar.

October 28th, 2006, 03:44 pm
>-<, jeeze man! I'm using proper English! You can give me credit for that! che.

October 28th, 2006, 03:49 pm
Go ahead, swear at me, do I give a damn? When 13 year old Inuyasha emo-kids swear at me it's only funny. Apparently you don't get my hint, your way of posting is... well, kinda stupid.

1: your spelling is not very good, type "what" instead of using "whut" for example. There are more things you could work on.
2: don't use text speak like "u" instead of "you". It generally pisses people off.
3: What you do is nice but you don't have to go *must control uncontrollable anger* all the time in every post. Cut down on the action descriptions.
5: Oh yeah, your punctuation sucks, it's don't.

Sorry if my way of pointing this all out is mean and maybe a bit cruel, but really, I'm tired of people not being able to use some proper English and whatsoever around here. It's actually stated in the rules that you should, so maybe you should go read those. I bet you haven't.

YES! It's the glorious ownage we all know and love from Agelic! ^_^

EDIT: Anyone want to buy a band sub/hoggie? They are the best sub/hoogie you ever had. I'll ship it anywhere in the world for kicks. :lol: They are $4.50 and 18" long. :lol:

October 28th, 2006, 03:51 pm
don't encourage him! Gah! Great, now i have two people that can really piss me off -.-

Neko Koneko
October 28th, 2006, 04:33 pm
don't encourage him! Gah! Great, now i have two people that can really piss me off -.-

But pissing you off is a piece of cake, just point out a few flaws and there we go.

Dark Bring
October 28th, 2006, 04:41 pm
EDIT: Anyone want to buy a band sub/hoggie? They are the best sub/hoogie you ever had. I'll ship it anywhere in the world for kicks. :lol: They are $4.50 and 18" long. :lol:Will they last the trip to England? :cry:

October 28th, 2006, 04:41 pm
jeeze, i really need to calm down more.

Dark Bring
October 28th, 2006, 04:42 pm
jeeze, i really need to calm down more.Cool, I see you're from the fuedal era. :shifty:

October 28th, 2006, 04:43 pm
um, yea, why?

October 28th, 2006, 04:48 pm
YES! Angelic is back w00t!

3: your a fruckin jack ass

1. He's older than you.
2. He's much wiser than you.
3. He's being nice, several people are tired of your "oh look at me im so pissed" attitude, he could ban you..and Im sorry to say I know of people that would be releaved.
4. This is general chat not IM, post like the #34403 are useless and are merely a continuation of your previous post, edit or dont post at all.
5. I added five because it made my list seem more official XD.

In other news, look at these. (http://www.cg-cars.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2154)

I seen great modeling..but those are unreal! I thought they were actual pics, chech out the video..its jaw dropping.

Neko Koneko
October 28th, 2006, 04:52 pm
Speaking of emo, where'd ashtray go?

October 28th, 2006, 04:54 pm
yea, I read the rules, again, for the third time, i should really pay attention more often.

October 28th, 2006, 05:00 pm
Hmmm IDK, forum has been a ghost town lately.

October 28th, 2006, 05:13 pm


October 28th, 2006, 06:05 pm
only a couple more days till Halloween ^-^

October 28th, 2006, 06:54 pm
Today IS Halloween...at least here where I live. :lol:

October 28th, 2006, 07:15 pm
Beep. I ran into the door....

Neko Koneko
October 28th, 2006, 07:17 pm
We don't have halloween over here. Thank goodness, our Christmas is already Americanised enough.

October 28th, 2006, 07:18 pm
you ran into a door? Well, at least your not hurt, thats the good thing.

Neko Koneko
October 28th, 2006, 07:19 pm
He never said he wasn't hurt though :mellow:

October 28th, 2006, 07:20 pm
I'm just saying at least shes not hurt.

Neko Koneko
October 28th, 2006, 07:21 pm
But how do you know if he's hurt?

October 28th, 2006, 07:26 pm
hmm, good point.

October 28th, 2006, 07:51 pm
Angelic can you stop calling me a he?

and yeah, I had a small bumb on my head, but I iced it so I'm okay now~
Thank you for worrying~^^

Angleic you don't like halloween? Little kids in costumes are super cute though~ :mellow:

October 28th, 2006, 07:58 pm
OMG how can you not like halloween?
Halloween is the night of candy and scares when young, and booze and slutty costumes when old! Tis the perfect combination!

*misses halloween* *sniff*

October 28th, 2006, 07:59 pm
hehe ^-^ I'm being an emo for Halloween and yea, Eternal is a girl, not a guy
EDIT: you really must love Halloween Siul

October 28th, 2006, 08:03 pm
I'm pretty sure Angelic knew that, but maybe he forgot?

well it's not his fault, he just came back after all~

October 28th, 2006, 08:10 pm
true, i would have probably forgotten to after two weeks in the hospital, man the sucks! I hate the hospital, especially the last visit, it was.... horrible!!

October 28th, 2006, 08:13 pm
Its UNFORGIVEABLE! he must now whack himself with the n00b bat!
lol Im bored, modeling stuff makes me cranky :(

All I managed to make in the last 45 min was this:


October 28th, 2006, 08:15 pm
dude.... what the heck was that?!

October 28th, 2006, 08:17 pm
*suckyness confirmed XD*

Its a lego block, the individual kind.

October 28th, 2006, 08:21 pm
oh! Now i see it ^-^, but, why a lego?

October 28th, 2006, 08:22 pm
easiest tut I could find XD *first model ever*

October 28th, 2006, 08:26 pm
ah i see. *gasp* I want this game sooooo badly!!!! It's so unfair that i dont have the system! Oh man! >-<

October 28th, 2006, 08:54 pm
So. Damn. Tired.

*plugs himself into the wall for a recharge*

October 28th, 2006, 08:56 pm
A-a-are you ok M?

October 28th, 2006, 08:59 pm
No. Fourteen hour workdays suck.

October 28th, 2006, 09:00 pm
ouch. Sucks to be you I guess

October 28th, 2006, 09:05 pm
The "M" cure: 2 hour anime block.

October 28th, 2006, 09:08 pm
lol. Thats some cure M ^-^ I would need 4 or 5 hours worth if anime

October 28th, 2006, 09:09 pm
What? That's no cure! make it 5 hours! XD

October 28th, 2006, 09:09 pm
no 10! XD

October 28th, 2006, 09:12 pm
10 hours is a bit too much, even for M
That would be like spending the entire day watching anime and not doing anything else, (possibly) something a fanboy/girl would do XD

October 28th, 2006, 09:15 pm
eh, i do five, 10 is... a bit much, what was thinking. Nothing pretty much. Back to home work!

October 28th, 2006, 09:22 pm
The "M" cure: 2 hour anime block.

The secret is the 16 hours of sleep that follow it ^_^

I could do 10 hours of anime..with only bathroom breaks (If I stock up b4 I start)

October 28th, 2006, 09:24 pm
i could sleep for 16 hours straight.

October 28th, 2006, 09:26 pm
i find that 7 hours sleep is plenty, even with work and college.

Neko Koneko
October 28th, 2006, 09:28 pm
I can't watch anime for even 5 minutes and then I lose my concentration, lol.

October 28th, 2006, 09:29 pm
I've slept for 24 hours before XD
My sister was so freaked out that she thought I died or something

EDIT: During times when I have no classes, I only watch anime for 4 hours, then I move on to doing other stuff, I never achieved watching 10 hours before...except for that 24 hour anime marathon one New Years Day...good times...

Neko Koneko
October 28th, 2006, 09:30 pm
I've slept for almost two weeks, HA! Beat that! :bleh:

October 28th, 2006, 09:31 pm
i once slept for 3 1/2 days (actualy a coma).

October 28th, 2006, 09:31 pm
So. Damn. Tired.

*plugs himself into the wall for a recharge*

I hear you.

October 28th, 2006, 09:32 pm
hah, I could never beat that even if I tried XD
I made it 2 weeks without sleep, but I can't sleep for more than 27 hours

October 28th, 2006, 09:32 pm
10 hours is a bit too much, even for M
That would be like spending the entire day watching anime and not doing anything else, (possibly) something a fanboy/girl would do XD

As Mizusu says... "Nya ha ha ha". Two summers ago I did just that: watch anime every day, all day. This is how I became knowledgeable about so many different animations so quickly.


So I've now covered Kanon. Off to a classic harem animation (namely Cresent Love), Asatte no Houkou, and top it off with a Higurashi episode.

October 28th, 2006, 09:34 pm
i once slept for 3 1/2 days (actualy a coma).
You went into a coma!?!?!?!?! Holy crap! Wait, I am surprised but,..... uh, I lost my thought of concentration...

October 28th, 2006, 09:35 pm
what, no more Love Love?

Neko Koneko
October 28th, 2006, 09:35 pm
I did the same, lol. Watch and download anime constantly. That was 2003 I think, summertime. Back then we had to use Direct Connect, no fancy Bittorrent to serve us. We had to work for our anime!

October 28th, 2006, 09:38 pm
working for you anime..... that sucks!

October 28th, 2006, 09:39 pm
I'm taking a break from Love Love. You can only watch it 3 episodes at a time, or your mind becomes as corrupt as a Windows Hard Drive.

Neko Koneko
October 28th, 2006, 09:39 pm
beats having to import it from the US =/

edit: Funny, my Windows HD is just fine. Probably because I don't have Vista.

October 28th, 2006, 09:56 pm
tecnologia, very interesting
*tecnology in spanish*

October 28th, 2006, 09:58 pm

I finally learned how to do this

behold my FuAwesome cross/ dagger thing †

October 28th, 2006, 09:59 pm
lol, that cross thing is part of my MSN name XD

October 28th, 2006, 10:00 pm
awsome Eternal

October 28th, 2006, 10:05 pm
Your MSN name is all flippy, and backwards... I don't see the cross...

thank you Wolfy~ ^^
It took me so long to figure it out...

*cough* nobody saw my edit*

October 28th, 2006, 10:07 pm
hmm, hang on, here's my name

- -- ---●//-●:хєіЯісн:●-\\●--- -- - †

October 28th, 2006, 10:09 pm
lol I see it now! XD

October 28th, 2006, 10:10 pm
dude, thats awsome!!!!!

October 28th, 2006, 10:11 pm
yep, I'm one of those people who look in the character map for symbols that look like letters and then use those symbols to make up their names XD

October 28th, 2006, 10:11 pm
Wolfy you ended up marrying Jasco? :huh:

October 28th, 2006, 10:13 pm

October 28th, 2006, 10:14 pm
Sir Jaso :mellow:

October 28th, 2006, 10:15 pm
yes, I see that but why call him "Jasco"?

October 28th, 2006, 10:16 pm
Typo maybe?
plus it sounds cool like ice breakers <33

October 28th, 2006, 10:17 pm
nope, it's not a typo XD
I've seen that more than once

October 28th, 2006, 10:17 pm
we were married for a while, i was upset that day because we got caught in a little snag but it was solves in a day ^-^

Neko Koneko
October 28th, 2006, 10:17 pm
the cross thing is heavily overrated.

October 28th, 2006, 10:17 pm
inside joke maybe?
I have no idea XD

October 28th, 2006, 10:19 pm
the cross thing is heavily overrated.
Indeed, but then I only use it out of respect :)

Neko Koneko
October 28th, 2006, 10:20 pm
:music: Glaciers melting in the dead of night and the superstars are sucked into the supermassive black hole ~ :music:

October 28th, 2006, 10:23 pm
yes, I see that but why call him "Jasco"?

cos Jaso sounds so incomplete to me...
so Jazz-co
like Costco! ^^ yeah!

the cross thingy is so new to me~ lol I always thought it was a "t" in a cool font XD...

I'm slow~

October 28th, 2006, 10:27 pm
...called a dagger, was used for documenting information long before a set standard such as MLA/APA/Chicago was developed.

The problem is that you can only have three references per page.

<3 advanced puncuation.

October 28th, 2006, 10:28 pm
Lol yeah, i just see the cross and other lil signs as cool lil symbols....[huh, that doesnt really make sense]
EDIT: wei....I come back from not going online for a couple of days and my sig's dissapeared....huh?!

October 28th, 2006, 10:33 pm
long time no see Melzii

October 28th, 2006, 10:34 pm
ah Melz welcome back!

October 28th, 2006, 10:34 pm
Haha yeah, not really what I'd call a long time...XD
But still...where's my sig?!

October 28th, 2006, 10:53 pm
Wolfy you ended up marrying Jasco? :huh:

what do you mean: ended up?

October 28th, 2006, 11:01 pm
To bring about to an end.
To tie together all the loose ends.
To bring closure.
To identify a full stop.

October 28th, 2006, 11:09 pm
I'm talking about the suggestive tone M... <_<

October 28th, 2006, 11:10 pm
haha XD
I'm getting annoyed with all the red lines under my text. I mean sure spell check is nice every once in a great while but it's distracting.

October 28th, 2006, 11:11 pm
Love your sig, X.

Nice job M.

(I feel like im talking in code!!!)

October 28th, 2006, 11:12 pm
well M started it. He took my initial <_<

October 28th, 2006, 11:13 pm
not quite, you took his...

October 28th, 2006, 11:14 pm
nope, that's the parental units prob not mine

October 28th, 2006, 11:15 pm
well, your name is your name.

October 28th, 2006, 11:16 pm
quite possibly

October 28th, 2006, 11:17 pm
you mean her name was M's name? which means M's name was X's name meaning X's name isn't X it is in fact M meaning M's name that is M isn't M's because M is X's name?

October 28th, 2006, 11:18 pm
:mellow: no.
My name is far more complicated than just a simple M

October 28th, 2006, 11:19 pm

October 28th, 2006, 11:20 pm
No Because M is not X. M is M and X's first real name begins with M. They are two separate things.

October 28th, 2006, 11:20 pm
yes, of course, silly me it is far more complicated because it is 5 spaces from its suggested counterpart... :\

October 28th, 2006, 11:24 pm
yay he gets it!
Sooooo yah

October 28th, 2006, 11:27 pm
Well, this (http://www.azazaza.com/downloads/M.pdf) explains everything....

October 28th, 2006, 11:28 pm
whoaw, got confused there, i feel dizzy.